
美国代写论文-学习者输出的重要性讨论,基于用法的理论也与讨论学习者输出的重要性相关。基于用法的理论认为,学习者倾向于记住并将语言的不同特征与所使用的语境联系起来。下次当他们发现自己处于类似的情况下,他们会使用他们已经联系起来的相似的单词特征和组合(Lightbown & Spada, 2012)。虽然与学习者的输出没有直接关系,但它确实有助于衡量/预测语言学习者的进步。不同的研究者认为,学习者输出理论的重要性在于语言练习在课堂环境和学习者自然环境中的作用。

Following in the vein of The Output Hypothesis is the Noticing Hypothesis given by Richard Schmidt who argues that nothing worthwhile is learned till the time when it has been ‘noticed’ by the learner (Lightbown & Spada, 2012). Since language learning is a socio-cultural activity, learners pick up a lot of cues, symbols, meanings, and forms from theirs around them. However, the fact that these form a part of a formal language system remains unknown to them unless they are explicitly told.

Brad also had his friend Wendy, who warned him midway in the course to check the legitimacy of the University and the course offered, to which Brad did not pay much attention and looked sure that the accreditation certificate would be secured; or if not now, it would anyhow be secured by the end of the course. Brad tended to equate the course fee with the legitimacy of the university which turned out to be a mere belief and nothing else. Hence, Brad must take action against the University of Kew for claiming the damages, getting his degree legitimately certified, and demanding all the extra cost that had incurred as a direct result of not being able to make the agency-advised $300,000 per year. This salary could have been possible if the course was accredited and the degree Brad achieved would be considered legitimate and valid.

Noticing hypothesis also prevents the risk of Fossilization, which might occur if the learners are left to use their inter-language system over an extended period of time without corrective feedback (Lightbown & Spada, 2012). Since errors are now seen as stepping stones to learning, teachers/instructors follow a selective approach to error correction. However, prolonged usage of wrong words/forms lead to internalization of the (wrong) form within the learners, this can be prevented by corrective feedback and brought right features to the notice of the language learners.
Another theory by Robert DeKeyser (1998) can also be used with the group of learner output theories, because DeKeyser argued that to achieve communicative competence, learners must practice on a routine basis. These practice drill sessions must be a combination of instructional as well as informal. Here, achieving communicative competence in the target language is the output/focus (Lightbown & Spada, 2012). Lourdes Ortega has proposed that to be effective, language practice sessions must be interactive, meaningful, and focused on task essential forms 。

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



美国代写-国际会计制度的微观和宏观实践分析。国际会计制度的分类可以分为微观和宏观两大类。不同的微观会计实践可能受到政府影响力减弱、会计专业力量增强和股权市场相对活跃的影响。宏观会计实践的特点通常是政府对会计的影响较强,会计行业较弱,股票市场较不活跃(Healy & Wahlen, 1999)。另一方面,在以微观为基础的国家,财务会计的过程可以调整到满足投资者。这些压力也可能有助于在年度报告中体现以微观和宏观为基础的国家的财务业绩。

A large number of empirical studies have been done for the use of the graphs in the annual reports of the majority of the companies. The extensive review for the same had been provided by Penrose (2008) who provided the extensive review on the same. He concluded that the different factors including the country of origin, the size of the firm and the exchange listing may have the important role in the voluntary disclose of the companies information.

There are a number of companies which are constantly featuring the graphs in their annual reports. As per the study which is based on the UK, US and 11 other nations, it had been found that the 79 % of the companies included at least one graph in their annual report. Besides, when the analysis was done on the Italian companies by Ianiello (2009), it had been found that around 85 % if the companies made the use of the graphs and had around nine graphs for every report. In the reports related to Hong Kong, Courtis (1997) had found that only 35 % of the companies which are publically listed are using the graphs in their annual report. Though, in Portuguese around, 91 % of the banks had been using the graphs in the annual reports.
The primary purpose of the research is to conduct a continuous and an empirical investigation related to the use and the abuse of the graphs in the annual reports of UK. The primary objectives of such research is to establish the nature and extent of usage of the graphs, to do the identification and analysis of the instances related to the non-compliance with the different principles which are used for the construction of the graphs.
From the research, it has also been identified that the information which is largely displayed includes the financial data of the company in comparison to the non-financial information. In US, it had been found by Steinbart (1989), that most of the displayed variables in the graphs may be related to the sales, income and dividends. Also around, 27.5 % of the variables may display either one of these graphs. As per the analysis done by Beattie and Jones (1992), it has been found that around 65 % of the 240 listed companies in UK graphed at least one financial variable.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


本文的目的是探讨美国论文代写-翻转课堂模式应用于以高中教育为主要内容的课堂活动的优势和挑战(Burch, 2013)。这一理论框架将翻转课堂作为本研究的核心。此外,重点是与翻转课堂相关的各种因素,并从理论上对其进行探讨(Butt, 2014)。这些因素在上图中以橙色框表示,例如技术驱动、可持续、以学生为中心、成人教育、时间导向、教师的角色和学生的责任。黄色方框提供了每个因素的子类别。这些因素都是与翻转课堂相关的特点,正是这些特点发挥了翻转课堂的优势,也有助于描述为什么在翻转课堂中学习的学生和教师更容易在翻转课堂中学习。FLIP代表灵活的环境、学习文化、国际内容和专业教育(Strayer, 2012)。

The aim of this essay is to examine the advantages and challenges of using the model of flipped classroom for in-class activities with main focus on high school education (Burch, 2013). In the review of literature, the affordances provided by flipped classrooms will be discussed along with discussing the following related concepts:
Active Learning and Engagement
Critical Thinking
Differentiated Instruction
Independent Learning and Media Literacy
Community Belonging and Inclusive Practices
In addition, by examining the case study of Clintondale High School, an investigation will be conducted regarding the affordances of flipped classroom while supporting the implementation of this approach. Further, based on this case study, this essay will identify the key factors to be considered in the implementation of this approach (Burk, 2011). The key objective of this essay is to assess the efficient utilization of time for teachers as well as students, such that success is achieved in implementing a flipped classroom approach. Moreover, focus will be on analyzing the way in which educators can provide a better framework for modeling the flipped classroom approach.

This theoretical framework entails flipped classroom at the core of this research. Furthermore, the focus is on various factors related to flipped classroom and on discussing the same theoretically (Butt, 2014). These factors are provided in orange boxes in the above figure for example technology driven, sustainable, student-centricity, adult education, time orientation, role of teachers and responsibility of students. The yellow boxes provide the sub-categories of each factor.
These factors are characteristics related to flipped classroom which act as its advantages and help in depicting why it becomes easy for students and teachers studying in a flipped classroom to work over the same. FLIP stands for Flexible Environment, Learning Culture, International Content, and Professional Educator (Strayer, 2012).

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


本篇代写价格-《精灵宝可梦Go》游戏确定潜在的玩家群体,《精灵宝可梦Go》游戏无疑是一个非常好的想法,它旨在促进运动、社交互动和旅行。这已经成为父母和社会普遍关注的一个严重问题,孩子和青少年已经被注意到采用反社会的趋势,这使得许多智能手机用户严重沉迷于他们的手机,并避免社交活动。虽然对游戏的需求持续增长,但重要的是要了解,玩家对游戏的访问方式是不同的,这取决于他们的年龄、性别、可用性或对允许玩游戏的小工具的访问(Brock, 2016)。随着人们对智能手机成瘾问题的日益关注,许多家长不再为孩子们提供智能手机,而是为他们提供只提供通话和短信功能的传统移动设备。

This is a factor also being observed among working professionals where many employers are also requesting employees to leave their smart phones at the locker and only have an ordinary mobile device on their desk to help reduce the distractions caused by the multiple applications viable today. While the number of potential players should technically be increasing due to the increasing number of a smart phone in the market, the devices accessing the internet and games use is actually on the decline. This is due to every hobby delivering certain peak after which the game grows monotonous and the players move on to seek new thrills. This limits the games to securing a certain number of players over a fixed period of time after which the players are likely to lose interest and move on to newer games and hobbies. On a positive note, it is important to understand that the number of players accessing and playing Pokémon Go is likely to remain stable and gradually decline over time. At present the game is expected to continue registering a rapid increase in the number of players from all age groups as the game is still new and now released in many countries.
Many game players also avoid installing apk files directly to their device due to the fear of their security being compromised thus a large proportion of potential players are siding on the sidelines and waiting for the game to be released in their nation on official websites like Google play store and the store which authenticate the security and safety of the applications. Never the less the largest groups of players for any game has been identified to be between 10 and 21 which are the ages when many youngsters don’t have responsibilities, delusional and lack focus due to being teenagers and experiencing adolescence. It’s also a critical stage when the games and technologies can also help build or break their future and career since it will determine their focus towards life and their career. But it’s also an age when they are experiencing change and require some freedom to explore and decide on the interests. This player group also remains stable since newer generation continues replacing the older ones leaving it on the game developers to upgrade the Pokémon go game which will ensure the game delivers the desired interest to its players.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!

美国论文代写-Elsie Elliott政治思想的重塑

本篇美国论文代写-Elsie Elliott政治思想的重塑分析中,Elsie Elliott的政治动机是什么?回顾她的一生,她似乎从未有过任何对政治权力的渴望。根据埃尔西·埃利奥特(Elsie Elliott)的自传,她在两个重要问题上做出了改变。第一个是不幸的童年;第二次是她的第一次婚姻。这两个问题都受到宗教的影响,也形成了她早期的左翼政治思想。从1954年到1962年,Elsie Elliott一直在寻找一个更好的学校教书。然而,无论是公共还是私人企业都需要腐败不同的政府部门,Elsie Elliott开始在不同的部门抱怨,试图改变这些非法活动。接下来有关美国论文代写-Elsie Elliott治思想的重塑具体分析如下,仅做为参考供同学们阅读。

Before talk about Elsie Elliot, there is an important question that we have to ask. What was the political motivation of Elsie Elliott? Looking back at her life, she seems that she never had any desirous of political power. According to Elsie Elliott’s autobiography, two important issues had been made her change. The first one was unhappy childhood; the second one was her first marriage. These two issues were influenced by the religious, and it is also form her early leftist political ideology.

Hong kind history is elucidated in order to explain about the various notions of the ideologies of Elliot. When she was a missionary, she had met several Chinese refugee in Nan Chang, China. However, Hong Kong was just a transition place of her next preach destination, but those of refugee smuggled to Hong Kong at the same time, they wanted William Elliott couple stay there for help, so they make the final decision stay in Hong Kong. In 1952, more than ten thousand refugees came to Hong Kong, and it made the living environment very difficult. Elliott’s couple used their shabby apartment as a clinic, and they helped people to cure not serious illness, such as skin diseases. They continued missionary work and try to persuade more people to believe in Jesus and go to church. However, they had an extremely hard time living in Hong Kong, each person had to earn six dollars per day, but people were able to earn only one to two dollars only, even the children had to work at home to survive.
After Elsie Elliott left her husband and the church, she was determined to help people and started teaching. She continued teaching the low income family’s children. She thought that knowledge can change the living conditions. From 1954 to 1962, Elsie Elliott was keeping to look for a better school place to teach. However, no matter public or private business were both needed to corrupt different government department. Elsie Elliott started to complaint in different department and tried to change these illegal activities. She also thought that this is very unfair for low income people who living in Hong Kong. During at those eight years, she tried different ways to solve the problem and insisted not to give “black money”. She realized that if the person who is powerless in the society, this is no power to help more people. Elsie Elliott became famous and low income people always go to ask her to solve problems, and she joined the Reform Club of Hong Kong at 1962.
Elsie Elliott realized that if people knew to find her, she would have a good reputation and she could use people’s support for fighting of the government progressively. She understood that United Kingdom is a democratic country and the country always needs to face international force of public opinion. She also used her “British identity” complained to United Kingdom’s government, it really could help both side to understand the real situation.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构的硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




The sales technique which is exceptional can come from the enhanced information about the market (Vila, Enz and Costa, 2011). The hotel when is completely informed about the market and manages to get all the relevant information, it is possible for it to make a strategy which is unbeatable and absolutely hits the market where it is most needed. For example, when they realise that some European cuisine is going to take tremendous popularity, it must hit the nail and bring in a European chef and make several dishes and organise a European food festival with exclusive marketing attracting the right people to the hotel and getting the first mover advantage. If they manage to get the best dishes around, it will have set itself for a good amount of profits for the time during which the cuisine remains a hit among local and international guests.

Using travel website reviews as the best marketing tool can give more goodwill and good reputation to the hotel. Almost all travellers now are using travel review websites for getting information about the hotel and then make a calculated decision. The positive and negative feedbacks of customers have a great impact on new or first time customers considering a hotel for their stay(Hsu, Chen and Ting, 2012). Thus, the Fiona hotel must use feedback collection from all guests as a norm and use them for posting it on sites like TripAdvisor, Trivago, etc. For receiving good feedback, it is necessary for the hotel to get its service and management right as when the service exceptional and incomparable, then the feedback will be equally good and attractive to other new guests.

Identifying a specific competitive advantage in the product or a service can be the best supporter of sustainable profit (Bowie and Buttle, 2011). When the Fiona hotel has some kind of advantage over other such as exceptional quality rooms, spacious rooms, specific popular dishes, good views from the rooms, etc. it can use this advantage to its benefit. For example, of Fiona hotel has good view rooms compared to its competitors, it can possibly charge more premium for the rooms with a good view. This is a sales enhancer and escalator.
4. Relationship marketing is one concept which is used to increase per customer sales through innovative relationship offers and making a personal effort in connecting with regular guests and making them a part of the success of the hotel. This works wonders when the guest also feels the connection and the loyalty on their part becomes more rigid and difficult to be broken.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!







有关美国代写之论文写作完成后的审查和修改方法就为同学们解析到这里,如果同学们英文论文不会写怎么办?详情可以点击咨询美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构的论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!





The price trend concept perhaps is a quintessential thought within technical analysis and in general for trading. The capability for identifying trends in price is specifically essential for 2 essential reasons. Firstly, trades require trading with their trend and riding the trend as much as is possible. Traders secondly need to predict the reversals of trend so as to establish good positions of entry and exit wherein it is essential to establish the trend preceding it.
A trend in a particular time series formally is a prolonged time period wherein X increase or decrease is fast than the average historically. A common approach is used for identifying the time series trending direction which first lies in creating a smooth representation which in a rough manner also describes what X is. The first difference of G can be calculated and the trend then is said to have established within intervals where sign of initial difference has constant rate.

Filter for Hodrick-Prescott is a mathematics based tools utilized in macro-economies for creating a smooth non-linear time series representation which has less sensitivity to short term modifications than modifications in the long term. The filter further takes up to assume that any considering time series can be classified into trending components and cyclical components as well as expressed through the sum. Then the cyclical component can be obtained through t-x given that c= x- T. The ct cyclical component and Tt trend component can get isolated by solving the minimization issue as provided below:

Where the initial equation term is the total squared deviation sum and the second term is the contrast of trending components.
Furthermore the fitness function needs to have objectivity and graded phenotypes evaluations. Evaluation through grading is essential as the strategies of selection and progress consequently in the cycle of evolution will not stagnate if the whole population is equal relatively to fitness of entire variable of significance. As the strategy for investment represented through a phenotype is related to individual stock, it is essential for traders to purchase as much shares as is possible using the present investment capital available on each purchase signal and sell every share presently owned by the stock on each selling signal. Therefore, it is essential to either place the money over stock or no money placed within the stock itself. The value for stock prediction therefore is possible when technical analysis is involved.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The study area is the Lower Mississippi River Basin (LMRB), which is located in southeastern Louisiana, USA, and extends from the parishes north of Lake Pontchartrain to the coast. This region has lost about 2000 square miles land in the past 80 years. Due to Louisiana boasts more than 4 million acres of wetlands and representing 40% of the nation’s total which is easy to be corrode, it is a good sample to study the land fragmentation topic. In order to do the study, different methods have been used for the purpose of analysis of the loss of land from the year 1996 to 2010. On the basis of the same, the inferences have been gained.

Another useful method for the purpose of finding out the research related to the analysis of the fragmentation in the Louisiana area is the triangular prism method. The triangular prism method is very simple to compute. This method was put forward by Clarke. This method can be used for the purpose of calculation of the topographical surfaces. This method can be of a large use in case of remote sensing images. This method makes the use of the raster representation of the surface of the earth which is elevated and is known as DEM (Mishra & Deepak 176). The image can be observed in the grid on the x coordinate and the y coordinate and the value of the pixel is taken in the z coordinate. This also helps to provide the vertical dimension for the cell. When the value has been taken on the pixels it constitutes the 4 corners of the square. After this, a vertical line is drawn which is equal to the mean value from the center of the square grid. The straight lines are drawn which may join the top of each corner lines and also with the center line. This gives the definition of the triangular surfaces which may comprise the triangular prism. The area which is there on the top of the prism can be calculated with the help of the trigonometric formula (Couvillion & Brady 1).
This procedure is repeated after every step size. After each and every successful computation the calculation related to the cell area is done which is larger than the previous one. This process is calculated until the whole image area is found out. Though, under the same there is a diminishing of the image resolution and loss of information when the individual pixel values are replaced by the mean at the center. The square grid is required to be made up of different sizes. But the calculation is done first for the square grid which has the largest step size.

美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Telstra is the chosen organization for this paper, where external and internal marketing analysis along with the strategic planning are discussed. The organizational vision, mission, values and culture are analysed in relation to their appropriateness along with the provision of suggested improvements. The strategic planning is related with the vision, mission, and the values of Telstra.
The paper can be invaluable to the potential investors as well as for the existing investors as marketing strategies and the situational analysis will speak volumes for the future of Telstra.
Being the market leader, Telstra offers a range of services to satisfy all segments of the customers and the prospects. The pricing is also carried out keeping in mind the affordability of all. The pricing of Telstra might be little higher for the new services, such as 3G and 4G, as for the new products and services only percentage of consumers goes ahead to purchase. In penetration, Telstra enjoys the top spot in Australia and it provides heavy discounts to the consumers for retention and attraction of the new customers.
There is variation of price between the plans. The price is dependent on the service type that the customer chooses for its mobile tablets, mobile broadband, and home broadband. 5GB Liberty of BigPond Elite which falls under home broadband is the cheapest plan. The last known price for this plan is $29.95. On the other hand, 500GB Liberty of the BigPond Ultimate is their plan which is most expensive. This plan is charged for $99.95. Telstra’s broadband plan that is post paid is named as BigPond Liberty with data allowance ranging from 1GB to 15GB. The range of price for this plan is between $19.95 and $79.95.
The pricing policy of Telstra in relation to their entrance in the 3G market should be considering the consumers who are relatively new. Therefore, the target segment is high usage customers and the early adapters. In the endeavour of maximizing profits and recovering investment costs, the other competitors, such as Optus and Vodafone before entering the market, the maintenance of skimming policy should be pursued by Telstra. The subscriber price can be relatively high as only a small part of the market initially will use this service. There should be flexibility in the pricing as price wars are imminent once the competitors enter the fray. In the time when the competitors enter the market, discounts can be offered by Telstra in maintaining its market share and even consolidating its market share. The pricing of the 3G and 4G networks enable all consumer segments to be able to afford the services of Telstra that goes with their vision of improving the lives of the people with better connectivity.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!