
美国essay代写-硅谷的共享经济发展。自成立以来的七年里,硅谷的共享经济巨头优步已经成为世界上价值最高的私营公司之一。2009年,这家公司一开始就有一个令人难以置信的商业想法和理解。在过去的几年里,技术发展迅速,支持公司在500多个城市开展业务活动。优步的收入为108亿美元,许多预测表明,共享经济有潜力在未来几年增加全球收入。另一方面,另一个美国共享经济巨头Airbnb,在过去八年的运营中已经超越了酒店或酒店服务行业的同行,成为硅谷家喻户晓的名字(Williams, 2009)。截至目前,该公司拥有1000万名客人,在全球范围内拥有55万套挂牌房产,获得了7.764亿美元的投资。接下来论文范文美国essay代写-硅谷的共享经济分享给留学生阅读。

The information about the selected company’s business models, their individual strategies regarding their individual sustainability have been mentioned based on the traditional firms and the sharing economy firms. in In the later part of the report, the discussions of analyzing the particular global entry mode as well as their individual strategies, individual internal and external strengths and limitations have been emerged by following the business models and strategies (Cravens and Piercy, 2013).

In seven successful years since its inception, the Silicon Valley’s sharing economy giant Uber has become one of the highest value private companies in the world. The company had started in the year 2009 with an implausible business idea and understanding. Over the past years, technology has grown rapidly and has supported the company to operate its business activities in over 500 cities. Uber has revenue of 10.8 billion US dollar, and many projections have shown that the sharing economy has the potential to increase the global revenue in the coming years.
On the other hand, another United States sharing economy giant, Airbnb, over the eight years of operation has surpassed its peers in the hotel or hospitality service industry and has become a household name in the Silicon Valley (Williams, 2009). As of now, the company had 10 million guests, as well as 550,000 listed properties worldwide and had received 7776.4-million-dollar investment.
Nearly one-fifth of Americans partake in sharing economic activities as the concept is a convenience, as well as cost saving. People all across the globe has participated in sharing the economy by hiring or renting cars, lodging in hotels and with many more activities. According to the market experts, the success story of the sharing economy will not end here, and they suggested that sharing economy is globally expanding to touch companies, consumers, employees and employers across the world. The sharing economy looks to stay in coming years, and experts predict that sharing giants like Uber or Airbnb will be in business operation even in 2050 (Winer and Dhar, 2014). The sharing economy has the potential to long-run economic value for the companies operating as sharing economy. Uber or Airbnb has utilizes the technology to provide services their customers on time.

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論文代寫價格-氣候變化對美國糧食生產的影響。氣候變化的影響已經改變了美國糧食生產的動態。氣候變化的代價是世界GDP的1%,它給國家造成了萬億美元的損失。碳密集型經濟導致全球GDP下降。人們越來越關注在他們的食品生產中使用有害的化學物質,這可以作為一個有說服力的因素,使銷售給人們。越來越多的家庭開始擔心食品安全和反式脂肪在食品生產中的使用。這些將是促進增長的重要因素。影響銷量的下一個因素是人口老齡化。他們需要確保他們有一個健康的生活(Schaper, 2016)。在這種模式下,他們必須食用有助於提高生活質量的食物。新鮮農產品將受到這一人口統計學的歡迎。接下來論文范文論文代寫價格-氣候變化對美國糧食生產的影響分享給留學生閱讀。

he impact of climate change has changed the dynamics of food production in the states. The Climate change is found to cost 1% of world GDP and it causes the trillion dollar losses for the nation. The carbon-intensive economy causes the world to have a reduced GDP. The people are growing increasingly concerned about the use of harmful chemicals in their food production this can be used as a persuasive factor to make the sales to the people.

Increasing number of families is worried about the safety of the food and the use of trans fat in the food production. These will be an important factor that promotes the growth.

The next factor that would influence the sales is the ageing population. They need to ensure that they have a healthy life (Schaper, 2016). In this schema, they must consume foods that add towards improving the quality of life. Fresh produce will be welcomed by this demography.

The people are brand conscious there is a need for a considerable amount of time to ensure that the brand is built for the people. This is an important factor that would take time to build. The people are aware of the changing dynamics of the food industry. They are essentially looking for food that is not processed and ensure that there is safety maintained. They want foods that are cheap and have high nutritional value. The people respect the local producers and prefer to have fresh foods that they can cook. These are important factors that must be considered in this analogy. This business model would be in cohesion with these emotional content of the business (Schaper, 2016).

There is a growing population that prefers their foods to be delivered. The rise in the middle class has caused the people to focus on the ways to look for alternative ways to eat. The rise of the food serving apps has caused the people to look for newer ways to connect with the target demography. These could be possible impediments to the process. Added to this, there is the rise in technology that has caused numerous disruptive technologies to be introduced in the markets. These technology developments are detailed in the following section.

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To develop the Solvay branding to be positive, Solvay has to create technology and social media to communicate with the employer brands. There are integrated efforts and synchronization of the social media channels that are used for the reflection of the progressive culture of the company. In this process of employer branding, the company can miss out on certain basic tenets. These tenets are found to be dynamic. They change based on the externalities of the situation. They are used for the creation of white spaces and enabled in the gap analysis. The skills of the existing employees and the turning of the digital content are used for the dissemination of the news to the masses.

The recruitment contract is the process where the company is able to meet the demands of the situation and identify the appropriate person for the job. This is the reason for them to consider the internal employees. They are aware of the basic culture that is needed for the substance of the job. The external candidates are selected based on how they are closely aligned to the culture of the company.On an average, it is assumed that businesses would spend around 5,433 Euros on logical structuring of the interview. These are logistical costs. Hiring of temporary worker before the replacement will be anywhere from 3,618 Euros and management time for interview could cost around 767 Euros and using a recruitment agency can cost some extras based on the form of agency, their years of experience, the form of tools and technologies they use of recruitment etc.

The social media is used as the main portal for the developing of these brands. Solvay needs to use newer media to address the needs of the broad audiences. There must be clear branding messages that are needed for the recruitment process. In this schema, finally, there is the creation of the company culture . The appropriate culture is developed to meet the external requirements of the situation. Solvay needs to have a strong culture to build a brand. The company that does not focus on the employee culture cannot sustain in the current dynamics and hence it is necessary for Solvay to present its work culture, its culture of safety and more in an efficient manner. These are some of the ways in which Solvay can try to develop their brand image to the relevant stakeholders which are the potential new recruits for the company.

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