

学术写作尽可能地避开中国企业实现人际关系的本质。无论如何,对于一些西方公司来说,监督中国人际关系的决定可能会让人困惑,频频地提出裙带关系,误导和污蔑的观点(Pye 1992; Blackman 2000)。然而,这种缺乏理解力并不是考验力的一个能力,因为在过去十年中,中国商业关系领域的探索一直在扩大。不管怎么说,那些考虑到对中国商业环境的信任的迟来的研究,从决定性的角度来看还有很长的路要走,强调还有很多要学习的地方,特别是在多方面的业务联系上。
例如Leung et al。 (2005年)努力检查在中国发展的业务关系范围之间的交易,包括以研究为特征的关系,关系和/或关系,以及个人信任(xinyong);一些方法论的问题给他们的发现造成了阴影。尽管人们有信心地加强与中国企业的业务关系的人际信任的基本理由,但是对于用于量化信任的事物进行更为仔细的评估似乎与所有构造的特征(即集中于业务)无关信任而不是个人信任)。此外,甚至对使用大多数中文字参考文献作为信誉值得称赞的xinyong这个表达方式进行了基本的查询。尽管创造者报道了他们的信任度与关系之间的实际和实际值得关注的事实,但是他们的估计模型的问题忽视了承诺,并加强了更好地表征中国人的信念。


The academic writing as often as possible evades the essentialness of solid interpersonal connections for accomplishment in Chinese business. In any case, for some Western firms the decides that oversee Chinese interpersonal connections may appear confused, frequently prompting view of nepotism, misdirection and defilement (Pye 1992; Blackman 2000). Yet this absence of comprehension is not a capacity of examination exertion, as exploration in the territory of Chinese business connections has consistently expanded over the previous decade. Be that as it may, late studies that have considered the idea of trust in the Chinese business setting are a long way from decisive, highlighting that there is still much to be learnt, especially concerning multifaceted business connections.
Case in point, while Leung et al. (2005) endeavor to inspect the transaction between a scope of business relationship develops in China, including guanxi, characterized in our study as associations and/or connections, and individual trust (xinyong); some methodological issues cast a shadow over their discoveries. Notwithstanding giving a decent justification to the essentialness of interpersonal trust in reinforcing business relations with Chinese firms, a closer assessment of the things used to quantify trust seem, by all accounts, to be disconnected to how they characterize the build (i.e., concentrate on business trust as opposed to individual trust). Further, there are even fundamental inquiries in regards to their utilization of the expression xinyong, which most Chinese word references characterize as credit-commendable. In spite of the fact that the creators reported a solid and factually noteworthy relationship between their measure of trust and guanxi, the issues with their estimation model cutoff the commitment, and strengthen the need to better characterize confide in the Chinese connection.


1900的合作形式为农场主和农民提供了有限的反垄断豁免,以便他们可以联合起来,合作营销以获取未来的利益。提供的另一项特权是合作贷款,从而加强合作运动。The concept of personhood is significant as the same help in protection of the rights and institutionalization of human beings. 它也加强了宪法的前提。它认为,企业没有人,包括那些特权授予或允许他们通过法律规定(卡罗尔& Buchholtz,2006)。通过允许法人对公司的地位,《宪法》和其他法律条款为公司利益提供了与人类类似的利益。

Extended family can be defined as a family which consists of cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents all living in the same household or nearby. The extended family has been a part of SA culture from a long time. The SA communities are traditionally extended, however economic underdevelopment, political factors, housing problems, and urbanization, and poverty highly impacted the urban families lead to nuclear families (Andersen & Taylor, 2007). The SA culture is incorporated with extended family largely mainly because of their belief in staying united. These people within extended family considered the concept of extended family more stable than the nuclear families.
There is a huge difference in between the extended family and the US version of SA, as US version of SA is about nuclear families, where the son after marrying or having a stable job leaves the house of parents and lives independently. With time there has been considerable decrease in the extended family system mainly because of the decrease in support resources. Decline in the traditional values, customs, and institutions, rising divorce rates, urbanization, poor housing, and poverty are some other reasons which lead the SA towards US culture and decline of extended families.
Cooperation Form
The cooperation form in 1900 was provided with limited antitrust immunity for ranchers and farmers so that they can join together and cooperate marketing for future benefits. Another privilege provided was cooperative loans which lead to the strengthening of cooperative movement. The concept of personhood is significant as the same help in protection of the rights and institutionalization of human beings. It also strengthens the premise of Constitution. It perceives that corporations are not persons and are inclusive of only those privileges which are granted or permitted to them by legal provisions (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2006). Through permitting the status of legal persons to the corporations, the Constitution and other legal provisions serve corporate interests similar to that of humans.





The company’s website is engaging and attractive, yet simple. It offers all information on the homepage of the bank’s website. It has the sections simple visible and subsections link in them clearly visible and clickable. The brand is a more reserved looking brand with strong ethics and enterprise culture. The website is designed in a similar manner. The selection of colour, the divisions, the ease of navigation on the website, ease of finding information, the leadership available, the current news and history of the bank is written in a meticulous manner. The bank is very transparent in its results and that is why the annual report is clearly downloadable on the homepage itself. This gives an indication of the firm’s crystal clear identity of being a global bank with utmost transparency. The choice of colour and the design of divisions’ placement for search has made the bank look more like a simple bank but with high knowledge capital. Because it is a transparent bank and loves to operate in such a way, the website design has also helped it to gain a similar image in countries where it has entered and where it will enter soon. The graduate programme information is available on the website and this shows the banks employee policy and non-discriminated recruitment. The programme information has given an image of being a guide to students who are looking to join the corporate culture and has also given credit to the bank for being a preferred employer. The reports of citizenship charts and how the company helps in containing carbon emission through its optimum operation strategies, displaying results of the number and type of employees, and its involvement in enhancing customer experience helps in building an image which is seen as non-discriminative, employer friendly, adherer to its policies and government policies of hiring and recruitment, and doing as much as it can to reduce its direct effect on the environment.



在s – o – r模型中,有机体体现了情感和感知的中介状态。它可以调解刺激与反应之间的关系。Mehrabian和Russell(1974)将中介国家分为以下三个维度:快乐、觉醒和支配。快乐-不愉快的维度被用来描述享受和满足的感觉。不觉醒衡量的是个体受到刺激和活动的程度。支配性代表了一个人受到限制或自由的程度。虽然这三个维度在相关研究中经常被使用,但很少有实证结果支持支配-顺从维度的有效性。罗素和普拉特(1980)删除了主导因素,因为它不能代表个体对所有情况的情绪反应。罗素(1980)进一步认为,支配地位几乎没有什么适用的价值,而不是纯粹的预测。在实践中,Donovan和Rossiter(1982)揭示了买家的反应是在两个主要的方面——在零售商店里对mehrabian – mussell模型进行实证测试后的觉醒和愉悦。因此,最近对“PAD模式”应用二维方案的研究,而非最初的三维理论:快感和激励。因此,本文不考虑主导类别。s – o – r模型响应的最后一部分是中介状态的结果。Mehrabian和Russell(1974)将行为反应分为接近或回避行为。方法指的是想要停留并进一步探索存储环境,从而增加重复购物频率和货币支出。相反,一个有回避行为的人要么避免与环境互动,要么表现消极。

应用s – o – r模型和PAD分类,Donovan和Rossiter(1982)提供了第一次零售氛围的实证检验,表明大气线索,作为“刺激”,对购物者的规避行为有显著的影响,被概念化为“反应”。类似地,Arora(1982)用LISERL分析方法评估了s – o – r模型,并证实了该框架的有效性和可靠性,以及这三个组件的因果关系。


In the S-O-R model, organism embodies the affective and perceived intermediary states and. It serves to mediating the relationship between stimuli and response. Mehrabian and Russell (1974) classified the intermediary states into the following three dimensions: pleasure, arousal and dominance. Pleasure-displeasure dimension is being used to describe the feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. Arousal-nonarousal measures the extent to which individual is stimulated and active. Dominance-submissiveness represents the degree to a person feels restricted or free. Although theses three dimensions are frequently used in relevant researches, there is little empirical findings supporting the effectiveness of dominance-submissiveness dimension. Russell and Pratt (1980) deleted the dominance factor since it failed to represent individual’s emotional response to all situations. Russell (1980) further argued that dominance provided little applicable value is not purely predictive. In practice, Donovan and Rossiter (1982) revealed that buyer’s response are in terms of two major aspects—arousal and pleasure—after empirically testing the Mehrabian-Mussell model in retail stores. Therefore, more recent researches of the PAD schema applied two-dimensional scheme instead of the original tridimensional theory: pleasure and arousal. Accordingly, the dominance category was not considered in this article. The last part of the S-O-R model—Response—is the outcomes of the intermediary states. Mehrabian and Russell (1974) dichotomised the behavioral responses into approach or avoidance behaviors. Approach refers to the desire to stay and further explore the store environment, which in turns increase repeat-shopping frequency and money expenditures. On the contrary, a person with avoidance behavior tend to either avoid interacting with environment nor perform negatively.

Applying both the S-O-R model and PAD classifications, Donovan and Rossiter (1982) provided the first empirical test of retail atmosphere, suggesting that atmospheric cues, as the ‘stimuli’, have a significant impact on shoppers’ approach-avoidance behavior which is conceptualized as ‘response’. Similarly, Arora (1982) assessed the S-O-R model with the method of LISERL analysis, and substantiated the validity and reliability of this framework as well as causality of these three components.



所有员工/志愿者须安装在门的生物机器马克出席(Gary Fitsimmons,2012,页96)。


Reporting of Accidents and incidents
All the employees/ volunteers must be thorough with the incident reporting cards so that they are able to report the accident/ incident to the concerned department at the earliest.
Staff members/ volunteers are not allowed to disclose any clause mentioned in the employment contract to fellow employees.
Staff members/ volunteers are strictly prohibited to reveal any details of the event to any guest (like the name of chief guest, total number of guest, name of security head, etc).
How to deal with media
Any staff member/ volunteer other than the official media director are strictly prohibited to entertain the media or respond to any of their questions.
Dress Code
Employees/ volunteers are required to enter the venue in proper uniform – white shirt, black trousers, black socks and formal black shoes for men; and white shirt, black skirt, black leggings and formal black shoes for women.
Any other footwear except for black formal shoes (both for male and female employees/ volunteers) is strictly prohibited.
Do not wear synthetic clothing (or any other article that might catch fire easily)
Use and abuse of Alcohol, cigarettes or drugs
Use or possession of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited in the premise.
Smoking is prohibited in the premise.
All staff members/ volunteers are required to politely ask the guest to put off their cigarettes or leave the premise (in case the guest decides not to put off the cigarette)
All the staff members/ volunteers are required to ensure that at every corner of the premise a ‘No smoking’ poster is hung.
Attendance and punctuality
All the employees/ volunteers are required to reach the premise on or before 8 am. They would be made the payment for their shift at the end of the day, i.e., from 8pm to 9pm (for volunteers).
All the employees/ volunteers are required to mark their attendance in the biometric machine installed at the gate (Gary Fitsimmons, 2012, pp 96).
Use of phones
Use of phones by the employees in the main performance hall is strictly prohibited.
Staff members/ volunteers are required to request the guests to switch off their phones or put them on silent mode.



经济因素:由于任何国家的经济变化,利率和汇率都会受到影响。此外,索尼应该意识到其经营的国家的各种经济政策,以便相应地调整利润和销售。汇率的任何变动都会影响到公司在国际市场上的运作。所有的市场都不一样。不同的地理区域有不同的经济条件。因此,公司应该对进入的市场进行适当的分析。在不同的市场,不同的汇率,索尼已制定的价格(伯松,皮特,普兰杰尔和夏皮罗,2012,pp. 261-271。)。


Political factors: Company like Sony which operates in multiple countries is severely exposed to the varied political conditions in the countries in which it operates. The government has the power to make new policies or to append the old policies and hence the Sony should always work in line with the current policies so that the working is smooth. There may be times when a particular country might be struggling with recession or credit crunch. Hence in such conditions also, Sony should make policies which would help it to stay ahead of its competitors. Since Sony operates in various countries, any changes in the international market have the potential to affect the company’s business.
Economical Factors: Due to any economical changes in any of the country, the interest rates and the exchange rates would get affected. Also Sony should be aware of the various economic policies of the country in which it operates so that the profits and the sales can be adjusted accordingly. Any changes in the exchange rates would affect the working of the company since it operates in an international market. All markets are not the same. Different geographies have different economical conditions. Thus the company should do proper analysis of the market in which it is entering. With different exchange rates in different markets, Sony has to work out on the prices (Berthon, Pitt, Plangger & Shapiro, 2012, pp. 261-271.).
Social factors: The Company is doing great on the social front. Sony has gained lot of positive reputations regarding the products it manufactures. It operates in numerous international markets but each market has a positive reputation of the products sold by the company. Sony should cater separately to different age groups so that people with different style and trends also get attracted towards the products offered by Sony. It is a known fact that people from all income levels cannot enjoy Sony products as they are on a bit higher side. However the prices are not so high that it cannot be afforded.



考虑到实际的意义,赖特的原始计划是将所罗门·古根海姆博物馆建成十个流向塔,为办公室,画廊,仓库,工作室和私人学习公寓提供住房(Ballon, 2009)。大部分由于金融方面的大量原因,由赖特提出的塔架最终变得无法实现。


There had been a number of factors that had contributed towards delaying a project that had to be completed in the duration of 16 years. These included the need for modifying the design, need for acquiring extra property, and the rise in the level of costs with respect to the material involved to complete the project that had followed by the end of World War II. When there had been an occurrence of the death of the benefactor of the museum that is Solomon R. Guggenheim, this death had taken place in the year of 1949 that had resulted in further delaying the project (Levine, 2006). Finally, the construction of this building had started in the year 1956 in memory Solomon R. Guggenheim. It has been argued that this museum of Solomon R. Guggenheim is the most important and significant building the late periods in the career of Wright. This monument has said to be taken towards the step of modernism that has been identified as providing a different architecture with respect to space. It has been stated that with the spiral riding of ramp towards a domed light of sky that has been continuously thrilling the visitors and has been providing a different forum for presenting a different and contemporary form of art.
In consideration with the actual sense, the original plans of Wright had been to build the museum of Solomon R. Guggenheim as a tower of ten flows for providing housing to the offices, galleries, storage, workrooms, and apartments with private studies (Ballon, 2009). Mostly due to a large number of reasons with respect to finance, the tower that had been proposed by Wright ended up going unrealizable.
In the year of 1990, the building of Wright that is the museum of Solomon R. Guggenheim had been closed for the public for enabling the procedure for expanding and restoring the major and significant pieces of interiors. After the activity of restoring had been completed, the building had been opened and made accessible for the public that included the entire building of Wright. This had been done by the conversion of spaces that had been utilized in order to store and office the art and paintings that were non objective within the galleries.







A skilled director needs to have the ability to speak with crew members in their own terms. That indicates one must not just know the strategies of acting while speaking with actors, yet one should also comprehend lenses while speaking with a camera operator. One also needs to be aware of costumes while speaking with the wardrobe division and the essentials of hair and make-up. Do all these things help one to make you a better director? Not essentially. But of course it’ll assist one to communicate one’s perspective and ideas to individuals that need to make it happen!

Provide the crew members in-depth information, particularly when things are going in the wrong way. The director should print and distribute the schedule to each person in the crew at the beginning of the day or before. If one is going to run over timetable then initially describe the scenario to the staff, and then ask agreeably if they mind working more, then tell the team the new estimate time. The work is made apparent via repetitive communication, through which crew members offer continuous details updates to each other via differed approaches. This communication procedure not just enables additional coordination, but for strengthening and settlement of role expectations. Role expectations are additionally made apparent through thanking, reproaching, and role-oriented joking, which offer the social pressure for crew members to adapt these expectations.

We can observe coherently, the influence of films and just how, via the synergistic impact of audio, motion picture, story and various other elements- they could make a strong sense of emotion as well as engagement. Motion picture could communicate ideas, concepts and narrations. They enable us to be cognitively transferred to a different place or time, and experience life with a new look- getting innovative inspiration, perspectives and understanding.



随着文化的迅速变化的世界,电视文化产业也受到了影响。现实的电视节目是当今流行文化的重要组成部分。真人秀为观众提供了精彩的娱乐方式,许多真人秀节目,如我是名人和大哥,揭示了名人的真实个性。在美国你没有看电视上比其他真人秀周六。这些节目让街头男人有机会在媒体上有自己的形象,比如X因子、美国偶像和英国的Got Talent。提供机会,普通人展示自己的才华的世界通过他们的平台,但有时由于不适当的决定和判断,无能的人过来的值得的。现实表明,没有什么是真实的;而他们预先计划的情节给观众。这些所谓的真人秀正在促进社会中许多不道德的特征,并把它们伪装成娱乐的来源。这些节目教人们为他们的成功做任何事。嫉妒、自私、欲望、愤怒、贪婪的社会渗透和许多其他坏的价值观,尤其是青少年和孩子们通过这些平台。现实表明具有转化房为假和假变成现实的艺术。


With the rapidly changing culture of the world, TV industry culture has also been affected. Reality TV shows are an important part of today’s pop culture. Reality shows provide wonderful means of entertainment to audience as many reality shows, like I’m a Celebrity and Big Brother, uncover real personalities of celebrities. In U.S you do not have anything to watch on TV on Saturdays other than reality shows. These shows give chance to street-men to have their representation on media, like X factor, American Idol, and Britain’s Got Talent. The provide opportunity to ordinary people to show their talent to the world through their platform, but sometimes due to inappropriate decisions and judgments talentless people come over the deserving ones. The reality shows do not show what is real; rather they show a pre-planned plot to the audience. These so-called reality shows are promoting many immoral traits in society and disguises them as source of entertainment. These shows teach people to do anything for their success. Envy, selfishness, lust, wrath, greed and numerous other worst values penetrate in society, especially in teens and kids through these podiums. Reality shows possess an art of transforming real into fake and fake into reality.
The reality TV shows of twenty first century represent stereotypes just as in case of racism by spectacularizing people’s behavior circulating around race ideology. Whilst contradictorily asserting that world has now become post-racial society and there is no more role of color line. This contradiction between their assertion and representation let the viewer to get underlying evidence that there is a vital role of racism still perpetuating in our society. Describing Cook Island season of Survivor, Drew (2011) says, “Although the tribes were organized by racial groups, the host of the show used only the word ethnicity (and sometimes culture or color) to refer to what was clearly a racial classification”. It is clear that, whether they assert it or not, reality TV shows are visibly representing racism. In the given example, it is evident that whether they call it ‘race’ or not but they validate it in their shows, and understandably, actions speak louder than words.



仿生学的过程也有助于世界的医疗和医药行业的发展。模仿大自然的某些过程,使人类能够开发出某些疾病的新药,准备更好的医学原理,并创造出更好的方法将药物注入人类。抗生素是负责拯救人类从大量流行的产品创造了从仿生学中的真菌。各种危险致命疾病的疫苗的生产是通过仿生学做的过程。rDNA技术使医疗专业人员将一批需要胰岛素或激素人类由于仿生学的涉及细菌的过程(Ghahremani,2012,pp. 255-61)。

仿生学的过程也让人类创造一个健康和疾病的更好的治疗原则。一个这样的实验程序是人类免疫病毒用来控制白血病可能是由于仿生学的过程。另一个贡献,仿生学的过程中对医疗机构的顺势疗法的治疗过程。这种治疗过程中,在人体疾病的症状加重的过程中抵消,从而使人体自然抵抗疾病的危险的原因(沃斯泰德,2012,pp. 189-99)。

仿生学是用来创造更好的和更提供的药物对人体无任何反应或危险的先进方法。纳米颗粒用于通过避免肝脏循环的途径输送某些药物。这使得医疗专业人员有纳米颗粒的药物输送到人体。另一个进步,在医疗保健行业,由于对仿生学的过程使用趋化药。这个程序允许在人身权利的行动,从而允许更快的医学结果的药物递送(Smith,2007,pp. 52-55)。


The process of biomimicry also helps the development of the healthcare and medicine sector in the world. The process of mimicking certain processes of Mother Nature allows the mankind to develop new medicines for a certain number of diseases, prepare better medicinal principles and create better ways to inject the medicines into humans. The productions of antibiotics which are responsible for saving the mankind from a huge number of epidemics were created from the process of biomimicry on the fungi. The production of vaccines for various deadly and dangerous diseases was done through the process of biomimicry. The rDNA technology allows the medical professionals to inject a number of required insulin or hormones into humans as a result of the process of biomimicry involving bacteria (Ghahremani, 2012, pp. 255-61).

The process of biomimicry also allows the mankind to create better treatment principles for a number of health conditions and diseases. One of such experimental procedure is the use of the human immuno virus to control leukaemia which is possible due to the process of biomimicry. Another contribution of the process of biomimicry to the healthcare sector is the treatment procedure of homeopathy. In this treatment procedure, the diseases in the human body are countered by the process of aggravating the symptoms, which in turn allows the human body to naturally fight off the dangerous causes of the diseases (Volstad, 2012, pp. 189-99).

Biomimicry is also used to create better and more advanced way to deliver the drugs to the human bodies without any reaction or danger. Nano-particles are used to deliver certain drugs through a route avoiding the hepatic circulation. This allows the medical professionals to have the nano-particles to deliver the drugs into the human body. Another advancement in the healthcare sector due to the usage of the process of biomimicry is the chemotactic drug delivery. This procedure allows the delivery of the drugs in the human body right to the place of action which in turn allows faster results of the medicine (Smith, 2007, pp. 52-55).