洛杉矶论文代写-肯尼亚AIC Kijabe医疗保健机构

肯尼亚一直在与不足的卫生保健系统作斗争,并正努力通过政治和财政支持来改善其卫生保健系统。本报告洛杉矶论文代写-肯尼亚AIC Kijabe医院为例,该医院是一家拥有近百年历史的医疗保健机构。

The AIC hospital has been instrumental in sustaining some activities and practices that are solely about conserving its innovative way of managing healthcare delivery. Some of these are described below with elaboration.
The sustenance of a spiritual perspective and worldview for healthcare delivery is as important as the medication rendered to patients (Barnum 2011, pp. 66). The spiritual inclination of the hospital’s healing programs and its fusion with medication provides a more comfortable way of healing to patients. It is logical that the patient must believe that a cure is possible before medication is given, and the patient must also realise the contribution of a belief system which is not possible to be resulted only from medication (Cobb 2014, pp. 25). This practice is a unique feature of the hospital and the benefits are immense, as not only patients but also employees are involved in this process. When the belief of the healthcare provider is strong enough, the patient becomes more comfortable, which helping in a faster recovery.
The other sustainable initiative was the ability to provide affordable healthcare services. This makes the service more deliverable to more patients than it would when the cost was more. The authenticity is seen by its management, and it is handled by the church and has ability to deliver cheap services using the Kenyan health ministry’ support. Sustaining low cost amidst rising market related cost is a superior innovation which the hospital has so clearly displayed. Low cost is one of the cornerstones of healthcare having a wider reach and simultaneously reaching more number of suffering patients. The measure is authentic in its approach and practice.
In addition, the hospital’s consistent readiness to keep up with organisational changes and refurbishing the service system has been very appropriate. Times change and the demands for the hospital to change its internal system are to meet rapidly shifting demands (O’Brien 2011, pp. 95). The expansion to new operation theatres, sourcing of new equipment, and sourcing new finances for consistent improvement of its facility has been very good and complements the rise in the demand of the quality of facility provision.
The genuine desire and efforts of improving the training for new doctors, nurses, and other employees have been impressive. The very act of improvising the centres of training and inviting new doctors is the need which it has been consisting in fulfilling (McSherry 2006, pp. 47). The hospital’s attempt of keeping pace with the increasing demand is aligned with the rising shortages of skilled and qualified manpower. This need is authentic and provides the impetus of sustaining and improving quality healthcare.
The hospital’s constant attempts to imbibe the values of keeping the employees as a community and not as mere workers are unique in its authenticity (Robinson 2008, pp. 88). The reason is that when a community is built and the bonds are strengthened between workers, the service quality is unquestionably improving and there are fewer chances of errors (Muster and Schrader 2011, pp. 147). The core strength is the unity among diversity in the employees and it is really authentic in its nature.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



Then less conflict and difference in the interpretation of the financial accounts exist. The private and public sector companies are required to follow these guidelines without deviation under any circumstances, as it may call for a violation of accounting practices. Moreover, the steps are also suggested by the authorities to move closer to a globally aligned accounting standard, where financial reporting is more similar among all liable entities. This benefits the accounting practices and the ethical code of the sector. This is because it has always been mired with controversies of misleading, misinforming, and intentional refraining from disclosing correct information
The SAC4 framework presents criteria for the recognition of the elements of financial reporting like assets, liabilities, equity, expenses, revenues, etc. These criteria are to be followed by public and private sector companies, so that the recognition of these elements becomes easier. However, the underlying motivation among private and public sector companies for deviating from these criteria and the requirements remains resisting devaluation and expediting higher valuation. These motivations are again motivated by the market dynamics where companies are valued and devalued as per their financial strength and their accounting details. Much time and money goes into such investigations, but no specific results comes out due to the lobbying community influence, which again is a legal right to cover these irregularities with their mighty influence. The Lobbying Code of Conduct states that “the interaction between lobbyists and government representatives must be conducted in accordance with the public expectations of transparency, integrity and honesty” (McKeown 2014). The question about how such supernatural elements of ethics like transparency, integrity, and honesty are maintained when a lobbyist acts solely to enhance his self-interest and interacts with a government representative is ambiguous. Lobbying for self-interest enhancement is never democratic in nature. It is in itself an anti-law. Lobbying efforts by private and public sector companies is destroying Australia and its democratic nature of the fairness of business and its continuance (Menadue 2015). Simply put such illusions of being honest while working on advancing self-interest is fictitious and covered by the democratic stamp of legitimising lobbying.

As an example, in the SAC4 framework, the recognition of an asset is mandatory when the future economic benefits would take place that are enclosed in the financial accounts. By that requirement, companies should consider all profit centres to be regarded as assets as they evaluate a profit one way or another, either now or in the future. This is a strenuous call for companies, because reporting these activities, goods and services as assets would invite a tax, which means less profit and less ability to hoard cash for future uncertainties and expansion. This very reason makes companies appoint lobbyists who interact with government representatives to curtail stringent requirements and replace them with an illusory requirement. This illusory requirement when followed hides the immorality of misinformation. Lobbying’s primary intent is misguided and misinterpreted, especially by the government who regard it as a necessary tool to advance a holistic and collaborative approach to promote streamlined business growth and social growth. However, lobbying has been completely diverted of its original intent and self-interest rules in all circumstances. Such actions are motivated through immoral actions, because these actions are predominantly biased and are not at all in the interest of the public and the citizenry. Lobbying is dirtying the fair intent that remains the foundation of a sound business, and it intentionally misuses the opportunity to serve the larger public. The lobbying opportunity is sadly not used for a wider public interest, but largely for private interests, which makes the profession of lobbying incompatible with fair business operation. 

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代寫-觀眾參與的重要性。觀眾的參與是影響體育成績的重要因素。沒有社會心理效應對運動員的運動成績起重要作用。這些變量會影響體育運動的方式。許多因素在這個範例中發揮作用。體育社會促進被認為是觀眾參與的一個重要因素。這被視為一個吸引人的概念。在這些動態中,觀眾參與的作用是必不可少的。喚醒的增加有助於助手增加主導反應。觀眾的出現提高了技術人員的表演水平。這些也導致非熟練人員的工作表現下降。這些互動的觀眾對表演產生了影響(Wong and Trumper, 2002)。當觀眾參與度增加時,運動員的表現就會增加(Hutchins, 2011)。觀眾人數的增加導致消費者人數的增加。

Similar to the goods and services marketing campaigns, the sports organizations try to develop perception of a particular goods and service. They try to gain viewership and increase the audience segmentation order to maintain the loyalty with the company and the sports team. Sport marketing campaigns are specifically created for niche consumer base. These are the fans or loyal patrons who want to identify with the team. The fans feel “we won the game,” even if they did not play in the game. This is based on the strong emotional connection that they feel with their favourite sports team. There is research done using data analytic tools that the people use in order to connect with the audience. This is done so that the audience can learn about the current trends and many important factors. From this research, the target audience is developed. The sport marketing campaigns tend to focus on the male gender of certain ages. An increase in the women and girl audience in the recent times is found. The age segmentation is done to build the brand. Extreme sports are viewed to be for a younger crowd and the white golf is found to have the older affluent male category. Some games such as the Olympic Games, FIFA football games, and UEFA sports leagues have a wider range of audience. This is done to ensure that the branding tools are merchandise. The team colours are printed on the products. The branding efforts are found to give the fans a lot of opportunities to interact with the team. Sports marketing are a difficult marketing campaign when it is compared to the general marketing efforts. The successful sports marketing impact is about the establishment of deep connection with the fan base and the team. These are done to inspire people and to interact with the teams on a regular basis. The audience participation stems from an emotional level of attachment people feel with the teams. For this, the branding efforts are done by the sports organizations.
The factors that drive the audience participation are the legacy of the event. For example, the people share deep emotional connection with the Football in many European and South American nations. The FIFA tournament is held every 4 years, and they have managed to garner the appeal of the world audience. Deep rooted legacy is embedded in this design. This makes it seems lucrative to people who are involved in the teams.
The next factor that is needed is the endorsement for financial cash flow. In the case of the Wimbledon tennis tournament, the celebrities cheer as fans for their favourite player. The development of endorsement and emotional connection with people are developed from these tenets. This is factored in by people who also want to be part of the process in connecting with the teams. One of the interesting developments that have been observed in the current times on the basis of the development of the Internet is the disintermediation and reinters mediation methods.

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Then, it would be derived as to what is the extent to which the increase in the precarious work forms of employment impacts the work in the creative industries. Despite the fact that the term precarious work is used more often at the international level, there are several diverse definitions that are presented for this term and none that has gained universal acceptance. This is chiefly because the precarious work is of multidimensional nature and different people understand it with a different perspective that mainly depends on the country, region, the overall structure of the economy, and the social structure of the labour markets and political systems. Therefore, the best way is to find out the differences as to how precarious work is different from the standard work. There are mainly four attributes of precarious work. The first one is temporal which refers to low certainty over the employment continuity. The second one is organisational which refers to less control on working conditions, time of work, shift timing, intensity of work, safety, pay, as well as health. The third one is economic and hence there is poor pay pattern and has no certainty on salary progression. In addition, the last one is social aspect where it can be elucidated that there is less of legal or customary protection (Quak, 2014).
Therefore, it can be said that precarious work refers to the range of employment types, such as temporary employment, on-call work, underemployment, quasi self-employment. This work style is set on a lower floor that the normative standards that are socially accepted, like, rights, protection legislation of employment, as well as collective protection in any of the above specified four aspects. These facets emerge from a demented distribution amid employees pertaining to the risks and insecurity generally linked to general economic life (Ellmeier, 2003).
Before understanding the extent to which the precarious work has impacted the creative industries, it is important to understand what industries come under creative industries. The creative industries are called as the creative and cultural industries. It encompasses the span of economic activities, which are associated with generating and commercialising the creativity, knowledge, ideas, and information. Creative industries refer to the businesses that run on the basis of creative minds, such as design, publishing, music, crafts, architecture, visual arts, film and video, TV and radio, fashion, computer games, advertising, literature, as well as the performing arts (Parrish, 2017).

Half of the jobs all over the world are considered to be precarious. In various emerging as well as developing nations, precarious work might be existing since long, while in other sectors, and this type of work is still in the nascent stage. This is because of the confidentiality and nature of work in these sectors. One of the industries where the precarious work is quite prevalent is the creative industry. Since precarious work is quite ambiguous, and poses difficulty in being measured, there is no such accurate data on the precarious jobs number in various places worldwide. Precarious work trends will nevertheless be estimated through examination of the precarious work elements, which could be more reliably measured, like temporary and part-time work (Potts, 2014).

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