美国 代写:缺乏适当的沟通和关系管理会导致什么问题

美国 代写:缺乏适当的沟通和关系管理会导致什么问题

缺乏适当的沟通和关系管理将导致几个问题。Rufin和Rivera-Santos(2012)分析说,为了使组织达到目标,它们应该能够解决一些无形的问题以及与这种情况有关的有形问题。PPP必须有一个不仅仅基于政府支持的治理体系。应该制定替代计划或建议来处理复杂的联盟。在这一过程中,应更加重视以信任为基础的治理。缺乏这种信任是主要问题。Winch(2014)指出,在PPP的情况下,重要的因素是利益相关者对竞争问题的了解、管理层对增长的承诺和沟通。除此之外,商业、资源和治理之间应该存在接口和内聚操作。应该开发临时更新的范例或启发式来解决永久性组织的问题,从而为每个组织开发预期的输出(Winch, 2014)。
Nissen, Evald和Clarke(2014)选择了三个PPP项目来了解PPP面临的挑战。研究发现,计划和愿景的同质性问题导致了伙伴关系中不同逻辑和目标的发展。事实上,这个群体内部存在着多样性。研究发现,将利益相关者的意识形态和观点整合在一起的公司能够发展出更具协作性和合作性的互动(Opawole and Jagboro, 2016)。发现了更多的创新过程。这些异质团队能够开发一个共同的知识库,并受到外部事件的积极挑战,这些外部事件有助于他们的创新和生产力。进行了一项研究,以解释PPP所涉及的代理成本。重点是在项目执行期间存在的组织形式和固有的不确定性。在这个案例中,我们的假设是动态道德风险环境(Iossa和Martimort, 2012)。

美国 代写:缺乏适当的沟通和关系管理会导致什么问题

Lack of a proper communication and relationship management would lead to several issues. Rufín and Rivera-Santos (2012) analysed that for the organizations to meet objectives, they should be able to address some of the intangibles as well as the tangibles involved in the situation. It is important for the PPP to have a governance system that is not only based on the government for support. There should be development of alternative plans or proposals in place to deal with the complex alliances. There should be more importance given to the trust-based governance in this process. Lack of this trust is the main issue. Winch (2014) stated that in the case of PPP, the important factors are stakeholder knowledge about the issues in contention, management commitment towards growth and communication. Apart from this, there should be interface and cohesive operation that should exist between the commercial, resourcing and governance. There should be temporarily newer paradigms or heuristics that should be developed to address issues of permanent organizations to develop the intended output for each organization (Winch, 2014).
Nissen, Evald and Clarke (2014) had chosen three PPP projects to understand about the challenges of the PPP. It was found that the issue of a homogenous plan and vision lead to developing of dissimilar logics and objectives within the partnership. In reality, there is diversity within the group. It was found that the companies that integrate the ideologies and views of the stakeholders were able to develop a more collaborative and cooperative interactions (Opawole and Jagboro, 2016). There was more innovation process that was found. These heterogeneous teams were able to develop a common knowledge base and were positively challenged by the external events that aided in their innovation and productivity. A study was undertaken to decipher about the agency costs involved in a PPP. There was focus given towards organizational forms and innate uncertainty that exists during project implementation. The assumption that was made in this case was the dynamic moral hazard environment (Iossa and Martimort, 2012).



这些漂白的区域还是只有女性覆盖的琐碎区域?这就是内容分析要回答的问题。内容分析的方法是为了了解新闻内容的形式,而新闻内容的形式确实是男性和女性所采用的。当媒体内容被量化时,孤立的案例有时会被低估(Kolmer, 2008)。这就是为什么我们所做的内容分析也被现有的研究以定性的方式批判性地分析(flying & Swift, 2013)。分析结果显示,这一说法使得女性更多地关注生活方式(不重要的领域),而男性更多地关注政治和体育。这两个研究问题的目的是了解新闻编辑室中性别的代表(男性和女性记者)是什么,以及男性和女性记者实际报道的领域是什么。对于第一个问题,因此确定新闻编辑室的性别代表是不平等的。在所有被纳入分析的404个故事(所有媒体)中,73%的故事由男性报道,27%由女性报道。
这是不平等的。至少,从收集到的数据样本来看,女性只报道了所有新闻的四分之一,无论是软媒体还是硬媒体。新闻不平等并不是什么新鲜事。事实上,人们普遍认为新闻报道中存在不平等(Alan, 1999)。因此,也可以接受的是,参与表征的人可能也反映了同样的不平等。Alan(1999)的工作主要是关于种族主义的,但由于种族主义涉及到不平等作为一个方面,可以做出类似的推论。女性运动的新闻机构或新闻领域存在偏见(Dickinson, 2010;Ryfe, 2009)。考虑一下North在“Blokey Newsrooms”(North, 2012)中呈现的内容。与同行不同的是,对女记者的研究往往仅限于对她们在新闻编辑室的工作进行快照,而较少涉及她们的经历。


Now are those bleached out areas or trivial areas only covered by women? This is the answer that the content analysis set out to answer. The content analysis method was carried out in order to understand the form of journalism content that is indeed taken up by men and women. When media content is quantified, it so happens that at times the isolated cases might get underrated (Kolmer, 2008). This is the reason that the content analysis done is also critically analysed in a qualitative way with the existing research studies (Flew & Swift, 2013). The results of the analysis show that the claim made that women report more on lifestyle (unimportant areas) and that men report more on politics and sports. The two research questions aimed at understanding what the representation of gender in the newsroom (male v. female reporters) were and what were the areas men and women journalists were actually reporting in. For the first question, it was hence established that the representation of gender in newsroom was not equal. Of all 404 stories (across all mediums) that were considered for the analysis, around 73% were reported by males, whereas 27% were reported by females.
This is inequality. At least, from the data sample collected, it does appear that women are reporting only a quarter of all news, whether the soft media or the hard media. Now inequality in news is not exactly a new thing. In fact, it is an accepted notion that in news representations there will be inequality (Alan, 1999). Hence, it can also be accepted that the people involved in the representations might also reflect the same inequality. The work of Alan (1999) was mostly on racism, but since racism touches on inequality as one of the aspects, a similar inference can be made. The journalistic institutions or the journalistic sphere in which the women moves is biased (Dickinson, 2010; Ryfe, 2009). Consider what North presented in the “Blokey Newsrooms” (North, 2012). Research about women journalists unlike their counterparts was often restricted to only taking snapshots of their work in newsrooms and less about their experiences.



马拉维的首都是利隆圭。比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会(BMGF)积极参与城市的发展(拉塞尔,2008)。市议会在非正式定居点问题上的行动继续在该州发生。当BMGF了解到这个城市没有创新的计划来实际实施并带来状态的改变时,他们停止了支持。他们要求城市制定一个可行的计划来帮助人民(英格伦,2002)。Chinsapo和mtandil社区是其中的一些侵入区。市议会实际上无法制定出一个可行的计划,尽管该州有一些改进。这不仅是因为国家规划不善,还因为隐性偏见和存在的系统性问题。市议会希望在解决城市贫困问题上具有象征意义。然而,由于市议会缺乏规划来说服民众,导致的问题多于解决方案(Place and Otsuka, 2001)。安理会需要处理一些尚未得到承认的非正式领域。在这一努力中,人民之间的差距继续扩大,没有为人民找到真正的解决办法。


The capital of Malawi is Lilongwe. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) are actively involved in the development of the city (Russell, 2008). The city council operation in the issue of informal settlements continues to occur in the state. When the BMGF understood that the city does not have the innovative plan to actually implement and bring the change in the state they discontinued their support. They asked the city to create a viable plan to help the people (Englund, 2002). The communities of Chinsapo and Mtandire are some of the encroachment areas. The city council actually was not able to draw a feasible plan even though there were some improvements in the state. This is not only because of the bad planning of the state it was also because of the implicit bias and existing systemic issues. The city council wants to have a symbolism that addresses the issue of urban poverty. Nevertheless lack of planning by the city council to convince the people had led to more issues than solutions (Place and Otsuka, 2001). There are the unrecognized informal areas that the council needs to address. In this effort the gaps between the people continued to increase with no real solution for the people.
Owing to this the most important challenge is developing a proposition that would include all the people in the state. The council assumes that to upgrade the slum areas there should be community mobilization. There should be understanding of the local culture of the place and the paradigms associated with the culture of a place to create an inclusive atmosphere. In the initial phases the people were threatened to leave the areas. Nevertheless, this leads to more issues rather than solving the problems. The city council then tried to eradicate poverty to bring in more development in the city and to remove the people from the encroachment areas. The Informal Settlement Networks are aimed at finding the spaces for negotiations with the city council. They tried to remove the innate bias and apprehension of the people to create an engagement community. To address these issues the city council started a process of profiling the people to address their challenges for survival. They tried to incorporate basic facilities for the people when they are faced with the issues.



薄伽丘认为女人比男人更狡猾。他在《第七天的故事》中描写了女性的高超狡猾。这个故事提供了细节的Monna Sismonda和她的狡猾的特点在无数的意义上。这个故事的系统设置是这样的,Monna是为了谨慎地与她的爱人Ruberto发生性关系。如果这还不够狡猾,当她意识到她的秘密在丈夫面前被揭露时,蒙娜要求她的女仆代替她上床(薄伽丘17)。因此,她设法在她的兄弟们面前开诚布公。莫纳无疑表现出了狡诈和优越。有能力构造精细的方法,以便把事情弄清楚,而且如果她被抓住了,还能避免任何具体的麻烦。


Decameron presented short and long stories for tempering the appetites of audience for climaxes, anti-climaxes, starts and fits. These take place in a number of episodes of love and romance. While there is an unabashed promotion of his work is Decameron, there is presentation of older and well developed forms of convention out of which there is huge significance of love (Ben-Amos 427). The fundamental theme of love is presented in Decameron by using the elements of struggle between death and life, and a number of ways for asserting them in life. This has been done irrespective of the conventional moral beliefs and attitudes. The brigade of younger population end up abandoning the city infested with plague in which the fundamental rule was death, and key consequences were strife and suffering. They consider the area of countryside in which a harmonious and sweet society is formed (Benson 2). The themes provided for all of the stories reflect aspects of grim and joy in the struggle of human race for preserving life and attaining pleasure.
Boccaccio expresses his view on the more cunningness of women in comparison with men. The superior cunningness of women has been depicted by him in the story of seventh day. The story provides detail of Monna Sismonda and her cunning traits in a myriad sense. The system in this story is set such that Monna is there for discreetly having a sexual relationship with her lover, Ruberto. If this is not sufficiently cunning, on realizing her secret is disclosed in front of her husband, Monna asks her maidservant to replace her in bed (Boccaccio 17). As a result, she manages to come out clean in front of her brothers. Monna has surely displayed craftiness with superiority. There lies ability for construction of elaborate method in order to come out clean, and additionally avoiding any specific trouble if she is caught.



研究人员引用Leslie Lamport的话说:“分布式系统是这样一种系统:一台你甚至不知道存在的计算机发生故障,会导致你自己的计算机无法使用”(Cachin et al., 2011, p.1)。在某人自己使用的系统中的故障问题上下文中,可以说故障是本地化的。另一方面,当多台计算机工作时,故障可以归咎于正在工作的许多系统之一,那么它可能会导致问题。在分布式系统工作和分布式编程的情况下,有必要关注这种多样性,因为它不同于普通编程。第二章是一些最基本的抽象概念。首先给出了抽象过程,然后给出了哈希函数、消息认证码mac和数字签名等加密抽象。在抽象通信中,给出了链路失效、公平损失链路、顽固链路、完美链路、已记录的完美链路等。


The book is divided into seven different chapters. The first of the chapter is about the need for understanding programming abstractions and faults. More specifically, the motivation, the form of distributed programming abstractions, the software components are considered in such general implementations and the classes of algorithms are presented. The focus here is on introducing the reader to some of the concepts that are the key to understanding the rest of the book. The classes of algorithms subsection in the first chapter are especially useful for a reader who has not taken up study of algorithms extensively. This could help prepare the reader more extensively for understanding the abstractions presented in the second chapter. The use of a chapter to first highlight the need for understanding the forms of programming abstractions is helpful for the first time reader or a beginner. It enables the reader to actually understand why such attention is needed. In security and reliability concerns of any programming it is observed that most times programmers forget some of the most basic issues that could exist.
The researchers cite Leslie Lamport here as they state “A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you did not even know existed can render your own computer unusable” (Cachin et al., 2011, p.1). In the context of a failure issue in a system that someone uses as in their own it could be said that the failure is localized. On the other hand, when multiple computers work and failure can be attributed to one of the many systems that are working then it could result in issues. In the case of distributed system working and distributed programming it is necessary to focus on such multiplicity as this makes it different from normal programming. The second chapter is on some of the most basic abstractions. Primarily, the abstracting processes are presented, followed by the cryptographic abstractions such as the Hash functions, the message authentication codes MACs and the digital signatures etc. In abstracting communication, link failures, fair loss links, stubborn links, perfect links, logged perfect links and more are presented.

resume 代写:《马背上的绅士和淑女》名画赏析

resume 代写:《马背上的绅士和淑女》名画赏析

国家美术馆的《骑马的淑女与绅士》也是Cuyp的作品。许多艺术评论家认为这两幅画是在同一个地方画的。两幅作品中的树木都属于同一物种。左边的城堡被发现是相似的。《马背上的绅士与淑女》似乎是骑马者和牧民与牛的风景的放大版。组成也很相似。然而,骑在马背上的女士和先生的肤色一般较暗,风力也较强。在一些研究中,它指出,白宫在这两方面是相同的。然而,这些画给观众带来了完全不同的感受。《马背上的淑女与绅士》与马背上的骑士与牧民的世外桃源相比,是一幅“以德国城堡与修道院废墟为背景”的反乌托邦绘画。下面讨论对骑兵和牧民的批判性分析。这幅画是由艺术家奎普·艾尔伯特(Cuyp Aelbert)创作的。

resume 代写:《马背上的绅士和淑女》名画赏析

The work Lady and Gentleman on Horseback in National Gallery of Art was also painted by Cuyp. Many art critics believe that both paintings were painted in the same place. The trees in both works belong to the same species. The castles on the left are found to be similar. It seems like that Lady and Gentleman on Horseback is a zoom-in of the landscape of Horsemen and Herdsmen with Cattle. The compositions are similar as well. However, the Lady and Gentleman on Horseback is darker in the general appearance and the wind is stronger. In some studies it states that the white house in both pieces is the same one. However, the paintings give completely different feelings to the audience. Compared to the Arcadia of Horsemen and Herdsmen with Cattle, the Lady and Gentleman on Horseback is anti-utopia painting that “set against ruins of German castles and monasteries” . Critical analysis of the Horsemen and Herdsmen is discussed in the following.The painting Horsemen and Herdsmen with Cattle was created by the artist Cuyp Aelbert.
It is one of his renowned works that depicts panoramic scenery of a town near a river with horsemen and herdsmen in the front. This painting was created around 1655 to 1660 in Cuyp’s studio. It is considered as one of the later works of Cuyp. The artists have tried to encapsulate the beauty of nature into the painting. The rarity of the Dutch country side and the alluring picturesque beauty has been explained in the painting. The painting depicts the twilight time. The sky has an eclectic combination of gray, blue and yellow hues that are found to have mixed together. As the sun sinks over the horizon, the sky is still found to have a tinges of blue other half is becoming pale yellow signifying the end of the day. Two riders have bright attire and seem to symbolize their long journey. The travelers in the picture and enamored by the beauty of nature and they seem to enjoy the portrayal.





“Ag gag laws” would make it difficult for people to expose animal cruelty or their safety issues. The primary intent of the bill appears to prevent people from exposing animal brutalities. Thus, the bill would punish individuals exposing animal abuse or food safety standards on factory farms. Such laws would act as an obstacle in the path of public health, animal welfare and environment. In addition, the law would prevent individuals and authorities from uncovering cases including forced cannibalism and sending of sick cattle and their products for consumption in the society (Rasmussen, C., 2012). Thus, people might find it extremely difficult to fight for the welfare of animals due to absence of any photographic or video evidence. The criminal court rates evidence as the primary source in announcement of their verdict. Thus, in absence of any material evidence, the court may not be in a position to affirm any particular stance in legal proceedings related to the matter.
It can therefore be concluded that “Ag gag laws” is not in the best interest of the society and its members. The law would create unnecessary imposition on viewers for capturing images with the consent of the farm owner. In addition, the farm owner may accept or decline request received from visitors. Thus, biasness may creep in society and result in undue discrimination among society members (Rinehart, R., 2015). Furthermore, discrimination may pave way for violence and opposition from individuals resulting in outbreak of protests and revolts. In order to combat the existing problems and offer feasible solutions, it is recommended that farm lands with animals should come under public-private partnerships. In this form of entrepreneurship, private farm owners and government authorities would have equal rights. Both the parties can collectively re-look at existing farm and animal laws and make amendments accordingly for the benefit of larger section of the society.



在这首歌中,使用了连续的诗句。在《盗梦空间》的开头和结尾都是连续的,并且在歌曲中发现了一个反向的回文结构。回文被定义为相同的向前和背景的东西(Pedler, 2010)。逆回文是完全相反的东西。这在和弦的诗歌结构中观察到了。在每一节的结尾,都有一段独特的合唱,这段合唱被认为是在最后才出现的。歌队和诗文的结构是过渡时期所观察到的独特因素。每首歌都蕴含着巨大的潜力。在“跨越宇宙”这首歌的发展过程中,“掌握时代”是一个缩影。就我个人而言,这首歌是我个人的最爱。这些歌曲已经被复制了很多次,即使在当代,它仍然能够引起人们的注意(Pedler, 2010)。这首歌融合了当地音乐和印度元素。
尽管如此,该说明的结构显然也与传统标准大不相同。可以感觉到,在这个音符中有一种平直的民谣形式。每首歌都有插补的“咒语”。在随后的更多,有两个独特的和类似的变异的诗句被使用(Pedler, 2010)。这些诗是折衷的。由于这种融合,这首歌增加了一种诱人的魅力。它似乎以一种自满的、漫不经心的方式嵌入其中。然而,歌曲中包含着一种深层的复杂性。曲调结构采用全音阶。诗节是最后一个音节,以倒拱的形式表示。这一节的最后一个音节被发现是给这个音节的不止一个音符。这首歌的亮点是把咒语以旋律的形式混合在一起,这被认为是一个上升的悲剧,使观众能够理解音节设置的原因。


In this particular song, there was the use of contiguous verses. There was contiguous in the inception and towards the end of the song and there was an inverse palindrome structure that was found in the song. A palindrome is defined as something that is the same forward and also background (Pedler, 2010). The inverse palindrome is something that is completely opposite in reverse. This was observed in the verse structure of chords. Towards the end of each verse, there was a unique chorus that was found to have originated towards the end. The structuring of the chorus and the verses were the unique factor that was observed in the transitional period. There was great potential that was found in each song.Mastery period was epitomized during the development of the song “Across the Universe”. From a personal standpoint, this song is a personal favorite. The songs have been reproduced so many times and it still manages to garner the attention of the people even in the contemporary times (Pedler, 2010). In this song, there is a mixture of the mix of local music and also the song comprised of Indian elements.
The note was clearly constructed nonetheless was also very different from the conventional standards. It could be felt that in this note there was a flat form of folk ballad. There is interpolation of “mantra” in each song. In the subsequent more there was two distinctive and similar variations of the verses that was used (Pedler, 2010). There is an eclectic mix of the verses. As a result of this integration, there is an alluring charm that adds to the song. It seems to have been embedded in a complacent offhand manner. However, there was a deep complexity that was involved in the songs.The tune structure uses a diatonic scale. The verse section is found to be a final syllable that is symbolized in the form of inverted arch. The final syllable of the section is found to be more than one note that is given to the syllable. The highlight of the song is the mixing of the mantra in a melodic form that is found to be a rising tragic that enables the audience to understand the reason of the syllabic setting.





Forecast selling of the stock has also dropped in the subsequent weeks which are a result of this action. Lack of innovation and failure to close deals are mentioned as the root causes of failure of the company. The company should look for ways to improve this emergent crisis. This crisis for the company could become sustained crisis if it is not handled appropriately. Crisis can also be categorized into leadership, environmental, production and financial crisis. In this situation the financial crisis for the company has stemmed from the production issues. The employees were not able to meet the deliverables and the consumer demands. These have lead to the formation of an emerging crisis for the company. There should be a leadership developed and a change management fostered by the management to bring changes in the employee commitment of meeting deliverables. To address this crisis the tools and channels that are prescribed are videos and speeches to make the employee understand the issue form a holistic perspective. The messages that need to be developed by the CEO have been elucidated in the subsequent section.
If there is failure to instill change management in the company it would cause impending negative spiraling of the efforts and would cause the company considerable losses leading to sustenance issues. They need to bring change management in order to remain relevant in the current times and to sustain in the company. It is expected that the proposed changes would be beneficial for the investors and majority of the employees of the company. The key messages and ideologies that the CEO needs to explain is in the following section. When disseminating a message to the people, it is imperative to provide message that is accurate, speedy and with charisma. The CEO should immediately communicate to the employees the need for swift action.
The fundamental message that the CEO should remember is to remember the ideals of innovation and reinvention. There should be love and it should not be let go of. Fundamental tenets of the message should be based on the vision and reinvention notion of the company and the company should never take a complacent stand when addressing towards these basic needs.





















