

Every person has creativity in them. The strong creative thinking abilities are required to promote lifelong creativity. Creativity is important for innovation, problem solving, and creating new levels of learning. Creativity requires thinking about oneself. It individuals are confident about themselves and their decision, then they would be able to enhance their creative skills. Creativity takes the individual to a different world, where a person thinks about every problem differently. With creativity, people use creative problem solving approach, which also improves the societal environment. Creativity also improves attention and cognitive skills in students. When imaginations are encouraged, they give birth to creativity. This is also very important for the society, as creative people can help in solving more problems. Thinking creatively is very important in 21st century, and this is because it also encourages mathematical and scientific thinking. Creative thinking involves communication, clarity, problem-solving, finding solutions, implementations of solutions and also promotes learning skill enhancement.

The quality of the student-teacher relationship could be very successful in encouraging children to become active learners. Creativity can be promoted and encouraged by positive relationship among students and teachers. The overall development of students in schools and colleges not only depends on education or learning, but it also depends on positive relationship among student and teachers. If a teacher is able to create a responsive environment in the classroom, then students are more encouraged to share their creative ideas.

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. When the educational system of America was in the crisis, this kind of argument was emphasized. This movement is taking place over the last few years. This is an educational approach, which is used as an access point for guiding the students towards critical thinking and creativity. The student using this educational approach are taking thoughtful risks, involve in problem solving, engage themselves in experimental learning as we all work through creative process (What is STEAM, 2016).
21st Century Skills: The 21st century skills include innovation and creativity in the curriculum, with a comprehensive set of frameworks. The 21st century skills are mainly defined as, thinking creatively (with the use of various creation techniques), working creatively in collaboration with others (implementing and communication new ideas with others), and implementing innovation (acting on the creative ideas and contributing in the field, where it is required).

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T-testing tool is applied for determining the effects of consumer ages on customer satisfaction. The reason is the assumption of a substantiating amount of influence of age group over the satisfaction level. Therefore, the T-test known to verify the relationship between the mean figures of the variables has been conducted. The Pearson correlation states the level of relationship between variables. If the result shows positive value, it means that the variables have a positive relationship, which furthermore describes that if one variable increase in value, the other will also increase. On the other hand, the negative value depicts the opposite relationship among the variables. The value has come as -0.0073, approximately, which describes that both the variable has opposite relationship or nil relationship. The two-tailed P value is actually the result of the test and it is below the accepted figure of 1.965 at 95% confidence level. Therefore, it does not fall in the critical region, which has supported the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis has been set out as no significance of customer satisfaction over different age group. Thus, it can be said that on the basis of the computation, it is found that the significance is nil hence the alternative has been discarded.
Therefore, it is necessary for the company to meet satisfaction level for all age group customers for better preference level. Along with this, the company will need to have sufficient level of equipments for proper service to customer’s (Trkman, 2010). Along with this, distribution problem would need to mitigate for better customer satisfaction. Moreover, the company would need to provide proper training and need to hire more skilled labours for technical operations.
Satisfaction of the customers based on time of response and rewards of loyalty:
Null Hypothesis (H0): The degree of consumer satisfaction does not imply variations with respect to fall in time of responses and the reward program of loyalty in organisational context
Alternate Hypothesis (H1): The degree of consumer satisfaction implies significant variations with respect to fall in time of responses and the reward program of loyalty in organisational context

论文范文美国代写-消费者年龄对顾客满意度的影响就为留学生分享到这里。美国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Healthy relations between investors and spa operators: As of 2014, there were healthy relations between investors and spa operators . However, as per the new trend, there are new investors into the market and interested to put in their capital in the spa business by having realistic expectations about the return on the investments. There is an increasing sync between what investors and spa operators need. Their key goal remains to build clientele and satisfy them by providing outstanding services.

These trends will be responsible to shape and redefine the resort and spa management industry. However, there are numerous benefits related to these trends. One of the benefits is high productivity. These trends will help spa operators to become more productive and providing highly satisfying services to the consumers (McNeil & Ragins, 2015). Also, these trends will develop awareness among the consumers to use the spa services as a health prevention measure instead of a luxury.

This essay clearly indicates that spa and resort management industry is booming and paving a way for efficient trends to rise effectively. It is crucial to cope with the challenges in the industry to encourage the growth. The spa operators are needed to take various initiatives to reduce the price of the services, encourage the young users and market the spa services as a primary need instead of just luxury services. Also, it is required that the spa operators develop efficient orientation programs for the adults as well as young users to bring awareness about the use of spa services in daily life. The essay has also discussed five key trends prevailing in the resort and management industry. These trends indicate that the resort and spa industry is driving towards meeting the challenges faced by it an effective manner. The spa operators are taking modern methods to address the challenges. It is also indicated that the customers now-a-days are interested in bringing more health and wellness services. Therefore, the essay has effectively shed light on the rapid growth of the resort and management industry.

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