

In case of airlines industry, there are three levels of market segmentation:
Mass marketing is done when the service provider concentrates on providing some certain type of aircraft in a bulk, such as fighter planes.
Segment marketing is done when the customers are separated on certain aspects and the service is provided accordingly. For example, the business class has been designed for wealthy people or Corporates while in the economy class commoners travel.
Niche Marketing: When the services provided by the industry do not meet with the expectation of the customers belonging to upper class and corporate world, then certain Airlines provides customized services. Hence, private jets are the kind of service provided through this marketing that is designed as per the need of the customers.
The British Airways offers its services in the form of clusters which are formed by separating the certain group of individuals to certain another group and then entertaining them.
Target: Targeting is the next process after segmentation. Here the set of customers being chosen from the segmented market and then the products and services are offered accordingly. For BA, Corporates, Upper Middle Class and Middle-Class people are the target customers. The level of services provided by British Airways is economy, premium economy, executive class and first class.
Positioning: It is the final step which is about how the products or services are placed in the market after knowing the potential customers through the segmentation and targeting i.e. it is the process of making the perspective of the customers towards the offerings of the company (Kokemuller, 2017)
BA has positioned itself as a Premium international airline that flies to international destination. It has maintained a quality standard in UK for all other airline.
Marketing Mix Recommendations (Implementations)
The marketing mix is complete set of activities adopted by an organisation to promote and sell its products or services in the market. When the company develops a product to be sold in the market, it analyses the market through this process. After developing the product, the company chooses its target customers, the prize of the product, and the place where it wants to sell its product (Times, 2017).
Products: BA is known for its standard quality services throughout the world. The economy class provides minimum space and limited food during the flight. With the increase in subsequent class, the products and services also enhances. For example, the Executive class has a much better space, seat and food on board than the economy class. Since a long time, BA has discontinued the food on board from the domestic short hauls.

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代写价格-中国消费者对无现金支付的态度。在中国市场上,大多数消费者使用借记卡和信用卡购物。中国年轻一代已经接受了数字支付系统和数字购物(Tee和Ong, 2016)。中国的年轻人正在使用各种各样的网上购物。调查显示,中国民众对在线支付系统有自己的观点(Khanna, 2017)。无现金交易实际上是指商品和产品在没有现金的情况下进行交易的经济过程。无现金支付的趋势日益明显,中国政府正在推动社会向无现金化发展。

Nowadays, most of the countries in the world want to make a big move to become cashless (Khanna, 2017). In the markets of different countries all over the world, different types of digital transaction methods are ample. Among those mixed systems, young people of the countries are more associated with the digital payment mode (Khanna, 2017). The governments of the countries want to change the transaction mode into cashless to stop the corruption. Different benefits of the cashless payment system are there. In the present market, a risk is always consistent for the public to carry the cash with them but in case of digital payment option, the customers do not need to carry cash with them and they can pay the money with the help of credit cards, debit cards and even Smart phones (Tee and Ong, 2016). The governments of the countries provide some discounts for the online transaction. The older people of the country are facing some problems regarding the online payment option but some of them have accepted this action due to stop the corruption (Patel and Doan, 2017).
In this regard, China governments move towards the digital payment option. Multiple payment options are used in China for different purposes. Cash cards, credit cards, debit cards, ATM cards, mobile wallets, digital wallets and online banking option are the most preferable modes to transact money in China (Dorsey et al., 2016). Now a Smartphone is also capable of making transaction of a huge amount. In the online payment system, it always subsists a high risk. The biggest risk of the digitalization of transaction is Identity Theft, the hacking of accounts and loosing phone etc.(Chen et al., 2014). The cybercrime departments of the countries help the public to take action against the criminals to stop the crime. There is different security option in the online transaction system to provide the security to the customer.

In order to accelerate the use of non-cash payments, the Chinese government increases the number of transaction machines for the people to transact freely in the market. The older people of the country are facing some problems with online transaction system because the most of the older people in China are not well equipped to make such type of transaction (Osborne et al., 2017). The technologies of China are revamping day by day and the Chinese electronic goods are becoming popular all over the world and the younger generation are friendlier to use those electronic products such as the laptop computers, Smartphone, smart watches and some other products. The researcher has found a number of reasons to know the attitude of the people of China (Sharma and Arora, 2017).
Some older people of China claimed that they could not understand the entire procedure of the online transaction. Because of that, they take the help of those people who are accustomed to this system. Therefore, it is mandatory for the older people to share their password with the others. However, this is not secured to share password with others and it may also increase the tendency of cybercrime as well as the corruption. Some people claimed that the government should make a training session with the people of China regarding the online transaction (Patel and Doan, 2017). The younger people of the country mentioned that they have no issue regarding the online transaction system and it is easier to them because they do not need to go to the bank all the time to withdraw money. Credit cards, debit cards and online wallets are now acceptable in the shopping centres and the restaurants all over China (Saidu and Hassan, 2016). Although the Chinese market consists of a lot of risks in terms of online transaction, the online payment method is widely accepted over here.

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The value chain analysis of accompany is extremely essential to understand the internal dynamics of a firm. It has two essential components: the support activities of a firm and the primary activities of the firm. Support activities include technology development, firm infrastructure, procurement and human resource management while primary activities contain operations, marketing and sales, inbound logistic, outbound logistic and service. Let us consider the support activities of H&M in detail. If we consider the infrastructure of H&M, we find that the firm has made steady progress since its inception in 1947. It is present in 62 markets in the world and currently has more than 4000 stores and employs over 132,000 people. The head office of H&M is located in Stockholm, Sweden. The design and buying, finance, buying, accounts, advertising, logistics and communications which are related with the major department are also located there. The firm is therefore looking forward to adapting a global strategy to work at any economy and geography. This huge employee base and worldwide reach of the firm are a huge competitive advantage to H&M. Especially in today’s cut throat competitive world, it is becoming increasingly difficult for firms to enter new economies. Government regulations and other different political and legal factors also make it difficult for firms to operate on an economy of scale model. Another major competitive advantage that H&M possesses is that it has a huge customer base online and hence it can keep progressing in its online store market. Although H&M is present in as many as 62 countries, only a few countries like UK, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Norway, USA and Netherlands have access to the online store. Business and trade regulations might be different in different countries and geographies. Increase the reach of these online stores will help H&M increase its sales a lot and also facilitate an expansion in its customer base. If we look at the next aspect of procurement, H&M is already working in an advantageous position. It is the second largest cloth retailer company of Europe. For the production of its products, H&M uses a lot of raw material and involves a number of workers. Hence, its mains recourses are labour, material and energy. Therefore, just a small fluctuation in the price of products can have a huge effect on the profits of the company. Also, the firm does not have any manufactories of its own. This fact causes some serious concerns in controlling the prices of production for the firm. However, it is also an advantage not have factories of their own. In fact, if a problem appears, H&M can easily change its suppliers. This independence to choose its own suppliers, when required, gives a lot of competitive advantages to the firm. Moreover, due to its tremendous size, H&M can easily manipulate with its suppliers to have the best quality at the lowest production’s price (Lasserre, 2007).

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