

一些成年人认为这是一种侮辱,或者是一种识别缺陷,因为正是他们的信仰体系破坏了他们对自己擅长的活动的信心。这可以归结为在英语教学中不把这些学生视为具有包容性的学生,因为成人生活中的排斥感肯定是童年经历的排斥的结果(Bailey和Nunan, 1996)。成年后,由于不会写、不会说甚至不懂英语,他们的生活有时更容易受到情感耗竭和自尊心丧失的影响。有些成年人能够理解语言和有效沟通之间的细微差别,也就是说,有效沟通并不要求英语是唯一的语言,而是可以用母语进行。随着母语或母语的重要性越来越高,将英语作为第二语言的想法出现了。这种想法主要出现在亚洲,那里的大学用英语授课,但也有当地语言翻译的支持者,他们让课程易于理解。


(Myles and Cheng, 2003). They did not seem to bother about the failures they experienced, because their school life education was more empathetic and less taunting. They were made to feel proud of their own ethnicity and yet trying to learn English. To reassess this, on asking the difficulties of English as a school child and as adult to one fried, one sibling, and one parent, it was found that their views are synonymous with the above research. They were aligned in their view that school life is simpler and less emotionally draining as compared with adult life, and getting the rights perspective of the language is job enough to be in the right frame of mind. Adult life is more meaningful when the childhood is supportive, where emotional bonds are stronger, and when students’ self-esteem was developed by teachers and, more importantly, their parents. There are many adults who find it difficult to cope with their inability of learning English as perfectly as their US or UK counterparts, and this is largely blamed on their upbringing at school and at home.
Some adults find it an insult or an identify deficiency where it is their belief system which spoils their confidence in the activities which they are excellent at. This boils down to the issue of not regarding these students as inclusive ones while teaching English, because exclusion felt in adult life is assuredly the result of childhood experiences of exclusion (Bailey and Nunan, 1996). Adult life impacts of unable to write or speak or even understand English is sometimes more susceptible to emotional drain and loss of self-esteem. There are adults who are able to understand the subtle differences between language and effective communication, in the sense that effective communication does not require English to be the sole language, but can be conducted in one’s mother tongue as well. With the growing importance of home language or mother tongue is preceding the idea of imposing English as second language, largely seen in Asia, where universities teach in English, but has local language translation supporters who make the subjects easy to understand.



一些学者和犯罪学家认为,死刑并不是减少儿童绑架等犯罪的合适方式。一些人还声称死刑增加了犯罪的频率。然而,死刑是对绑架儿童的人判刑的正确方式。罪犯可以完全脱离社会,他们越狱的事件完全停止。有许多证据表明,这些被监禁的罪犯逃跑了,再次犯下了这种可怕的罪行(Petrezselyem 98)。因此,死刑可以阻止这些罪犯犯罪。死刑的反对者认为,判处死刑是一种不人道的行为,但他们忘记了,站在死刑犯行列的人不是无辜的,他们是为了自己的利益而有意识地犯罪。这种有意识的犯罪需要严格和同样痛苦的惩罚。站在死囚区里的罪犯有机会不去准备死亡,他们也可以做最后的陈述。
然而,被绑架和谋杀的受害者从来没有机会为死亡作准备或作出最后判决。在某些情况下,受害者仍然活着,但被刺伤、殴打或遭受剧烈疼痛,他们未来的生活充满了对不安全、安全和自由的恐惧(i和Newton 103)。这些儿童受害者必须经历心理问题,甚至精神痛苦。他们的自由权和追求幸福的权利受到了终生的威胁。反对死刑的人说,这种惩罚不能起到威慑作用。然而,死刑不是为了威慑,它是对犯下可怕罪行的罪犯的惩罚。主张死刑增加犯罪率是死刑反对者的一种非常不合逻辑的说法。全世界已经发生了数百起犯罪;数百万人已经被杀害,由于刑罚的从宽,犯罪率上升。因此,死刑是对绑架儿童的正确惩罚。


Some of the scholars and criminologists claim that death penalty is a not an appropriate way to reduce crimes like child kidnapping. Some also claim that death penalty increases the frequency of the crimes. However, death penalty is the correct way of sentencing a person for kidnapping of the children. The criminals can be completely removed from the society, and the event of their escape from the jails is completely stopped. There are many evidences where such criminals who were put in incarceration had escaped and committed such hideous crimes again (Petrezselyem 98). Thus, death penalty can stop such criminals to commit crimes. The opponents of the death penalty believes that giving death sentence is a inhuman act, but they forget that people who are standing in death row are not innocent and they have committed a crime consciously for their benefit. Such conscious crimes require strict and equally painful penalty. The criminals, who are standing in the death row, have the chance t prepare themselves for the death and can also make the last statement.
However, their victims who were kidnapped and murdered never receive the chance of getting prepared for death or to make their last sentence. In some cases, victims are left alive, but have been stabbed, rapped or inflicted with acute pain, and their future life gets filled with fear of insecurity, safety and freedom (Issiti and Newton 103). Such child victims have to go through psychological problems and even mental distress. Their rights to freedom and pursuit to happiness are threatened for whole life. The opponents of death penalty state that such punishment fails as a deterrent. However, death penalty is not for deterrence, it is a punishment for the criminals committing horrible crimes. Claiming that death penalty increases the crime rate is a very illogical statements made by the opponents of death penalty. Hundreds of crimes have been already committed all over the world; millions of people have been already killed and the crime rate increases due to the leniency in the punishment. Thus, death penalty is correct punishment for the child kidnappers.



漫威不断根据人们的趋势进行调整和发展。他们的生存之道是制定一个强有力的本地营销计划。超级英雄在电影中所扮演的角色是不断进化的,在这部电影中他们的视野超越了生活。该公司没有单一的策略来满足粉丝。他们采用了多种内容格式来吸引粉丝。这些公司为电影创造了积极的期望(McDonald and Wasko, 2008)。接触消费者的不同形式使消费者觉得他们与公司的品牌形象有关。他们创造的内容让消费者在这个过程中感到特别。像《死侍》这样的电影并不局限于基于故事的内容。这带来了新的消费者。在电影中,英雄并没有拯救特定的一群人。他们总是试图把世界从最终的灭亡中拯救出来。内容使来自不同文化的人被包含在故事情节中(Gordon, Jancovich, and McAllister, 2010)。故事中既有当地的内容,也有多样性。人们等待他们的超级英雄电影,因为它被认为是纯粹的娱乐。象征主义是漫威超级英雄不可或缺的一部分。每一部电影都有特定的象征意义(Johnson, 2012)。
这些增加了超级英雄关心人类的普遍看法。极端利他主义的情感使其在中国等集体主义文化中产生共鸣,个人才能也会引起英国观众的共鸣。一般人都想要一个超级英雄。在不同的文化中,人们都希望超级英雄能拯救工作。这些公司创造了《死侍》中的角色。主人公是一个有着正常情感的普通人。他是孩子们可以尊敬的人。角色中包含了对情感的拥抱和对宠物的包容(Meyer等人,2016)。这些都为电影创造了强大的粉丝基础。他们在社交媒体上建立个人关系,并与粉丝建立关系。《死侍》被认为是积极的社交媒体活动的缩影。他被认为是“有嘴的雇佣兵”。他不是典型的超级英雄。他是一个普通的角色,因为他的反驳和讽刺而逃脱惩罚(戴维斯,2016)。这个角色是不同的,基于人们已经厌倦了其他超级英雄所塑造的干净形象。这种社交媒体策略使得公司不仅要接触到国际受众,还要接触到当地民众(Brown, 2016)。


Marvel keeps adapting and evolving according to the trends of the people. Their method of survival is having a strong local marketing plan. The superhero is portrayed in the movies are constantly evolving and their vision of larger than life is met in this movies. The company does not have a single strategy to meet the fans. They have adopted a multiple content formats to reach out to the fans. The companies create a positive expectation for the movies (McDonald and Wasko, 2008). The different formats in which the reach out to the consumers makes the consumers feel that they are related to the brand image of the company. They create content that makes the consumers feel special in the process. Movies such as Dead pool does not limit itself to the story based content. There is improvisation this brings in newer consumers. In the movies, the heroes do not save a certain group of people. They always try to save the world from eventual demise. The content makes eople from different cultures to be included in the storyline (Gordon, Jancovich, and McAllister, 2010). There is diversity as well as local content that are fostered in the stories. The people wait for their superhero movies as it is considered to be pure entertainment. Symbolism is an integral aspect of the Marvel superhero. In each movie there is a specific symbolism (Johnson, 2012).
These add to the perception that the superhero cares for mankind in general. The sentiments of extreme altruism make it resonate in the collectivistic cultures such as China and individual talents will also resonate with the UK audience. The people in general want a superhero. Across cultures, the people expect a superhero to save the work. The companies create the character such the character in Deadpool. The main protagonist is an everyman with normal emotions. He is someone whom the children can look up to. There is the embracing of the emotions and inclusion of pets in the character (Meyer, et al., 2016). These create a strong fan base of the movies. They get personal on social media and foster relationship with the fan base. Deadpool is considered as an epitome of positive social media campaign. He is considered to be “Merc with a Mouth”. He is not the stereotypical super hero. He is a regular character who gets away owing to his retorts and sarcasm (Davies, 2016). The character is different and is based on the fact that people are bored with the clean image portrayed by the other superheroes. This social media strategy made the company to reach out to the local people as well as the international audience (Brown, 2016).