


在这种利他主义行为中,一直有许多分析人士认为,个别国家的捐赠行为对援助和援助效果有很大的影响。在较大的人口统计中,对于接受援助的国家应该具备什么样的条件,存在着固有的困惑(Nowak, Sigmund. 562)。因此,向人民提供援助的行为带有互惠原则。这些条件符号是根据捐赠者和他们向人民提供的援助来解释的。互惠利他主义更清楚地定义了这些概念。这个概念最初是由Trivers提出的。在这些利他主义的概念中,预期接受方将由于他们所得到的好处而向另一方提供某种形式的互惠。它本质上是在这样一种情况下产生的,即接收方根据利他主义的规则被期望回报恩惠。这是一个复杂的动态过程,取决于每种情况。有必要从主观表征的角度分析这些模式(Collinson, & Elhawary 4),可以认为这是一种以牙还牙的行为,也可以看作是一种超前的观念。在各国内部,在提供援助和援助的过程中,已经吸收了一些基本的概念和战略。
在商业交易中,有固定的资产买卖。退货由买卖双方商定。这是一种形式,所以双方相互同意了解资源和资源的用途。在这些原则中,议程是清楚的。在互惠关系中并非如此。这是在情境中最初给予者实际给予他们的化身。这一理念与现代慈善理念产生了共鸣。国家、公司和个人实体在帮助他人的同时,也期待着某些互惠的因素。在这个过程中,感激、鼓励和模糊的信息交换概念也得到了促进。在人道主义援助的情况下,互惠是模糊的。这种模糊的观念是人们在这一过程中产生困惑的原因。在分析在紧急情况下帮助这些国家的国家,例如在海啸期间向斯里兰卡和印度提供援助时,有一种基本的概念是向人民提供某种形式的有条件的援助(Hyndman 26)。然而,并非所有形式的援助或援助都带有互惠性。即使它带有互惠性,所有参与运营的利益相关者都能从中获益。


In this acts of altruism, there has been many analysts who argue that donor practices of the individual countries strongly influence aid and the effectiveness of the aid. There is inherent confusion in the larger demographies as to what conditions to postulate with the countries receiving assistance (Nowak, Sigmund. 562). Hence, the acts of assistance that is provided to the people are laced with principles of reciprocity. Those conditional notations have been explained based on the donors and the assistance that they provide to the people. Reciprocal altruism defines these notions more lucidly. This concept was originally introduced by Trivers. In these notions of altruism, it is expected that the receiving party would provide some forms of reciprocity to the other owing to the benefits they receive. It is inherently created in situation where the receiving party is expected to return the favors based on the rules of altruism. This is a complex dynamics that is dependent on each situation. There is a need to analyses these patterns from subjective representation (Collinson, & Elhawary 4). It could be considered to be a tit for tat act or pay it forward notion. Within nations, there are an underlying notions and strategies that have been imbibed during this process of providing aid and assistance.
In commercial transactions, there is a fixed selling or buying of assets. The returns are agreed by the parties in the sale. This is a form so mutual agreement between the parties to understand about the resources and the utility of the resources. In these principles the agendas are known clearly. This is not the case in reciprocity. There is the embodiment that the original giver in the situation is actually giving them. This concept resonates with the modern day philanthropy ideologies. Countries, companies and individual entities help another person while expecting certain reciprocal elements. Gratitude, encouragement and the obscure notions of information exchange is also facilitated in this process. In the case of humanitarian assistance, the reciprocity is kind of nebulous. This hazy notion is the reason for the people to be perplexed in the process. On analysis of the nations who helped the countries during exigent circumstances such as providing aid to Srilanka and India during the times of tsunami there was an underlying notion of some form of conditional help that has been provided to the people (Hyndman 26). However, not all forms of assistance or aid are laced with reciprocity. Even if it is laced with reciprocity there is gain for all the stakeholders involved in the operation.