

There is increase in risks to weaken supervision that is suggested that developing of the official standards of inspection (Smith, 2003). This makes sure duty among the different supervision companies. Owing to the account of the problem that is related to overlapping of the duties and the unclear boundaries, an official document is required that is concerning punishment and incentives. This Network rail needs to adhere to the regulations and be responsible for providing of the safe journey to the consumer without the different financial difficulties.
Added to this, the company needs to continually evaluate the processes to ensure that safety is maintained. There must be more education and training given to the people to improve the processes between the different stakeholders.

The aim of the analysis was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the Network rail and the Potters railway crash. This is aimed at the incident where relevant analysis was done. These are paying attention to the internal warning signals in the inception stage. The companies were initially made aware of the different issues and the plausible issues. These were overlooked in the process. The second important factors were the lack of ownership and accountability in the Potter Bar. The reason was the inefficient inspection regime showing a lack of competent design and the lack of safety requirements. The companies need must have factored the different goal risks and develop an agenda to meet the requirements of all the stakeholders involved in the process. The Network Rail paid less attention to the improvement of the network maintenance. This improved the environmental constrain and the theories of empowerment, nebulous communication and cause decrease effect of the supervision that gave rise to the poor effect of the communication. There was recommendation that was proposed to reduce the emergency of the risk and find ways to prevent such infrastructure issues. Added to this, the company needs to increase the process of accountability and transparency of the process. The company needs to increase the continual process improvement to improve all the process.

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美国论文代写-潘多拉珠宝行业的增长。据推测,有三种类型的消费者推动了潘多拉等珠宝行业的增长。第一类消费者是新货币消费者。与偏爱传家宝和其他形式的财产首饰的老钱消费者相比,新钱消费者推动了一种购买首饰来炫耀财富的潮流。其次,即使是在老的金钱消费者中,也有新的趋势,因为年轻人希望品牌帮助他们表达自己。最后,喜欢以更稳定的速度购买珠宝的消费者只是在提升他们的生活方式。麦肯锡的报告观察到,卡地亚(Cartier & Tiffany & Co)和潘多拉(Pandora)等许多老牌品牌的增长主要得益于这些形式的增长驱动。在未来,潘多拉的成长机会将在于迪奥、爱马仕、路易威登等高端时尚品类的创新。引入此类高端类别的珠宝系列似乎会推动该品牌。但是,在负担能力和模仿国际竞争方面也提出了挑战。接下来论文范文美国论文代写-潘多拉珠宝行业的增长分享给留学生阅读。

The key chapters including the introduction and hypothesis chapter, the literature review, the methodology chapter, the data and discussions and the conclusion chapter followed by a separate recommendations chapter for Pandora. The topic analyzed and discussed comes from international competition.
The introduction chapter will present the hypothesis that why the researcher believes Pandora Jeweller is on an international scale could face failure over the years. The individual hypothesis will be linked to different theories. There are dependent variables based on which the independent variable of sales rate will be presented. These dependent variables are affordability in nations, income of people in different nations, etc. Some countries might consider the jeweller affordable and others might have a lower affordability rate. Hence, the sales rate will improve or decimate according to the affordability increase or decrease. Equally, hypothesis based on operational variables like level of fake jeweller, the propensity for imitation etc. could be used to create better hypothesis. A more detailed literature review will be necessary to structure the hypothesis better.

Three types of consumers are supposedly driving the growth in jewellery segments like Pandora. The first type of consumer is the new money consumers. The new money consumers drive a trend to buy jewellery to show off their wealth compared to the old money consumer who might prefer family heirlooms and other forms of estate jewellery. Secondly, even in the old money consumers, there are newer trends being created because of the young adult segments who want brands to help them to express themselves. Finally, consumers who prefer purchasing jewellery at a more stable pace are just upgrading their lifestyle . Much of the established brands such as Cartier & Tiffany & Co & Pandora are observed in the McKinsey report which grew mainly because of these forms of drivers of growth. In future, it is expected that opportunities for Pandora’s growth would lie in innovating with such high end fashion categories such as Dior, Hermes and Louis Vuitton etc. Jewellery collections introduced with such high-end categories would seem to drive the brand (Dauriz et al., 2014). However, challenges are introduced with respect to affordability and imitations in international competition .

有关论文范文美国论文代写-潘多拉珠宝行业的增长就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,美国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且硕士论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有美国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


博士论文代写-定量研究方法。定量研究方法是一种以数据收集和分析为重点,以可量化的形式为重点的研究方法。如Blaxter et al.(1996)所述,定量研究关注的是本质上是数值的数据分析,以及可以收集到的与特定事实相关的数据分析。目前的研究试图了解在用户原创内容的背景下,YouTube对消费者态度和购买行为意向的不同因果关系。该研究满足以下典型定量研究的质量。当相关关系被检查时,寻找数据的事实确实是可以量化的。接下来论文范文博士论文代写-定量研究方法分享给留学生阅读。

The quantitative research methodology has been used here. The quantitative research methodology is one that is focused on data collection and analysis with focus on the quantifiable forms . As Blaxter et al. (1996) present, quantitative research concerns itself with data analysis that is numerical in nature and that which can be collected pertaining to specific facts. The current research seeks to understand different causal relations in the context of UGC with respect to YouTube that has an impact on consumer attitude and behavioural intentions towards purchase. The research satisfies the qualities of a typical quantitative research such as the following. The facts for which data is sought are indeed quantifiable as correlations are checked.
This research is deductive in nature. A deductive research is one where the theory will be tested by means of hypothesis development. The current work makes use of this hypothesis development. The deductive approach will not concern itself with any new emerging trends from data sets, but merely collect and make use of the data sets for proving the hypothesis . This form of hypothesis proving approach is useful for generalizations. However, an important limitation of quantitative research is that the testing of theories is useful for proving them, but they cannot be improved. Improvement happens only when the research is open for criticism and can include subjective and objective opinions; however, this occurs only in qualitative research (Punch, 2013; Fellows, and Liu, 2015). For instance, in the current work, the existing theory on a subject is tested and for this purpose answers on questions related to the subject of investigation is obtained from the participants, however participant answers in themselves are not collected in an open style, so as to suggest improvements for the theory being tested.

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論文代寫推薦-新好萊塢的時期。新電影工業的成功在於其獨特性和自由性。然而,舊的電影制片廠制度卻沒有這些東西。控制權在生產者手中。新好萊塢可以為電影的新市場做出貢獻,並生產出許多大片,包括暴力、性和所有這些在制作代碼中被禁止的東西。新好萊塢是一個非常複雜的時期,與經濟、技術和美學因素交織在一起(Schatz, 2004)。美國電影工業在1969年至1973年期間采取了反制措施,使觀眾重返影院。那時出現了多廳影院,電影院的屏幕更寬,制作電影的預算也更大。這是通向新好萊塢的新途徑。經典的電影制作時期告訴我們,電影不能孤立地制作。它需要經濟、技術和工業因素的支持(Shiel, 2006)。因此,新好萊塢被認為是新的,因為它承認這些不同因素的重要性。接下來論文范文論文代寫推薦-新好萊塢的時期分享給留學生閱讀。

The new rating system established for the films stated that directors could shoot the scene according to their wish and in certain ways, but it had resulted in film receiving the R rating rather than M rating . Films could be released and audiences were allowed to watch them. The rating system provided the new creative freedom to the film directors. Film industry was able to target the young audiences . Plenty of the things were new about the Hollywood Renaissance, which became the significant reason for the evolution of the term “New Hollywood”. The newness about the new Hollywood film makers was that some of them did not even have the knowledge about script writing (like Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow) and technical knowledge about direction, yet they wrote and directed what they wanted to see.

The success of the new film industry lay in their uniqueness and freedom. Nevertheless, the old studio system lacked all such things. Control was in the hands of the producers. The new Hollywood can contribute to new market of films and produce many block buster movies including violence, sex and every such thing that was banned under the Production Code. The New Hollywood was a very complex period that was intertwined with economic, technological, and aesthetic factors (Schatz, 2004). The American film industry during the period of 1969 to 1973 used the counter measures to drive the audiences back to the theatres. Multiplex cinema had emerged, cinemas had wider screens, and the films were made with bigger budgets. This was the new approach to New Hollywood. The classical film making period has taught that films can’t be made in isolation. It requires the support of economic, technological, and industrial factors (Shiel, 2006). Therefore, New Hollywood is considered as new for it acknowledged the importance of these different factors.

New Hollywood can also be regarded as the space that allowed the independent and alternative cinema to survive in America. The “New Hollywood” filmmaking of the late 1960s and 1970s been considered “new” due to the new generation of the film makers, writers, directors, and executives introduced (Corrigan, 2007). New Hollywood also brought many new changes in the concept and technology of film making, which significantly replaced the old studio system.

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