

在所有行业中,只有很少的组织能够通过客户忠诚地选择并通过涉众以协作的方式培养。阿迪达斯就是这样一个组织(Epstein et al., 2014)。阿迪达斯集团旗下的品牌是这样的,它们补充了该公司所提倡的做法和规定。在每一个领域,公司都有一个正确定义的框架,即使在竞争激烈的环境中,也能将公司引导向积极的发展方向(McDonagh et al., 2014)。这篇论文是阿迪达斯的可持续发展报告,关注的是它的各个方面和管理的每一个方面。assignment代写-阿迪达斯的可持续发展报告和2014年财务年度报告的视角,分别对财务绩效、社会绩效和环境绩效进行了探讨。进一步深入探讨了2014年公司所受到的各种社会影响、环境影响和财务影响。阿迪达斯是一个成功的组织,在各个领域都留下了自己的领导足迹(Mathur et al., 2014)。我们需要探索其创新和独特的管理技术,以便深入了解通过阿迪达斯集团(Adidas Group)等可持续丰富的组织可以带来哪些差异。

Sustained pressure of pricing is also another essential market of the Group which can in turn threaten the company’s profitability development and sales. Aggressive practices competitively can further indulge in driving enhancement in costs of marketing and losses for market share (Mathur et al., 2014). This henceforth results in hurting the market position and profit making ability in the Group. For mitigating the risks of competition, it is essential for continuously monitoring and analysing information from competitors and market data to have the ability of anticipating changes that are unfavourable within the environment of higher competition instead of reacting to these changes (Epstein et al., 2014). This allows Adidas with a proactive way to adjust the sales activities and marketing when require. The company further has pursued a strategy to enter into agreements of long term with essential partners for promotion such as FC Bayern Munich, FIFA or Messi along with addition of newer partners for refreshing and diversifying the portfolios such as UFC, James Rodriguez and Manchester United. Additionally, the product and initiatives of communication are designed for driving growth in market share and for strengthening the position of the brand in the market. Also, the group understands that it operates in a competitive environment with much dynamic ability and fast changing arena (McDonagh et al., 2014). Henceforth, flexibility in organization and the ability of adapting in a quick manner to newer circumstances competitively are essential for remaining successful. A complicated structure in organization and roles of unclear nature across the company can lead towards sub-optimal formulation of decisions, inefficient processes and high costs. Therefore, the company engages more in financial management efficiently.

The organization further acknowledges that an essential role is played by organizations when indulging in promotion and respect of human rights. The company further states that even though each individual’s rights and freedoms require respect, workers who are migrants, children and women represent the groups who are most vulnerable within the manufacturing industry of global apparel and footwear. Henceforth, the company has engages in measures of varied kind for the human rights protection. For example, the company considers it an essential priority to protect and promote the female factory workers rights making up total of 80 percent of the individuals employed through the partners for manufacturing (Annual report, 2014a). As several of such women have age reproductively, the company has also entered into local organization partnerships for development of guidance for the suppliers over the way in which reproductive female workers health can be improvised. Another example is the company’s long term collaboration with the Vietnam Marie Stopes international company and shares 2 year commitment for projection of suppliers training over various worker’s rights inclusive of women based non-discrimination.

The sustainability report of the company further depicts the awareness that the company has over the fact that cotton sourcing can involve child workers (Adidas Group, 2014a). Henceforth, the company indulged in joining an alliance of globalized investment makers, brands and organizations which are non-governmental for fighting against child labour backed by government within the region of Uzbekistan through the season of cotton picking. For supporting all such vulnerable groups, in the year 2014, the company also engaged in revising its third party mechanism for complaining that allowed all individuals having an issue to infringe over their rights so as to ensure the company has its focus over the same across the world. Through such ways, the company commits to human and social rights based fair and transparent handling and reporting.

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