


沃伦·巴菲特是伯克希尔哈撒韦集团的首席执行官。他被认为是社会上最强大的商业领袖之一。他现年85岁,对如何在企业中有效管理员工提出了各种见解。他的领导风格详细说明如下。他将责任分配给员工,并确保他们遵循流程。他们管理人员或资源的方式没有微观管理。他们被赋予经营业务的自主权。如果个别管理人员选择寻求指导,则会提供指导。在这个过程中保持了良好的平衡(Kinsley, and Clarke, 2009)。对于这种自助餐式的建议是,各个公司要招聘合适的人才。他们应该雇佣合适的人员并分配责任。这将确保工作人员达到所需的指标。巴菲特开创了一个好经理的先例。他向人们灌输保持道德规范和正直的重要性。员工的道德行为准则很重要。

在这一过程中保持了透明度和责任制,并向员工提供了培训,以满足形势的动态要求。这些培训模块的设计方式使员工保持竞争力。制定员工目标是为了与公司的目标保持一致。这在公司内部培养了一种学习环境。在员工内部保持有效的沟通。他们确保员工和公司的财务承诺是已知的。在这个场景中,任何缺点或漏洞都将得到解决(Kinsley, and Clarke, 2009)。巴菲特提倡自由放任的领导风格。由于这一点,工人有了更多的自主权。在这种制度下,工人有可能做出不利于公司的管理决策。可能会有风险投资和更多的管理风格的问题。个人的管理风格会影响公司。这是对社会中自助餐式领导的批评,可以说是一种软弱。


Warren Buffet is the CEO of Berkshire and Hathway group. He is considered to be one of the strongest business leaders in the society. He is 85 years old and has provided various insights as to how people can be effectively managed in the corporations. His style of leadership is explained in detail in the following. He allocates responsibilities to the people and ensures that they follow the processes. There is no micro managing of the ways in which they manage people or resources. They are given autonomy to conduct business operations. Guidance for the individual managers is provided if they choose to seek guidance. A fine balance is maintained in this process (Kinsley, and Clarke, 2009). For this Buffet advice is that the individual companies to hire the right kind of personnel. They should hire the right personnel and allocate responsibility. This would ensure that the personnel meet the required targets. Buffet sets the precedent for a good manager. He instils in people the need to maintain ethics and importance of integrity. There is a lot of importance given to the ethical code of conduct of the employees.

Transparency and accountability are maintained in the process and training is provided to the employees in order to meet the dynamic requirements of the situation. These training modules are designed in a way that the employees remain competitive. Employee goals are made to align with the goals of the company. This fosters a learning environment within the companies. Effective communication is maintained within the employees. They ensure that the employees and the financial commitments of the company are known. Any shortcomings or vulnerabilities are addressed in this scenario (Kinsley, and Clarke, 2009).Buffet is a proponent of laissez-faire leadership style. Owing to this there is a lot more autonomy given to the workers. In this system it is possible for the workers to take management decisions that are detrimental to the company. There can be risky investments and more issues to the management style. Individual managerial style reflects upon the company. This is the criticism for Buffet type of leadership in the societies, and it can be considered as a weakness.