

assignment代写-NCPL人力资源管理的战略。NCPL人力资源管理的一个战略,鼓励合作和团队合作,而候选人是经过严格的筛选和技能测试。在职业发展方面,NCPL帮助自己增加了个人性格的活力,并教授了多项任务。公司提供了安全审核员培训。他们进行了严格的培训,提高了员工的软技能,而在筛选过程中,他们采用了员工的七点计划。根据Person, the specification of seven-point plan,一个理想的候选人应该表现出满足工作岗位的七个基本的明确属性:身体构成、造诣、一般智力、特殊才能、兴趣、性格和环境。

It was only after this rigorous screening procedure I was hired as the safety-officer. However, in the context of examining organisational politics power, it is essential to understand some core concepts related to the topic. Mc Clelland had suggested a ‘Two-face power’ model, which deals in the positive and negative aspects of power (Yusoff & Kian, 2013). The positive aspect of power seeks to empower others and self, while rendering other socialized needs. Negative facade of power is characterized by the unwanted domination and arrogance aspects of a human personality. Weber perceived organisational power as the potential of an actor’s intrinsic and social relationship. This power would lend him the capacity to carry out his will in spite of resistance. However, this proposition fell short of practical application, which was supplemented by French and Raven’s Five Sources of Power which are coercive power, legitimate power, reward power, referent power and expert power (Hunt & Nevin, 1974). Of the different types of organisational politics like creating obligations, managing impressions, cultivating networks, forming coalitions, controlling information, stigmatizing and creating obligations, NCPL follows coalition formation and network cultivation. Therefore, as a part of the organisational policy, as a safety programme auditor, I follow political and tactical behaviour to combat organisational politics for image building, prevent scapegoating, compromising, and negotiating to prevent being exploited or victimized by any situation.

Psychological Aspects

An individual personality is psychologically defined as the pattern of an individual’s emotional and rational working that defines the person’s way of relating to the external environment. As a part of the recruitment procedure, a psychometric application was performed to analyse my social and emotional potential. In terms of Carl Jung’s Personality Type theory, there are four essential personality types segregated based on practicality, conceptuality, gregariousness and creativity. Each set of characters are constituted of a personality pattern and in the personnel selection process, it is important to categorise the personality types based on the Jungian theory to harness the qualitative potentials of the candidates effectively (Jung, 2014). It is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that makes the practical application of the Jungian theory plausible. This indicator helps in scaling an individual’s personality based on the rating of personal preferences. In a business organisation, managers are ideally the individuals who have the potential of realising an individual’s strength and uniqueness and capitalise on the selected potential (Kolb, 1984). In the current study, we shall analyse the psychological domain in the context of determining the leadership skills and personality traits.

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