


这药的名字,Tono Bungay也代表了小说描绘的很科幻的基础,社会中的人更喜欢按照标题。不论什么样的Tono Bungay却暗示或意味着什么,很明显是通过小说这种药物是不健康的人,它会造成长期的危害。科学的发展,从观点到赚钱只会导致整个社会的角度消失,反过来又改变社会的展望(威尔斯19)。小说中另一个科幻元素在于提倡在小说其中H.G. Wells放射性元素试图描述的伤害,这一发现从长远来看会导致。作者通过乔治不断提醒读者,药物(Tono Bungay)会破坏健康的个体。这个企业大亨,从这个角度看是支付了大量通过世界非理性及其验收(威尔斯19)。然而随着时间的推移,爱德华叔叔开始期待自然,他和他的妻子现在的上流社会成员越梦想骑士继续统治他们通过非法毒品。一种新的文化身份是由Uncle Edward和他认为自己是一个艺术为基础的靠山。然而,在小说中,作者已经改变了几个关键。这些不同的键添加到推测的真实性质和观点,小说不断添加到读者的角度来看。笔者一直试图延长他的音调和世界展示新时代画报在远野邦吉是过去世界的一个小的改进。这描绘了未来科幻小说为基础的现实。


The name of the medicine, Tono-Bungay also represents the title of the novel depicting the very science fiction basis that people in the society do prefer to follow. Disregarding what Tono-Bungay actually implies or what it means, it becomes evident through the novel that the drug is not healthy for people and it will cause them long term based harm. The development of science from perspectives to earn money only results in fading the entire society’s perspective and in turn changing the outlook of the society (Wells 19). Another scientific fiction element in the novel lies in advocating the radioactivity element in the novel wherein H.G. Wells has tried to describe the harm that this discovery in the long run will cause. The author through George also consistently reminds the reader that the drug (Tono-Bungay) will destroy health of individuals. This corporate mogul, from this perspective is paid large amount through world irrationality and acceptance of the same (Wells 19). Uncle Edward however with time starts expecting naturally that he and his wife are now higher members of the high class society and dreaming of knighthood continue to reign through their illegal drugs. A new cultural identity is taken up by Uncle Edward and he considers himself an art based patron. Throughout the novel however several keys have been changed by the author. These various keys have added to speculate the real nature and perspective that the novel is consistently adding to the reader’s perspective. The author consistently tried to elongate his pitch and show the world that the new age illustrated in Tono-Bungay is a slighter improvement over the previous world. This depicts futuristic science fiction based reality.
Wells throughout his novel in a consistent manner tries to underscore the ambivalent feelings of George on the Blades-over vanishing traditions. Even though the authors and the characters have rejected properly the entrenched prejudice of class, there still exists something there which can admire the nobility of ancient times. It does not make much sense to imagine that finances are what make a person highly valuable in the society and if he does not have much then their does not exist much respect for him in the society.