







The  most  serious  revolt  faced  by  Medieval  England  took  place  in June  1381,  known  as  the  Peasant  Revolt. The  system  of  violent  punishment  for  the  offenders  was  a  tight  warning  for  the  peasants  to  stay  aloof  from  any  sort  of  trouble  making. Armies  from  Kent  and  Essex  captured  the  castle  and  killed  the treasurer  of  the  King  and  Archbishop  of  Canterbury.  The  anger  of  the  peasants  was  mainly  because  of  the  reasons  such  as  they  were  forced  to  work  on  the  land of   rich  people, without  being  compensated  so  that  they  could  support  their  families, secondly  the  cost  of  the war  with  France  was  mainly  financed  by  the  taxes  paid  by  the  peasant, and  the  final  reason  was  that  aftermath  of   black  death. After  which,  a  number  of  manors  were  facing  shortage  of  workers  and  they  encouraged  peasants  to work  for  them  on  low wage,  so after  35  years  of   Black  death,  peasant  feared  that  now  the  manors  would  not  need  them  anymore  and  they  would  be  deprived  of  the  current  benefits,  so  they  were  prepared  to  fight  and  were  supported  by  Priest  from  Kent  named  John  Ball,  who  has  been  hanged   and  the  revolt  was  finally  ended. (Chris T., 2006) .





Zhu (2002) admits that the Chinese film industry has undergone major deviations of institutional reforms and this was primarily to target towards marketing of films world-wide to garner more interest and profits from the world cinema and to decentralize the cinema and make it a global one to have a larger audience. This is correct as the censorship has also undergone a change to accommodate a larger global audience and make films to entertain global audience who would also go to the cinemas to watch their movies. This indicates that the cinema of the world has a significant influence and that it would have to adopt certain scenes, themes, ideas, and picturization which are appealing to the population watching in America or Europe. This also infers that the goal of Chinese cinema then was to commercialize the films and make it into commodities which would sell in the world market and not just within China, and this gave rise to many individual investors who entered the movie industry and started to invest in it. This in turn gave lots of opportunities to independent filmmakers and those who had a small budget or who also were investing it themselves to make a meaningful film.