


非法大麻商店的存在,不断地要求人们与之对抗,因为它破坏了人民和国家的心态、行为和社会制度。Stimson(2010)通过这篇文章对公民反对大麻合法化的理由提出了明确的见解。这种大麻药物有健康风险,其次是经济风险。这是政府的一项糟糕的举措,如果合法化的话,这将是一项非生产性的公共政策。史汀生的这项研究相当有帮助,因为他详细阐述了科学的原因,并列举了对政府的负面影响。这些见解可能有助于更好地回答政府在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)担任总统期间组织的媒体宣传活动。




The existence of illegal pot shops is constantly requesting people to work against them as it ruins the mindsets, behaviours and social systems of the people and country. Stimson (2010) has given clear insights through this article on the reasons for citizens to voice against the legalization. This marijuana drug has a health risk followed by economic risk. It is a bad take by the government and can turn out to be an unproductive public policy if the legalization happens. This research by Stimson is rather helpful as he details scientific reasons and lists the negative impacts on the government. These insights could be of better help to answer to the media campaign organized by the government under the presidency of Donald Trump.

USA is currently working on the control of crimes. Morris et al. (2014) explained that the legalization of marijuana can only increase the crime rate of the country. The public health and safety will be at stake and criminalization can reach greater heights which will call for more number of parole officers to rehabilitate the prisoners. In addition to these problems, the authors have listed the statistical reports of situations and crime rates in the country before and after the marijuana legalization. This adds much value to the research as 60% of Americans have earlier voted in support of legalization with or without the knowledge of its implications. This process is now going to worsen the situation and the social policies of the state will be of no use.