
论文代写-昆士兰州诉B案的诉讼史。昆士兰州诉B [2008] QSC 231案已在审判部门提出并作出判决。档案编号为BS9246/08。申请人为昆士兰州,答辩人为其诉讼监护人B。聆讯于2008年9月17日展开。此案于2008年9月26日在布里斯班最高法院开庭审理。主审法官是法官威尔逊J。一个12岁的女孩B已经怀孕18周了。她现在在一家州立医院,想要终止妊娠。她的父母也希望她这样做,但在这种情况下,经知情同意而终止的决定超出了他们的权力范围。从评估和评估,已确定,B是一个平均智力的孩子,可能不理解与终止妊娠有关的担忧。建议B具有9岁儿童的智力水平,其心理评估显示其智力水平可能低于正常范围。目前尚不清楚这名父亲的下落。鉴于这种情况,昆士兰州已就行使其帕累斯帕特里亚管辖权,授权B.终止妊娠一事,向法院提出诉讼。

The legal issues facing the court here are how the parens patriae would be applicable for the situation as it was applicable in the case of State of Queensland v Nolan. Should the court now act as the supreme parent of the child and if in doing so would it be showing the reasonable care expected from it? A major issue here is to understand how the parens patriae jurisdiction will not apply to her child even if it applies to her. There are concerns of criminal liabilities to be understood, especially since informed consent is needed for aborting the fetus and in this case, neither the 12-year-old child nor the parents of the child would be able to give informed consent.
Ratio(nes) decidendi, the reasoning used and precedents
The reasoning with which the judge rules was based on the understanding that termination of the pregnancy of B was necessary in order to avoid danger to the mental health of B. B was a minor and could not decide for herself, and her parents would not be able to give informed consent in this condition so it necessarily falls on competent medical opinion that B has sought for her condition. The state hospital in understanding her situation has raised the application for parens patriae in order to help her and it is thus logical to give them the power to perform the termination of B’s pregnancy with the therapeutic drugs.
Where children are not able to look after their interests because of their age, then the court will be able to intervene on behalf of the children. The best interest of the child is what is important and for providing for the best interests of the child, the court is given wide powers here. This was established in the Marion’s Case by Judge Brennan. It was also described in R v Gyngall. Thus given that the Court has to act as the supreme parent that is logically conclusive for the court to consider why it was necessary for the termination of pregnancy to happen and how the mental state of the child would get affected if it not.
Furthermore, it would be a criminal liability if the state hospital was to administer the drugs for terminating pregnancy without the authorization or excuse of the court in the given situation. Therefore, considering these legal precedents, laws and reasoning, the Judge made his judgement.



When discussing the criminal code section 224, the judge states that there are many complex moral, ethical or even religious issues that arise when considering the issues of pregnancy. Now the consideration of moral, ethical and religious issues has not gone into the formulation of the judgment, rather sound medical judgement and law have been applied. However, these are beyond the province of the Court to determine

The Judge held that it was indeed reasonable to terminate B’s pregnancy given the case situation because it could otherwise result in mental harm to B. B was permitted to undergo such a treatment and the applicant servants or agents are permitted to perform the termination.

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特易购(Tesco)是一家大型零售商,它卷入了一起会计丑闻,销售数据被夸大,成本投入被推迟反映在账目上。(Accaglobal.com, 2015)在特易购正常报告销售额为11亿英镑的时期,约2.5亿英镑的人为通货膨胀过高(Accaglobal.com, 2015)。特易购这样一个善于树立形象的机构,陷入这样的争议是不合适的。植入销售数字的错误信息不能没有有效的理由和个人或集体意图。夸大销售数据以避免销量下降是一种自然的诱惑,但实际上,对乐购来说,实施这种不道德的行为是无效和合法的。接下来有关代写-对乐购会计丑闻的批判性评价如下:

The increase in global business uncertainties have raised economic, social, and political concerns over organisational ability to respond to risks and mitigate them without letting it inflict much harm (Braes and Brooks, 2010). External and internal risks and uncertainties both pose threats to the streamlined continuation of the organisation’s conduct, and resilience mechanism becomes essential to mitigate those risks, in order to reduce the damage. Internal risks are somewhat ‘avoidable’ in reality when the organisation is more prepared to defend all possible risks and eventualities, which, in the case of Tesco, seems probable.

This informs the observer about the weak links in its accounting department, and the management’s lose handling of how the financial statements are released. The discrepancy between the supplier income and the cost was a prime reason in escalating the misinformation (Ahmed, 2014). Questioning whether this was done for a specific purpose or to just retain the company’s market image is indeed mystery. A critical analysis makes one think that Tesco was not resilient enough from its internal processes that it could withstand such an untrustworthy act by its employees. More so, the management not being aware of such an act comes as a surprise for most investors (Ruddick, 2014), as they are the first ones who almost always never fails on predicting the sales figures. Not being critical of the company’s own statements is a weakness, especially when not executed and corrected. The management stands vicariously liable for such an act, for which they must apologise and rectify the seed from which such motivation of unethical acts sprung up.

Simply blaming the event on working complexity and investor and shareholder pressure is not acceptable, does not even look credible on part of the management. Tesco management must accept the fact that their firm was less resilient to such risks, which in all probability seemed an ‘avoidable one’, as it sprung up from inside (Africakibs, 2015). The motivation for inflating sales figures and delaying to reflect supplier costs, is only possible with an intent of safeguarding the company’s image that the management could have anticipated to be declining. Instead of building reliability and resilience, the firm or a set of employees opted for jugglery which resulted in this major fiasco. Resilience is nothing but developing minimal vulnerability toward any kind of risks, in that the internal risks are very much manageable and avoidable. Internal risks mostly rise due to the result of incapability, discontent, discomfort, lack of trust, and lack of a clear vision of the possibility of resolving an internal issue. These reasons form major underlying basis for such an act. Resilience to mitigate human error is natural and could be developed through technology inputs (Leveson et al., 2009), but mitigating an intentional unethical act coming from one or more employees is something that Tesco must ponder. This resilience lies somewhere in the systems, processes, and the trust that works between employees in different hierarchies within the accounting department right up to the management. Trust, systematic working, processing a task in the way it is meant to flow through the system, could all possibly reduce the chances of intentional mischief. In the aftermath, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has set its sight on the relationship between retail firms and suppliers (Butler, 2015), which is getting more complex in its arrangement, probably to avoid taxation. The relationship between the firm and suppliers is something that could be a second link where the seed of the act lies, and could possibly emerge on digging deeper. The culture of Tesco also needs a specific analysis, because it is inseparable and an assured contributor in all kinds of ethical and unethical acts. Not the entire organisational culture but the way employees behave and treat others and sow seeds of discontent is not to be ruled out. If such is the case, it again clarifies that the resilience of Tesco to mitigate or prevent any kind of internal unethical event was weak, or was not considered to be important enough to be practiced on a priority level.

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创新能力是组织以改进的产品或过程或新产品或过程的形式为组织产生更新价值的能力。创新能力是帮助组织更好地为成功的创新做出决策的一系列因素。正是这种能力帮助组织提出更新的想法并对这些想法进行追求。这种能力是基于可用的资源、组织拥有的业务结构形式及其技术能力(Atuahene-Gima, 2005)。在美国商业论文代写-组织的创新能力的背景下,本研究探讨了组织的创新能力以及如何提高创新能力。

All successful innovations for newer product or process development will draw from four main stages. First is the ideation stage. The ideation stage is where customer needs are first absorbed and based on the information absorption, an idea is created. Both needs and requirements of the customer and existing technology is used to formulate what could work for the market. The second phase is the product development stage (Lillis et al., 2015). In the product development stage, the idea is now conceptualized and researched into, but an active input is considered at this point from the customers. This would help assess the market risks and understand newer platforms. In the commercialization platform, the product is being rolled out across different marketing sectors. Most of the successful innovative companies are seen to work with strategies that understand emerging technologies well. Needs of customers and technological capabilities are brought together in this context (Tamer et al., 2003). Innovation capability needs to consider four critical things which are capabilities, operations capabilities management capabilities and transacting capabilities.

Technology development allied capability is very important here. Technology capability has been defined traditionally as the efficient use of knowledge related to newer technologies. The extended definition is the capabilities needed to generate and management newer technologies. In terms of technology development capabilities, at a minimum, the firm must be able to understand how and why they are not able to meet their operational efficiencies and how the use of technology or improvement in their existing technology would help address the issue (Chiva et al., 2014). Technological capabilities, however, very closely allied to human resource capabilities as human resources will need to have the skills, knowledge and experience to understand and manipulate technology for innovative capabilities. The lack of technology capability in innovation management will lead to a stagnant organization that has the information but would not be able to use it right (Clanton et al., 2002). This is an organization that can acquire information on technology but would not be able to adapt or make use of it in the right way. A major requirement of organizations is to develop their technology capability with a firm understanding of how it would support their innovative developments and vice versa (Zawislak et al., 2012).

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eSports are expected to have an audience of around 150 million people. The idea that people are willing to play and pay to watch people playing competitive video is found to be a big surprise for much of society. The numbers surprise them. This is because eSports is still catching up as a radical idea in many areas. It is still considered as something that is a short-term spurt, rather than an implementation that is here to stay. There are increasing number of sceptics who are found to state that eSports idea is a radical idea and might not thrive (Weiss and Schiele, 2013).
For the people who are sceptical about eSports, there are another branch of people who are overtly positive about the idea. These are the form of people who are into eSports at present and who are seen to overestimate the revenues. These are expecting the growth to be in billions. However, not all the eSports generate profit at par with conventional sports, and cannot certainly do so when it comes to nationwide sports and international sports (Carter, & Gibbs, 2013). They are found to be different when compared to the major sports. However, once again, the eSports arena bears similarities to conventional sports. It has been stated that people watching eSports are found to be attracting more than 40000 people (Deloitte, 2016). These are found to be true in many cases. There is growing patronage for the sports and it is found to be increasing (Seo, 2016). In this paradigm, there is a certain amount of confusion on whether eSports can be considered as conventional sports or whether it should be considered as dissimilar. In specific some participating characters and popularity of eSports such as Multiplayer Online Battles Arenas (MOBA) is being considered in this research. The focus is on whether they are eSports or not. MOBA games are a blanket term of action games, real time games and multi role playing games etc. played online and viewed by many. In fact, research works such as Johnson et al., (2015), Moyneux (2015), Dye et al., (2009) and Kwak et al., (2015) have focused exclusively on whether eSports are a form of Sports and in the context of assessing MOBA. Now this research work attempts to understand how people would categorize MOBA and how they classify eSports.

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槍支管制和攜帶武器的權利是一個有爭議的政治問題。意識形態兩派的人都有很強的觀點。即使在社會上發生大規模槍擊事件也沒有改變人們的理想。呼籲聯邦禁令和隨後的改革仍然難以捉摸(斯皮策,2015)。即使是2012年桑迪胡克小學(Sandy Hook elementary)的影響,也未能在這個問題上達成共識。顯然,在實施槍支爭議方面存在不足。接下來有關代寫論文費用-槍支管制的關鍵分析如下:

The main benefit that is touted to be associated with the gun control is that there is more probability to reduce the gun related death. The people state that the amount of people having access to the right to bear arms will not be impacted. However, by limiting access the people can be deterred to buy a gun. The majority of the mass murders in the recent times is owing to the use of legal weapons. These can be reduced by the use of gun control. The refuting argument that is made in this paradigm is that a mass murderer would kill irrespective of the events and that it would impede the self-defense of the people. Nevertheless, the use of reasonable gun control would prevent people from gaining access to weapons. Sandy Hook elementary shooting was an event that had occurred owing to the fact that a mentally unstable person gained access to a gun (Eller, 2016). These mass murders could have been prevented if the people did not have access to the guns.
Another fear of the people is that this would essentially take the power from the people and give criminals more leverage. This process would increase the buying of illegal guns and the people having access to these guns would be impeded. In this schema, it is important to factor in that the guns are not being banned for sales.
People fear a hostile takeover from the government. 80% of the gun owners feel much safer in their own homes owing to the guns. Some of the countries with the stringent gun control laws have highest levels of crimes. Added to this there are 270 million firearms in the city. The people fear corrupted politicians would remove their power and control them. The people simply do not trust the government to make a determination. There would be increase in the animosity of the people. They do not want comprehensive background checks for fear of retribution from the government. The opponents to this statement state that having more education and awareness of the issues is enough to deter the people from committing crimes. However, the aim of the gun control is to prevent people from having access to easy weapons. The government does not want to limit the control of the guns nor control the people. The ultimate power of the democracy lies within the people (Woldoff, Litchfield, and Sycafoose 2016). They need to trust their elected representative or select the person who is appropriate for the job. Better communication and reasonable practices needs to be in place for the people to address the issues. These would prevent the people from committing crimes and also enable that responsible adults will have access to the gun. The main issue that needs to be addressed is the lack of communication between people and the government. Their fears need to be alleviated in order to bring in common sense approaches. The people need to trust that the government does not want to ban guns and ensure that there are common sense gun laws to prevent mass murders in the future.
The government cannot prevent all gun related crimes. Nevertheless, they can include more safety precautions to reduce such incidents. By having gun control and not bans in place the access to weapons can be reduced in this schema.

It cannot be refuted that the person who wants to commit crime cannot be deterred. They will continue to act on their impulses. The purpose of gun control is to deter the people from the crimes. By limiting access to the people there can be better addressing of the technology and the people as a whole will be benefitted. It would reduce the probability of crime rates. There is a need for more awareness and education within the society to prevent such crimes. 

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