

Entrepreneurs are the ones who conceive an idea and start to believe that it is the most original idea, whereas all ideas have some kind of influence from external factors and the associating industries which dilute the purity of the idea. When entrepreneurs start to believe the idea to be their original and develop rigid trust of deserving funding for the same, it becomes the most arrogant position which makes them repel probable investments that could have come their way. This is because the investors equally assess the entrepreneur’s attitude and capability to accept their faults as one of the most significant factor of their decision, as the people running the business are also to be equally assessed as much as the business idea. Clifford(2012) speaks about the entrepreneur’s problem of offering too much equity too soon because if the idea is very good and one third equity is offered in the first round, the second and subsequent round of fund raising will keep the entrepreneur with very little equity and thus less power to control the business and its decisions. This is recognised as a common mistake of entrepreneurs. One more problem is their ill-preparation of the pitch which makes them lose the potential investment, even though the idea is absolutely phenomenal and the investors are convinced about their investment and the probability of the idea becoming successful.

The most important and first problem faced by entrepreneurs’ is the lack of funding and confidence to get that funding. There is no scarcity of innovative business ideas which can revolutionise the market but the lack of funding for the same is lacking. In addition, lack of proper training to prepare for the pitch which makes the idea compelling, and the lack of access to such potential investors are common problems faced by entrepreneurs in many countries (Carsrud and Brännback, 2007).
Entrepreneurs also have a common problem of copying someone else’s idea and converting it into their own with a bit of twisting. This is due to lack of potential investors and the lack of an infrastructure where the two entities can connect and network for a business venture.

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代写价格-KIT barbeque烧烤餐厅的竞争分析

代写价格-KIT barbeque烧烤餐厅的竞争分析。KIT barbeque的理念是为顾客提供无限的韩国烧烤体验。与排名前三的竞争对手相比,我们的自助餐平均价格在15英镑左右,而同样的篮子价格要高得多,而且三家竞争对手的菜单都是按菜单点菜,价格都在20英镑以上。竞争是巨大的,因为有大的不。那里有提供烧烤的餐馆。然而,仍有空间为餐厅提供韩国烧烤高档范围。主要竞争对手是Bodean ‘s BBQ、Grillstock Smoke house和Porky ‘s London。他们都以世界一流的食物和服务而闻名。然而,它们都没有提供价格实惠的无限烧烤。除此之外,还有15-20家餐厅与KIT展开直接竞争。

The competition is huge as there is large no. of restaurants offering BBQs are there. However there is still room left for restaurants offering Korean BBQ in premium range. The major competitors are Bodean’s BBQ, Grillstock Smoke house and Porky’s London. All are known for their world class foods and services. However, none of them offers unlimited BBQs at affordable price. Besides these, there are other 15-20 restaurants giving direct competition to KIT.
The concept of KIT barbeque is to offer unlimited Korean BBQ experience to the customers. Compare to top 3 competitors our average buffet costs around 15 pounds whereas same baskets will be much higher and will be more than 20 pounds in all three competitors as their menu is based in A-la-carte options.

The competitor’s bench marking will be done on the basis of three parameters as given below:-
Price: – The price for average basket size will be much lower for same quality because of unlimited buffet options.
Quality: – The quality will be comparable to top 3 with authenticate tastes of Korean specialties. This will help in gaining competitive advantage.
Tastes:- The tastes will be unique and a differentiating factor for the KIT as there is no BBQ at present offering authenticate Korean BBQ in London.
So, the competitor benchmarking reveals there lie gaps for authenticate Korean BBQ at affordable price in London.
Section B
Unit Costs
The unit costs will be developed using the concept of direct costs only. We will assume that an average person consumes 300 grams of meat at one go which consists of different options like fish, chicken, veg options etc. This will cost around 4 pounds whereas desserts drink and main course will cost on an average 5 pounds per person. So, total costs will be 8 pounds and these costs will be used in our analysis.
Selling price
The selling price will be developed by marking 100 percent margin on the costs as calculated above. Using 8 pound as costs, it will come around 16 pound but for this business we will use around 16 pound for our analysis.

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代写之research proposal的写作结构介绍

代写之research proposal的写作结构介绍。research proposal也就是研究性论文,留学生们要确定自己论文的研究方向,根据自己的研究主题去查阅一些研究文献,然后安排好research proposal的写作结构,让自己的研究成果更加清晰,也更具有实用的研究价值。那么接下来英国高阶论文代写AdvancedThesis辅导老师就为留学生们做以下介绍。

1、明确Proposed Title

Proposed Title就是研究的主题,研究主题确定后就是Introduction。Introduction就是简要概括说明为什么要做这项研究,价值是什么,通过研究希望达到什么样的目的,以及计划如何去实施研究。

2、Literature Review

Literature Review就是对相关方面的领域研究经典文献的简短回顾,然后进行概括性的总结,进而提出自己新的研究课题。需要注意:这部分需要整理自己的观点并融合到文章中,而不能简单的抄文献。

3、Research Method

Research Method就是将要采用的研究方法。这就是实现申请人自己提出的课题的计划和方法,比如实验步骤,所需时间,以及实验结果的分析方法等,以及预期达到的结果。这是RP的核心部分,要有自己的观点,提出的方法要注意可行性。

4、Research Time-Table就是研究时间表。具体研究计划在这里需要明确写出,并将整个过程分阶段划分出来,并逐一确定要完成的研究任务。

Reference文章最后需要标明引用借鉴文献的出处,明确标注也是为防止抄袭的情况发生,这一点在research proposal写作中留学生们也要注意。

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