论文 重复率-趋同假说

论文 重复率-趋同假说

Hallin and Mancine framework在开发许多度量标准方面都是有益的,并且是构建不同媒体系统和解决每个系统中的固有漏洞的先驱项目之一。对这种媒体的普遍批评是,它没有包含更多的异质变量。它也忽略了国家的传统大小,也没有考虑到区域主义的概念。这个系统中没有考虑较新的媒体平台。它被批评过分强调政治结构,而且没有考虑到跨领域的媒体系统的混合的许多概念。尽管存在这些漏洞,但这是一个有效的工具,因为它考虑到了其他几个变量。因此,这一理论可以作为一个主要的工具和其他意识形态可以混合来解决这一理论中提出的差距。

论文 重复率-趋同假说

It was proposed in this model that the convergence hypothesis would lead to better growth for the media and would improve the society. In this scenario, convergence hypothesis tries to explain about the ideal way of communication. It has been states that this can be stemmed from highly active audience participation. This refers to the motions of economization and concentration of the media system in the societies.According to this framework the convergence of the systems would essentially occur in Europe. There would be decline of the mass culture politics and there would be more Americanization of the journalism or rather the liberal model. This commercialization would become the main tangent by which there would be homogenization of the issues. Nevertheless, this convergence model will be influenced by the political systems of the individual countries. This system of convergence hypothesis is found to be a combination of “top-down” and “bottom-up” process. Consumers are the main people who decide the convergence of the media system, and they are able to address to the benefits of convergence model that would benefit all the stakeholders involved in the process.
Hallin and Mancine framework has been beneficial in developing many metrics and was one of the pioneering ventures of structuring the different media system and addressing the inherent vulnerabilities in each of these systems. The general criticism for this medium is that it had not included many more heterogeneous variables. It also neglects the traditional size of the countries and does not factor in the notions of regionalism. Newer media platforms are not factored in this system. It has been critiqued for over emphasis of the political structure and does not factor in many notions of hybridizing of the media systems across the spectrum. In spite of these vulnerabilities this is found to be an effective tool because it factors in several other variables. Hence this theory can be used as a major tool and other ideologies can be mixed to address the gaps proposed in this theory.




该产品的营销目标是成为新兴智能手表领域的市场领导者。产品的形象控制是通过产品的定价和促销活动(Wilson, Eckhardt, & Belk, 2015)。苹果手表是苹果科技产品的最新版本。苹果手表被认为是市场上技术含量最高的手表。在心理测试方面,那些喜欢“集所有功能于一身”的人会喜欢买这个小玩意。这款手表是为那些想要快速浏览信息、轻松付费、轻松GPS和其他功能的客户设计的。苹果公司将Apple watch分成三个细分市场,每个细分市场都有不同的设计。这对于苹果公司来说,让尽可能多的人拥有这款产品是有意义的。细分为消费者提供了多种选择。苹果还通过预先提供不同的产品版本和每个版本所附的价格来进行价格细分。虽然Apple watch是一项创新的新技术,但没有足够大的市场让它获得成功。
该产品是智能手表市场的一个细分市场,因为没有IPhone,你无法充分发挥手表的潜力。你必须首先是IPhone的消费者,然后才能购买Apple watch。苹果手表不可能成为IPhone那样的产品。为了充分享受Apple watch,你需要投资自己的品牌。这将是苹果取得巨大成功的地方。销售的主要对象是他们的品牌忠诚消费者。产品的图形细分是针对那些与富有和喜欢高档产品的品牌形象产生共鸣的人(Schiffma et al., 2013)。人们被发现有购买产品的动机。就苹果而言,最主要的卖点是人们的情感。这种细分是基于产品给人的感觉。产品的心理细分是针对那些想要过上优质生活,只使用高质量产品来满足他们需求的人(Javornik, 2016)。苹果产品的销售范围很广,因此它在全球所有的零售店都有销售。


Marketing objectives of the product is to become the market leader for the fledging smart watch category. Image control of the product is through pricing and promotional campaigns of the product (Wilson, Eckhardt, & Belk, 2015). The Apple watch is the latest edition to Apple’s fleet of technology products. The Apple watch is sought to be the highest tech watch in the market. On a psychographic segment, people who would love “all-in one” would love to buy this gadget. The watch is for the customers who would wish to have quick glance at info, easy pay, easy GPS, and other stuff. Apple Inc broke the three segments of Apple watches into sub-segments with multiple designs for each segment. This makes sense for Apple to get the product into as many hands as possible. The segmentation give the consumer a diverse portfolio of options to purchase from. Apple is also using price segmentation by offering different product versions and prices attached to each version up front. While the Apple watch is a new and innovative piece of technology, there’s not a big enough market for the watch to be successful.
The product is a sub-segment in the smartwatch market because without an IPhone you cannot access the full potential of the watch. You have to first be a consumer of an IPhone to then buy the Apple watch. There is no way that the Apple watch could be the product as IPhone is. In order to fully enjoy Apple watch you need to invest yourself into the brand. This is where Apple will see the bulk of their success. Selling mostly to their brand loyal consumersPsychographic segmentation of the product is for the people who resonate with the brand image of being affluent and like premium products(Schiffma et al., 2013).. The people are found to be motivated to buy the product. In the case of Apple, the primary selling point is the emotions of the people. This segmentation wants to own a product based on how it would make them feel. Psychographic segmentation of the product is for the people who would want to live the premium life and use only high-quality products to suffice their needs (Javornik, 2016).. Apple products are sold across the spectrum, hence the geographically it is sold in all the retail stores it operates in the world.
