

The people in power and the elitist try to control the people by using a number of techniques. They berate, bribe, intimidate or attack the people who question the authority. In Cudahy, candidates who dared to participate in the elections were languished by the officials. One of the candidates had a Molotov cocktail that was flung inside candidates premises. There were cases where bribe was a normal function and there were also rigged elections (Thompson 222).
Drugs were used to control the people and there was the use of armed bodyguards. These were the governmental authorities who used their power to create a system where the people were controlled. For example, Mayor David Silva, Councilman Osvaldo Conde and Angel Perales were convicted of acting bribes for setting up of a marijuana dispensary store (Van 34).
These show that the governmental authorities used a number of techniques to control the people. These in turn cause the common people in the communities to become victims of the processes. These were some of the techniques that were used by the authorities to control the people. The ways in which the people overcome these techniques are explained in the following.
Even the most controlling and fearful government will be left with a backlash. This has been observed from historic events such as the French revolution. These have changed after the inception of democratic governance. The people have two ways to addressing the issues. It is developing antagonism, protests and stealthily attacking the people or developing a proper system where the people gain authority to control over the events. This is done after crafting a career and studying (Bartlett 69).
After the revelations and scandals, Cudahy voters elected council members who were more dynamic and young (Gerber 2). According to the current data, four of the five officials are now in their late 20s. The council members are all educated and have a college degree. The Bell charter should not have a mechanism of enforcement established within it. However, it is power of City Council for enforcing all ordinances of Bell and the code of Bell.

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From these analyses, it is expected that the researcher can gain comprehensive view of different issues and the eventual solution that can be derived as a result of this paradigm. There is certain limitation in the case of case study. It can be eluded that there are subjective variables that dominate the construction of the scenario in each one of these cases. These create a cohesive system for the particular problem. To overcome these limitations the case studies were focused on specific time periods in different geographical locations.
It is also plausible for the researcher to develop a one-sided theory. Owing to this there must be efforts taken to collate all the information from different sources. These were the important factors that were considered in this schema.

This report is aimed at describing the importance of change management for organisation its motives and objectives, change management processes, how company can involve all the stakeholders for successful implantation of change management and the strategies that an organisation can adopt to implement the successful change. As an inception step, the overall dynamics of the Chinese companies have been detailed in the following.

China as a nation has vibrant culture and unique political ideology. The notions of free market in China have been embraced with a different ideology. There was a pragmatic approach that was undertaken by the Chinese companies to infuse the ideology of free market principles and the principles of their Marxists ideology. The companies have unique dynamics that suit the local culture to meet the global market demands.

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The biological width is specific to the patients. This is based on the 1961 paper where the mean biological width is determined by connective tissue attachment and is occupied by the junctional epithelium. It is impossible to restore the tooth to the original accurate coronal edge that is found in the functional epithelium. In these cases of restoration, there are three things which need to be considered. It is the chronic pain, inflammation and the loss of the alveolar bone (20). It is a need to factor in the ferrule impact in this paradigm.
Added to the crown lengthening process, the biological width also needs to be considered. The ferrule is done with respect to the teeth. A band is found there to circumvent the dimension of the tooth structure. Unlike the metal bands that exists around the barrel. Sufficient vertical height of the tooth structure will be grasped by the future crown that needs to allow the ferrule impact. This has been done to reduce the incidence of fracture in the cases of the endodontic ally treated tooth. It is a must to consider the crown lengthening process treatment plan. The crown lengthening process is often done in conjunction with expensive and other time consuming processes. It is a combined goal to improve the prosthetic forecast of the tooth (21). In the cases where the tooth does not have a relative lack of sold tooth structure, the post and the core are required. Endodontic treatment is considered with the time and cost of various procedures (22), which makes it reasonable to have the tooth extracted in these cases. In the cases where the patient has a teeth extraction site, it makes it eligible for the implants to be placed and restores in terms of inexpensive and reliable results. It is imperative to consider many of the option that is considered in the treatment planning stages of the dental care. The alternative to this process is the orthodontic forced eruption, which is considered to be a non-evasive process. They do not remove the bone that is observed to be cost effective. The tooth is extruded with a couple of millimeters with a simple process of bracketing of adjacent teeth. The use of light forces is done in these cases. The fiberotomy is performed on the basis of the crown lengthening process. In many of the cases, surgery and extraction can be avoided in these cases of treatment done orthodonticaly rather than a periodontical process (23).、

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