


在这些因素的推动下,必须对风险进行积极的管理。在实施和计划阶段的每个团队都应该调查在关键活动中面临的一些风险(Jago et al. 2010)。这些风险包括与财务、运营、责任、基于声誉的风险和业务中断有关的风险,以及风险的主动管理和缓解。风险管理的活动范围从采用更严格的安全程序,以便通过保险从第三方转移风险。公私合营企业存在着东道国政府财政风险抵销的倾向。最先进的健康设施对游客在大型活动中的整体体验起着至关重要的作用。

大多数游客可能不认为它们重要,但在他们中大多数人确认它的存在时,放心。在大多数赛事中,特别是与体育赛事相关的赛事中,医疗设施的需求都是巨大的。一个重要的例子是,2004年雅典夏季奥运会结束时,发生了超过1万起健康事故,其中大多数发生在离比赛场地更近的地方(Jago et al. 2010)。对医疗保健需求的增加与一个大型项目有关——甚至众所周知,在未来几年,东道国地区和城市在建设诊所和医院、为其所在地区提供足够好的服务方面提供了重大机遇。


Moving ahead with the factors, there must be a proactive management of risks. Each and every team in the phase of implementation and planning should investigate a number of risks that are faced in the key activities (Jago et al. 2010). These include the ones related to finance, operations, liability, reputation based risks and interruption of business, and the active management and mitigation of risks. The activities of risk management will range from the introduction of tighter procedures of safety in order to transfer risk via insurance from third party. Public private based partnership hold the tendency of offsetting risks of finance faced by host governments. State-of-the-art facilities of health play an essential role in the overall experience of visitors at a mega- event.

Majority of the visitor may not consider them important but the reassurance among most of them when acknowledging its presence. In majority of the events, especially related to sporting events, facilities of healthcare are known to have huge demand. As a significant example, the Summer Olympics of 2004 in Athens ended up experiencing more than 10,000 incidents of health, majority of them being within the closer proximity of the event sites (Jago et al. 2010). The increased level of demand for healthcare in relation with a mega- even is known to present significant opportunity for host regions and cities in building clinics and hospitals serving their areas sufficiently well in the years to come.