

管理核算资本预算和预算控制,这种技术的使用,使各公司更容易削减多余的开支,为所有完美的经营。间接铭刻公司的金条,所以公司可以减少其在产品上的增加。财务报表提供了重要的信息和其他管理要求的公司财务报表。管理会计帐户创建一个详细的技术报告,简单易懂的解释(Naoum, 2011)。因此,公司代表了财务报表的关键,并使管理人员采取一些正确的决策为公司的发展。管理团队需要公司管理所需的信息。记录所有的交易是很重要的,可以提高所有部门的业绩。因此,提出的记录的效率取决于这样保持的记录的准确性。个人解读可能来自于管理人员的决策和准备工作。这是基于理解和解释的概率。正确的主题知识使公司不可能做出准确或直接的决定。因此,在一天结束的时候不可能得到有效的结果(Mitchell, 2007)。管理会计的工作内容包括成本会计经济学、财务会计等。对各学科知识的缺乏会影响管理工作的结果,也会影响管理会计工作的更好开展,对各学科知识的掌握对会计人员来说至关重要。

为了实施有助于员工生产力和进一步提高的措施,这些措施的制定特别描述了组织的个人目标。实施评估个人绩效和团队绩效的措施几乎是相同的。它们是平衡计分卡中另一个个体实现个人目标的前提,以获得组织的财务成功,因此在这项工作中,经验提到了工人与动机、生产力和企业结果之间的积极关系。人力资源对于企业战略和财务成本的成功实现起到了至关重要的作用。平衡计分卡更强调学习和成长视角,作为其他使用视角的直接基础,以及它对主要劳动力的重要性,这导致组织获得更多和成功,这是由Applebaum构建的人力资源管理和公司获得之间的关键重要性。知识产权,如人力资本是新兴的竞争和来源的来源组织(Merna和Al-Thani, 2008)。即使在实践中,卡普兰和诺顿的目的,给予模糊资产和人力资本作为一个利益相关者的工作更重要的观点没有观察到,然而,它已经发现,这一消极行为背后的主要原因是困难和复杂性的概念,无形资产的因果比率。这包括员工满意度、员工保留率等,比较难的是这些指标在因果链中的比例。

Management accounting has many advantages and through an effective management accounting style, it is possible for the organization to enhance their performance. The management accounting increases the operational efficiency of the company. The companies should focus on enhancing the performance of all the work processes. The management accounting makes it very easier and simpler for achieving different results and this directly motivates the employees to perform the better performance. Thus, it indirectly increases the productivity of the organization at a whole unit.

Management counting capital budgeting and budgetary control, the uses of this technique make it easier for various companies to cut the excess expenditure for all perfect operations. The indirect inscription the bars of the company, so the company can reduce in order its increasing on the products. The financial statements provide significant information and other management require financial statement of the company. The management accountant accounts create a detailed technical report with easy and simpler interpretations (Naoum, 2011). Thus, the companies represent the key of the financial statements, and enable the managing officers take up some right decisions for the development of the company. The management team requires information for the management of the company. The recording of all the transaction is important and increasing the performance of all the departments. Thus, the efficiency of the record presented relies upon the accuracy of the records thus maintained. Personal interpretation may come from the decision taking and the preparation by the management officers. This is based on the probability of understanding and interpretation. Properly knowledge of subject makes it not possible to the company to come to the accurate or direct decisions. Thus, it becomes not possible to get effective outcomes at the end of the day (Mitchell, 2007). The job description of the management accounting includes cost accounting economics, financial accounting, etc. Lack of knowledge regarding the various subjects can affect the result of the management and for the better working management accounting, which is essential for the accountant to have a clear knowledge of the subjects.

To implement measures that would assist employee productivity and further improvement, development of these measures especially depicts individual objectives for the organization. Implementing measures that assess the individual performance and team performance is almost same. They are preconditioned for achieving individual targets in another individual of the BSC to attain the financial success of the organization, so in this work, experience has mentioned the positive relationship between workers and motivation, productivity and corporate results. HR does play a most significant and pivotal role to make the most prominent and successful realization of corporate strategy and financial, costing success. BSC emphasized more on learning and growth perspective as on the direct basement of other used perspective and its importance towards the main workforce, and this leads to the organization gaining much more and successfully, which is under constructed by Applebaum as a key importance between HRM and company gaining. Intellectual property like Human capital is emerging competitive for and source of source organization (Merna and Al-Thani, 2008). Even though in practice, the aim of Kaplan and Norton view point of giving more importance on vague assets and human capital working as a stakeholder is not observed, however, it has been found that the main reason behind this negative behaviour is the difficulties and complexity of conceptual the cause and effect ratios of intangibles. That includes employees satisfaction, employee retention, etc. it is more difficult the ratios of these measures in cause and effect chain.














多元化主要是在相关的新市场上销售新产品。一个小公司必须涉及许多仔细的方法来实现多元化战略,以确保他们的新推出的产品在市场上被他们的客户喜欢。在市场上推出新产品需要大量的市场调查,以确保从产品销售中获得利润。在多元化战略中,听取顾客的反馈和建议是非常重要的,在营销战略中,根据顾客的需求和需求,使产品实现直线发展(Kennedy, 2017)。



International strategy states that globally spotted auxiliary act which is independent and operates on local companies with least amount of coordination starting from the parent company. Global strategy is a wide variety in business policy with a high stage of adaptation with the confined business atmosphere. Challenge is to increase only one approach that can exist throughout the globe at the similar time preserving the elasticity to become accustomed with the strategy in the limited business environment. Global strategy engages single crafted strategy designed for entire network with partners and subsidiaries, surrounding many nations at the same time (Spee, 2017).

Trade and industry globalization are the method where businesses expand rapidly along with their markets to embrace global clients. Expansion is possible because technical come throughout 20th century and turn into global communication. Air tour and electronic post make it possible to administer business from inaccessible location. Global operations were attractive to lessen their financial plan in charge to boost earnings.

Suitable achievement and strategic affiliation in overseas markets in order towards cultivation of business

Most business companies have strategies towards growing their business culture to increase profit and sales. There are many methods a company that must try to implement growth strategy. The strategy regarding cultivation of business is mostly contingent towards financial situation along with government regulation and competition. Exporting is the best way to cultivate business and provide help in competition with domestic market. Some basic business growth strategy involves market expansion, market penetration, diversification, product expansion and acquisition.

Market penetration

One of the most beneficial growth strategies is the market penetration. Most of the company uses this market scheme to evaluate existing market product in increasing the market share, which is about sales of market that holds a completion with market with other companies. The most effective way to increment market share is by making the product price at lowest value. When there is must differentiation on products, a company must involve in lowering the product price to make efficient increment in their market shares.

Market expansion

Market expansion is basically the market growth, where demand of selling product is higher in new markets. When a market is unable to find proper market expansion, there is no chance to achieve profits from their product sales. A small company can involve the market expansion scenario to evaluate new strategies regarding sell of their products.

Product expansion

Product expansion strategy can be applied in the business cultivation plan to improve the quality and quantity of their production. Product development can be officially termed as adding new design and structure to their product to attract maximum crowd of customer in their product selling environment. The major catalyst acting over product expansion method is the change in technology, which generally boost up rates of sales by influencing modification in products.


Diversification is mainly related with selling of new products in their associated new market. A small company must involve many careful methods to attain diversification strategy so as to make sure about their new launched product in market is liked by their customer. Launching new product in market needs much market research to ensure gaining profits from product sale. Taking feedback and advices from customer are so much important in diversification strategy to make lineate development in their product according to the needs and demand of their customer in the marketing strategy (Kennedy, 2017).


The acquisition strategy involves growth of a particular market by purchasing another market to expand their marketing operation. A company can use this strategy to expand their production line reach towards their new customers in their new market. In acquisition strategy, a market and their production line are already established. A company must be well-known towards their market gain scenario with respect to provide proper investment towards purchase of new market for developing workforce production line. There must be proper implementation of plans and objective of the purchasing company towards their target company on view point taking out profit from company with their investment (Greve, 2017).




本文提供的概念模型图表明了GSCM实践、可持续绩效和环境协作之间的关系,沃尔沃集团的供应链分销商可以采用这种关系。这种模式从根本上基于社会、环境和经济绩效实践的角度。据了解,该模型表明了各种组织单位之间的关系,以及它们如何聚集在一起,以实现拟议的可持续性目标(Stadtler, 2015, pp. 3-8)。批评者Dyer和Singh提出,建立长期的组织间互动将促进强大的价值创造联系。这些联系将有助于实现产生积极的社会环境影响的最终目标。反过来,这将为公司在未来产生更大的生产力和盈利能力(Monczka等人,2015)。因此,这可能意味着沃尔沃集团发起合作供应链关系的基础是信任、忠诚、承诺、谈判公平和意识。


The central objective of this report is to engage in a discursive analysis of the social and environmental aspects involved in supply chain management. The concept of the Green Supply Chain Management or GSCM has gained considerable importance in the recent times as it involves the process of integrating sustainable practices and environmental thinking while operating the process of supply chain management. The objective of this report is to engage in a discursive analysis of the proposed concept through an application of the literature review. It would propose a conceptual model in relation to the Sweden based manufacturing companies. The end objective of the assignment is to provide reflective insight into the critical dimensions including a GSCM so that the same could be adopted by other business organization.

The figure of the conceptual model provided herein is indicative of the relationship between the GSCM practices, sustainable performance and environmental collaboration that could be adopted by the Volvo Group of supply chain distributors. This model is fundamentally based on the perspective of the social, environmental and economic performance practices. It is understood that this model is indicative of the relationship between various organizational units and how they come together to achieve the proposed objective of sustainability (Stadtler, 2015, pp. 3-8). Critics Dyer and Singh have proposed that establishment of a long-term inter-organizational interaction would facilitate strong value-creating linkages. These linkages would be helpful in achieving the ultimate objective of initiating a positive societal environmental impact. This would, by turn, produce greater productivity and profitability for the company in future (Monczka et al., 2015). It could be, therefore, implied that initiating a collaborative supply chain relationship by the Volvo group would be founded on trust, loyalty, commitment, negotiation fairness and awareness.

The assignment is primarily founded on the literature review of supply chain management practices. Based on the findings and the observations, the selected contextual situation of the Volvo Group has been explained. The proposition of the conceptual model helps in understanding the relationship between various organizational units in achieving organizational sustainability. With the help of critical arguments, it is understood that the same could be adopted by the Volvo Group to improve their CSR practices. The establishment of the long-term collaborative relationship would effectuate the process of an eco-friendly organizational management. In fact, it would impact the society and environment at large. Volvo Group mainly deals in the manufacturing of the vehicles and construction materials, and it involves a voluminous production of byproducts. With the increasing environmental awareness, it had been realized that to impact a positive social and environmental change, practices must be adopted at all the managerial and supply chain levels.




在理解由于微光反应器而产生的催化反应时,由于催化剂的这些不污染的条件将是一个经常被引用的优势。微光反应器的催化应用通常是在理解废水处理和分析废气的背景下进行的。在废水处理的情况下,有必要了解处理废水中存在的各种污染物的不同方法。除了废水中存在的可过滤元素外,还注意到以污染物形式存在的元素,如COD、氮化合物等。为了确保通过催化湿式氧化的方式清除这些元素,废水处理必须采用在高温高压条件下引入催化剂的工艺(拜耳等人,2000年)。这种形式的系统更有利,因为使用微光反应器主要不会导致产品污染(在这种情况下是水),因为微光反应器催化不像其他形式的污染。运行成本低得多,也是一种环保的方法。装置设计更紧凑,催化法既不会除臭也不会脱色。这些是现有废水清洗系统中存在的一些问题。合成产物通常是高性能水(Lob等人,2004)。以这种形式存在于水中的一些常见的COD成分包括福尔马林、二恶烷、甲醇、甲酸、苯酚等。此外,还会有类似硫的化合物,以酮、四氢呋喃(THF)、甲基乙基酮(MEK)、甲醇、对苯二甲酸、乙二醇、季戊四醇等形式存在。在净水环境中使用微光反应器的光催化的一些优点是,与其他任何方法相比,其效果可以实现更好的最佳降解。例如,考虑光催化氧化,只要温度变化很小,就不会影响催化过程(Guo et al, 2008)。在温度非常高的地方降解会被加强而不需要改变太多的pH值。氧凝聚可以是一个常数,不会有影响。研究进一步表明,在活性炭和二氧化硅的情况下进行光催化可以获得更好的吸附剂效率。

一些光催化微光反应器的应用是关于l -哌啶甲酸的合成。Takei等人利用自制的微光反应器装置,研究了l -赖氨酸方案下l -哌齐酸54的合成方法。它是典型的自制微芯片(Guo et al, 2008)。批量实验也进行了并行,发现在批处理系统的情况下,转化率在一个小时的时间周期内实现,而在微光反应器技术的情况下,转化率在1分钟或更适当的0.86分钟内实现(Benaglia, 2009)。这表明,在微光反应器的情况下,该工艺是非常有效的。然而,在批处理系统中,产生的量要高得多,在微光反应器系统中,产生的量平均为2.8乘以10的负10 mol / min次方。虽然这可能被认为是一个显著的缺点,这里需要注意的一个重要因素是微光反应器将允许使用集群,所以通过使用更多的微反应器将可能解决这个问题(Wenn等人,2014)。

These terms of non-contamination because of the catalyst will be an oft quoted advantage when it comes to understanding catalytic reactions because of micro-photo reactor. The catalytic application of the micro-photo reactor is usually in the context of understanding waste water treatment and that of analyzing exhaust air. In the case of waste water treatments, there is a need to understand the different ways to treat the range of pollutants that are present in waste water. In addition to the filterable elements that are present in the waste water, it is also noticed that there are elements in the form of pollutants such as COD, nitrogen compounds and more. In ensuring the cleaning up of such elements by means of a catalytic wet oxidation it becomes necessary for waste water treatment to make use of processes where under high temperature and pressure conditions the catalyst would be introduced (Bayer, et al, 2000). This form of system is more advantageous as the use of the micro-photo reactor primarily does not lead to pollution of the product (in this case it is water) because micro-photo reactor catalysis will not contaminate unlike the other forms. The running cost is much lower and this is an environmentally friendly method too. The plant design is much more compact and the catalysis method will neither deodorize the water and nor will it decolorize it. These are some issues that are present in existing systems of waste water cleaning. The resultant product is usually high performance water (Lob et al, 2004). Some of the common COD components that are present in such forms of water are that of formalin, dioxane, methyl alcohol, formic acid, phenol and more. In addition, there would be sulfur like compounds in the form of tone, tertahydrofuran (THF), methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), methyl alcohol, terephthalic acid, ethylene glycol, pentaerythritol etc. Some of the advantages of the photo catalysis in the context of purifying water that leads to the use of micro-photo reactor is that of its effect to achieve a better optimum degradation compared to any other. For instance, consider photocatalytic oxidation where the temperature changes would not affect the process of catalysis as long as they are minor (Guo et al, 2008). Where there are very high temperatures then it would happen that the degradation will actually be enhanced without much pH change involved. Oxygen concertation could be a constant here and would not have an impact. Research studies further more indicate that photo catalysis in the case of activated carbon and silica would result in a better adsorbent efficiency.

Some of the photocatalytic micro-photo reactorapplications are with respect to the synthesis of L-Pipecolinic acid. Researchers Takei et al studied how to synthesize L-pipecolinic acid 54 in the L-lysine scheme by means of a micro-photo reactor device that was made at home. It was quintessentially a homemade microchip (Guo et al, 2008). A batch experiment was also conducted in parallel and it was found that in the case of the batch system, the conversion rate was achieved in a time period of an hour, whereas in the case of micro-photo reactor technology the conversion rate was achieved in the context of 1 minute or more properly in 0.86 minutes (Benaglia, 2009). This indicated that the process was much efficient in the case of the micro-photo reactor. However, in the case of the Batch systems, the amount produced was much higher and in the case of the micro-photo reactor system, the amount produced was in the average of 2.8 multiplied by ten to the power minus ten mol per minute. While this could be considered as a significant disadvantage, an important element to notice here is that micro-photo reactor would allow the use of clustering, so by the use of more micro reactors it would be possible to address this issue (Wenn et al, 2014).




关于企业家的领导角色和管理者角色的研究表明,他们的工作虽然看起来相似,但也有一些不同(Kempster & Cope, 2010)。经理们渴望成为领导者,并专注于发展他们在工作场所的领导技能,但他们的重点确实是日常活动。他们努力发展他们的领导技能或他们对变化的关注将受到日常管理活动的驱动。研究表明,在采用领导角色时,企业家在组织和推动变革方面比在管理职能中表现出更多的主动性(Kempster & Cope, 2010)。专注于领导技能的企业家也寻求更广泛的经验,因此在他们的战略方法中更有洞察力和信息。与管理者相比,企业家的定义似乎突出了这种不同。企业家被定义为在商业市场中不断努力创造具有独特价值的新事物的人。基于新兴机会的创新被企业家所抓住(Dover & Dierk, 2016,第7页)。因此,在企业家的概念理解中,一些动态的东西是被期望的,因为他们通过利用机会不断帮助他们的组织发展。

企业家在管理能力上将发挥更务实的作用。重点是功能,而不是企业家的角色。经理计划、组织、协调和控制,并在此过程中为公司手头的情况带来秩序和结构(Gosling & Mintzberg, 2003)。创业型公司确实需要良好的管理,为已创建的东西带来秩序和结构(Zahra, 2005)。然而,企业家单独接受经理的角色不会帮助企业从舒适的战略位置移动到更高的达到战略。事实上,如果工作场所的管理侧重于复杂性和降低风险,企业家就会寻求承担一些风险。更好的效率、增长和创新会带来一定的风险,有时脱离组织内定义的规定流程和规则是必要的(Holt et al., 2007)。领导者有能力做到这一点,相比之下,管理者往往致力于维持现状,因此也会建议和激励他们的员工这样做。管理者关注的是协作。他们利用谈判、惩罚甚至一定程度的胁迫来控制与他们一起工作的员工和其他下属。研究者Dover和Dierk(2016)甚至认为,这使得管理工作抗拒变革。然而,无论是企业组织还是企业家都不会抵制变革。


Research conducted on the subject of what an entrepreneur’s leadership role and manager role was revealed that their work, although appearing to be similar, had some dissimilarity (Kempster & Cope, 2010). Managers aspire to be leaders and do focus on developing their leadership skills in the workplace, but their focus is indeed on the day to day activities. Their efforts to develop their leadership skills or their focus on change will be driven by day to day management activities. The research revealed that in the adoption of leadership roles, more initiative were shown by entrepreneurs to organize and drive change than they would show within a managerial function (Kempster & Cope, 2010). Entrepreneurs focusing on their leadership skills seek a wider range of experience as well and hence are more insightful and informative in their approach to strategy. The very definition of an entrepreneur seems to highlight this dissimilarity compared against the manager. The entrepreneur is defined as one that constantly strives to create something new with unique values in the business market place. Innovation based on emerging opportunities is seized by the entrepreneur (Dover & Dierk, 2016, p. 7). Hence in the very conceptual understanding of the entrepreneur, something dynamic is expected, as they constantly help their organization evolve by making use of opportunities.

The entrepreneur in the managerial capacity will play a much more pragmatic role. The focus is on functionality, as compared against the role of the entrepreneur. The manager plans, organizes, coordinates and controls and in doing so bring order and structure to the situation at hand in the company (Gosling & Mintzberg, 2003). Entrepreneurial companies do need good management for bringing order and structure to what has been created (Zahra, 2005). However, the entrepreneur accepting the role of the manager alone would not help the business move from its comfortable strategic position to higher reaching strategies. In fact, where the management of the workplace focuses on complexity and risk reduction, the entrepreneur would seek to take some risk. Better efficiency, growth and innovation would come with some amount of risk and sometimes it is necessary to get out of the prescribed processes and rules defined within the organization (Holt et al., 2007). Leaders would be capable of doing this compared to managers who often work on maintaining the status-quo and hence would also advice and motivate their workforce to do the same. The manager focuses on collaborations. They make use of negotiations, punishment and even a certain amount of coercion could be identified in how they seek to control the employees working with them and other subordinates. Researchers Dover and Dierk (2016) even argue that this makes management work resist change. However, neither an entrepreneurial organization nor an entrepreneur will resist change.

There could be no change or no development possible when one adheres to the status quo and this is a critical reason why the entrepreneur has to be a leader more than a manager. The leadership function can hence be given a broader role compared to management which is connected to the conditioning and success of existing elements. Given this background context, this work makes the argument that for an entrepreneurial venture, it is better for the entrepreneur to be a leader than a manager.




在案例研究中,一个重要的管理问题被定义,实现一致性与分配的自主权。重视一致性会因为重视自主性而影响创新项目。这里管理的作用是给予足够的结构化沟通,以确保在结构化创新过程中有更好的干预。这样,团队之间可以安排更好的社会化结构。当团队在不同地点面临一个问题时(请记住Bright Futures项目因为案例分散在不同地点而被废弃的事实),沟通是一个重要的问题,这是一个人力资源和管理问题。如果项目不与团队沟通目标并从他们那里获得信息,那么它将无法分析所有的机会。开放式创新实践将通过在一致性和自主性之间取得平衡而得到发展(Holmes & Smart, 2009;盖茨与希尔出版社,1995年)。

持续创新对于利润和非营利组织都是必要的(Light, 1998;Jaskyte & Dressler, 2005)。为了持续创新,必须确保一定程度的自主权,以便使人们对实践持更开放的态度。组织治理必须存在,但它必须确保在过程中不会变得官僚主义。追踪工具和社交网络工具,比如Yammer,将提高工作环境的可视性。从开放频繁的沟通,组织必须实现一致性,同时利用精英管理。



In the case study, an important managerial problem was defined, achieving consistency versus allotment of Autonomy. Giving much importance to consistency would affect the innovation project due to giving much importance to autonomy. The role of the management here is to give enough structured communication so as to ensure that there is improved intervention in structuring the innovation. This way, better structures of socialization between teams could be arranged. When teams are facing an issue across location (mindful of the fact that the Bright Futures project being disused as case is spread out over locations), communication is an important issue, and it is a human resources and a management issue. The project will not be able to analyse all the opportunities if it does not communicate the goals to the team and receive input from them. Open innovation practices would be developed through having a balance between consistency and autonomy (Holmes & Smart, 2009; Gates & Hill, 1995).

Sustaining innovations is as much a necessity for the profit and the non-profit organization (Light, 1998; Jaskyte & Dressler, 2005). For sustaining innovations, some amount of autonomy must be assured so as to enable people to be more open-minded about the practice. Organizational governance must exist, but it must ensure that it does not become bureaucratic in the process. Tracking tools and social networking tools like Yammer for instance would improve the visibility when it comes to the work environment. From open frequent communication, the organization must move to one of achieving consistency and at the same time make use of meritocracy.

Social innovation presents a new term on management. It redefines management and hence it can be described as having a transformative effect on the organization that is making use of it. Social and civil literature on the subject of social innovation argues that it is focused much on multiservice. Hence, it can be classed under the new public service paradigm. Role of social economy, role of the entrepreneurs, the role of social change with respect to innovation are the key words surrounding it. Michael Porter’s argument on corporate value discusses what is called as shared value. Shared value is important for business and non-profit organization. The new take-on management actually arises from the broader understanding of how different fields contribute to management science understanding. Since social innovation spills over into human resources, management has to focus on the human resource handling. Similarly, innovations spill over into institutional context, social capitals and more, and at every area once again, it is necessary for the organization to handle management level concerns for improving competitiveness. In non-profit management more than any other, sustainability and social capital improvements are concepts that go hand in hand with social innovation. In the given case study, the discussion about Corby, the post-industrial town of UK, it is observed that the city had become victim to many failed strategies. When defining something innovative, it is hence a given fact that sustainability planning will go into it. It would be difficult to plan for the city without including sustainability initiatives.

A specific management level issue when it comes to non-profit organizations is whether they would be able to implement continuous innovation. Continuous innovation has been studied widely in the profit sector and the profit sector is in agreement that continuous innovation would help develop their internal and external capabilities. However, the idea as applied to the non-profit sector could slightly vary. Now profit areas would struggle to find the opportunity where innovation could be targeted by disruption and innovation could be sustained by finding a series of points to innovate. Furthermore, continuous innovation is usually about a product, but as observed in the case of social innovation, there is an impact on the culture of the land and other intangible attributes and hence the outcome of each innovation step which in turn will drive another becomes problematic. Newer ideas could get reinforced slower in the case of the non-profit system.



美国论文代写:社交媒体研究背景。社交媒体是一个集合术语,指的是通过网站和web应用程序实现的不同在线交流渠道,用户可以在这些渠道中创建内容,分享和参与社区意图。在商业意义上,这种新时代的媒体工具是重要的,因为用户交流关于商业产品的各种信息,并相互教育关于产品、服务和品牌。根据Netpop Research(2012)和Emarketer(2013)的研究,社交媒体用户的比例正在上升,因此企业品牌、产品和服务的交流也越来越多。接下来美国论文代写专家将对社交媒体研究背景进行以下分析。

过去几十年的技术发展导致了社交媒体使用量的增加。Facebook和Instagram等社交网站和twitter等微博客社交网站是使用社交媒体的重要范例。Netpop Research(2012)指出,自2007年以来,社交媒体使用量增长了356%,而且这个比例还在增长。使用社交媒体的用户也在增加。Emarketer(2013)发现超过17.3亿人使用社交营销网站,这包括来自不同人群的人。Statista表示,2017年英国的社交媒体用户数量为390亿,预计2018年将为4200万,增长超过58%至62% (Statista, 2018)。社交媒体使用的增加对企业有很大的影响,因为它打开了无数的营销机会。随着社交媒体的出现,人们可以与许多人就他们从企业获得的产品或服务进行交流。传统的传播和营销形式现在可以被整合营销传播所取代,利用社交媒体和电子口碑营销。然而,社交媒体工具和市场营销并不都是正面的。正如研究人员Mangold和Faulds(2009)所认为的,在市场中,社交媒体和它所产生的c2c交流可以使商业产品或服务的一些缺点被放大。在这种背景下,企业有必要在组织营销策略时将社交媒体作为一个坚实的方面。这项工作具体考虑了中小企业如何利用社交媒体的背景。


中小企业是世界各国经济发展的重要组成部分,可以为世界经济发展做出巨大贡献。截至2018年,英国约有570万家私营企业。中小企业占私营部门企业的近99.3%,总就业人数约为1610万人,占私营部门就业人数的近60% (FSB, 2018)。此外,中小企业具有竞争力,这就是社交媒体的作用变得关键的地方。社交媒体对于中小企业发展与客户的关系和影响消费者的决定是有用的。像Michaelidou, Siamagka和Christodoulides(2011)这样的研究工作确定了英国企业是如何利用社交媒体营销使用机会的。Ainin等人(2015)对英国、美国、澳大利亚和印度等国中小企业及其使用的比较视角进行了分析。然而,许多关于社交媒体营销的研究工作并没有真正关注中小企业和创业企业的具体问题,往往使用适用于宏观公司的数据,在评估英国中小企业社交媒体使用的性质方面发现了研究差距。本研究将填补这一空白,并试图分析社交媒体和社交电商如何影响中小企业消费者的决策过程。

Technology development of the last few decades has led to increase of social media usage. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram and microblogging social sites such as twitter are some significant exemplars of social media usage. Netpop Research (2012) identified a 356 percent rise in social media usage since 2007 and the percentage is still growing. The segment of users that make use of social media has risen as well. Emarketer (2013) identifies more than 1.73 billion people using social marketing sites and this includes people from different population segments. Statista presents the number of social media users in the United Kingdom as 39 billion in 2017 and estimates for 2018 were 42 million, which is more than a 58 percent to 62 percent increase (Statista, 2018). Increased social media use has much implications for businesses because of numerous marketing opportunities that it opens. With the emergence of social media, it is possible for people to communicate with many people about products or services they receive from businesses. Traditional forms of communication and marketing can now be replaced by integrated marketing communication that makes use of social media and electronic word of mouth marketing. However, everything is not positive about social media tools and marketing. As researchers Mangold and Faulds (2009) argue, in the market place, the social media and the consumer-to-consumer communication that it generates can make some cons of the business product or service appear magnified. Given this context, it is necessary for businesses to factor in social media as a solid aspect when they organize their marketing strategies. This work in specific considers the context of how SMEs have made use of social media.

All these brand and business information shared in the form of electronic word of mouth could affect brand marketing and this makes it vital for businesses to align their marketing strategy by considering the impact of social media. As Mangold and Faulds (2009) argue, every communication appears intense or exacerbated in social media context. Added to this, it is the issue of loss of control. The marketing manager and the business can control some aspects of how information is portrayed about their business, but they cannot always control the frequency, timing and content of social media’s conversations. Moreover, the information share goes on even as the marketing strategy moves to new grounds, as information never really dies in the world wide web. Businesses hence have to be careful about how they wield social media into their marketing efforts. In particular, small scale businesses and entrepreneurial start-ups which have a much shorter time towards achieving stability and scalability have to pay extra attention to how they are portrayed in social media.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are important for the economy and can make a lot of contributions in every country. As of 2018, in the United Kingdom, there were around 5.7 million private sector businesses. SMEs account for nearly 99.3 percent in private sector businesses and total employment they generate is around 16.1 million, which is nearly 60 percent of private sector employment (FSB, 2018). SMEs furthermore are competitive, and this is where the role of the social media becomes pivotal. Social media is useful for SMEs to develop relationships with customers and influence consumer decisions. Research works like Michaelidou, Siamagka and Christodoulides (2011) identify how social media marketing usage opportunities are exploited by businesses within the United Kingdom. Comparative perspectives on SMEs and their use in countries like the United Kingdom, USA, Australia and India have been analysed by researchers like Ainin et al. (2015). However, much of the research work on social media marketing are not really focused on issues specific to SMEs and entrepreneurial ventures and tend to use data applicable across macro firms and a research gap is identified for assessing the nature of social media usage with respect to SMEs in UK. This research will fill in this gap and seek to analyse how social media and social e-commerce can influence consumers’ decision-making process in SMEs.




实证研究显示,最低工资提高对失业的影响好坏参半(Allegretto et al., 2011)。然而,最近的研究表明,一些人的工资上涨和另一些人的失业之间可能存在权衡(Neumark等人,2014)。同时,即使有一些最小的失业由于上调最低工资,它仍然可以导致减少不平等通过部门基于类的下降和劳动力(罗杰斯,2017年,p . 9)。在美国,增加最低工资上调像西雅图,报告显示,低收入工人的生活质量有所提高,从而减少了他们的贫困(Hoppes, 2018)。最近的研究表明,目前从事低工资工作的人大部分不是由家庭中其他人照顾的青少年,而是那些在大学里待了一段时间的人(Dube, 2013)。这些人的工作效率也很高。根据最近的报告,中产阶级青少年或由别人照顾的人在低收入工人中所占的比例明显下降。因此,提高最低工资不会是剥削。随着基本最低工资限额的提高,不同年龄群体的最低工资已普遍提高。


Federal minimum wage in United States has been one of the most controversial topics that are widely discussed among the public and the policy makers for a long period. The last revision to the Federal Minimum wage occurred in 2009, increasing it from $5.89 per hour to $7.25 per hour (Dube, 2013). Meanwhile, 29 states in the country along with the District of Columbia increased their minimum wages above the federal minimum wage level, accounting for the increase in factors like productivity, inflation and cost of living (Thomas, 2017). For example, Seattle has increased the minimum wage very high to $15 per hour in 2017. This has created a hot debate about whether the federal minimum wage needs to be increased or not. There are arguments supporting and opposing the rise in the Federal minimum wage level. In this essay, both sides are examined to analyze whether there should be rise in the federal minimum wage level or not. This will be examined with the help of available sources, researches and calculations (Varney, 2014).

Empirical studies show mixed results about the effects of rise in minimum wage hikes on the job losses (Allegretto et al., 2011). Recent studies show however that there can be tradeoffs between rise in wages for some and loss of employment for others (Neumark et al., 2014). At the same time, even if there are some minimal job losses due to the hike in the minimal wage, it can still lead to reduction in inequality through the decline in divisions based on class and labor (Rogers, 2017, p. 9). In the states that increased the minimum wage hike like Seattle, reports show a rise in the quality of life of the low-income workers, thus reducing their poverty (Hoppes, 2018). The recent studies have shown, those who are working for low wages at present are mostly not teenagers who are taken care of by others in the family, but those are the ones, who have spent some time in the college (Dube, 2013). These groups of people are productive as well. The share of middle class teenagers or those who are taken care of by others have declined significantly among the low wage workers, according to the recent reports. Thus, increasing minimum wages will not be exploitation. The minimum wages in general are already increased among different age groups with the increase in the substantial minimum wages limit.

Based on the discussion here, it can be concluded that the federal minimum wage needs to be increased, complemented with other policies for poverty alleviation and the improvement of living standards of the workers. The hike in the minimum wage can lead to losses of some jobs, but it will be compensated by the retention of workers, thus reducing job turn over. Thereby, the firms’ productivity will be increased. This in turn can benefit the economy as a whole. The federal minimum wage needs to be hiked taking into account the cost of living, inflation and the productivity of the workers along with the existing labor market conditions for improving their living standards. The policies also should consider how to raise the minimum wage minimizing the loss of jobs for achieving the goal of alleviating poverty. Moreover, rather than focusing more only on the minimum wage hike, it needs to be a part of overall reforms that help in building a society which is equitable. The other reforms should include the measures for the empowerment of workers and for revising the tax structure. Along with these, there needs to be more focus on the rise in the minimum wages at the state level and city level than at the federal level due to the wide differences in the conditions existing in the labor markets across different states and cities.




贫穷被理解为绝对或相对地获得物质福利。另一方面,社会排斥是在更广阔的视野下定义的,即一些社会群体无法以适当的方式获得政府提供的设施。被社会排斥的个人通常很贫穷,但实际上可能失去改善自己的机会,因为他们被剥夺了充分参与社会的权利。个人没有选择来改进Burchardt等人(1999,p. 227)。社会排斥定义指出:“英国人被社会排斥的条件是:(a)他/她在地理上是英国居民,但(b)由于他/她无法控制的原因,他/她不能参加英国公民的正常活动;(c)他/她愿意参与。”解决社会排斥问题意味着必须将个人纳入决策层面。因此,在处理与交通系统有关的社会排斥问题时,需要进行公众咨询(Atkinson和Hills, 1998)。

伦敦研究中心(1996)提出了社会排斥和贫困的措施。据估计,大约有170万到220万伦敦人生活在贫困之中。这里使用了物质福利措施。贫困和流动性之间的联系可以通过物质福利衡量来理解(Howarth et al., 1998)。然而,物质福利的论点并不那么有力,因为三个主要原因。物质富裕与流动的关系在社会理论中是无法理解的。社会关系非常复杂,更多的是一种货币目标。旅行支出、贫穷和旅行费用并不是真正明确衡量现实社会排斥的指标,但基于所处的地点,这些因素会产生很大的影响。取决于人们住在哪里,无论是在伦敦市中心还是郊区,旅行的费用会有所不同。使用物质福利衡量的第二个限制是,它将取决于年龄等变量。这些变量创造了关于人们如何以及为什么消费的不同层面的推理。与老年人相比,即使在有限的社会水平内,年轻人也表现出更大的消费倾向,老年人对消费活动的理解与年轻一代大不相同。这些变量与缺乏机会有不同的联系(环境、运输和区域部,1998年b)。最后,提出的物质福利问题可能会让在国内旅行的人感到困惑。例如,生活在贫困线以下的人可能没有汽车,但生活在伦敦一些较富裕地区的人可能没有汽车,因为停车位稀缺(Focas, 1998)。

虽然这些都是物质关切成为衡量一个复杂方面的原因,但社会排斥也是如此。社会排斥的衡量依赖于多种指标,而对剥夺的评估必须基于正确的指标。例如,英国环境和运输部将社会排斥定义为一种社会经济压力,在这种情况下,公共交通供应不足会对公民造成影响。它基于公民参与机会较少的论点(环境、交通和地区部,2000)。重要的是要记住,这些指标并不代表个人由于某些其他原因而无法使用某项规定的情况。它只适用于那些规定甚至没有提供给公民,公民没有选择接受或拒绝这些规定的情况。Folwell(1999)认为在这种对社会排斥的理解中可能存在复合元素,“这些特征彼此之间没有任何关系”(Folwell, 1999, p. 27)。因此,复杂性的水平得到了强调。一些变量是相互排斥的,如高老年群体的住房的地理分布。


Poverty is understood absolute or relative access to material welfare. On the other hand, social exclusion is defined in a broader horizon where some social groups do not have access to facilities provided by the government in proper way. The socially excluded individual are generally poor but could have actually lost the opportunities to improve themselves because they were denied the rights to fully participate in society. Individuals just do not have a choice to improve Burchardt et al. (1999, p. 227). The social exclusion definition states that “a British individual is socially excluded if: (a) he/she is geographically resident in the UK but (b) for reasons beyond his or her control, he/she cannot participate in the normal activities of UK citizens; and (c) he/she would like to so participate”. Addressing the social exclusion problem means the individual must be brought into the policy making dimensions. Public consultation is hence needed when tackling social exclusion in relation to the transportation system in the country (Atkinson and Hills, 1998).

London Research Centre (1996) presented the measures of social exclusion and poverty. Around 1.7 and 2.2 million Londoners were estimated to be living in poverty. Material welfare measures were used here. Link between poverty and mobility can be understood with the material welfare measure (Howarth et al., 1998). However, the material welfare argument is not that strong because of three main reasons. The material affluence & mobility relationship are not understood in a social theory. The social relationship is very complex and more of a monetary objective. Expenditure on travel, poverty and cost of travel are not really clear measures of social exclusion in reality but based on the location these factors make lot of difference. Depending on where the person lives, either in central London or in the sub urban areas, the cost of travel would differ. The second limitation in using the material welfare measure is that it would depend on variables like age. These variables create different layers of reasoning on how and why people spend. Young people shows a greater spending propensity even within constrained social levels, as compared to older people, whose understanding of spending activities will be much different than younger generation. These variables have a different connection to the absence of opportunity (Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions, 1998b). Finally, the material welfare concerns raised could be confusing for the travel people in the country. For instance, people who are under poverty line might not own a car, but people who are in some of the wealthier parts of London might not own a car because parking would be scarce (Focas, 1998).

While these are reasons why material concerns become a complex aspect to measure, the same could be said for social exclusion. Social exclusion measurement relies on multiple indicators and the deprivation has to be assessed based on the right indicator. For instance, United Kingdom defines social exclusion in the Department of Environment and Transport as a form of social economic stress where lack of public transport provisions is caused to the citizen. It is based on the argument that there are less participation opportunities for the citizen (Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions, 2000). It is important to remember that such indicators do not represent case situations where the person is not able to make use of a provision because of some other reasons. It only applies to such cases where the provisions are not even made available to the citizen, and the citizen does not have a choice to accept or reject the provisions. Folwell (1999) argues that composite elements might exist in such understanding of social exclusions and “none of these characteristics have anything to do with one another” (Folwell, 1999, p. 27). The level of complexity is hence highlighted. Some variables are mutually exclusive as seen in the geographical distribution of housing among high old age groups.

The United Kingdom Government aims to present their stand point on social exclusion in a clear manner so as to have consistency (Social Exclusion Unit, 1998). The Government for instance identified key enumeration district levels for its census analysis. Social inclusion aspects are included in such categorization. Such planning revealed the following. It highlighted that much of the population of London was under poverty and in some cases poverty and social exclusion are connected. The second conclusion in the link connecting poverty and exclusion may not be properly understood. Thirdly, inherent complexity is a concern. Fourthly, inter-relationship between dimensions is a concern. Newer index of deprivation indicators seems to address some of these concerns. However, not all of them were finalized or cleared (Guardian, 2000). Hence, a research-policy gap exists as well adding to more complexity in understanding social exclusion and mobility.








The utilization of biomass in its present state would be a cause for concern because of its inconvenient forms and its inherent bulkiness (Loha et al., 2014). Biomass have a very lower energy density as compared to fossil fuel and the advantages for the use of biomass versus fossil fuel would be constrained in how such mass can be transferred and handled. “Handling, storage and transportation of biomass in its raw form thus becomes costlier in comparison to conventional fuels. Thus, to fruitfully utilize biomass, it becomes necessary to improve its properties which elevate its handling, storage and transportation ability” (Baruah & Baruah, 2014, p. 807).

In order to make it easier for handing purposes, the solid biomass is converted into some form of gaseous form or liquid form. Biochemical and thermochemical conversion is the chemical reaction behind this conversion. The thermochemical form of conversion is what is called biomass gasification. The gasification modeling is a complex chemical reaction run in a setup uniquely developed for the purpose. The purpose of the literature review is to focuses on the details of different models used by different researchers in fluidized bed gasification and different models of simulations used for prediction of some of the complex activities in the system.

Some key characteristics observed in the fluidized bed gasifier as opposed to other forms of gasifiers are that of how the ash conditions differ. Ash conditions can either be dry or it can be agglomerated. The design configuration used would depend on how much char would be used. Characteristics of the fluid bed gasifier will also differ as per the bed height needed for the specific project. Other factors are that of the reactor used, the amount of temperature control and thermal conversion rate that is required.

The temperature differences across other reactors, the form of ash conversion and more have led to the fluidized bed gasifier being the gasifier of choice for much of the work on sustainability fuels. The environment supporting lesser clinker formation at a steady temperature and the capability of the FBG to work with relatively reactive coals at one end, and low-ranking coals makes it a very versatile choice as well in gasification.

Some other benefits that are reported in multiple studies on the simulation and modeling of fluid-based gasifiers are presented as follows. Firstly, the fluid-based gasifier is seen to support better load flexibility. This is a must requirement in the case of critical fail proof systems. Where high heat transfer rates are required, the system must not fail, and for this, the FBG system is appropriate. Furthermore, compared to other systems, the FBG supports better fluid flexibility as well. This means that the range of feedstock that can be used with the FBG is quite high than other gasifier systems. A wider range of application and use is hence identified with the FBG. The temperature requirements are quite moderate compare to other gasifiers. Oxidant, heat requirements, the use of uniform temperature, and higher cold gas efficiencies as compared to other gasifiers make this an ideal choice. Lower carbon conversion is one of the characteristics of the FBG. Extensive char cycling requirement could be a con of the system.
