
這種情況較難解決,需要適當的政策支助來消除其產生。 Lewis(2011)指出,資本對技術工人是友好的,並投資於技術,假設資本將吸引更多的技術工人,因為技術被引入生產和勞動活動。因此,資本投資尋求更多熟練勞動力的影響將對當地勞動力產生一些影響,直到當地勞動力不具備生產活動的技術訣竅為止。在這種情況下,當對移民到其他欠發達國家的本國勞動力進行深入研究時,結論將是模糊的,不能證明或令人滿意的。在研究將移民和本地勞動力視為彼此的替代品所產生的短期影響時,必須考慮到土著勞動力不斷向其他市場流動以使自己免受移民湧入的影響。當移民與本地人相輔相成,共同努力達到一個共同的目的或目標時,公司就會蓬勃發展,國家就會進步,移民和本地人的勞動就會促進經濟的進步。
當移民工人的技能提高,而本國工人的技能降低時,他們可以和諧地工作,以實現生產的組織目標。然而,兩者之間將會有工資差異,這可能會在兩組勞工團體之間造成內部裂痕或衝突。 Pritchett(2006)提出了一個觀點,觀察全球勞動者之間收入的不平等是允許全球勞動者在全球流動中享有更多自由的主要原因,他們可以在全球範圍內為自己工作,提升自己的生活方式。在考慮潛在的影響因素之前,這似乎是正確的,而這些因素是改變全球勞動力流動自由結論的重要原因。解決兩類勞動者之間衝突的最有效辦法是保持一定的最低標准定價,不使工資差距擴大,以侮辱本國勞動者的形式出現。


Such situations are more difficult to be resolved and needs proper policy support to eliminate its arising. Lewis (2011) notes that capital is skilled labour friendly and invests in technology assuming that capital will attract more skilled labours due to the induction of technology into production and labour activities.Thus, the impact of capital investments seeking more skilled labour will have some impact on native labour until the native labour are not equipped with the technical knowhow of the production activities. It is suggested that in such cases, when there is a deep research of the native labours immigrating to other less developed countries the conclusion will be vague and not evidential or satisfactory. The constant movement of native labours to other markets to save themselves from the immigrants’ influx is an important factor to be considered when studying the short term impacts of considering immigrant and native labour as substitutes to each other. When the immigrants and natives are complementing each other and working together to meet a common end or a goal, the company flourishes, the country progresses and enhances the economic progress of immigrants and native labours.
When the immigrant labours are more skilled and the native labours are less skilled, they can work in harmony to fulfil the organisational objectives of production. However, there will be a wage difference between the two and this may create internal rift or conflict between the two set of labour groups. Pritchett(2006) puts forward a thought that observing the global inequality in income between labours is the prime reason for allowing more freedom in global mobility for labours across the world where they can work for themselves and upgrade their lifestyle. This looks true before considering the hidden factors of influence which makes for a great case of changing the conclusion about the freedom in global labour mobility. The most fruitful solution in the arising of conflicts between the two groups of labours is to keep some minimum standard pricing where the wage difference does not escalate and the takes the shape of personal insult for the native labours.



由于它将由一个应用程序驱动,客户将本能地通过以最合适的方式工作的应用程序组合获得定制的能力。那么,为什么要购买苹果手表呢?更常见的情况是,将Apple Watch过分简化为可以戴在手腕上的iPhone。这不能被认为是一个不合理的比较,作为一个支持多种功能的迷你iPhone出现。有了合适的尺寸,人们可能会有购买该产品的动力,因为许多Android Wear手表对大多数人来说似乎都很笨重。从长远来看,全球范围内的数字创新速度之快表明,Apple Watch的产品可能会在短时间内被淘汰。在这种情况下,可以考虑马斯洛的需求层次结构。这种模式包括心理需求、安全需求、爱与归属、尊重、自我实现和自我超越。
这一产品可以与自我超越和自我实现的层次结构相关联,即以商业为基础的消费者和商人。据苹果公司设计高级副总裁表示,新增加的腕表肯定会挑战消费者对劳力士的偏好,同时在同一个市场空间内展开竞争。然而,看着狂热者和零售商似乎不那么信服。众所周知,这些手表具有独特的制造工艺和精密部件(Razin & Kark, 2012)。人们对品牌质量的认知近乎于零,而苹果可以被视为该行业的新进入者,自数个世纪以来,瑞士maestros一直主导着市场。这种动机与动机理论的唤醒有关。根据这一理论,个体受到行为表现的驱动,以维持与生理觉醒相关的最低和适当水平。考虑到客户不同层次的需求,这种激励水平是不同的。


As it will be driven by an app, instinctively, the customers will gain the ability of customization with a combination of applications working in the most appropriate way. So why should one purchase an Apple Watch? More often, there is an oversimplification of Apple Watch as an iPhone that can be worn on the wrist. This cannot be considered as an unreasonable comparison, appearing as a mini iPhone that is supportive of several functions. With an appropriate size, one may feel motivated for purchasing the product, as a number of Android Wear watches appear to be chunky for majority of the population. When considering this investment for a longer run, the fast speed of digital innovation across the global depicts that the product of Apple Watch may end up becoming obsolete in a short period of time. In this context, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can be considered. This model includes psychological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem, self- actualization, and self- transcendence.
This product can be related with the hierarchy of self- transcendence and self- actualization that is for business based consumers and businessmen. According to the Senior VP of Design at Apple, the new addition will surely result in challenging the customer preferences towards Rolex, while competing within the same space of the market. However, watching aficionados and retailers seems to be less convinced. These watches are known to be having unique processes of manufacturing and precision components (Razin & Kark, 2012). The perception of brand quality is next to nothing and Apple can be seen as the new entry in the industry with Swiss maestros dominating the market since a number of centuries. Such motivation can be related with the arousal of motives theory. According to this theory, individuals are driven by the performance of actions for maintaining a minimum and appropriate level related to physiological arousal. This level of motivation varies considering the different hierarchy of needs of the customers.



实物证据有助于消费者区分和注意产品的关键亮点(Kupers, W。,2014)。由于产品相关价值的增加,消费者愿意为昂贵的产品包装支付更高的价格。此外,实物证据会在客户身上留下印记,有助于在市场上不同的产品中轻松识别产品。因此,组织使用实物证据通过不同的策略和技术为客户创造独特的体验。拥有健全程序的组织得到消费者和监管机构的认可和尊重。流程是从不同渠道为最终交付给客户的商品和服务的流动或移动。一个健全有效的流程确保产品及时交付给客户。产品的及时交付转化为更高的消费者满意度水平。此外,优秀的流程可以提高员工和组织的绩效,并优化股东的价值。过程是指在投入资源后,通过生产所需的产出,按升序安排活动,以增加价值。


Service organisation understands emotional attachment of consumers with the product. Physical evidence helps an organisation to communicate messages and information relating to the product. Consumers are human and human’s emotional fluctuation varies with situation. Thus, competitors offering products in better design and layout may end up taking away market share from players with good quality product. The impact of physical evidence on consumer’s mind has forced service organisations to carefully formulate and implement product development policies (Kumar, N., Kapoor, S., 2015). Product is the face of any service organisation. Increasingly, organisations globally have emphasised on design and packaging of the product. Though quality is a more sustainable trait, physical evidence too have both short and long term impact on product demand. Service organisations have been prudent in their assessment of competitors’ products. Analysis and evaluation reveals that organisations offer similar products in comparisons to their peers. However, presentation of the service helps in brand building and image creation in the eyes of the consumers.
Physical evidence helps consumers to differentiate and make note of key highlights regarding the product (Kupers, W., 2014). Consumers are willingly to pay higher prices for a fancy product packaging due to increase in associated value of the product. In addition, physical evidence leaves an imprint on the customer and helps in easy recognition of the product among different products available in the marketplace. Thus, organisations use physical evidences for creation of unique experience for the customers through different strategies and techniques. Organisations with sound processes in place are well recognized and command respect from consumer and regulatory bodies. Process is the flow or movement of goods and services from different channels for ultimate deliver to the customer. A sound and effective process ensures timely delivery of the product to the customer. Timely delivery of the product translates into higher consumer satisfaction level. In addition, excellent processes improve employee and organisational performance and optimize value for shareholders. Process refers to arrangement of activities in an ascending order for value addition through production of required output after input of resources.