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2013年4月,孟加拉國一家負責為西方零售商生產商品的服裝製造廠倒閉,死亡人數超過1000人——原因是安全安排不佳。考慮到上面引用的研究,可以毫不猶豫地說,全球化只有對富人和發達國家才可行,這樣他們才能獲得廉價勞動力和低成本產品,從而增加他們的利潤。另一方面,貧窮國家似乎沒有從全球化中獲得重大利益。全球化導致社會不平等加劇。隨著全球化消除了貿易壁壘,在當地的小攤上更容易找到進口產品。 “進口產品比本地產品好”的概念影響到消費者和生產者,特別是在第三世界國家。誰會喜歡從街頭小販和當地商店購買進口的、包裝衛生的品牌商品呢?雖然這可能意味著富裕的消費者會有更多的選擇,但當地生產商的生計正處於水深火熱之中。如果我們看看印度經濟,隨著中國和韓國的絲線解放了印度市場,比哈爾邦的絲綢紡紗工和撚線工失去了工作。
同樣,在Gujrat州,當蘇丹開始在當地市場上大量生產廉價的口香糖時,來自巴伐爾樹的口香糖收集者就失業了。 (Anderson, Cavanagh, Lee, 2005)一方面,這給許多社會灌輸了工作不安全感,導致了人才流失;它還阻礙了發展中經濟體的創業和創新。許多家庭手工業和小型企業因為發現自己無法與具有巨大規模經濟的跨國巨頭競爭而破產,從而將當地企業擠出了市場。此外,工業化國家的保護主義政策阻止第三世界國家的當地生產者進入出口市場。 (Stiglitz, 2002)例如,拉丁美洲(如秘魯)政府開放進口的速度遠遠快於其他地區,因此生活在貧困線以下的人數也在增加(每天1美元)。這進一步加劇了該區域已經存在的收入不平等。


In April 2013, a garment manufacturing factory based in Bangladesh, responsible for producing goods for Western retailers collapsed with death toll surpassing 1000 – reason being poor safety arrangements. Keeping in consideration the above quoted research, it can be said without any hesitation that globalization is only viable for the rich and developed whereby they can get their hands on cheap labour and low-cost products which in turn increases their margins. Poor countries, on the other hands appear to have no significant benefit from globalization.Globalization has led to rising social inequality. As globalization removes barriers to trade, it is quite easier to find imported products on the local stalls. The notion that “imported products are better than the local products” has affected both consumers and producers, particularly in the third-world countries. Who would prefer buying from street hawkers and local shops when imported, hygienically packaged branded stuff is easily accessible? While this may mean greater set of choices for the affluent customers, the livelihood of a local producer is set on fire. If we look at Indian economy, women silk spinners and twisters of Bihar lost their jobs as Chinese and Korean silk yarn unleashed Indian market.
Similarly, in the state of Gujrat, gum collectors from Baval trees went out of employment as Sudan began pumping in the cheaper gum in the local market. (Anderson, Cavanagh, Lee, 2005)This, on one hand, it has instilled job insecurity and the resultant brain drain in many societies; it has also hampered entrepreneurship and innovation in the developing economies. Many cottage industries and small businesses shatter as they find themselves unable to compete with the transnational giants who have massive economies of scale, thus driving local companies out of business. Besides, protectionist policies in industrialized countries prevent local producers from third world countries to access the export markets. (Stiglitz, 2002)For example, government in Latin America (e.g. Peru) liberalized imports far more rapidly than other regions, consequently increasing number of people who are living below the poverty line ($1 per day). This has further aggravated the already existing income inequality in the region.





It is referred to the extent to which individuals are trained to look after themselves or indulge themselves in collective groups form. To make it comprehensive, individualism is defined as a society in which the ties between individuals are loose: that is they are not a part of group or people or do not have to look after a mass group, apart from themselves or their immediate family. On the other hand, collectivism is referred to a society in which individuals are strongly integrated into groups based on their geographic location, case or religion. The metric for evaluation of collectivism and individualism is defined through IDV (Individualism Index). Workforce based on individualism approach is self- reliant and liberal as compared to collectivism based people. Individualism promotes protection of self- esteem and self- interest while making confident workforce for an organization. On the other hand, collectivism based workforce looks for support and suggestions in an organization.
Hofstede’s studies shows that approaches of men and women towards work vary with their culture, country and even occupation. Masculinity refers to a society where men hold an assertive position. They are tough, empowered, decisive, and rigid and considered as head of the family. In this culture women are supposed to be tender, compromising, caring and supporting their men on their decisions, while femininity refers the culture in while roles of men and women do not have rigid boundary. Their roles may overlap each other’s role. Women are equally empowered as men. Their suggestions and decisions are equally important. They are not supposed to take care of the family rather they make their own careers and are self- reliant. Masculinity of any society is defined by a metric ‘MAS’ (masculinity index). People belonging to lower MAS societies are often more cooperative, friendly with staff, support and respect each other’s suggestions, and believe in promotion based on merit.