
美国商业论文代写-中东的婚姻文化。中东的婚姻文化、宗教及其信仰不同于西方和欧洲国家。他们是婚姻的信奉者,一段忠诚的关系和男人和女人的界限是社会结构繁荣和教育下一代并为他们树立榜样的必要条件(George and Elshtain, 2006)。个人的选择被他们自己的文化认为是理性的,尽管许多婚姻是在没有得到伴侣同意的情况下进行的,让他们按照父母的主导信念生活。无论婚姻信仰多么不相称,它都是纯粹的,不为其他文化所接受,这表明人们对理性决策的信仰存在差异。

The marriage decisions and the institution as a whole is also considered to be natural and religiously essential to live within society and within the norms of the social structures. Rational choice theories are more dependent on the social aspect of a particular community and not individual choices, because the social structure is itself the formation by the collective beliefs of individuals which may be different in smaller sub-beliefs and more common in major beliefs of marriage. A choice is considered to be rational if it serves a universal purpose by its actions and application, but when marriage as an institution is analysed, it is difficult to conclude whether the marriage will end up being successful and rational if the partners act rationally (Hechter and Kanazawa, 1997). This question puts a doubt about the permanent affirmation of the rational choice theory and how it is difficult to analyse, define, and explain the changing nature of interpretations about marriage in all cultures and generations.
Marriage in Asian countries is more of a sacred ritual between two partners considered as tow souls and this union is being rationalised through irreplaceable belief in the social structure of the religion. Social norms are again considered to be rational only when they are serving an ulterior purpose for the individual or the society (Schmidtz, 1995), so when marriage is considered to be sacred or holy it must have some rational reasoning in the belief of marriage to be essential for society and individual. Or it may be a derivation that the essentiality of marriage is only being constructed socially, culturally, and religiously to give a proper direction to the channelization of the gender desires of seeking each other and forming a social norm of conduct which is expected to uphold perpetual peace and harmony among all citizens and species. Asians are more strong believers in the institution of marriage and they have been believing it to be of prime importance once the man or woman reaches a reasonable age of selecting a suitable partner. The marriage institution is also shunned by many for acquiring religious merits and the rational choice theory has its own support for such decisions because the results of such motivated actions are known and tasted in others. So, rational choice theory is successful in giving a valid reasoning to the requirement of marriage because any attempt of marriage is expected to bring in benefits to the actor and this in turn proves the legitimacy of the theory (Coleman and Fararo, 1992). The theory is not successful in explaining the difference in individual actions and beliefs in a particular section of people about marriage, and the dominant belief system of the social structure of a specific culture.

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Entrepreneurs are the ones who conceive an idea and start to believe that it is the most original idea, whereas all ideas have some kind of influence from external factors and the associating industries which dilute the purity of the idea. When entrepreneurs start to believe the idea to be their original and develop rigid trust of deserving funding for the same, it becomes the most arrogant position which makes them repel probable investments that could have come their way. This is because the investors equally assess the entrepreneur’s attitude and capability to accept their faults as one of the most significant factor of their decision, as the people running the business are also to be equally assessed as much as the business idea. Clifford(2012) speaks about the entrepreneur’s problem of offering too much equity too soon because if the idea is very good and one third equity is offered in the first round, the second and subsequent round of fund raising will keep the entrepreneur with very little equity and thus less power to control the business and its decisions. This is recognised as a common mistake of entrepreneurs. One more problem is their ill-preparation of the pitch which makes them lose the potential investment, even though the idea is absolutely phenomenal and the investors are convinced about their investment and the probability of the idea becoming successful.

The most important and first problem faced by entrepreneurs’ is the lack of funding and confidence to get that funding. There is no scarcity of innovative business ideas which can revolutionise the market but the lack of funding for the same is lacking. In addition, lack of proper training to prepare for the pitch which makes the idea compelling, and the lack of access to such potential investors are common problems faced by entrepreneurs in many countries (Carsrud and Brännback, 2007).
Entrepreneurs also have a common problem of copying someone else’s idea and converting it into their own with a bit of twisting. This is due to lack of potential investors and the lack of an infrastructure where the two entities can connect and network for a business venture.

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代写价格-KIT barbeque烧烤餐厅的竞争分析

代写价格-KIT barbeque烧烤餐厅的竞争分析。KIT barbeque的理念是为顾客提供无限的韩国烧烤体验。与排名前三的竞争对手相比,我们的自助餐平均价格在15英镑左右,而同样的篮子价格要高得多,而且三家竞争对手的菜单都是按菜单点菜,价格都在20英镑以上。竞争是巨大的,因为有大的不。那里有提供烧烤的餐馆。然而,仍有空间为餐厅提供韩国烧烤高档范围。主要竞争对手是Bodean ‘s BBQ、Grillstock Smoke house和Porky ‘s London。他们都以世界一流的食物和服务而闻名。然而,它们都没有提供价格实惠的无限烧烤。除此之外,还有15-20家餐厅与KIT展开直接竞争。

The competition is huge as there is large no. of restaurants offering BBQs are there. However there is still room left for restaurants offering Korean BBQ in premium range. The major competitors are Bodean’s BBQ, Grillstock Smoke house and Porky’s London. All are known for their world class foods and services. However, none of them offers unlimited BBQs at affordable price. Besides these, there are other 15-20 restaurants giving direct competition to KIT.
The concept of KIT barbeque is to offer unlimited Korean BBQ experience to the customers. Compare to top 3 competitors our average buffet costs around 15 pounds whereas same baskets will be much higher and will be more than 20 pounds in all three competitors as their menu is based in A-la-carte options.

The competitor’s bench marking will be done on the basis of three parameters as given below:-
Price: – The price for average basket size will be much lower for same quality because of unlimited buffet options.
Quality: – The quality will be comparable to top 3 with authenticate tastes of Korean specialties. This will help in gaining competitive advantage.
Tastes:- The tastes will be unique and a differentiating factor for the KIT as there is no BBQ at present offering authenticate Korean BBQ in London.
So, the competitor benchmarking reveals there lie gaps for authenticate Korean BBQ at affordable price in London.
Section B
Unit Costs
The unit costs will be developed using the concept of direct costs only. We will assume that an average person consumes 300 grams of meat at one go which consists of different options like fish, chicken, veg options etc. This will cost around 4 pounds whereas desserts drink and main course will cost on an average 5 pounds per person. So, total costs will be 8 pounds and these costs will be used in our analysis.
Selling price
The selling price will be developed by marking 100 percent margin on the costs as calculated above. Using 8 pound as costs, it will come around 16 pound but for this business we will use around 16 pound for our analysis.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


代写之research proposal的写作结构介绍

代写之research proposal的写作结构介绍。research proposal也就是研究性论文,留学生们要确定自己论文的研究方向,根据自己的研究主题去查阅一些研究文献,然后安排好research proposal的写作结构,让自己的研究成果更加清晰,也更具有实用的研究价值。那么接下来英国高阶论文代写AdvancedThesis辅导老师就为留学生们做以下介绍。

1、明确Proposed Title

Proposed Title就是研究的主题,研究主题确定后就是Introduction。Introduction就是简要概括说明为什么要做这项研究,价值是什么,通过研究希望达到什么样的目的,以及计划如何去实施研究。

2、Literature Review

Literature Review就是对相关方面的领域研究经典文献的简短回顾,然后进行概括性的总结,进而提出自己新的研究课题。需要注意:这部分需要整理自己的观点并融合到文章中,而不能简单的抄文献。

3、Research Method

Research Method就是将要采用的研究方法。这就是实现申请人自己提出的课题的计划和方法,比如实验步骤,所需时间,以及实验结果的分析方法等,以及预期达到的结果。这是RP的核心部分,要有自己的观点,提出的方法要注意可行性。

4、Research Time-Table就是研究时间表。具体研究计划在这里需要明确写出,并将整个过程分阶段划分出来,并逐一确定要完成的研究任务。

Reference文章最后需要标明引用借鉴文献的出处,明确标注也是为防止抄袭的情况发生,这一点在research proposal写作中留学生们也要注意。

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Engineering procedures are less subsistent with the excessive use of technology in proper sense, but are always aligned with the production systems and to understand how the process of making the end product can be modified to accommodate more simplicity and maximum productivity. Engineering being a pre-production requirement must be eligible for applying the Industry 4.0 principles so that it can support in making provisions of the production machines to be made in such a way that it is flexible, productive, provides more output per input hour, and gives a lean manufacturing look with its delivery of machines producing less wastage. These advances in engineering make the possibility of producing self-optimising production machines and systems which are ever willing to increase productivity and reduce waste. The self-optimising production machines offer easier acceptance of customised production and honour timely demands. These self-optimising production machines in turn exceeds the previously determined limits and makes the manufacturing faster. This makes the manufacturing agile in its ability to accept new customised orders, keep the quality consistent, and keep reducing wastage. The lean manufacturing system is also achieved with these self-optimising production machines as the machines themselves are more productive in their output (Kidd, 1994) and productive machine engineering is made possible through the Industry 4.0 concept application, indicating a leap forward towards lean manufacturing.
Virtualization of global production networks is one of the most innovative concepts and gift of the Industry 4.0 framework as it offers to optimise the processing inside the production unit. The quality of decisions and planning is enhanced by the expedited development of virtual value chains. Faster passage of information makes the ability to make faster and better decisions a reality. Simulation about the existent and perceived errors can start early and this helps in reducing future costs of error and risk repair. This helps in contributing towards a lean and agile manufacturing framework which can be adopted according to specific industries and generate the demanded production. Thus, these processes contribute towards the formation of a lean and agile manufacturing system to meet the ever changing market demand and deliver better than earlier, at less cost than earlier, and of a superior quality than earlier.

Industry 4.0 is a worldwide requirement in manufacturing to make it more demand friendly however sporadic it may be and also offer procedures for reducing wastage and maintaining quality. The concept’s aspect of providing connecting possibilities between production units, making processes more customised product friendly and supportive, advancing quality requirements, and eliminating all kinds of waste from the procedure and the raw materials has been the prime reason for its usage in manufacturing. The collaboration between humans and machines and enabling engineering to make self-optimising machines to enhance production easements are novel ways which provides the manufacturing to become lean and agile and fulfil the expectations of the system application. Industries in the machine, plant, and western automobiles will require higher adaptation of the Industry 4.0 and the Internet of things to its advantage and make the demand of customised products possible. With increased usage of Industry 4.0, it is to be seen how far the next disruption is, because this concept is the cause of the sporadic demand shift and the likelihood of the next disruptive idea may be around.

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To increase sales, it is imperative to look beyond the domestic markets. There are a number of untapped markets and oversees expansions will be good for the company. Number of emerging markets of China, India and South Korea needs to be considered to increase the current market base. Flagship products of the company need to be introduced initially to promote sales. Sales of the products should be catered for the emerging markets in the pacific region. Expansion of the market base is one of the tangible ways to ensure that there is steady flow of money.

Economic uncertainties in the recent times along with excess of competition have driven the company to suffer certain setbacks. For this there has been development of objective and strategies have been formulating to meet the requirements of the company and its consumers. The 5 ps of marketing have been proposed to devise an action plan for the company. This is in lieu of the SMART goals developed in marketing objectives.

Product: There should be increase in the kinds of after sales and pre sales services that are given to the consumers. It is well known that the brand has a wide range of products that caters to majority of the members in the demography. In this case, certain products will show redundant sales, management needs to look in to the redundant products and focus on the products that are popular in sales (West, Ford, & Ibrahim, 2015). Design of the packaging of the flagship products should be changed to make the consumers aware of the newer focus on the management. They should be in lieu of the current products that are required by the consumers.

Place: Traditionally brick and mortar stores increase the visibility of the product and also develop the authenticity for a brand. Warehouse group has a number of established business operations across the country. It should however develop a better system of delivery. For this they need to check into their supplier and distributer system. This would increase the sales of the product. Apart from this there is a growing e-commerce within the country. Increasing supplier -distributer relationship along with alliance with the partners can increase the sales of the product.
Expansion of operations into the emerging markets in Asia-pacific would also increase sales of the product.

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IKEA effectively uses “variation” by ensuring that it not only better understand its meaning, but also ensure that it extracts full information regarding variation. Variation is defined as being the “level of non-uniformity” of output, or demand “from resources” that are in supply chain. The IKEA Company thus reduces variation and creates predictable and stable processes thus lowering costs for most of its products. Thus the company ensures that it minimizes unnecessary variation in products through the satisfaction of customer requirements.
On the other hand, uncertainty, which refers to levels of unpredictability that is associated with variation. IKEA forecasts various uncertainties such as equipment failure in order to put in place alternatives, thus avoiding losses that may accrue as a result of such problems. IKEA Company makes use of the three major buffering mechanisms namely forward load, Inventory, and Capacity in order to ensure effectiveness of its supply chain. Lastly, IKEA Company uses Postponement at various levels of both uncertainty and variation to separate out conflicts thus increasing the efficiency of its supply chain.
Variability in demand for IKEA can quite be uncertain. For instance, some specific products have some seasonal demands which are predictable while some others are more uncertain thus the ability to forecast becomes complex. At most times, IKEA usually focuses on the demand uncertainty. In addition that, IKEA’s supply chain usually has an inventory that buffers processes during all the stages. The company also uses time buffering, setup buffering
The Role of the Supply Chain Quality Management at IKEA
Supply Chain Quality Management plays a significant role in these concepts, because it helps in focusing on the strategically limited trade-off choices such as price versus availability. Thus helping the company to choose the best choices that can enable it provide quality products to its customers at cheaper prices.
How Competitive Priorities have influenced:
Sustainability Choices
IKEA supports sustainable partnerships with suppliers and also works with other relevant organizations which have led to not only signed of long-term contracts, but also resulted in a “series of training courses” for individuals in countries such as Russia as well as China.
Global/Local Sourcing
Through partnering with various suppliers across the world, this has easily enabled IKEA to get raw materials at cheaper prices thus provider cheaper products for its customers.
The Numbers and Choices/selection of Suppliers
Number and choices of suppliers are highly influenced by low costs that such a company engages with IKEA.
Based on the above facts, it can genuinely be asserted that the supply Chain of IKEA has effectively contributed a lot to its success. Therefore, it is the responsibility of other organizations to emulate it to become successfully.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


论文代写推荐-公司对消费者的微观和宏观的分析因素。现代企业需要不断改造自己,以满足不断变化的消费者需求和外部事件。通过对公司的宏观和微观分析,了解情况的动态(col卑鄙,2016)。从这一点上,公司可以定期评估所需要的变更的方向和范围。通过使用系统的分析工具,如杵和SWOT,公司可以了解微观和宏观的分析因素是必要的。这些工具提供了一个简单易用的方法来使用框架来分析各种问题。它们有助于确定政策的弱点,并在跨职能技能和专门知识方面提供帮助。它们有助于识别冗余(Gillen, Huschelrath and Niemeier, 2016)。它们还提供了一种机制,使本组织能够利用和确定正在出现的趋势。

Companies in the modern era need to continually reinvent themselves to meet the changing consumer needs and the external events. The macro and the micro analysis of the companies are done to understand the dynamics of the situation (Colvile, 2016). From this the company can periodically evaluate the direction and the scope of change that is required. By using a systematic analysis tools such as PESTLE and SWOT the companies can understand the micro and the macro analysis factors that are required. These tools provide a simple and an easy way to use framework for the analysis of the various issues. They help in identifying the vulnerabilities of the policy and aid in the cross functional skills and expertise. They aid in identification of the redundancy (Gillen, Hüschelrath and Niemeier, 2016). They also provide a mechanism to enable the organization to exploit and identify the emerging trends. PESTLE analysis in particular helps organization to enter into newer markets and establish itself. Purpose of this analysis is to understand the areas of growth and potential of Air New Zealand Company. To understand the use of established macro scope and the internal factors, the case study has been used for this analysis.
Context and Issues
Air New Zealand company is the national airlines of New Zealand. They are headquartered in Auckland and the airlines operate in 16 countries and in the United Kingdom. They are the member of the Star alliance group (Duval, 2016). The company was originally formed in 1940. The air route of the company focuses on Australia and the South Pacific rim. The company has also been awarded numerous accolades for their safety protocols. The company has managed to garner positive brand image and is well known across the spectrum. They have a loyal consumer patronage and this has enabled the sustenance of the company. However, the financial insecurities, changing consumer requirements and rise in the supplies need to be addressed using innovative newer measures. These have been probed systematically in the following.

New Zealand is a young cosmopolitan country. The people prefer to live in urban areas. Hence the needs of the younger people are bound to change with age. The company needs to have innovation and effective change management to address the future requirements.
They should be able to have multiple portals to make payments.
The company should focus on developing its brand image in other emerging nations and creation of more routes (Graham, 2013).
It needs to form strategic alliances with the competitors in order to leverage performance.
There should be more innovative development that the company should undertake to address the rising fuel costs and the pollution.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The important strategic role done by CCF is to generate funds from the public to keep the cause of the campaign alive. The fund generation is done by many ways like public donations, sale of CCF merchandise, making a bequest, joining paid memberships, etc(CCF Merchandise, 2016).

The campaign calendar of CCF is full of various events such as incorporate public participation, awareness campaigns, advertisements, postcard, merchandise sale, etc. Some of the upcoming events with a CCF stall are on Sunday 2 October 2016 at World Animal Day in Edgar’s Mission, Sunday 23 October 2016 at World Vegan Day in Melbourne and on Sunday 30 October 2016 at Cruelty Free Festival, Sydney (Choose Cruelty Free, 2016). The purpose of such campaign stalls is that the people visiting them would get a chance to interact with the friendly team of the CCF stall. The CCF aims to sell its merchandise and distribute free information brochures which detail the cause and objectives of the organisation. This would create general awareness as well as interest of the people in the causes that CCF supports. By the sale of CCF merchandise organisation aims to raise some fund to continue its fight against cruelty on innocent animals. The campaign calendar of CCF is therefore well planned throughout the year and the details of events and promotional campaigns are available on the website of CFF “choosecrueltyfree.org.au”.

The Choose Cruelty Free (CCF) gives accreditations to the companies which are completely prohibiting animal testing and release its Australian cruelty-free list under strict criteria of certification. The CCF follows strict guidelines to give CCF accreditations to the companies which do not support animal testing, sale of animal skins or other cruelty on animals. This process of accreditation at CCF is very strict. CCF gives much value and effort in its process of giving accreditation to the companies. The strict inclusion criteria for companies in the cruelty-free companies’ list of Australia is said to be toughest around the world. It not only examines the procedures and operations of the company which has requested for accreditation but also evaluate the company’s parent as well as subsidiary companies for animal testing. Accreditation involves signing of legal agreement with CCF to ban any sort of animal testing in the production of goods within the company. The companies which successfully gain the accreditation are included in the Australian cruelty-free list as the companies which have banned animal testing on their products. The consumers peruse these lists to gain insight about the companies which has chosen mercy over cruelty towards innocent animals.

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In the recent time, the trend of international business is rapidly adopted by corporations. The businesses tend to target global clientele instead of just confining themselves to national borders. Therefore, the borders appear to disappear and it has facilitated easy movement of people and goods across different nations (Armstrong and Sweeney, 2014). However, I believe that the rising movement of people and goods across borders has also raised new challenges to the global health. The international managers are now required to put appropriate attention on the problems such as ethics, economic development, and corporate social responsibility in the country, where the organization is operating (Armstrong and Sweeney, 2014). It is vital for the international businesses to follow several ethics when operating at a global level. As per Griffin and Pustay (2012), ethics are defined as the moral principles guiding a person’s behaviour. In the organizational context, ethics serve as a compass to direct how organizations should treat their stakeholders and conduct their business. There are many laws and regulations monitoring the behaviour and practices of the organizations at the global level (Griffin and Pustay, 2012). This essay aims at examining the significance of ethics and global business. To achieve this, the essay discusses the problems that are faced by multinational corporations when entering the foreign markets and how they are able to cope with those problems effectively.
Steps taken by the global businesses to cope with the challenges
Culture is considered as an important determinant of ethical attitude of business managers. The above sections of this essay have determined several challenges that international firms when entering a foreign market and also how there is a huge ethical complexity in the cross-cultural business context. It is vital for the global businesses to cope with these challenges to operate effectively in the international market. One strategy to cope with cross-cultural ethical issues is to understand the different cultures in the organization (Kohls and Buller, 2014). In case, the organization has a diverse workforce then understanding the cultures of different people and negotiating them in an appropriate way is crucial. However, multinational companies usually rely on localizing employment in the host countries to avoid such need to handle cross-cultural teams. Therefore, localization of HRM has emerged as an important phenomenon for international corporations. Another strategy to cope with the cross-cultural ethical issues is to encourage communication in the organization. Communication enables the individuals from different cultures to understand each others’ similarities and dissimilarities (Kohls and Buller, 2014). Another way, which can be employed in such situations, is the development of positive leadership. Businesses that operate under appropriate guidance are able to cope with the problems faster than those that do not. These are some of the responses to cope with the cross-cultural ethical issues.

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