
休斯顿论文代写-顾客学习理论。可以说顾客行为绝对是习得的行为。顾客学习和记忆什么对他们是好的,什么是坏的,他们选择相应的产品和服务(Solomon, 2014)。当体验好的时候,产品会被反复销售,但是当体验不好的时候,客户就不会购买了。然而,广告商也有可能使客户受到一定程度的影响,从而使客户了解到产品是好的,产品是重要的(Madzharov et al., 2015)。例如,苹果I-pad并不重要,因为市场上还有其他同类产品,但消费者已经了解到,这款产品有助于提升他们的品牌形象,因此,他们购买了价格高昂的产品。因此,本文所描述的学习理论可以理解顾客的习得行为方面。这些理论帮助我们了解顾客学习和行为过程的许多信息。

It is viewed that there might be a necessity of shaping at times for the purpose of teaching the customer the behaviour which is desired (Durante et al, 2016). It is further taken within account that it might not be possible to teach the behaviour which is desired to be performed directly by the consumer. For an instance, a customer might receive a product of good quality without any costs, herein the product will be regarded as the reward itself if the quality is good. The customer then purchases the same product along with the utilization of major discount coupon post which the customer buys the product at the full pricing without any discounts. Therefore, the approximations are reinforced of the behaviour that is desired. Another example of this instance can be gained through the introduction of cold drink. The soft drink of fruit flavour was introduced initially in Indonesia as the approximation of the desired behaviour (Madzharov et al., 2015). This was performed in order to make similar consumption to Coca Cola in order to develop a path for the success of the product. After the effective consumption of beverages similar to the desired behaviour product, the Coca Cola was launched.
How they influence learning in customers?
In order to understand the way in which learning is influenced by marketing within customers, it becomes essential to focus over the customer learning theories. Behaviour of learning and cognitive learning theories exists. Behaviour learning theories do not have process orientation, but focus over outputs and inputs that is stimuli to which one has an exposure and the behaviour resulting from the same . There are 2 key theories under the behavioural approach umbrella for discussion of learning inclusive of classical and instrumental. According to the theory of classical behaviour, it is suggested that when there is a closer link between 2 stimuli that result in producing a particular learning, then even when one of the stimuli is absent, it still results in producing similar behaviour.
The perspective of vicarious learning is also important in understanding the customer behaviour being a behaviour that is learnt. Within the vicarious learning, the notion is taken that it is not necessary which the customer undergoes the process of learning themselves; at times, the learning can be possible performed through observing the other individual’s consequences (Solomon, 2014). For an example, the stores that are actively focused on making a huge issue out of the shop lifters prosecutions. This is not primarily for the purpose of punishing the behaviour of the individual that are caught to stop their behaviour from repeating but it is rather performed proactively for deterring such behaviour in the other consumers before they can develop such behaviour. It is similar with the viewers which sympathize the actors within the advertisement that face results of positive nature through the utilization of the shown products (Durante et al, 2016). An example of this can be taken by the advertisement of Head ‘n’ Shoulders wherein a poor man is being rejected by the depicted women till the time his hair are treated for dandruff and cure of effective nature has been made is regarded as good example of vicarious learning.

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论文代写价格-谷歌对波特的五种力量的运用。对于管理者来说,谷歌的环境是复杂的,因为商业环境从根本上是由多个因素和事件条件组成的。这些都是对部门各种组织来源的影响(Carter, 2009)。这些条件是相互联系的,并发展出相互沟通的有影响力的集合。通过波特五力模型可以更好地理解谷歌管理者所处环境的不可控因素(Qian et al., 2013)。这个模型是确定谷歌所面临的机遇和威胁的关键。在分析本组织的微观经济学时,它被视为一种工具。这是与谷歌组织直接相关的事务。谷歌可以在其经营领域内拥有强大的实力和竞争能力(Cateora, 2008)。波特的五种力量得到了充分的利用,在这五种力量中,市场的理解是可以获得的,在这五种力量中,波特的组织是可以运作的。

Within this context, the global environmental effect on the four primary forces of factors concerning the environment is natural (Hofstede, 2009). The revolution of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and globalization are regarded as significant effect in the present global environment of Google. The automated technology’s utilization combined with e-commerce has resulted in replacement of manual processes along with workplace.

Power of Supplier
In this instance, Google possess a benefit as it functions on regional level and holds more than single or individual supplier. Hence, if the relationship with one of the supplier is deteriorated than another supplier takes the place of primary one. Moreover, the competition within the market has been eradicated by Google through gaining the trust of its competitor organization and market leader namely Microsoft (Drucker, 2007). All of the tools are functioned upon the systems of Microsoft which is regarded as the major competitor of this organization. However, the concern lies in a scenario wherein it is viewed that if Apple and Microsoft modify their operating systems to limit the support towards Google then it will result in the tools developed by Google to function improperly along with surfacing of a forward integration threat (Hofstede, 2009). Hence, in this scenario, it can be concluded that the supplier power of Google is low relatively because of the majority of information available online being free for accessibility.
Threat of substitutes
No costs of switching and preferences of the buyers towards search engines of increased speed and accuracy are two major threats experienced by Google. In an addition, there is a demand among the users for improves services without any cost at all to remain loyal towards this organization (Hofstede, 2009). The revenues from advertisement are dependent entirely on the amount of clicks that are made on a particular ad. Hence, if the loyal customers’ number reduces, it will result in overall decrement in the total revenue of the organization. There is another concern that the intelligent employees are rarely found in the market. Therefore, if Google loses even one such employee to the rival organizations then it can negatively affect the organization (Carter, 2009). However, it is considered that such threats are unable to impact Google as an organization since all of the search engines offer functions that are similar to each other and no substitute product has yet emerged within this domain.

Google is the shareholder of market as per researcher Tullian (2013). It is found that more than 75 per cent of the market share is held by Google with Yahoo following its lead at very small percentage. Google is further catering to the demands of its users for free of cost due to the same reason. The buying power in such situation is still medium (Cateora 2008). This is due to the extremely high demand of the search engines and the reliance of users over search engine for their day to day activities.
It is to consider that the managers of Google has remained focus on these aspects to maintain the market share in the operating industry and the managers have continuously acted upon the uncontrollable environmental factors through modifying the internal environment of this organization (Hofstede, 2009). This has enabled Google to win numerous awards, maximize the profitability, improvised their offered services, new developments have been introduced and it has eliminated majority of market competition along with combating its weaknesses (Drucker, 2007). Managers have played major contributing role within sophistication of its business strategy to obtain desired organizational results.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



The role of the game play has a number of novelistic components. These are forged from a repertoire of the literacy which is forged from number of techniques. These include the visual display and are focussed from the clever modification of the traditional literary devices. In the case of Emily Short Savoir- Faire, the use of the IF puzzles requires the user to make a leap of inference from one device to another. The embedding of the sound and the use of interactive sound elements are used to denote the development of the electronic literature. A commonality is routed in the verbal comparison between the two objects. However, these sound elements are based on the actions of the players, which are the embodied metaphor. In subtle ways, the use of IF can engage in the self-referential commentary and the critique. For example, in Jon Ingold “All Roads”, the player’s character is based on the teleporting assassin. Each of the actions of the interactor gives specific result. This eludes that the impact of the narrative theme and the overall embodiment metaphors are embedded in the storyline. The player character’s vocation is interpreted to imply the meta-textual object that is developed from the assassination of the illusion. This hypertext is synonymous with the democracy and the user empowerment (Daniels 2002). Many of the experiments in the electronic literature are based on the underlying fact that the behaviour sounds and images of the content are encoded as bots and the voltage differences. Another kind of interrogation is fostered from the conjunction of the code and language. These are based on the transliteral morphing. Algorithms are used to convert the texts into target words that are forged on letter by letter. A multimodality of the digital art works challenges is used by the writers. This is also done by users to bring together diverse expertise and interpretive traditions to comprehend the aesthetic strategies and possibilities of electronic literature. In these structures, the writers use the electronic arts to ensure that they are presented in a format that is appreciated by the people in the society.
Given the potential of this development, a number of innovative media is developed based on the aspects of phonology and visual aesthetics. It is not fully harnessed and it is expected to grow in that direction in the current times.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



The Corporate Social responsibility is a way of business approach with a prime objective of welfare to the social and ecological aspects of the society. It is the act that an organization performs as a pay back or gratitude towards the society for the benefits and growth that it has attained in the business. CSR approach varies from organisation to organisation as every organisation has its own set of plans with regards to the problems it wants to address. There are organisations who participates in animal and wildlife conservation as there CSR activities, while some organisations contribute towards the awareness regarding any disease or education, lifestyle etc. Hence, it can be said that CSR activities are a vast area of study (Times, 2017).
The five pillars or commitments of BA:
To create sustainable and responsible communities: “Flying start” is a charitable partnership between BA and Comic Relief UK. Together, they work for the upliftment and development of underprivileged children.
To promote wellbeing and inclusion: BA provides health care services and programmes for its employees. The Early Active Rehabilitation (EAR) programme scheme, or the Access to an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) monitors counsels and supports the employee 24×7 in all 365 days.
To conduct business responsibly: BA encourages ethical culture in the work place. For example: BA ensures equal employment opportunities to individuals irrespective of their colour, race, religion and gender. Ba also ensures that the employees are ethical at work and they respond as per the code of conduct of the company. BA supports and provides maternity benefits its women employee. Timely salary and bonus etc. are among the best practices of BA.
To reduce British Airways’ environmental impact: With the use of minimum thrust for taking -off, the BA has reduced the NO2 from their entire active airlines. For dealing with lower NO2 emission, the flap from the angles of each of the aircraft has been reduced. By 2015, BA has reduced the average flight noise from each aircraft by 15%.
To reduce waste and improve recycling: By 2010, BA achieved its “zero waste on the landfill” and help in cleanliness airiness in airways industry. BA has installed phase 3 and 4 combustors in their all airplanes and is planning to install phase 5 in the near future. BA always invest in the new kind of Aircrafts as they use less fuel and help in power conservation (BritishAirways, 2017).

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


论文代写价格-印度尼西亚水资源的污染原因。印度尼西亚是分布在许多岛屿上的一个大经济体,大约有3 000万人缺乏清洁饮用水,更缺乏卫生设施。水正在成为印度尼西亚人的奢侈品,这是不好的,因为它可能导致失去其基本权利的标签,从而剥夺人民获得水的权利。长期以来,印尼的河流、水井和水源都因严重依赖而枯竭。此外,缺乏通往村庄的自来水使情况更加糟糕。结果,村民们别无选择,只能使用他们能得到的任何水源,其中最容易获得的是受污染的化粪池和河流。它进一步增加了疾病暴发的高风险,疟疾和腹泻几乎是一种常见症状。

Children are always under nourished, as they do not get much nutrition from their mothers who are forced to drink contaminated water. This has increased the risks of malnutrition and further downgrading of quality and longevity of life. Residents are not informed or aware of the basic self-governed treatments that could work in some situations to manage liquid and solid waste and reduce their water usage.
Rivers are dumped with industrial waste by corporations. This indicates weak governance as are weak in regulating and restricting business corporations to dump industrial waste in rivers and wells, which unfortunately are drinking sources for thousands of villagers (Rigg, 2013). Despite decentralization of its economy and local councils responsible for their own decisions and issue-related programs, there is constant lack of funding for welfare schemes that identify water as the prime ingredient. In addition, the government is in a dilemma to increase its economic output, productivity, invite foreign investments and also to build its ailing infrastructure that requires a massive overhaul. Although its economy has been growing at an attractive rate, there is a lack of social schemes that highlight the correct and responsible use and disposal of water.
The Red Cross Society could work in close association with local government bodies and communities that are deprived of water access, and private companies who are willing to invest in their corporate social responsibility programs and facilitate water availability. The primary job shall remain to identify the reasons of the lack of water access to deprived regions and work in association with like-minded groups to arrange water availability through innovative means. To cite an example, the Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS), an entity that encourages communities to lead from the front and deliberately resolve issues affecting them, is ideal for collaboration. This community program is working on some important issues to be addressed, like (Indonesia, 2016)
1. Open defecation
2. Hand washing with soaps
3. Safe, regular storage of household water and food
4. Solid and liquid waste management.
The Red Cross Society could work with these communities to understand the pertinent problem and find solutions collectively to address the same.
Scarcity is to be dealt with reactionary actions that are rectifying and able to solve the issues upfront without further complicating the issue. Therefore, if Red Cross Society works in close cooperation directly with the affected, the results could be more rewarding. Further, the good results obtained can be easily duplicated in different villages having similar issues. This expedites the resolution possibilities. In addition, arranging of funds for building water pipelines is an important task that the Red Cross Society can contribute significantly, because without their support and communication with philanthropists from Indonesia and other countries, it may not be possible.
Although the problems are more grounded in the structural weaknesses of the government’s administration and lack of welfare motive and funds, addressing the challenge at the ground level remains a very complex task. In that, changing the paradigm of the residents to save water and food and not to exploit water resources could take more time than expected. In addition, arranging funds and at the same time, showcasing desirable results would be difficult in the initial stage (Patunru, 2015). There seems to be a developing issue of ethnic unrest and communal violence, which can further whitewash all efforts of solving the problem. However, with a resolute stance, the Red Cross Society could improve the living conditions and health of millions of Indonesians by working in collaborations with all stakeholders and building a consensus that would follow implementation of resolution strategies.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



First CDO was introduced by Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. in 1987. After this, various financial firms issue CDO’s by forming portfolio of different kind of loans. During early 1990’s, it became very popular as it was giving returns which were higher than corporate bonds by 2-3 %. Another factor which contributed to its popularity was that CDO’s at that time were diversified. For example, it includes everything from an aircraft equipment debt to credit card loan. Due to this, diversification the risk level of these CDO’s was very low.
During the period of 2001-2003, consumers’ confidence in market was low due to slower economy and events of 9/11. Due to lower spending capacity of the consumer, there was economic uncertainty in the USA. This resulted in reduction in volume of business of companies and unemployment.
This was a period of popularity and growth for CDO’s. During early 2003, the spending of the customers increases due to lower interest rates. Consumers take advantages of attractive deals presented by mortgage lenders and finance companies like FMCC and GMAC. Due to attractive deals presented by mortgage lenders, there was a vital increase in sale of homes and it’s financing. Investment banks and finance companies started to repackage these loans and sell them to investors. This resulted into a structure pattern; demand for loans was high and brokers were finding these borrowers in exchange for fixed pre-determined fees. After that, the lender i.e. banks would repackage these loans and sell them to investors. The mortgage deal that became very popular during this period was 30-year adjustable rate mortgage which had negative impact on economy.
Popularity of the CDO’s was increased from 2001 to 2003 mainly because of the increase in home sales and lower interest rates on mortgage. During early 2007, mortgage rates started to reset and drop down that resulted in default in payment of interest and installments. These defaults forced the banks to stricken their lending procedures that resulted in difficulty in procurement of loan by business organization. Effect of this resulted in bankruptcies (Shiller, 2012).

Operating mechanism of CDO has been explained with the help of stepwise example-
Let us assume that there is a commercial bank named A which approved various kinds of mortgage loans such as car loan, home loan, credit card loan, etc. Now A (commercial bank) will sell this loan to B which is an investment bank.
Now investment bank ‘B’ will form a portfolio of say $50000 different mortgage loans. This portfolio will be repackaged into a financial instrument called COD.
These COD’s will be sold by B to investors which may be investment fund, finance bank, retirement fund, etc.
The income received by A (Commercial bank) in form of interest and principle will be transferred to investors. In case of default, the risk will be transferred to these investors. The degree of risk can be analyzed by an investor with the help of their debt rating assigned by credit rating agencies.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


论文代写-阿斯顿·马丁的管理团队的业务发展。管理团队决定扩大其在土耳其的业务是受到该国客户的强烈兴趣的刺激,他们欣赏先进的技术,了解工艺和质量。该公司对奢侈品无与伦比的坚定承诺,将在中国建立强大的客户基础。该公司将能够以其质量和品牌吸引众多客户的注意。公司的管理团队将为客户引入独特的产品,并提高他们的试驾经验(Sen, 2008)。客户会愿意为公司的高效产品买单,管理层会通过不同的渠道推广自己的品牌,以吸引大量的客户。除此之外,阿斯顿·马丁还拥有成熟的奢侈品牌汽车,有助于将公司的价值观与客户联系起来。

However, the number of people that have the power to purchase the product of the company is low because of its high quality and prices. Thus, it would be beneficial for the company to focus on decreasing the prices of its products and introducing some low-cost model. The customers in Turkey will like the products of the company and has the ability to purchase it. The automobile industry of the country is rapidly growing due to the increase in the customers. It would be beneficial for the company to target the customers who will purchase the product. In order to attract more customers, the management should focus on the fuel efficient and environmentally friendly cars. The customers will be attracted with the entire range of car models such as DB9, V8 Vantage, DBS, Rapide and V12 Vantage (Du Plessis, Strydom & Jooste, 2012). The increasing need of unique and innovative product has encouraged the company to expand its business operation in Turkey. The profitability of the company will increase and the goals can be achieved.
SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis of the Aston Martin is provided in the following points as it enables in determining the appropriate structure of the work. This explanation of the analysis is provided below: –
Consists of strong legacy and high brand equity
Consists of strong engineering and the designing team
Innovative and using the cutting edge technologies with consisting of attractive features (Ramachandra, Chandrashekara & Shivakumar, 2010)

Lesser market penetration with a comparison to the other car manufacturers
The limited product portfolio is still emerging in the form of the economies (Appannaiah & Reddy, 2010).
Apart from these weaknesses, the high loan rates are a part of the weakness of the Aston Martin which is lagging in the market due to its weaknesses. The narrowly defined market is becoming the major weakness of the company. This is raised due to the financial boom in the Asia and the Aston Martin is not targeting the affluent in the market.
Increment of the global markets
Growth rate can be easily increased with profitability
Growth in the economy can be depicted.
New market entry can be easily made by the company (Pinnock, 2010).
Apart from these opportunities, the company has many advantages being a public company. The reduction of the debts can be undertaken by expecting the reduction of the capital and the funding can be easily made by the company for the research and the development. Therefore, the opportunity to appeal to both the female customers and the young demographic can be easily facilitated (Sheehan, 2011). The Aston Martin relies on the middle-aged enthusiasts who are identified as the main stay behind the past sales of the company.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供美国代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用与美国各大高校同样权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!美国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


美国代写论文-政党认同的发展形势。政党认同正在改变形势,帮助人民作出与投票有关的适当决定。对人民来说,重要的是他们应该在选择和确定当事方方面作出明智的决定。人们应该明白,他们应该选择一个支持社会整体发展的政党,应该努力利用一切设施,并支持它们,使可持续发展能够应用于社会。目前,人们已经认识到,他们应该选择能够帮助他们实现可持续发展的政党(Dalton, 2014)。人民群众认识到自己在党的建设中所起的作用,认识到自己应该怎样用自己的选票来管理人民。

At the present time, people have developed the understanding that they should choose the political parties which can help them in sustainability (Dalton, 2014). People have understood what role they play in party identification and how they should use their vote to manage the people. It is required that these factors should be taken into consideration while choosing political parties and these factors are selecting the parties which will help in managing the work and will ensure to provide the support system with the help to the people (Carlson, Chavez, Miramontes, Olivares & Onsurez, 2014). People have started thinking about the society in which they are living rather than thinking about self. An understanding is being developed that the people will have to move with the society and work for them. Hence, they prefer to vote the party which will help the society to grow and develop.
Values keep on changing and so the things are changing with the change in time and values of the people. People are considering values, behaviours and psychology of the parties which will work for the organization (Blackstone, 2014). Determination of the parties is done on the basis of both materialist as well as post materialist aspects. It is undertaken that the things are changing as in past time, people were prefer being given the money to vote and on the basis of the money given to them, the parties were selected by them (Elgie et al., 2017).
Time changed and now people are not depending on the money which is given to them. Now the things are changing and so the psychology of the people, as people are identifying the political parties on the basis of the work done by them rather than the money given to them for voting. Nowadays, people vote on their own will rather than the money provided to them for the voting purpose (Bartle & Bellucci, 2008).
Concept of party identification is one of the most effective concepts which could be used in the present time for the identification of the voting behaviour of the people in the country. Party identification helps in understanding the sequence of the people for making voting decision (Bakker, Hopmann & Persson, 2014). It helps in understanding what factors are taken into consideration by the people so as to identify the parties. Understanding the behaviour of people helps in initiating how help and proper support could be provided to the people so as to initiate the work and how they could be provided better and effective set of help. Parties could make the decision of attracting the people towards voting and can influence them to take a stand to select the right party which could work for them and provide relevant set of support to grow and develop in the competitive market (Heffernan et al., 2016).
Party identification is the reliable method which ensures to provide a support system to the people available in the market. It is necessary that proper measures should be applied by the parties so as to ensure that the people should undertake all the aspects of voting into consideration and support the management to vote (Adler, 2012).

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In case of airlines industry, there are three levels of market segmentation:
Mass marketing is done when the service provider concentrates on providing some certain type of aircraft in a bulk, such as fighter planes.
Segment marketing is done when the customers are separated on certain aspects and the service is provided accordingly. For example, the business class has been designed for wealthy people or Corporates while in the economy class commoners travel.
Niche Marketing: When the services provided by the industry do not meet with the expectation of the customers belonging to upper class and corporate world, then certain Airlines provides customized services. Hence, private jets are the kind of service provided through this marketing that is designed as per the need of the customers.
The British Airways offers its services in the form of clusters which are formed by separating the certain group of individuals to certain another group and then entertaining them.
Target: Targeting is the next process after segmentation. Here the set of customers being chosen from the segmented market and then the products and services are offered accordingly. For BA, Corporates, Upper Middle Class and Middle-Class people are the target customers. The level of services provided by British Airways is economy, premium economy, executive class and first class.
Positioning: It is the final step which is about how the products or services are placed in the market after knowing the potential customers through the segmentation and targeting i.e. it is the process of making the perspective of the customers towards the offerings of the company (Kokemuller, 2017)
BA has positioned itself as a Premium international airline that flies to international destination. It has maintained a quality standard in UK for all other airline.
Marketing Mix Recommendations (Implementations)
The marketing mix is complete set of activities adopted by an organisation to promote and sell its products or services in the market. When the company develops a product to be sold in the market, it analyses the market through this process. After developing the product, the company chooses its target customers, the prize of the product, and the place where it wants to sell its product (Times, 2017).
Products: BA is known for its standard quality services throughout the world. The economy class provides minimum space and limited food during the flight. With the increase in subsequent class, the products and services also enhances. For example, the Executive class has a much better space, seat and food on board than the economy class. Since a long time, BA has discontinued the food on board from the domestic short hauls.

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代写价格-中国消费者对无现金支付的态度。在中国市场上,大多数消费者使用借记卡和信用卡购物。中国年轻一代已经接受了数字支付系统和数字购物(Tee和Ong, 2016)。中国的年轻人正在使用各种各样的网上购物。调查显示,中国民众对在线支付系统有自己的观点(Khanna, 2017)。无现金交易实际上是指商品和产品在没有现金的情况下进行交易的经济过程。无现金支付的趋势日益明显,中国政府正在推动社会向无现金化发展。

Nowadays, most of the countries in the world want to make a big move to become cashless (Khanna, 2017). In the markets of different countries all over the world, different types of digital transaction methods are ample. Among those mixed systems, young people of the countries are more associated with the digital payment mode (Khanna, 2017). The governments of the countries want to change the transaction mode into cashless to stop the corruption. Different benefits of the cashless payment system are there. In the present market, a risk is always consistent for the public to carry the cash with them but in case of digital payment option, the customers do not need to carry cash with them and they can pay the money with the help of credit cards, debit cards and even Smart phones (Tee and Ong, 2016). The governments of the countries provide some discounts for the online transaction. The older people of the country are facing some problems regarding the online payment option but some of them have accepted this action due to stop the corruption (Patel and Doan, 2017).
In this regard, China governments move towards the digital payment option. Multiple payment options are used in China for different purposes. Cash cards, credit cards, debit cards, ATM cards, mobile wallets, digital wallets and online banking option are the most preferable modes to transact money in China (Dorsey et al., 2016). Now a Smartphone is also capable of making transaction of a huge amount. In the online payment system, it always subsists a high risk. The biggest risk of the digitalization of transaction is Identity Theft, the hacking of accounts and loosing phone etc.(Chen et al., 2014). The cybercrime departments of the countries help the public to take action against the criminals to stop the crime. There is different security option in the online transaction system to provide the security to the customer.

In order to accelerate the use of non-cash payments, the Chinese government increases the number of transaction machines for the people to transact freely in the market. The older people of the country are facing some problems with online transaction system because the most of the older people in China are not well equipped to make such type of transaction (Osborne et al., 2017). The technologies of China are revamping day by day and the Chinese electronic goods are becoming popular all over the world and the younger generation are friendlier to use those electronic products such as the laptop computers, Smartphone, smart watches and some other products. The researcher has found a number of reasons to know the attitude of the people of China (Sharma and Arora, 2017).
Some older people of China claimed that they could not understand the entire procedure of the online transaction. Because of that, they take the help of those people who are accustomed to this system. Therefore, it is mandatory for the older people to share their password with the others. However, this is not secured to share password with others and it may also increase the tendency of cybercrime as well as the corruption. Some people claimed that the government should make a training session with the people of China regarding the online transaction (Patel and Doan, 2017). The younger people of the country mentioned that they have no issue regarding the online transaction system and it is easier to them because they do not need to go to the bank all the time to withdraw money. Credit cards, debit cards and online wallets are now acceptable in the shopping centres and the restaurants all over China (Saidu and Hassan, 2016). Although the Chinese market consists of a lot of risks in terms of online transaction, the online payment method is widely accepted over here.

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