

The critical evaluation of risk management process and theories can provide the researcher an understanding of risk management in British airways. In this way, the researcher has enabled to focus over gap analysis. In order to complete the empirical study, the researcher has taken the help of previous journals and books.

Moreover, the journal Cost, risk-taking and value in the airline industry by Paul A and Laux has pointed out the empirical measurements that are taken into account to shape the price inputs of the airline industry. The price is determined by the oil and fuel cost that adds substantial risk to the finance. The journal also mentioned that the corporate tax codes and financial distress cost have been greater than the profit downside. However, Kizildag et al. (2010, p.89) counter-argued that the study has focused on all the cost and the financial proceedings but somehow did not identify the risk associated with the unfortunate events that can arise any time. The resources that can be used to minimize the risk factors are not observed in the study.

In addition to this, the journal Risk Management Practices in the airline industry by Sharon Fernando has disclosed the capital market theories and identified the underinvestment problems, taxes, financial distress and the management incentives leading to the industry to engage in hedging activities. The journal further apprehended the risk exposure and the risk assessment practices associated with the airline industry. On contrary to this, Loudon (2011, p.315) opined that the study did not identify the unpredictable risk that can lead to a devastating financial loss in the airline industry. Risk linked with the human variables and the decision making process have not been observed.

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美国essay代写-经济利益集团理论关键的概念是与关键消费者相比,生产者可以更快地考虑对活动进行简单的监管。此外,交叉补贴现象也被纳入理论考虑范围。相关行业受益于制定自己的规章制度(Asadi, 2008)。政府在执行整个行业制定的关键法规方面起着至关重要的作用。政府为了实现其国家经济目标而使用这些规定。作为一个重要的例子,政府可以考虑在整个行业内提供补贴,以增加价格的价值(Shaheen, 2006)。这一理论已经允许与行业相关的政治决策在整个行业内进行,而不是在个人基础上进行。这有助于进一步减少金钱、精力和时间。必须有一个行业的参与,在政府的经济因素影响整个行业的决策。接下来有关美国essay代写-经济利益集团理论分享给留学生阅读。

The key notion is that producers can consider an easy regulation of activities faster in comparison with the key consumer. In addition, the phenomena of cross subsidization are in consideration within the theory. The concerned industries are benefited from making it own regulations and rules (Asadi, 2008). The government plays a crucial role in enforcing the key regulations established by the overall industry. The regulations are used by the government for the achievement of its national economic objectives. As a significant example, the government can consider granting subsidies across the industry for increasing the value of prices (Shaheen, 2006). The theory has been allowing decision making of politics in concern with the industry for being done across the industry, rather than on individual basis. This is further helpful in the reduction of money, energy and time. There must be an involvement of the industry in the decision making of the government over economic factors affecting the entire industry.
However, the theory has been criticized as the idea for utilizing representative groups for the regulation of the industry and the economy-based activities across the nation might be favourable for some groups in comparison with the other (Ziad and Ayoub, 2009). Further ahead, there is lack of predictability among politicians as they have been putting up regulations for perceiving their own personal interests. The costs of production may involve certain variations in different geographical locations (Asadi, 2008). These further result in creating more profits for some industries in comparison with other industries. There seems to be no predictability of the politicians as they can be seen putting regulations for the purpose of their own benefits (Lutfi, 2006). They may consider supporting the private sector in order to perceive their personal interests. And hence the theory can be criticized in these ways.
After selecting a media release and newspaper article, the focus will be over resource super profits tax proposed through Rudd, replacement of the tax with the tax of MRRT through Gillard and the recent MRRT repeal made through Abott, PM. Focusing on these answer will be given to identifying the regulation theory that properly explains governments position, when RSPT was proposed with justification on the same.

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論文代寫推薦-香港電影《重慶森林》的討論分析,電影《重慶森林》吸引人的一個重要悖論是,盡管像香港這樣人口稠密的社會往往會把觀眾聚在一起,但在與他人建立合理關系的同時,卻缺乏溝通能力。人們可以通過大量生產自己周圍的消費品來保持整體的個性。你可以看到兩個警察的公寓裏,同時注意到這些小玩意和玩具被組裝成一個帶有個性的威脅感。香港不能僅僅被視為電影中每個角色的背景。在很多方面,它可以被認為是電影中的一個不同的角色(Thanouli, 183)。在這樣一個動蕩、浮華、混亂的城市裏,導演玩了一場危險的遊戲。在這部電影中,導演考慮用種族主義或傳統的觀點來區分亞洲人和亞洲人。接下來有關論文代寫推薦-香港電影《重慶森林》的討論分析分享給留學生們閱讀如下:

The significant paradox attractive in the case of Chungking Express is that even though societies like Hong Kong, with dense population tend to be forcing the audience together, there was lack of ability in the communication, while there is formation of sensible relationships with other individuals. The overall sense of individuality can be maintained by the mass production of consumer goods with which one has been surrounded. One can see inside the flats of both cops, while noting the gadgets and toys being assembler for the assertion of threatened sense in context with individuality. Hong Kong cannot just only be considered as a backdrop for each and every character within the film. In a number of ways, it can be considered as a different character in the film (Thanouli, 183). In such a pulsating, garish and confusing city, the director ended up playing a dangerous game. In the film, the director considered trading over the racist or traditional view about the difficulty for distinguishing one individual of Asia from the other.

As identified in this essay, there can be consideration of narrative as a story, even if it involves some differences from the principle of story. When considered typically, there is initiation of narrative by the involvement of a single situation. A number of changes may end up taking place in accordance with the pattern of effect and cause. When considering the overall context, there can be a rise of a new situation in order to end the overall narrative. In order to engage someone with the story is highly dependent on their understanding with respect to the pattern of stability and change, space and time, and causality. There can be consideration of these components as significant to narrative in majority of the sources of media, but there seems to be a centralization of time and causality. In context with certain sources of media, a narrative may tend to focus only on time and causality. However, in order to consider the case of film narrative, however, space is also a significant factor. Events take place in locales with well-definitions. In addition, there is well- acknowledgment of space for the manipulation of space.

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