
代写论文 行为金融学


代写论文 行为金融学


代写论文 行为金融学

According to the literature, the over and under reaction of the market is based on the psychological reasons of investors. The under reaction is found to be the result of conservatism from the investors. This is based on fact as the reaction of the investors on previous information is different than the present information as they believe the stock will function as it performed previously.

代写论文 行为金融学

It is found that the representatives bias is one of the essential human behaviours as per the behavioural finance that results in overreaction. This is performed as the investor with recent information believes the same performance will continue in future and overestimates the security and meets with the disappointment resulted by the equilibrium. This overt and under reaction, results in the stock market bubble to emerge, grow and burst.


论文代写 互联网泡沫


论文代写 互联网泡沫

金融理论: 根据有效市场假说,市场是理性的,股票价格反映了可用的信息。安全的价格随后根据新的信息而变化。然而,行为金融学指出,这个有效的市场并不能解释市场上出现的各种异常现象。行为金融学认为,市场异常是在平稳的股票市场格局中出现的异常现象和异常现象。


论文代写 互联网泡沫

This bubble was based on the speculation of the new technological development due to the emergence of aviation, automobiles ratio and electrical power grids and the emergence of e-commerce and internet. The nature of the dot-com bubble is based on the greater fool theory as the majority of the people invested in the hopes that the overvalued prices will continue to rise without investigating the shares and relying only on the prices. Another recent example of such stock market bubble is the Stock market crash of 2008.

论文代写 互联网泡沫

Financial theory: As per the efficient market hypothesis, the markets are rational in nature and the stock prices reflect the information that is available. The prices of the security subsequently changes as per the new information present. However, the behavioural finance suggests that this efficient market does not explain the various anomalies observed in the market. It is suggested by behavioural finance that the anomalies of market are abnormality and unusual occurrence within the smooth stock market pattern.
The paradigm of efficient market hypothesis suggested that market with large numbers of rational individual for profit maximization often competes actively with one another and attempts to predict the future market values of the various securities, and this theory suggest that the essential information is freely available to the investors.







The Bad News Theory implies that the stock prices completely reflect the information present. The market crash of 1987 can be regarded as the bad news theory based in nature as the proponents of theory imply that the vast range of bad news was collected prior to the weekend of the bubble burst that explains the sharp decline in prices. It is suggested by the literature that the availability of information gets integrated within the prices of security as the business closes on the weekend. The variety of news such as the devaluation of dollar, twin U budget and trade deficits, political US presidential problems and more resulted in the reduction of the process that were expected. Hence, the theory explains the stock price decline. Another theory is the fear of market failure herein the fear of the market mechanism failure leads to investors towards unloading of securities prior to the callable that in result induced the anticipated failure. This theory provides with the example of self-correction phenomena.


Excess of hedging theory: The third is the excess hedging theory suggesting that the portfolio insurance as one of the hedging strategies increased the magnitude of crash. The two types of information motivation and information free investors continuously buy as well as sell the stocks. This is done for insuring and rebalancing the positions of their portfolio when the prices of equity declines rapidly and this causes the stock market to crash.


美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰


美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰
随着国际环境法规日益复杂,公司必须在保证环境可持续性的同时利用盈利能力(Aeppel,T和Roth,T。1990)。梅赛德斯 – 奔驰在表演时必须处理好几种环境风险,包括:

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰

Theoretical Perspectives
Observing the company being a major manufacturer of luxury cars, with globally incorporated investment, production and sales, recommends that it is a principal case of a market that acquires the material means to minimize global environmental harms. Provided this credit, two contrasting standpoints materialize (Holweg, M. and Pil, F.K. 2004). The perspective is that the company’s luxury products might be a major supply of environmental risks. Conversely and dominantly, there are constructive examples of the company’s recent initiatives to strike equilibrium between the mandates of productivity in addition to the environmental sustainability.

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰
Environmental Risks Analyses
Burning of non-renewable resources such fossil fuels is one more critical constraint relating to the ecological exhaustion caused by the luxury cars. Mercedes Benz luxury cars consume either diesel or gasoline ensuing to a great reliance on oil. Based on the previous surveys, road transportation is responsible for 57% of all oil consumption in the China, a figure that is anticipated to rise the upcoming years.
Accompanied by growing intricacy in international environmental regulations, the company has to capitalize on profitability while assuring environmental sustainability (Aeppel, T, and Roth, T. 1990). In performing so Mercedes-Benz must deal with several environmental risks, comprising:
Supply chain risk.
Functioning exposures that bring about the detection of pollution or new conditions associated with releases and spills.
Legacy exposures ensuing from acquisitions, divestitures, plant closings, company restructuring or non-owned disposal locations.
Regulatory exposures globally, comprising shifts in environmental laws entailing responses to a pollution condition.






Main theme of the book discusses about the Eurasian people who have captured or displaced Native Americans and other races that were present that time. Arguments are presented about the outcomes that came as a result of this displacement and how people faced challenges. All these outcomes were not because of the biological changes and advantages posed by Eurasians but it was because of the Eurasian continent. It was because of the high level and diversity of the wild plants in the area. Animals were also present that were good for living a life peacefully. Diamond has worked as a sociologist while developing this book because he was exploring the answers to the accidents that happened during the past and how the mapping was impacted. He has shown interest in the mappings of migrations of early human races like Africans to Eurasians and other races like Eastern from pacific oceans (Diamond, 210). He has closely observed the biology of humans during this period and has discussed about their evolution.

This evolution is presented in the form of his findings about the history and how several accidents have given birth to these revolutions. Diamond wanted to cover the different aspects and differences that were present between different cultures of the world and how elements like food, technology, writing, religion and government positively or negatively impact on the cultures and dimensions of human psychology and biology. Heart of the book is about the evidence that explains about the settler colonialism and how it’s after effects impacted on the Trans Atlantic slavery and its consequences on different races of the world. He believed that all these issues were not about the geographic transformations of humans. Eurasians did not have the power that was systematic and which is not present today.






After all these facilitations by the community and city officials company also has the moral as well as ethical responsibility as defined in theory of deontology to fulfil its duties towards employs that they made earlier (Sadler, n.d.). Through outsourcing the company has estimated to save $10 Million in a year however the workers are ready to sacrifice their salaries and benefits in order to retain the company’s presence in the town. According to the first deal they were providing$9 Million benefit after third year and in second deal they are agreed to provide $12 Million benefit after third year which is more than the benefit that they can gain through outsourcing in India.

Even after all these sacrifices offered by the workers if company at once close its operations from the town it is very unethical from utilitarian perspective because this action of the company will cause negative after-effects among employees. If the company wants to outsource at any cost they should plan short term and long term strategies for outsourcing and in short term they can outsource few operations, in long term that should plan in a manner that they could be able to work locally as well as outsource at the same pace so that they can gain benefit from both sides.
In the past few years an outsourcing trend of white collar professions has increased in America due to the cheap labour available in less developed countries (Kirkegaard, 2003). The jobs that are typically outsourced range from low skilled jobs of data entry to high level jobs that require more education and skills including Information Technology and accounting. In USA outsourcing increased at a very fast pace in 1993 due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (Gutman, 2004).






The various alternative organizational structures are functional structures, divisional structures, self contained group structure, geographic structure and hybrid structure. The functional structures segregate the functions which the organization performs and each function has a functional head that is responsible for a particular function. The functional structures play a very important role when the organization is trying to achieve economies of scale and is trying to develop some in-depth skills.
The divisional structure is an organizational structure which is segregated in groups on the basis of product, services, geography or markets. This is good for the organization which is working on different products simultaneously. The self contained product organizational structure is an organizational structure in which the segregation is done on the basis of various products which the company makes. Each product group would have its own teams which would comprise of research and development, manufacturing, accounting, human resource, marketing etc. Another alternative organizational structure is the geographic structure in which the organization is segregated on the basis of the region. It can be east region, south region, west or east region. Each region would have a regional office and the regional offices control the local markets.

Apart from the mentioned structures, sometimes the organizations introduce new structures which according to the organization would serve the organization the best. Thus there are not set organization structure, rather companies decide the hierarchy on the basis of product, or a service or geography. Thus one can easily see that the organization structure of the companies differ from one company to other depending on the product or the services which they would offer.




波特模型中没有历史意义,钻石模型被认为只是一个抽象的后发展理论的历史维度的模型。这个理论也没有关注国家文化和呈现国家作用的低估(Brander and Krugman,2003)。搬运工模式中缺少国家的作用,不关注国家竞争力。


The attention now is towards the companies that are giving material tools like most of the US companies. In this context information is playing an important role during the process of innovation. Some nations look for the information that is not available to other nations. By using this information market gaps are discovered and assumptions are build on conventional wisdom. This is a trick used by most of the companies and nations that are smart and believe in innovation, research and development (Siggel, 2006).
Circumstances and conditions of the countries play a vital role in the development of competencies throughout the companies. The way companies are organized, managed and given structure is based on the fact that how circumstances of the country are taking place. Example of this can be observed in the example of successful companies that are medium range, short range and big sized, they are owned by the families. This situation is present in Italy because the wealth of family is present in the country and people have wealth that they inherited from their ancestors. This situation is reversed in Germany as the companies are hierarchical and management practices and policies are according to this technical background (Brender and Spencer, 2005).

Lack of historical dimension
It has been debated that historical significance is not present in the porter model and diamond model has been observed to be a model that presents only abstract about the application of historical dimensions of the late development theory. This theory is also not giving attention about the national cultures and downplays that are presenting the role of the state (Brander and Krugman, 2003). The role of the state is missing in the porter model and is not giving attention about the national competitiveness.







Organizational behavior has become an integral concern in the contemporary complex business organizations. A promising work environment and higher performance level of the employees can be attained with a proper study of the organizational behavior. Organizational behavior helps to know the behavioral patterns of the employees. This can be done by conducting personality tests in the organizations. By knowing the personalities of different employees, their work efficiency levels, commitment towards work, relationship with other employees etc will be known. As a result of this, the employer can chose the best candidates for the company as well as entrusting specific work according to their personality traits. In this report, the personality tests are conducted based on the Big Five model. The report also highlights about the role of personality differences in the organizational behavior and how the personality of a person affects his behavior at work.


Personality is otherwise termed as the behavioral patterns and characteristics exhibited by a person related to his or her emotions, interactions with others, attitude, motivational factors and so on. Every individual has unique personality traits and it will be exhibited differently in different contexts of work performance and in personal environment. Personality shows the attitude of a person to different situations or to others. This has a high impact in the work efficiency level, career growth, other’s attitude and behavior towards this person and so on.






Globalization of labour markets can harm the economies of developing countries which are mainly at the stage of development. With the advancement in the globalization of labourers the phenomenon of ‘labour drain’ expands its sphere in the domestic markets. Due to free movement of labour in any country skilled labour of the country moves to other countries where there are more job opportunities and the domestic countries cannot encourage skilled labours to stay back in their home countries due to limited job opportunities. The problem of labour drain is more in developing countries where the higher education system is extensively publicly funded (Ekholm, 2009). As after gaining education and training in home countries workers with quality skills and talent migrate to other countries where job opportunities are higher and even wage rates are also higher in comparison to domestic countries for making better professional career in developed countries at the expense of their home countries.

Globalization of labour markets led in the development of the cultural impact on other countries due to higher rates of immigration of workers (Felbermayr, 2011). Due to movement of labours to foreign countries the cultural values of a certain country are affected at a certain level that resulted in greater economic and cultural dominance of one group over another. Workers who have moved to other countries for better employment opportunities are forced to accept the lower pay grades in comparison to the citizens of that country. They are forced to work in whatever working conditions they are being provided so that they can compete with foreign labourers in foreign labour markets (Burda, 2000).