
代写作文-麦当劳在玻利维亚的市场情况分析,在玻利维亚,麦当劳的形象和声誉都不怎么好。造成这一结果的原因有很多。玻利维亚人可能不认为这些食品是健康的,而且制作时间很短。大部分人口是土著居民,他们认为在麦当劳的产品上花钱是不值得的(Paliwoda, 2013)。拒绝的食物不是由于味道,但它主要是基于经济因素和质量的食品在短时间内准备。麦克唐纳在玻利维亚的失败突出了新营销战略的重要性,应根据当地玻利维亚人民的需要来实施。全球方法,这是集中在初始阶段,应取代客户市场方法(Sarangi, 2009)。接下来代写作文-麦当劳在玻利维亚的市场情况分析如下:

McDonald’s image and reputation were not fruitful in Bolivia. Many reasons can be assumed for this outcome. It may be that Bolivians do not consider the foods to be healthy, made in short time. The majority of the population is an indigenous population who does not find it worth to spend money on the McDonald’s products (Paliwoda, 2013). The rejection of the food was not due to taste but it was primarily based on the economic factors and quality of foods prepared in short time. Macdonald’s failure in Bolivia highlighted the importance of new marketing strategy, which should be implemented suiting the local needs of the Bolivian people. The global approach, which was focused on the initial stage, should be replaced with the customer market approach (Sarangi, 2009).

Implementing and coordinating the global marketing program
As per the failure of the company in the Bolivian territories to expansion is seen, the business challenges must be properly minimized for following the marketing mix of global marketing program. The management of McDonald should hire some researchers who will be responsible for conducting appropriate research based on the demographic and geographic factors by which they can conduct the marketing mix theory and gain a handsome amount of profit (Loth, 2006).
By using the marketing mix properly, the virtue of specialization in product management could be enhanced by the company to analyse the cost benefit elasticity to change the perception value of products and services by providing a marketing program to ensure and encourage market response (Mayrhofer, 2012). In this situation, the company has to offer a great range of privileges to the consumer end so that the consumers can make McDonald’s products as their “First and the last Choice.”

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The construction of the work illustrates many issues that are related to the development of the work. It constructs the enhancement of the work that shows the construction of the work. The motive simply describes the structure which is depicted to be regarding the adoption of the details of the process of the work which is being used for the enhancement of the model. The construction of the angle clearly shows the structure of the work which involves the ethical issues and is indicated as the crucial reason for the enhancement of the work. The issues are easily accessible by the organisation Airbnb and the Uber which is being expanded for depicting the purpose of the report.
Proposed Work Plan

On the other hand, another United States sharing economy giant, Airbnb, over the eight years of operation has surpassed its peers in the hotel or hospitality service industry and has become a household name in the Silicon Valley (Williams, 2009). As of now, the company had 10 million guests, as well as 550,000 listed properties worldwide and had received 7776.4 million dollar investment.
Nearly one-fifth of Americans partake in sharing economic activities as the concept is a convenience, as well as cost saving. Not only are the Americans, people across the globe are participating in sharing economy. To the market experts, the success story of the sharing economy will not end here, and they suggested that sharing economy is globally expanding to touch companies, consumers, employees and employers across the world. The sharing economy looks to stay in coming years, and experts predict that sharing giants like Uber or Airbnb will be in business operation even in 2050 (Winer and Dhar, 2014). The sharing economy has the potential to long-run economic value for the companies operating as sharing economy. Apart from the success in the present era, future success prospect is strong for sharing economy. Uber or Airbnb works on sharing economy model by providing cost effective and time efficient services.

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Feedback received from these developmental projects has raised concerns for the real estate industry. The status of the infrastructure that would be used for the redevelopment procedure will be significant in ascertaining the quality of the work. I have received the feedback that the market for real estate in Toronto is slowly beginning to go beyond the affordability limits of the people. In such a state, the market is still active due to some favourable economic conditions such as a strong market for labour. A comparatively youthful workforce and a construction sector is steady enough and due to the comparatively lower interest rates, the economic conditions are favourable in the market. I have learned from the feedback that affordability is the most meaningful indicating factor of the underlying stress in the market. From this, we get the idea that the market in Toronto is under considerable stress, but it can overcome by the help of utilization of the favourable economic conditions. Another view is that the pressure for affordability is mostly applicable for the market where there is demand from single family-homes. An important learning from the feedback is that the market in Toronto area would be sensitive to a considerable rise in the interest rates that is more than most markets in Canada.

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