

Industrial relations states that there are four frames of references to be considered. The first frame of reference is that of the radical frame where worker management conflicts are encouraged in the workplace. Here worker management conflicts are not seen as being unnecessary for organizations, in fact organizations believe these form of conflicts will benefit it. Organization could hence even proactively lead to continuous change management in the organization or other radical aspects that are seen to The radical frame of reference is more pro worker as worker grievances are encouraged in the workplace. The cast study cannot be accepted from the radical frame of reference, as the Government and the company wanted to solve the issue by suppressing the employees rising against it, rather than taking it as a chance to solve the disputes. The management did not focus on innovative ways to handle the grievances and was hence not focused on the worker.
In the unitary framework, conflicts are not encouraged and are prevented, here the focus is on presenting an organization that works as one (Kai & Brown, 2013; Ridley‐Duff, and Bennett, 2011). This is in fact more of a standpoint where it could be said that its anti-worker in nature. At present the working of Yu Yuen can be said to unitary only, because although there is a trade union for the company, the company still operates as if the trade union is an extension for the company and not as a neutral representative for the employees. The company should move from its unitary standpoint into a more pluralist framework. In the context of the pluralist framework an interactionist frame comes into reference. This is a frame where different groups exist and the different groups interact with one another in order to ensure that they are benefitted in stable ways. A maximization of profit aspect for the different groups is presented here. While conflict is seen to be inevitable here, conflict is not embraced as well as it would be in the case of the radical framework. However, in the case of Yu Yuen a balance could be achieved by making use of the pluralist framework, once the transition to the pluralist framework is made, the company would be able to stop avoiding conflicts and at the same time focus on organizational stability.
Underlying cause and possible Solutions
The Chinese Government understands the implications of these forms of strikes and attempts to come up with solutions for the same. The government has formulated a top down strategy by which worker’s income would slowly be negotiated and would be increased. The increase in worker income would happen as a gradual process, and would be guided slowly by means of unionization processes and collective bargaining (Taylor et al, 2003). This is a strategy where the Government in addition to solving the issues for the workers, also ensures that trade unions are being made use for the purpose they were created.
Legislation such as that of the Fair Works Act 2009 are not applicable in China, yet understanding some elements of the legislation as related to a bargaining approach shows how the element of good faith was challenged in this case. Enterprise bargaining agreements and then later collective bargaining is done in common good faith and when that good faith is breached it hence becomes an issue in itself. Collective bargaining in China, under the Rainbow Plan or the Rainbow Plan Notice as it is called requires the necessary trade unions to conduct the wage negotiations in a proper way and ensure that the employees and the people involved in the grievance are able to push forth their salary negotiations, and other benefits in a more proper way (Ligorner, & Liao, 2010). Specific collective contract issues and more are to be handled by the Unions in a fair manner and the Government does attempt to do this. In this context, this case study issue is one in which trust in industrial relations was defied as the union has been alleged to be bias. Entire system of bargaining hence has to be revamped.
Also as noted in the case media reports, “Labour NGOs that provide legal advice and collective bargaining trainings to workers are in a friend-and-foe situation with the government authorities. On one hand, the government wants labour NGOs to help cultivate a skilled and educated workforce, in another word, ‘manageable’ workforce; on the other, the government does not want them to stay too close to workers and become ‘trouble makers’” (Cheung, 2014, para. 6). This form of an antagonistic standpoint has to be avoided, the government has to understand that the different stakeholder parties in fact exist to support better industrial relations and only in encouraging diverse attempts better industrial relations could be built.

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在所有行业中,只有很少的组织能够通过客户忠诚地选择并通过涉众以协作的方式培养。阿迪达斯就是这样一个组织(Epstein et al., 2014)。阿迪达斯集团旗下的品牌是这样的,它们补充了该公司所提倡的做法和规定。在每一个领域,公司都有一个正确定义的框架,即使在竞争激烈的环境中,也能将公司引导向积极的发展方向(McDonagh et al., 2014)。这篇论文是阿迪达斯的可持续发展报告,关注的是它的各个方面和管理的每一个方面。assignment代写-阿迪达斯的可持续发展报告和2014年财务年度报告的视角,分别对财务绩效、社会绩效和环境绩效进行了探讨。进一步深入探讨了2014年公司所受到的各种社会影响、环境影响和财务影响。阿迪达斯是一个成功的组织,在各个领域都留下了自己的领导足迹(Mathur et al., 2014)。我们需要探索其创新和独特的管理技术,以便深入了解通过阿迪达斯集团(Adidas Group)等可持续丰富的组织可以带来哪些差异。

Sustained pressure of pricing is also another essential market of the Group which can in turn threaten the company’s profitability development and sales. Aggressive practices competitively can further indulge in driving enhancement in costs of marketing and losses for market share (Mathur et al., 2014). This henceforth results in hurting the market position and profit making ability in the Group. For mitigating the risks of competition, it is essential for continuously monitoring and analysing information from competitors and market data to have the ability of anticipating changes that are unfavourable within the environment of higher competition instead of reacting to these changes (Epstein et al., 2014). This allows Adidas with a proactive way to adjust the sales activities and marketing when require. The company further has pursued a strategy to enter into agreements of long term with essential partners for promotion such as FC Bayern Munich, FIFA or Messi along with addition of newer partners for refreshing and diversifying the portfolios such as UFC, James Rodriguez and Manchester United. Additionally, the product and initiatives of communication are designed for driving growth in market share and for strengthening the position of the brand in the market. Also, the group understands that it operates in a competitive environment with much dynamic ability and fast changing arena (McDonagh et al., 2014). Henceforth, flexibility in organization and the ability of adapting in a quick manner to newer circumstances competitively are essential for remaining successful. A complicated structure in organization and roles of unclear nature across the company can lead towards sub-optimal formulation of decisions, inefficient processes and high costs. Therefore, the company engages more in financial management efficiently.

The organization further acknowledges that an essential role is played by organizations when indulging in promotion and respect of human rights. The company further states that even though each individual’s rights and freedoms require respect, workers who are migrants, children and women represent the groups who are most vulnerable within the manufacturing industry of global apparel and footwear. Henceforth, the company has engages in measures of varied kind for the human rights protection. For example, the company considers it an essential priority to protect and promote the female factory workers rights making up total of 80 percent of the individuals employed through the partners for manufacturing (Annual report, 2014a). As several of such women have age reproductively, the company has also entered into local organization partnerships for development of guidance for the suppliers over the way in which reproductive female workers health can be improvised. Another example is the company’s long term collaboration with the Vietnam Marie Stopes international company and shares 2 year commitment for projection of suppliers training over various worker’s rights inclusive of women based non-discrimination.

The sustainability report of the company further depicts the awareness that the company has over the fact that cotton sourcing can involve child workers (Adidas Group, 2014a). Henceforth, the company indulged in joining an alliance of globalized investment makers, brands and organizations which are non-governmental for fighting against child labour backed by government within the region of Uzbekistan through the season of cotton picking. For supporting all such vulnerable groups, in the year 2014, the company also engaged in revising its third party mechanism for complaining that allowed all individuals having an issue to infringe over their rights so as to ensure the company has its focus over the same across the world. Through such ways, the company commits to human and social rights based fair and transparent handling and reporting.

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社会绩效是对公司活动的评价,这些活动被认为与社会相适应,增强了公司存在的目的,并为社会和社区带来社会效益(Aras and Crowther, 2010)。Myers认为它的社会责任是将自己的行动和责任融入到日常行为中,并将其注入到日常生活中,这样它就成为了一种组织文化。这是一个非常重要的目标,但实践起来很困难,制定起来也很容易。该公司在其社会绩效方面表现良好,它声称已经与社区进行了接触,约94%的利益相关者认为Myer一直在满足其要求和关注。接下来有关essay代写-社会绩效的论文分析如下 :

In the 2014 financial year, Myer has worked with the community and engaged with them for various requirements, and has donated more than $2.3 million to local communities. Out of this, $1.3 million was raised as a fund, and $340,000 has been direct cash benefits from Myer. This particular fund supports disadvantaged children, women’s health, and sick youth who are not able to afford medication and treatment. This is a nice project and valuable investment, indicating a moral and social responsibility of the firm but it has been doing less compared to the overall requirement that grips Australia. It is undeniable that Myer is indicating its social responsibility as a corporate through various activities of charities and sponsorship, but compared to what is possible and what is the industry average, it is not significantly huge and commendable. Nevertheless, it is not to be denied of being called as a good philanthropist.
The product team who checks the quality of the products and raw materials shows that the product quality is aligned with 95% conformance requirement of the product. This is another socially responsible move and infers that the company is careful and alert about the product quality and what they sell in the market. Conforming products to the minimum or maximum quality standards is a standard practice and must be continued with aggressive assessment (Benn and Bolton, 2011), because the quality of the product is what will be one of the most preferred selling propositions for the company. This is a good socially responsible move to set an example of being responsible for the social impacts of their actions and also reduce their environmental obligations to reduce its carbon footprint and be one of the leading carbon suppressor.
The company also has a customer service satisfaction reward model whereby they capture the satisfaction status of each customer they serve. This helps in formalising a way of being in touch with the customers and initiating personal selling when chance permits. This is another good way of improving their social obligation of giving quality products and satisfying the customer, because a satisfied customer means more to the company than acquiring new ones because the old ones will continue to be their loyal ones and continue buying from the brand stores. It has enhanced its female employees in 2014 compared to 2013. This infers the company’s belief of gender equality and including women as primary employee teams to handle the daily activities and give them better responsibilities for expanding. Employing more female than male members indicates the company’s intention of considering women as an important part of the organisation and disproves the notion that women are best as homemakers (Tench, Sun and Jones, 2012).
Under the partnership with the Salvation Army, Myer has established a program which donates clothes and in the first year itself, it has been able to donate more than 92,000 pieces of clothes on a national level to the needy. These attempts are seen to be more highlight seeking and not real reasons of being responsible on a social level, because the company has not included the community, or the regions, and the people that are directly affected through the production practices, sales and logistics practices, and the detrimental value added to the environment. These are intangible impacts which are not seen but are always present and must be sought to be compensated as the direct and indirect impacts on people and environment is always the responsibility of the company who is the real cause (Sacconi, 2011). It has been following the workplace safety legislations and has significantly reduced the risks associated with work, including life threatening risks. The reward and recognition program has been able to retain the best talents and reduce its attrition rates. These are service to the employees who play an important part in the company’s progress. These are fulfilled satisfactorily and the company is legitimate in its standing for such milestone achievements. However, social responsibility does not stop at donating and retaining employees, but also going beyond what is obvious and contributing in terms of time and providing permanent innovative solutions for long pending problems of society.

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Furthermore, it is important to think what is ignored in Chinese gender categories. The situation of transgender and homosexual person is critical in Chinese society. The image of transgender is influenced by early modern China’s cross-dressed woman. For example, Mulan as famous character in Chinese novel dressed like a man in order to protect country and immediately transformed to woman characteristics when she returned home, which give people a subconscious that transgender is a kind of violation of social boundaries and such genders will be examined closely if they are a transgender person (Kile, S. E., 2013). In addition, perspective of homosexual people is varies by location and culture being followed in that location. The thought of women looking after household activities and giving birth only to boy is deeply rooted in Chinese subconscious, however, Hong Kong’s situation about homosexuals is better than mainland China because Hong Kong has been ruled and influenced by western culture for nearly a century and mainland has not been closed to western country until 20 years ago (Chow, P. K. and Sheung-Tak Cheng, 2010). Haslanger in her theories has separated the term sex and gender quite brilliantly. According to her, male and female marks the sex distinction whereas man and woman stands for gender distinction. She thinks that interaction between sex and gender gives us a space for existing transgendered and transsexual person (20). People should not judge one’s gender only on the basis of one’s sex which proves that gender is socially constructed. The current situation of judgment of transgender and homosexual person in China is heavily influenced by the traditional imperial culture of what female should be in actual, and there exists no diction between sex and gender.

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There are several stakeholders affected by the decision of pricing and these will have to be considered in the strategy of pricing. Being in an industry driven by risk, actuaries were crucial in the traditional decisions of pricing. However, there is a control of several other parties as well. The team of channel management, within closer proximity of brokers and agents that have direct interaction with the customers, also has some stake in the process of pricing as well. Also, having direct implications with the bottom line of the company, there is huge consideration of finance. Finally, the team of senior management also has key involvement in the strategic decisions of pricing. Therefore, effective collaboration is of huge significance to keep each and every stakeholder in alignment, while ensuring that decisions of pricing reflect a consensus of cross functionality. With a compressed cycle of development to market pricing, the Medibankwill gain the ability of staying ahead in the company, while quickly responding to the changing dynamics of the market. Automating the execution of price will be enabling the Medibank for the acceleration of step, in order to move prices from the phase of development to the field and through testing (Lam 2014). Wherever the possibility lies, it is moving to optimize real time pricing further results in the empowerment of the insurer, for reaching maximum responsiveness and agility by the constant incorporation of market input within their decisions of pricing. Further ahead, for gaining competitive edge in the industry, Medibank will have to consider using the optimization of price. And pricing of insurance product is considerably more in comparison with just the process of rating. This also involves the use of tools like predictive analytical models, analysis of impact, and simulation of what-if scenario for increasing the accuracy of rating and improving the profits. The following components are essential for implementing the optimization of price (Leggat & Leggat 2002):
Landscape of competition: Optimization of price involves the crucial need to thoroughly understand the competition, buying preferences of customer, data of customer, and strategies of industry pricing.
Analytics processing: The recently available tools of analytics such as tools of dashboard assist Medibank for obtaining a better understanding and evaluation of crucial elements of risk.
Management of data: The quality perceived in data, specifically related to claims, customer, and historic policy, in combination with external availability of big data can be considered as the key for utilizing the optimization of price.
Predictive modelling: Medibank should use analytical tools for the creation of impact analysis and what- if scenarios in the prediction of future behaviour and improvement of underwriting performance.

Place and Distribution
The company has a number of options for using them as channels of distribution and place. Some of these include direct marketing, online portals via internet, banc assurance, insurance brokers, Trade Specific Agents, and insurance agents. Currently, the company involves a number of insurance agents and trade specific agents, while following direct marketing and enabling the use of online portals. Apart from individual portals of the company, the company can consider the use of independent portals. These clearly do not have an involvement of any functions of sales distribution, and need not make registration with the ARB of the GIA. Passive portals do not have an involvement in any functions of sales distribution that are as follows (Lovelock et al. 2014):
They do not tend to be providing advice on product or sale, but there is provision of static information of the product related to the respective insurers, without commenting upon features of product that include premiums not being deemed for the provision of advice on the product.
They do not have involvement in collecting proposals and premiums.
They do not consider issuing documents of policy in favour of the insurers.
The key base of setting fees should not be the premiums.
The insurer can further consider establishing and using personal lines of direct marketing for the different coverages. This will ensure that information about the insurance package is considered, and hence there will be online availability of insurance policy wording and insurance product quotations.

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