代写价格-苹果Apple watch的市场细分策略分析

在本篇论文代写价格-苹果Apple watch的市场细分策略分析中,苹果公司采用独特的细分策略,将产品销售给消费者。产品的核心价值植根于消费者,并且是针对消费者的。智能手表在可穿戴市场有很强的存在(Wagner, 2015)。他们慢慢地获得了主流的追随者。研究发现,Apple watch的主要用户是18 – 34岁的人群。家庭平均收入超过10万美元,其中大多数男性更喜欢使用手表。在智能手表的案例中,年龄、收入和性别是主要考虑因素(Nykanen, Tuunainen & Tuunanen, 2015)。值得注意的是,这款智能手表是为各种各样的消费者设计的,而苹果公司一如既往地为高端消费者设计了一款产品。它最初是作为一款健康追踪软件被引入市场的,并且只与苹果的产品兼容,接下来有关代写价格-苹果Apple watch的市场细分策略分析如下:

Apple uses unique segmentation strategy to sell its products to the people. The core values of the product are consumer rooted and are found to be consumer specific. Smart watch has a strong presence in the wearable market (Wagner, 2015). They have slowly been gaining mainstream following. It has been found that the primary uses of Apple watch are people in the age demography of 18 to 34. The average income of the households is found to be more than 100000 USD of these majorities of the men preferred to use the watches. In the cases of smart watch, the demographics that are mainly considered are age, income and the gender is found to play a major role (Nykänen, Tuunainen & Tuunanen, 2015). It should be noted that the smart watch has been created for a diverse range of consumers and Apple as usual had created a product that would target the high end consumer.
It was originally introduced in the market as a fitness tracker and is found to be compatible only with the Apple products. There should be an accompanying product such as the mobile phone in order to make the sales. Hence the people should already be patrons of the brand. Main consumer demography are the people already owing Apple products. It has been found that the majority of the people around 69% was found to already have Apple products. Apple Watch similar to the branding strategy of Apple watch focuses on the emotions of the people. The sales of the product were found to be towards the people who are aged between 18 and 35.
In the case of smart watch, the age demography is found to be very useful. College students seem too have high brand affinity and preference for this product. The people in this category are looking for entertainment and a product that helps them elevate their prestige among peers. There is a lot of entertainment and it enables the people to easily connect with each other. This is more of a fad to the younger demography and this will be ephemeral hence the company looks to continually create products that are popular among the young demography. They are primarily looking for the product to cater to their entertainment needs.
Young working professionals between the ages of 22 to 30 are looking for exploration of a product. The features of the product should be functional and unique. In this they people in this demography are looking for high-tech products that are extremely functional and unique in attributes (Rogers, & Lee,2016).. There is very little importance given to the overall aesthetical quality of the designs.



It can be concluded that the efforts of Disney for promoting the gay rights of Americans is of huge significance in the political world. Yet, there is no denial in the fact that Disney has obtained success in mastering its understanding about how people establish their learning by consumption of media and how this ends up granting the overwhelming power to corporation for shaping the larger culture, politics and people. Perceiving the benefit as the most powerful conglomerates of media in the global industry, Disney ended up promoting each and every message for serving corporate power with political conformity, cultural homogeneity, free markets, customer agency and hierarchy. The digitally revolving technology has not ended up changing the overall fact that Disney has been still promoting components related to this timeworn image, but there are several evidences that this kind of innocence being pretended ends up camouflaging a powerful force of culture as well as corporate monolith.

The digitally revolving technology has not ended up changing the overall fact that Disney has been still promoting components related to this timeworn image, but there are several evidences that this kind of innocence being pretended ends up camouflaging a powerful force of culture as well as corporate monolith. Due to this particular reason, there must be no heaping of Disney with unstinted appraisal when it has been supporting policies of gay friendliness. As pointed out by Sean Griffin, Disney has been successful in recognizing a lucrative market platform for the products, especially among upper middle class, middle or white gay men that is the subgroup in the homosexual population group earning income that is most disposable.

The Southern Baptists did get it right with the assumption that something had been amiss in the portrayal of Disney as the icon of healthy family entertainment, childhood fun, and pristine innocence. However, it is quite unfortunate that they had been wrong in condemning Disney to refuse the endorsement of homophobic practices in its operations of labor, and appealing to the traditional brand image of the company. The traditional brand image followed that of conservatism considering the family values of White Americans, as per which the unit of heterosexual patriarchal family ends up becoming wrapped within the nostalgic and patriotic aura normally as a bygone era perceiving the small- town ideals of Mid-western Protestants.

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assignment代寫-網上在線問卷調查方法的研究,人們選擇在線問卷調查的方法是因為人們越來越傾向於在網上做任何事情。網上的消費趨勢有所增加,人們願意在網上購物、支付賬單等等。在這種情況下,在網上進行調查既方便了參與者,又能激勵他們徹底地完成問卷。研究表明,當研究對象被給予一些時間來思考問題,然後回答他們,他們更有可能准確地回答,作為他們感覺的真實反映(Sapsford, & Jupp, 2006)。但是,這種方法也有缺點,因此也必須考慮這些缺點。主要的壞處是,披露答案的動力將會減弱。參與者對事件的記憶,他們的感覺和想法,可能更容易收集,當他們在現場時,隨著時間的推移,記憶變得不那么流動,因此數據可能失去其可靠性。接下來有關assignment代寫-網上在線問卷調查方法的研究分享給大家閱讀。

Now the questionnaire could have been given to the parents during the show, but the parents would be more focused on the events and hence would either not focus much on the questions asked in the questionnaire and non-response could be an issue. Now the drop and pickup approach is considered to be more convenient, because the parents would be given the time to answer and they would also have a chance to review the opening ceremony, and would be able to make choices based on that. Now while the time chosen and the time given for collecting data is indeed strategically and holds benefits, the techniques for collecting questionnaire data could have been varied. Now in this method, even as the parents are waiting for the show to begin, they could still be restless or might be focused on their children and there is still a chance of non-response.

A second method that could have been used in collecting data in the questionnaire method is by making use of the online questionnaire approach. The online questionnaire approach is usually selected because of the growing trend of people to do everything online. Consumers trends online have increased, people are willing to shop, pay bills and more online. In this context, conducting a survey online will add both to the convenience of the participant and motivate them to complete the questionnaire thoroughly. Research studies indicate that when the participant in research is given some time to reflect on the question and then answer them, they would be more likely to answer accurately, as a true reflection of what they feel (Sapsford, & Jupp, 2006). There are also cons to this method however, and hence these have to be considered as well. The main con is that the momentum of disclosing answers would be reduced. Participants’ memory of events, what they feel and think might be easier to collect when they are in the grounds, with time the memories becomes less current, and hence the data could lose its sense of reliability

Sampling method has significance in research. It is not feasible to understand and conduct research on every member of the society. There should be fundamental sample selected from a target population to understand the emotions of the group. The sample groups usually address the various variables that have been required for the research. The participants of the research would be the representatives of the target population in contention. The selection of the right sample group is important for the researcher to make accurate deductions, to deduce and make accurate portrayal of the events. Now quota sampling is a non-probabilistic sampling technique that was planned to be used where stratified samples from target audiences would have been used. However, in this case, due to the lack of help in data collection, the lone researcher had to do a form of convenience sampling. The researcher went to fields where he thought he would get research data better. The sampling technique must have been well planned and resources to assist in data collection must have been recruited properly.

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