


The Corporate Social responsibility is a way of business approach with a prime objective of welfare to the social and ecological aspects of the society. It is the act that an organization performs as a pay back or gratitude towards the society for the benefits and growth that it has attained in the business. CSR approach varies from organisation to organisation as every organisation has its own set of plans with regards to the problems it wants to address. There are organisations who participates in animal and wildlife conservation as there CSR activities, while some organisations contribute towards the awareness regarding any disease or education, lifestyle etc. Hence, it can be said that CSR activities are a vast area of study (Times, 2017).
The five pillars or commitments of BA:
To create sustainable and responsible communities: “Flying start” is a charitable partnership between BA and Comic Relief UK. Together, they work for the upliftment and development of underprivileged children.
To promote wellbeing and inclusion: BA provides health care services and programmes for its employees. The Early Active Rehabilitation (EAR) programme scheme, or the Access to an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) monitors counsels and supports the employee 24×7 in all 365 days.
To conduct business responsibly: BA encourages ethical culture in the work place. For example: BA ensures equal employment opportunities to individuals irrespective of their colour, race, religion and gender. Ba also ensures that the employees are ethical at work and they respond as per the code of conduct of the company. BA supports and provides maternity benefits its women employee. Timely salary and bonus etc. are among the best practices of BA.
To reduce British Airways’ environmental impact: With the use of minimum thrust for taking -off, the BA has reduced the NO2 from their entire active airlines. For dealing with lower NO2 emission, the flap from the angles of each of the aircraft has been reduced. By 2015, BA has reduced the average flight noise from each aircraft by 15%.
To reduce waste and improve recycling: By 2010, BA achieved its “zero waste on the landfill” and help in cleanliness airiness in airways industry. BA has installed phase 3 and 4 combustors in their all airplanes and is planning to install phase 5 in the near future. BA always invest in the new kind of Aircrafts as they use less fuel and help in power conservation (BritishAirways, 2017).

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