


在广告中有各种各样的技巧。广告主可以使用不同的元素来产生明显的效果。其中一些技巧包括引用、模仿和典故的使用。引文可以定义为一种语言现象,它包括在一篇文章、一本书或其他形式中使用的口语或书面语,在使用时没有改变。引用的一个例子是“温柔的爱我,真诚的爱我”在化妆品广告中的运用。《温柔的爱我,真实的爱我》这首歌的歌词打动了读者,广告很快得到了回应(Conradie, 2012)。这句话与广告的意思和意图有关。另一个例子是“快速缓解心痛药”的广告。同样的引语是“患难见真情”。利用这句流行的谚语,广告试图传达这样的信息:药物可以把你从痛苦中拯救出来,你可以成为一个值得信赖的朋友。因此,互文性的使用给观众带来了亲切和可信的感觉。
使用互文性在广告的另一个例子是使用报价“笔比剑更强大的和一些钢笔比别人强”吸引了大量的人,它调用的意识书写工具派克笔,它指定公园笔比其他人好。互文性的另一个概念是仿拟的使用,它包括在创作中对他人词语的复制和模仿。因此,它可以是夸张或模仿另一个声音,以创造一个幽默的影响(宾,2002)。在这一过程中,通过改变原始语源的一些或其他部分,包括添加或删除一些单词或不同单词的组合,产生新的表达或单词。它是广告中最常用的技术。在与本田汽车有关的广告中描述了一个使用仿拟的例子。广告使用了一个互文性相关的元素“Home sweet Home”。在这个例子中,广告是通过让观众相信当他们坐在本田汽车里的时候,他们会觉得很舒服,就像他们在家里一样(Kuppens, 2009)。“甜蜜之家”足以产生互文性元素。


There are different kinds of techniques which are used in advertisements. The advertisers can use different kinds of elements in order to product a noticeable effect. Some of these techniques include the use of quotation, parody and allusion. Quotations may be defined as the phenomenon of the language which includes spoken or written words used in a passage, a book or in other forms and are not changed when used. An example of the use of quotation is the use of “Love me tender, love me true” in the use of the advertisement of Cosmetics Ludanlan. The quotation of the song “Love me tender, love me true” touched the readers and there was a quick response to the advertisement (Conradie, 2012). The quotation is linked to the meaning of the advertisement and its intention. Another example is the advertisement of ‘Quick Heartache Reliever’. The quotation used in the same is ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’. With the use of this popular proverb, the advertisement tries to convey that the medicine is available to rescue you from the pain and can be a trustworthy friend. Thus, the use of intertextuality brings the feelings of kindness and credibility among the viewers.
Another example of the use of intertextuality in advertisement is the use of quotation “The pen is mightier than the sword and some pens are mightier than others” appeals a large number of people and it invokes the awareness of writing instrument parker pen and it specifies that park pen is better than the others. Another notion of intertextuality is the use of parody which includes the process of copying of others words and imitating the same in one’s creation. Thus, it can be exaggeration or the mimicker of another voice in order to create a humorous impact (Bin, 2002). In this process, new expressions or words are generated by the changing of some or the other parts of the original sources including the addition or removal of some of the words or the combinations of different words. It is most commonly used technique in advertising.An example of the use of parody is depicted in the advertisement related to Honda Car. The advertisement uses an intertextuality related element “Home sweet home”. In this example, an advertisement is promoted by making the viewer’s believe that when they sit in Honda car, they feel so comfortable as if they are in their home (Kuppens, 2009). The ‘Home Sweet Home’ is sufficient enough to generate an intertextuality element.