
系統軟件的實施將涉及四種不同類型的成本,這些成本將在預算中同時考慮到這兩種用戶的成本:實施服務成本、硬件成本、維護費和軟件許可費。使用中級市場會計軟件許可軟件的實際成本可以用一種更容易的方法找到。再往前,考慮到維護費用,在計算維護費用的價值時,通常需要將軟件列出的價格加上18%的成本(Brown & Harvey, 2011)。考慮到硬件成本,將需要購買一個新的和不同的服務器,同時升級SQL server許​​可證或工作站來運行新的系統軟件。實施服務成本是系統軟件預算中最大的一個方面,其中成本估算和避免超額支付是關鍵難點。實現服務的成本將包括需求分析、安裝、配置、數據轉換或遷移、報告和定制(Brusilovsky & Millan, 2007)。
計算總成本的第一步是計算軟件列出的價格,然後將其翻倍。這還需要根據個人喜好作出適當調整,然後由用戶全面重新評估所定的預算。也可以重新考慮基於訂閱或基於融資的軟件。為了盡量減少系統軟件實施過程中的干擾,數據和軟件多樣性將根據路由協議的不同屬性進行定制。這將確保在運行系統時避免錯誤行為。容錯路由器將在路由軟件中執行多種多樣的實例,同時使用投票來決定最終的輸出(Sato et al., 2010)。將設計和實現路由器管理程序,確保與其他路由器並行的透明性,同時處理故障引導和對新路由實例的檢測。在目前的動態路由協議中,將會有投票的性能,而不需要跨多個實例修改軟件。


There will be an involvement of four different types of costs in the implementation of system software that are to be considered in the budget for both the users that are costs of: implementation services, hardware, maintenance fees, and software license fees. The actual cost for licensing the software with the mid-market software of accounting can be found in an easier way considerably. Further ahead, considering the maintenance fees, there will be a typical need of adding 18 per cent of the cost to the price listed for the software in calculating the value of maintenance fee (Brown & Harvey, 2011). Considering the cost of hardware, there will be a need for purchasing a new and different server, while upgrading SQL server licenses or workstations for running the new system software. The cost of implementation services is the biggest aspect in the budget of system software, with key difficulties involved in the estimation of cost and avoidance of excess payment. The cost of implementation services will include the analysis of requirements, installation, configuration, data conversion or migration, reporting and customization (Brusilovsky & Millán, 2007).
The initial step to be taken up for the calculation of overall cost is calculating the price listed for the software, and henceforth, doubling it. This further requires appropriate adjustment as per individual preferences, followed by the overall re-evaluation of the budget set by the user. There can also be a reconsideration of subscription based or financing based software. In order to minimize the disruptions involved in the implementation of system software, data and software diversity will be tailored in accordance with the different attributes of routing protocols. This will ensure the avoidance of buggy behaviour while running the system. The router tolerant of bug will be executing a number of diversified instances in software of routing, while using votes for the determination of final output (Sato et al., 2010). There will be designing and implementation of router hypervisor ensuring the transparency of parallelism towards other router, while handling fault booting and detection over new instances of routing. There will be performance of voting in the present dynamics of routing protocol, without the need of modifying the software across diversified instances.



除此之外,金钱对不同的人有吸引力,它可以激励每个人。无论是最低级别的员工还是公司的首席执行官,每个人都可能通过经济奖励获得动力。这是利用组织的财政奖励的最重要的优点之一。当员工的账户里多出几美元作为经济奖励时,他可能会越来越有动力。经济上的奖励也会让员工越来越有兴趣以积极的方式工作。如果他/她相信公司里有一个对他/她有利的环境,他/她就会继续工作。经济奖励对员工是有用的,因为它们可以被员工用来满足一些基本的生活必需品。除此之外,它也是胜利和成就的象征。MSN Money进行的一项调查发现,大约43%的美国人花的钱比他们挣的要多得多。


In addition to this, money is something which can prove to be appealing for different people and it can motivate everyone. Be it a lowest grade employee or the CEO of the company, everyone may get motivated through the financial rewards. This is one of the most important advantages of using the financial rewards by the organization. An employee may be motivated more and more when he gets the few additional dollars in his account as financial rewards. The financial reward will also keep the employee interested to work more and more in a positive manner. If he/ she will believe that there is a positive environment within the company for his/ herself, the employee will continue to work more and more. The financial rewards are useful for the employees as they can be used by the employees in fulfilling some of the basic necessities of life. In addition to this, it also forms to be the symbol of triumph and accomplishment. It has been found according to the research conducted by MSN Money that around 43 % of the people in America spend much more amount in comparison to whatever they only earn.
This can clearly state that that there is a widespread phenomenon which may be related to the insufficient personal income which may not be complete enough for fulfillment of the daily necessities. But, if any person gets some extra bonus in the form of the cash rewards, he can utilize the same to fulfill his needs. Another advantage of giving the financial benefits to the employees is that it demonstrates him or her that he/ she also has a value. Though by praising the employee or make him feel gratitude may motivate him, but a financial benefit will serve as a concrete expression of esteem for the person. This would be something which would give the esteem to the person and will also help the employee in his/ her day to day operations. Employees who will feel that they get the value in the company will work harder. This is because they will hope that in future if they continue to work well, they will get more and more financial rewards as well.





However, in the case of the meth addicted person, she states that she wanted to go out every day. She felt she had more energy and was even willing to stay late night every day. She felt she had more reason to feel alive and was worried that the clubbing scenario in her neighborhood closed at around 2 am in the night which she felt was early. Katz argues that the person constructing their own cause for the crime conforms to the notion of an immoral entrepreneur. Uncertainty links with chaos in the way, the meth addicted person made her decision. In a desire to seek continuous action, she was doing things she would not do normally and was indulging in activities she would not normally do on a work night. Meth makes people think they are superhuman (ABC News, 2015). Katz argument that these sort of offenders usually push themselves to the point of exhaustion is true in the case of the addicted person. Also Katz states that these people would try to push into all spontaneous opportunities and would surpass permeable boundaries. Now in the case narrative that the person has given, she talks about how her boyfriend of four and a half years has left her. She does not talk about another permanent boyfriend as such but discusses how her drug helped her with her sexual escapades.
This shows that she could have had multiple sexual encounters with not so serious relationships. In a way this was pushing things beyond normalcy such as what Katz (1988) argues.“Probably my strongest motivation for using it, however, is simply the fact that the drug is illegal. Staying out all night is considered a wicked thing to do by many. Both of these ideas add to the fun, especially if one is pretty straight-laced otherwise. I happen to have a job that often gives me an undue amount of stress because of the amount of dependability required on my part, but I certainly do not have the character of a saint. Crystal can sometimes help me temporarily discard my shell of social (but not personal) responsibility.”(SexVibe Magazine, 1996). The addicted person states that the meth use was more of an escape for them and it was an emotional release. She states that she was very stressed in the work environment that she found the use of meth to be some form of a release.



利用这些又窄又浅的大梁,这座桥似乎要垮掉了。有了这些类型的薄巷道梁的支持,横跨大桥的桥面似乎是不适当的刚性和一个容易的运动,通过风。这座桥因其迅速增加的移动而很快受到欢迎。一股温和的气流使整个中央跨度交替出现两半,在4秒到5秒的时间间隔内,可以看到几英尺的落差和上升幅度。在施工期间,工人和建筑商都有这种灵活性的经验(Arioli and Gazzola, 2013)。这最终导致一些工人将这座桥称为“疾驰的格蒂”。更常见的情况是,工程师必须处理一些情况,这些情况最终需要考虑大量的伦理问题。更常见的情况是,工程师们面临着许多道德困境。风的振荡最终摧毁了这座崭新的悬索桥。悬索桥的建立是为了对抗风的影响,随着扭曲的正常化而屈服(Arioli and Gazzola, 2013)。
这包括逐渐接受的顺序小故障和错误,最终积累为一个重大的灾难。许多专业人士在考虑任何具体情况时,都会受到金钱激励的影响。就像在这个特定的场景中一样,没有金钱的意图来说服支持政治的人,同时在特定的场景中产生特定的效果。工程师被认为对公众的福利、健康和安全至关重要。如果工程师的判断在危及财产或生命的情况下是无效的,则必须向客户或雇主以及任何适当的权威机构提供通知(Billington, 2006)。工程师要求批准符合适当适用标准的工程文件。未经雇主或客户事先同意,工程师不得泄露信息、数据或事实,除非有必要或授权的法规或法律的豁免。工程人员从事不诚实、欺诈的企业,不得在建筑工程中与任何工程或者个人使用关联人或者名称。


The utilization of these narrow and shallow girders appeared to undo the bridge. With these types of thin roadway girders of support, the deck across the bridge seemed to be inappropriately rigidly and an easy movement was made through the winds. The bridge soon gained popularity for its increased movement immediately. A modest flow of wind had been causing alternate halves throughout the central span for visible falling and rising a number of feet within the interval of four seconds to five seconds. There was experience of this flexibility by the workmen and the builders in the duration of construction (Arioli and Gazzola, 2013). This ended up leading some workers for terming the bridge “Galloping Gertie”. More often, engineers have to deal with situations that end up meriting immense considerations of ethics. More often, engineers have been facing a number of ethical dilemmas. Wind oscillations end up destroying the brand new bridge of suspension. Bridges of suspension had been established as a way of countering the effects of wind, succumbed with normalizing the deviance (Arioli and Gazzola, 2013).
This involves gradually accepted sequential minor failures and errors, culminating and accumulating as a significant catastrophe. A number of professionals are swayed in terms of monetary encouragements, when considering any specific situation. As in this particular scenario, there is no intention of money for persuading someone in support of politics, while having a specific effect over certain scenarios. Engineers are considered paramount to the welfare, health and safety of the public. If the judgment of engineers is overrules in scenarios endangering property or life, notification must be provided to the client or the employer, and any such appropriate authority (Billington, 2006). Engineers require approval for documents of engineering that conform as per the standards appropriately applicable. Engineers should not be revealing information, data or facts in the absence of previous consent of the employer or the client, with the exemption of required or authorized code or law. Engineers are not provided with the permission of using the associate or name in the construction work with any project or person while engaging in dishonest or fraudulent enterprise.



初始技术是不等式的组成部分。在这种情况下,收入最高的员工获得的绩效奖励百分比越低,其美元价值就越高。这与底层员工获得更高的百分比奖相比是显而易见的(Gerhart & Fang, 2014)。然而,高层员工会从心理上认为这是一种惩罚。第二种方法建议设定极具挑战性的绩效目标,以确保提高标准,而这些目标是无法实现的。这将挑战管理者的技能,并作为不平等的替代例子发挥作用。此外,与底层员工相比,顶层员工的年龄往往更大。这种技术会导致年龄歧视,因为较少的长期服务的老年劳动力能够成功地达到更困难的目标(Ismail等,2016)。高/低支付性能:基本工资比例适用的绩效工资将会影响员工的努力获得奖的性能。
当绩效奖励比例较低时,员工通常不愿意为实现目标付出额外的努力(Gupta & Shaw, 2014)。员工努力工作达到目标时更高比例大约10每cent.Relationships断裂通过奖励:奖励个人或团体性质的既能触发在员工中竞争力。当员工为了有限的绩效工资而互相竞争时,他们开始将同事视为自己成功的障碍(Van der Linden et al., 2015)。在这种情况下,基于绩效的薪酬方式会使员工相互对立,从而破坏团队合作。它不仅会随着团队工作的解散而对生产力产生负面影响,还会引发各种各样的问题,如质量问题、决策问题、同一工作岗位的工资水平不平等问题。


The initial technique is component of inequality. This is where the performance award of less percentage for the workers earning top band salary will be higher in terms of dollars. This is evident in comparison with the higher percentage award for the workers at bottom band (Gerhart & Fang, 2014). However, it will be viewed punitive by the employee at the top band psychologically.The secondary technique suggests setting highly challenging objectives of performance to ensure bar is raised and the objectives are unattainable. This will challenge the skills of the manager and function as alternate example of inequality. Moreover, major amount of employees at the top band are often older in age as compared with bottom band. This technique results in age discrimination as less number of long serving older workforce will be successfully able to reach the tougher objectives (Ismail et al., 2016). High/low pay for performance:The basic salary percentage applicable as the performance based pay will have an effect on the efforts of the workforce in obtaining the award for performance.
It is considered that employees are usually disinterest to make additional effort in attaining their goal when the performance award percentage is low (Gupta & Shaw, 2014). Employees work harder to reach the objective when the percentage is higher around 10 per cent.Relationships rupturing through rewards:Awards of individual or group nature can both trigger competitiveness among the workforce. When the workers compete each other for the limited performance based pay amount, they start to view colleagues as their own success’s obstacle (Van der Linden et al., 2015). In this context, the approach of performance based pay can turn employees against one another that will undermine the teamwork. It can have not only negative impact on the productivity as the team work dissolves but it will also trigger various issues with quality, decision making and unequal salary level among the same work position.