美国 essay 代 写-建立智能交通系统

美国 essay 代 写-建立智能交通系统


美国 essay 代 写-建立智能交通系统

Learning from the recent terrible experiences, one important thing that the government should keep in mind before launching any new transport project is to incorporate the views of all possible stakeholders so as not to bring the new projects to a similar fate like Uber and Grab.The government can also discourage private transportation by limiting the number of vehicles per family. This will lead to lesser vehicles on road, hence less probability of traffic jams.Just like developed nations like US, imposing road pricing and charging additional fuel levy from the private vehicle owners might also encourage the residents to opt for the public mode of transportation (University of South Asia, 2014).Urban planning might also help in this regard. Construction of underpasses and overpasses, underground roads, waterways etc. might also divert the flow of traffic from one source to multiple sources, resulting in clearer roads. Besides, building new infrastructure, the government can aid making the optimum use of the current road network by incorporating technology.
Intelligent Transportation system provides motorists with firsthand information about traffic conditions, alternate routes, weather conditions etc. and redirects the traffic to freeways.It is foreseen that traffic issues, if left unattended, will convert the city into a complete traffic gridlock by 2020. Traffic jams are not only a serious matter of concern for the motorists, but if we dive into the details, it has high environmental and economic cost to the state as well. Higher number of stops and starts on the roads leads to fuel wastage, resulting in high fuel cost per kilometer of trip. High transportation cost has a spillover effect on the prices of all the goods in the economy. Besides, more stops and starts result in high carbon emission and hazardous fumes, which pollute the environment. The government of Jakarta should catalyze the execution of dynamic plans to rein in the traffic woes. Spending money wisely on productive transportation plans can save the country from incurring massive losses in the future.




根据五大个性特征,影响消费者对某一特定产品认知的人类心理和个性因素有五大。这些包括对经验的开放性、自觉性、外向性、亲和性和神经质(McAdams & Pals, 2006)。几项调查数据显示,Apple Watch的广大消费者满意度较高(Cavus & Munyavi, 2016)。消费者的总体满意度超过了iPhone和iPad同期的记录水平。在Apple Watch的近800名用户中,31%的用户表示满意,66%的用户表示非常高兴和满意(Gent, 2014)。普通用户对各自的产品表现出最大程度的轻松,其中73%的受访者对该技术了解不多,因此非常满意(Saltzman, 2015)。大多数人还认为,手表具有良好的价值,73%的人认为产品的价值是准确的。另一方面,14%的用户认为价格应该更高,而12%的用户认为价格很低(Maier & Worndl, 2015)。
除了考虑到这项调查,手表可以被视为一个身份的象征,为一个庞大的消费群体,往往可以被视为祖传下来的。信天翁(Albatross)在全球范围内进行的一项调查显示,只有27%的奢侈品消费者表示更喜欢Apple Watch而不是奢侈手表(wealth et al., 2015)。此外,只有15%的受访者表示,Apple Watch可能被用来替代豪华手表。这似乎是一个合理的竞争与有限的接近手腕。在采访安帝古伦在线拍卖商总经理Geoffroy Ader时,他说(Malaka, 2015, 10):“我的感觉是很难预测它是否会保留它的价值。一旦一款产品被生产出来并分发出去,工程师们将致力于Apple Watch 2和Apple Watch 3的研发。人们收集iphone吗?没有。”


According to the Big Five personality traits, there are five factors of human psyche and personality that affect the perceptions of customers towards a specific product. These include openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (McAdams & Pals, 2006). A large population of consumers of Apple Watch show higher level of satisfaction as indicated by data of several surveys (Cavus & Munyavi, 2016). The overall satisfaction of consumer exceeded the recorded levels for the iPhone and iPad at the same point of time. Out of almost 800 owners of Apple Watch, 31 per cent of the users showed some satisfaction while 66 per cent showed extremely delight and satisfaction (Gent, 2014). Casual users showed maximum ease with the respective product that included 73 per cent of the respondents who did not know much about the technology and hence were highly satisfied (Saltzman, 2015). Majority also hold the belief that the Watch provides good value, with 73 per cent identifying the worth of the product as accurate. On the other hand, 14 per cent of the users stated that the price should have been more, while 12 per cent stated it to be of poor value (Maier & Wörndl, 2015).
Apart from the consideration of this survey, the watch can be seen as a status symbol for a large population of consumer and often can be considered as an heirloom handed down by the generations. As per a survey conducted by Albatross, all across the globe, only 27 per cent of the luxury consumers were known to be showing preference to Apple Watch instead of a luxury watch (Riches et al., 2015). Also, only 15 per cent identified that Apple Watch can be used potentially for substituting a luxury watch. This seems to be a legitimate competition with a limited proximity of a wrist. On interviewing the Managing Director of auctioneers Antiquorum Online, Geoffroy Ader, he stated that (Malaka, 2015, 10):“My feeling is that it is difficult to predict if it will retain its value. As soon as one is produced and distributed, engineers will work on the Apple Watch 2, Apple Watch 3. Do people collect iPhones? No.”
