


Galper(2015)提供的另一个有用的建议是,用你希望被对待的方式对待买家。我发现,与那些向你提供大量产品相关信息的销售商打交道,并不是什么吸引人的事情。我认为更好的方法是为买家提供足够的空间去获取关于产品的信息,而不需要在购买后感到压力。简报中提供了一个例子,通过排除与产品价格相关的信息,使直销互动变得愉快。本法案已与买方沟通,卖方仅打算展示产品演示,且他们可以放心观看演示,而无需在现场购买(解锁游戏,n.d.)。当一个人在社交聚会(如聚会)中从事直销时,这种方法很有效。在不被判断为不购买的情况下查看演示,使销售交互成为基于信任的交互。Galper (n.d.c.)进一步指出,使用标准脚本拨打直销销售电话是没有人情味的,因此获得成功销售交易的机会较低。
Galper (n.d.c.)鼓励销售人员用更自然的交流流程来代替销售脚本,这可能使与潜在买家的互动更加非正式。谈话的重点应该是解决买方的问题,而不是强调购买的想法和传统风格的销售推销(Galper, 2015)。同样的事务性销售方法也可以在课堂环境中用于销售我的想法。例如,在一个小组项目中,我可以使用说服策略来鼓励小组成员采纳我的想法和对项目的关注。以信任为基础的课堂销售也是有益的。例如,在冲突中,我可以要求对方分享他们的担忧,并传达我努力解决这些问题的意愿。我不会告诉他们我自己的需求,而是专注于他们在另一方创造信任和灵活性的需求,并推进双方都同意的解决方案。


Another helpful tip that Galper (2015) has provided is treating the buyers in the same manner as you would like to be treated. Cold calls that involve dealing with sellers who bombard you with product related information is not something I find appealing. I think a better approach is to provide the buyers with enough space to gain information about the product without feeling the pressure to make a purchase afterwards (Unlock the Game, n.d). An example has been provided in the newsletter, where a direct selling interaction was made pleasant by excluding the price related information of the product. This act has communicated with the buyers that the seller only intends to show the demo of the product and they can feel comfortable to watch the demo without feeling the need to buy it at the spot (Unlock the Game, n.d). This technique works well when a person engages in direct sales during a social gathering such as a party. Looking at the demo without being judged for not buying makes the sales interaction a trust based one. Galper (n.d.c) has further stated that using the standard script for making sales call for direct selling is impersonal, thus having lower chances of landing a successful sales transaction.
Galper (n.d.c) has encouraged the sales people to replace the sales script with a more natural flow of communication which is likely to make the interaction with potential buyers more informal. The focus of the conversation should be on solving the issues of the buyer, instead of emphasizing the idea of making a purchase and making traditional style sales pitch (Galper, 2015).The same transactional selling approach can be used in classroom context for selling my ideas. For example, while working in a group project, I can use persuasion tactics to encourage the group members to adopt my ideas and focus for the project. The trust based selling in case of classroom is also beneficial. For instance, during a conflict I can ask the other party to share their apprehensions and communicate my willingness to strive to resolve these issues. Instead of telling them about my own needs, I will focus on their needs to create trust and flexibility in the other partyand go ahead with the mutually agreed solution.