




条款和条件是否可以理解为合同正本的不同?口头证据规则应用在这种语境认为合同(口头的意图,否则precontractual含义和)是减少书面形式,那么它就不可能承认任何形式,增加了它的证据,减去从或变化从原来的写作。它源自于Goss v Lord Nugent(1833)和悉尼v Taylor(1891)的商业银行,它被认为是协议的标准证明。


The significance of the Parol evidence rule is that it protects the integrity of the contracts. Contracts are usually entered by two parties with the view of fulfilling the terms of the contract and not for breaching it. An intention of benefit exists for both parties and when this is not fulfilled, then the parties can be said to have suffered a loss. A party to the contract could claim that they breached the contract only because the original terms and conditions did not reflect their intentions correctly. Nevertheless, as a general understanding in written contracts, what is down in writing needs to be amended for the party to meet their true intentions.

Can the terms and conditions be understood different to the original writing up of the contract? The Parol evidence rule applied in such contexts hold that where a contract (verbal intentions, precontractual meanings and otherwise) is reduced to a written form, then it would not be possible to admit evidence of any form that adds to it, subtracts from it or varies it from its original writing. It originated in the Goss v Lord Nugent (1833) and the Mercantile Bank of Sydney v Taylor (1891) case was where it was accepted as standard proof of agreement.