

接触是指为孩子提供广泛的学习机会。这些活动可以以不同的形式出现(Grace et al., 2008)。它可以基于学前教育项目,儿童保育和娱乐项目,提供学前或学龄前服务。然后将这些项目与早期教育项目相结合。在许多情况下,这些简单的改变可导致增加对个别儿童接触的便利。通用设计可以表述为为人们提供访问(Sumsion等人,2009年)。这些是用来进入不同环境的。这些是通过移除物理或结构障碍而形成的。该技术的使用可以让孩子们参与一系列功能能力,成为包容性环境的一部分。在这些环境中,项目设计的目的是方便进入,一些孩子需要额外的个性化住宿。研究发现,人口中的成年人在包容性环境中促进了儿童的归属感和参与感。这些被用于各种有意的方法(Mac Naughton, Rolfe & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010)。

早期教育的分层模式被用来帮助成人组织评估和干预。个人需要为孩子们创造脚手架学习和参与元素。社会情绪发展的目的是促进参与。这些是儿童早期融入所需要的一些关键目标。此外,儿童还需要有办法解决参与问题,并把重点放在系统级支助的基础设施上。为了让孩子参与,成年家庭成员或监护人需要有安全感,才能让孩子参与。关键的利益相关者需要在不同的各方之间发展合作(Silver, 2010)。其中包括家庭、医生和专家。增加专门的服务和治疗可以导致更好的协调风尚。支助系统需要有适当的质量标准。质量框架是用来创建或指导包容性实践的项目质量标准和学习指南。理解法律和准则是很重要的。

The definition of the Early Childhood Inclusion is used for the process of generation of values, policies, and practices. It is derived from the notion that every infant and younger child needs to participate in a broad range of activities and contexts. They need to have inclusive experiences for children and create a sense of membership and creation of potential social relationships. One of the defining features of this inclusion process is the ability to discern and create a high-quality education program that is based on access, participation, and supports.

Access is the act of providing the children with a wide range of learning opportunities. These involve the activities that can occur in different forms (Grace et al., 2008). It could be based on the head start programs, child care, and recreational programs, providing preschool or pre-kindergarten services. These are then blended with the early education programs. In many of the cases, these simple changes can lead to increase in the facilitation of the access of the individual children. The universal design could be stated to provide the access to the people (Sumsion et al., 2009). These are used to access to the differential environments. These are made by the removal of the physical or structural barriers. The access to the technology can allow the children to participate in a range of functional abilities to become a part of the inclusive settings. In these environments, the programs are designed for the purpose of facilitating access and some children require additional individualized accommodations. The adults of the population are found to promote a sense of belonging and engagement of the children in inclusive settings. These are used in a variety of intentional methods (Mac Naughton,, Rolfe & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010).

The tiered models in early education are used to hold the promise of aiding the adults to organize assessments and interventions. The individuals need to create scaffold learning and the elements of participation for the children. The social-emotional development is used for the purpose to facilitate the participation. These are some of the critical goals that are required for the early childhood inclusion. Added to this, the children need to have provisions to address the participation and focus on the infrastructure of systems-level supports. To make the children participate, the adult family members or guardians need to feel secured to allow the children to participate. The key stakeholders need to develop collaboration among the different parties (Silver, 2010). These include families, practitioners, and specialists to name a few. Addition of specialized services and therapies could lead to better coordinated fashion. The support systems need to have the appropriate quality standards. Quality framework is the program quality standards and learning guidelines that are used to create or guide inclusive practices. It is important to have comprehension of the laws and guidelines.





查理·帕克是一名中音萨克斯管演奏者和即兴演奏家。即兴创作是爵士乐的支柱,即兴创作是爵士乐能够更快地在全国传播的原因之一。即兴创作比作曲更受爵士乐的重视。帕克早期的大师作品,如“Ko Ko”,以其简单的结构和即兴组合的中音萨克斯管和小号,演奏在8个小节旋律短语。



Music is influenced by society and music also influences society. In as early as the 1880’s melting pot of cultures, New Orleans was awash with a mixture of music in the form of rag time music, brass bands and more. Played in the saloons and dancehalls, a mixed music began to develop in the perennial party atmosphere of New Orleans. Charles Buddy Bolden’s trumpet was acclaimed as the first hot jazz, and later Bill Johnson’s Bass mixed with the dance craze of the 1910s led to the development of new version bands. The Original Dixieland Jass Band was one of the first to record what is now acclaimed as Jazz music. The band also served to introduce music to Chicago. “Dixieland Jazz” introduced the music to all other states in the country. As with developing music genre, Jazz underwent many trends in development and has been influenced by many artists over the years. One such acclaimed artist whose name is forever associated with Jazz is “the Bird” Charlie Parker.

Charlie Parker was an alto saxophone player and an improviser. Improvisations are the backbone of Jazz and improvisation is one of the reasons that the music was able to spread all over the nation in a faster manner. Improvisations are something that Jazz came to recognize more than compositions. Parker’s early master pieces such as “Ko Ko” are acclaimed for its simple structure, and improvised combinations of the alto saxophone and the trumpet, played in eight bar melodic phrases.

Given this background context, the purpose of this work is to critically discuss African American work songs history by specifically selecting the example of Jazz, and more specifically focusing on the works and influence of “the Bird”. In this analysis, there will be discussion of the Ornithology and the role of Charles Parker for this structure. This Ornithology concept is about the contrafact tune. This stems from the compositional device which originates from the blues times and was important during the development of the bop from 1940s. Melodies have underlying harmonic structures which can not be copyrighted. The Jazz musicians fundamentally improvised newer pieces of composition and performed.

The essay makes the argument that ornithology was a significant contribution of Parker to Jazz and its influence can be felt on other musicians in the way it led them to improvise over the years. Although many would hail the contribution of Parker to Jazz music from a pure artistic angle, his contribution did more than to just improve the music. It served as a way for racial upliftment, liberation and assimilation of Black people and their ideologies.




景观设计师和建筑师马里奥·赫拉达(Mario Herrada)的作品被选为案例研究之一。她的作品展示了现代流线的原则是如何应用于满足社会和环境需求的。流线型现代车的主要特点是有圆润的边缘。边缘像装饰艺术一样时尚,建筑是功能性的。曲线或曲线和水平线通常在这幅作品中突出。


流线型现代和航海现代经常重叠,在流线型现代中包含航海元素是常见的。加入航海风格会使它看起来就像在海边。类似的图案可以在Maria Herrada的流线型现代建筑中看到。使用的面板、开放的窗户、热带花园和薰衣草田等形式都表明了多年生和热带季节,因此是航海方面的。下面是另一个建筑的例子,是现代流线型的航海形式的例子(Dzegede, 2000)。

Mario Herrada, a landscape designer and architect’s work has been selected as one of the case studies. Her work shows how the principles of streamline moderne have been applied in compliance to meeting social, environmental needs. Key characteristics of streamline moderne are to have rounded edges. The edges are stylish like the art deco and the construction is functional. Curves or curving lines and horizontal lines are usually highlighted in this work.

The curved edges are observed in keeping in line with the movement. Horizontal and some vertical representations are also observed. Streamline Moderne was a movement that led to compositions and design including architectural forms and technology, such as the lamps for instance. In this work, one can see how a smart technique has been used for the water fountain and this has been incorporated as part of the design. The work adds to the aesthetics of the place. This is a business cum residential place and it this water fountain will be useful in helping people destress. Therefore, it has a functional role. The technique has been used to create the curved and bevelled edge short walls before the pillars. The entrance to the main building includes multiple curves. Similarly, the roof structure is softened and curves at the ends, as if there is no sharp edge.

Streamline moderne and nautical moderne often overlap, and it is common to include nautical elements in streamline moderne. Inclusion of nautical style will make it appear as if one is near the sea. Similar motifs can be seen in the streamline moderne constructions of Maria Herrada. The form of panels used, open windows, and tropical gardens and lavender fields and more are indicative of perennial and tropical seasons, and hence are nautical aspects. The below is an example of another architecture and is an example of the nautical form of streamlining moderne (Dzegede, 2000).




经济因素对时尚零售业有着深刻的影响。经济波动将影响销售和利润。从衰退中,世界有很多复苏。中国市场的波动影响了经济的波动。俄罗斯等主要经济体和印度废除纸币运动的影响影响了增长。全世界都在寻求这种局面。该行业希望,从2019年开始,经济将再次上升为积极的消费品(Scott, 2015)。消费者的购买力提高了,这是个好消息。时尚业被视为经济的一部分,也是世界上最大的雇主之一。该行业的竞争水平已经影响到单个品牌。他们的销售和投资者信心已经深深影响了业务。社会文化因素:近十年来发生了重大的社会变化。这影响了对时尚产品的需求。千禧一代是基于时尚营销的目标。这种偏好与上一代不同。社会文化水平的一些变化影响到产品的价格、质量和生态问题。全球人口的人口统计学方面已经发生了很大的变化。快时尚的到来为顾客创造了物美价廉的产品。高端时尚不是高端消费者的高端品牌。这方面的结果是,它消费了快时尚的途径。目前,人们对广告和营销活动的反馈有所改变。在这些方面,时尚零售环境的变化被认为带来了更多的挑战。



Economic Factors: Economic factors have deep impacts of fashion retail industry. Economic volatility will impact sales and profits. From recession, there is a lot of recovery in the world. volatility in the Chinese market has impacted economic fluctuations. Key economies such as Russia and the implication of demonetization in India have impacted the growth. This situation has been sought for the world. The industry is hopeful that the economy will rise again to positive consumer good from 2019 (Scott, 2015). Consumers’ buying power has increased and it is good news. The fashion industry is seen to be a part of the economy and it is one of the biggest employers in the world. Levels of competition in the industry have impacted individual brands. Their sales and investor confidence have been deeply impacted the business. Socio-Cultural Factors: Major social changes have occurred in last ten years. This impacted the demand for fashion products. Millennial generation is the target which is based on fashion marketers. The preference is different from the previous generation. A number of changes of socio-cultural level impact the price, quality and ecological concerns of products. The demographic aspect of the global population has changed a lot. The arrival of the fast fashion has created an affordable and good quality for customers. The high-class fashion is not about premium brands of upper end consumers. The result of this aspect is that it consumes fast fashion avenues. Currently, changes are made on the feedback from people for the advertising and marketing campaigns. In these aspects, changes in fashion retail environment are seen to have grown more challenges.

TechnologicalFactors: Large part of the 21st century has been focused on the development of computers, Internet and Social media. This has increased the importance of digital marketing. Globalization, IT and mobile devices are utilized forcreating meaningful impact of sales, consumer choices and also for the marketing. The millennial generation like to shop online and increasing number of people like to detail about the personalized experience. These are seen to be the pasttimesin terms of shopping or consumer service. Technology has disrupted many things which has improved the production and the supply chain. This has increased overseas expansion. The ecommerce has changed ways in which people shop.

Environmental and legal factors are gaining more importance in the fashion retail. The fashion brands are careful about their carbon footprint and how they market themselves for environment friendly brands. These people are worried about the packaging of raw materials and operations. Fashion brands such as H&M have focused on sustainable factors. These are combined with the legality of the process. In the contemporary time, the rise of the regulatory framework has increased. The rise of the ethics and compliance is considered to be important factors which big brands are working towards in this direction. The fashion industry companies are large employers. There is increase in the scrutiny of these laws. These environmental laws are seen to have grown tough for these common laws.




Griffiths(2002)认为电子游戏可以作为教育工具,有时它可以帮助学生跨越不同的人口统计学界限来提高他们的学习能力。一些电子游戏如果以可控的方式使用,会改善手眼协调能力。它提高了一些学生的自尊心。空间可视化能力也得到了改进。患有多动症和自闭症等学习障碍的学生可以从电子游戏中受益。Granic, Lobel & Engels(2013)提出了大量的文献,表明游戏可以在认知、动机、情感和社交领域给年轻人带来好处。Granic et al.(2013)认为,在当前时代,关于电子游戏的益处的文献继续出现在研究文献中。例如,游戏有助于培养新的富有成效的行为,如在反复失败的情况下坚持不懈(Ventura, Shute & Zhao, 2013)。像谜题这样的简单游戏可以帮助玩家放松,并改善玩家的情绪。学生的认知习惯,如在复杂的学习环境中解决问题和应对问题,在受控游戏环境中得到改善(Gross & John, 2003,引用Granci等人,2013)。正如Ferguson, & Garza(2011)所认为的,电子游戏甚至可以让学生成为未来亲社会的公民。因此,电子游戏可以通过多种方式改善认知行为、情绪、自尊等等。这可以提高大学生的学习和专注力。

许多脆弱的学生成为成瘾游戏的牺牲品,因此需要控制,以缓和或遏制成瘾的负面影响。Hauge & Gentile(2003)的研究确定了8年级和9年级学生的成瘾问题。大约18%的学生沉迷于电子游戏。Gentile(2009)在他们的研究中发现,学生对电子游戏的使用有病态的依赖性。大约有20%至25%的亚洲和欧洲玩家存在上瘾问题,而新加坡的年轻人则面临着变得焦躁不安等问题。这些研究表明,脆弱的学生群体正在成为成瘾游戏的牺牲品。“父母报告说,他们的孩子确实花了过多的时间玩电子游戏和上网,影响了他们的学习时间和习惯,有时他们需要在吃饭时强制玩,这使他们与家人、朋友和社会接触隔离”(Navaneetham & Chandran, 2018, p. 208)。因此,即使一些人反对教授电子游戏和控制对学生有益的论点,但为了帮助弱势群体从成瘾中恢复,需要强加一些控制策略。

Griffiths (2002) argues that video games can be used as educational tools and sometimes it can assist students across different demographic boundaries in increasing their study proficiency. Some video games when used in a controlled manner resulted in improved hand-eye coordination. It raised the self-esteem of some students. Spatial visualization capabilities were improved as well. Students with learning disorders such as ADHD and Autism benefit from the use of video games. Granic, Lobel & Engels (2013) present a vast array of literature which shows gaming can benefit young adults in cognitive, motivational, emotional and social domains. Where decades of work on video gaming and addiction have focused on gaming as a cause for concern, Granic et al. (2013) argue that in more current times literature on their benefits continues to appear in research literature. Gaming, for instance, is useful for training out new productive behaviors, such as persistence in the context of repeated failures (Ventura, Shute & Zhao, 2013, as cited in Granic et al., 2013). Simple games like puzzles help the player relax and can improve the mood of the player (Russoniello et al., 2009, as cited in Granci et al., 2013). Cognitive habits for students, like problem solving and coping in complex study environments, are improved with controlled gaming contexts (Gross & John, 2003, as cited in Granci et al., 2013). As Ferguson, & Garza, (2011) argue, video games could even empower students into becoming prosocial civic minded citizens of the future. Therefore, there are many ways video games could improve cognitive behaviour, mood, self-esteem and more. This could improve learning and focus of University Students.

Many vulnerable students fall prey to addictive gaming and hence control is required, to moderate or check negative effects of the addiction. The study of Hauge & Gentile (2003) identified addiction concerns in 8th and 9th grade students. Around 18 percent of students were addicted to video games. Gentile (2009) in their study identified that students have a pathological addition to video game usage. Around 20-25 percent of Asian and European gamers had a real addiction problem and young adults in Singapore suffered issues like becoming restless. Vulnerable student population is falling prey to addictive gaming as identified in these studies. “Parents report that their children do spend excessive amount of time in playing video games and on internet affecting their study time and habits, sometimes they need to play compulsively while eating, and it isolates them from the family, friends, and from social contacts” (Navaneetham & Chandran, 2018, p. 208). Therefore, even if the benefit argument for teaching video games and control to students is opposed by some, the need to help the vulnerable population recover from their addiction requires some control strategy imposition.




标准成本法:公司推荐的第一种成本法是标准成本法。建议采用标准成本计算方法,主要是为了减少间接成本的不正确应用(Hsiao, 2006)。在给定的案例研究中,确定了在计算实际成本后,计算管理费用率,然后将其应用于工作。在这种应用中,存在不准确的机会(Fleischman & Tyson, 1998;Guilding等人,1998)。在新系统上完成的作业可能会产生很大的开销成本,尽管工作开销可能是由于并行使用旧系统的延迟造成的。




The actual cost method although being very simple is seen to cause some issues. This is because of how the costing method does not take into account preplanning aspects and other indirect costs to the company. Furthermore, under this costing, the new system is not promoted for usage. In this context, this work conducts an assessment of two alternative costing methods.

Standard Costing: The first costing that is recommended for the company is the standard costing method. The standard costing method is mainly recommended for the purpose of reducing the incorrect application of the overhead costs (Hsiao, 2006). In the given case study, it is identified that after the calculation of actual costs, the overhead rate is calculated and then it is applied to the jobs. In such application, there are chances of inaccuracy (Fleischman & Tyson, 1998; Guilding et al., 1998). It could so happen that significant overhead costs would be applied to the jobs done on the new system even though overhead introduced to work could have been because of delay of using the old systems in parallel.

Cost Allocation in Standard Costing: Now the use of the standard costing would result in some amount of estimation and variance with actual cost. However, the overhead is estimated for all jobs in advance and hence in doing so, the use of the new system will not suffer the high costs. In standard costing, an expected cost is used. Estimated cost standard is created based on the activities within the company and not every single job. A category of jobs would probably be used to predict costs and these closely approximate to actual costs.

Capacity recommended for allocating Costs: Practical capacity assessment can be used. Here the maximum capacity that can be handled is usually calculated and it takes into account delays.

Under/Over Allocated Costs: Variances in the actual material rate or labour rate would be calculated as variances at the end of the work. This is to adjust and bring the costs to actual costs level so as to handle under or over allocated costs in the next run.



美国论文代写:药物成瘾之间的联系。这篇文章提供了关于各种药物成瘾之间的联系的信息,这些药物是相互关联的。它是一种状态,导致慢性强迫性,并影响使用者的大脑。表观遗传、遗传、药物诱发因素和环境对成瘾有反应(Levran et al. 2015)。美沙酮是一种类似于海洛因的药物,主要用于治疗吸毒者,大多数吸毒者由于存在焦虑和口干舌燥而面临着克服海洛因成瘾的挑战。接下来美国论文代写专家将为同学们讲解下药物成瘾之间的联系。

美沙酮被认为是成瘾药物,但它被认为是治疗上瘾者的药物,因为患者在医疗监督下服用它是安全的(Volkow 2014)。口服给药可以克服感染的风险,这种风险有时会导致艾滋病毒的传播。海洛因的感染/成瘾程度非常高,以致成瘾者把大部分时间都花在安排吸食毒品上,如果没有安排,就可能发生犯罪和非法活动等问题。相反,美沙酮使用者将不会面临这个问题(Dolan 2010)。此外,它还被列入世界卫生组织的有用药物清单。治疗海洛因成瘾者需要一个由医生、护士、咨询师和其他专业人员组成的团队。


干预:调查发现,大多数受访者有成瘾严重程度,并接受美沙酮维持治疗。他们每天使用多次海洛因,所以50%的受访者被确定为成瘾者。在这类用户中,与注意力、焦虑和氧化有关的问题很常见。需要对患者进行仔细诊断并鼓励他们放弃药物使用(Sullivan et al. 2015)。有必要让他们意识到药物的后果会导致他们的生命结束,以及它将如何影响其他家庭成员的生活。

比较:唯一的解决办法是在康复中心提供治疗,辅以美沙酮治疗。与此同时,患者应该意识到治疗所需的时间(Sullivan et al. 2015)。首先要讲的是治疗程序,治疗阿片类药物依赖的建议,以及治疗的风险和可能的副作用。在当前治疗没有任何失败的情况下,还需要确定治疗期和可能的治疗方法(Riva et al. 2012)。除此之外,还需要确保患者必须消耗全部的剂量,不能错过任何一剂,并在服用任何药物前咨询医生。

Methadone is considered ad the addictive drug, but it is considered for the treatment of the addicts as it safe for the patient to take it with in medical supervision (Volkow 2014). It is possible to give orally to the user that overcomes the risk of Infection, which sometimes leads to HIV transmission. The infection/addiction of heroin is so high that the addicted persons spend most of the time for arrangement of this drug in the absence of arrangement the issues such as crime and illegal activities may take place. On contrary, methadone user will not face this problem (Dolan 2010). Besides, it is included in the World Health Organization list of useful medicines. The treatment of the heroin addicts requires a team of physician, nurses, counselors and other professionals.

Population: A study conducted on 1138 respondent’s shows that the adults between the ages of 18 to 60 years were diagnosed for the identification of the symptoms and the effect of heroin majority of the respondents was feeling addicted with the use of heroin.

Intervention: It is identified that majority of the respondents were having the addiction severity and having the treatment of the methadone maintenance. They were having multiple daily use of heroin so the 50% of the respondents were identified as the addicted. The issues related to the concentration, anxiety and oxidation were common in such users. The patients were needed to diagnose carefully and motivate to leave the use of drugs (Sullivan et al. 2015). It is needed to aware them toward the consequences of the drug that will lead to end their life and how it will affect the life of the other family members.

Comparison: The only solution to the problem is to provide treatment in the rehabilitation center with the help of methadone treatment. Along with this, the patients should be aware if the possible time to be taken for the purpose of the treatment (Sullivan et al. 2015). The first thing is to tell about the procedure of treatment, the recommendation to treat opioid dependency and the risks along with the possible side effects of the treatment. It is also needed to identify the treatment period and the possible treatment methods in the absence of any failure in the current treatment (Riva et al. 2012). In addition to this, it is needed to ensure that the patient must consume entire dosage and never miss a single dose and consult with the doctor before taking any drug.



硕士论文代写:谷歌员工的价值体现。在谷歌上市的2004年,谷歌创始人致函投资者,提及谷歌的运作方式。在那封信中,谷歌的联合创始人谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)添加了一段非常重要的内容。声明称,谷歌的员工更愿意自称为谷歌人,这对公司来说意味着一切。公司以吸引和影响优秀技术人员和商界人士的技能为核心进行组织。谷歌感到很幸运,能招募到几位有创意、有纪律、有责任心的明星。接下来硕士论文代写专家将为同学们讲解下谷歌员工的价值体现。

谷歌与许多大型跨国巨头相比是一个相对年轻的公司(Halzack, 2013)。它在1998年开始了它的旅程,从那时起,它已经为其他人树立了榜样,他们采用的新鲜的管理实践是优越的,在留住更好的人才方面非常有效(Nel et al., 2011)。谷歌的非凡成功为其他人树立了榜样,并展示了一个组织如何通过培养和庆祝其员工的成功来实现在全球平台上的全面成功(Nightingale, 2008)。根据德勤人力资源和劳动力分析主管劳伦斯·柯林斯(Laurence Collins)的说法,谷歌提供的办公环境、成长机会、工作、奖励制度和灵活性都是由员工提出的(Friedman, 2014)。

在谷歌(Halzack, 2013)中,工作概况本身就是一个激励因素。每年,谷歌有超过200万份申请,约5000个职位空缺。谷歌的“人力运营”负责人Lazslo Bock在接受《福布斯》采访时表示,他甚至从申请者那里收到过威胁、贿赂和讨好。他表示谷歌将最优秀的人才纳入董事会,因此公司多年来一直关注招聘(Wauters, 2010)。

在谷歌,算法被用来预测候选人是否最适合某一特定的工作,特别是智商水平较高的候选人通常会被选中(Friedman, 2014)。最重要的是,个人接受信息和学习的能力更为重要(Halzack, 2013)。起初,谷歌喜欢在面试中使用脑筋急转弯和谜语,这已经不是面试过程的一部分了。因此,人们会问传统的面试问题,因为人们认为,一旦确定了趋势,更重要的是要努力去解决它。该公司有事实和数据,使这些决定更有信心和准确性(Nel et al., 2011)。

In the year 2004 when Google became public, a letter was send by the Google founders’ of the company to its investors mentioning the modus operandi of Google. In that letter, a very significant paragraph was added by Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google. It states that employees of Google who prefer to call themselves as Googlers mean everything to the company. The company has organized itself around the skill of attracting and influencing the talent of outstanding technologists and people in business. Google feels lucky to have recruited several creative, disciplined and conscientious stars. The company has high hope to recruit many such talents in future. Google will always recompense and delight them well (Friedman, 2014).

Google is a relatively young company in comparison to many big multinational giants (Halzack, 2013). It started its journey in the year 1998 and since then, it has set examples to others that the fresh management practices that they have adopted are superior and very much effective in retaining better talents (Nel et al., 2011). The exceptional success of Google sets example for others and shows how an organization by nurturing and celebrating the success of its employees can achieve overall success on a global platform (Nightingale, 2008). According to the director of Human Resource and Workforce Analytics, Laurence Collins of Deloitte, the office environment, the growth opportunity, the work, the reward system and the flexibility that Google offers are all proposed by its employees (Friedman, 2014).

The jobs profile its self act as a motivator in Google (Halzack, 2013). Every year, more than 2 million applications are submitted at Google for approximately 5000 vacancies. The head of “People Operations” in Google, Lazslo Bock, stated in an interview with Forbes that he even receives threat, bribe and pleases from the applicants. He stated that Google takes into board the finest talents therefore the company eyes a recruit for years (Wauters, 2010).

At Google, algorithms are used to predict whether a candidate will best suit for a particular job or not especially candidates with higher level of intelligent quotient are often selected (Friedman, 2014). Above all, an individual’s ability to take in information and learn is more important (Halzack, 2013). Initially, Google used to prefer brainteasers and riddles in their interviews which is no longer a part of the interview process. Therefore, traditional interview questions are asked as it is believed that once a trend has been identified, it is more important to work upon it. The company has facts and figures which have given such decisions more confidence and accuracy (Nel et al., 2011).




特许人提供服务/商品,并被视为包括版权在内的整个业务系统的所有者。另一方面,自己创业可以提供很多自由。当他开始经营特许经营权时,艾伯特可以自己做决定,但如果他开始经营特许经营权,他可能必须与特许经营商协商。同样的,如果是自己的公司,营销成本也会很高,因为它是一个新品牌,需要赢得顾客的信任,但一个甜品品牌,比如Decadent delight,已经获得了需求。它更容易营销和设置。特许经营部门的财务结构复杂,不像自己的公司形成。这完全取决于预算,能力和阿尔伯特的权利。


Purchasing a franchise differs in the point that the person has to work as per the franchisor’s instructions. There are predefined regulations and liabilities that should be followed. The franchisor supplies the services/ goods and is regarded as the owner for the entire business system including copyrights involved. On the other hand, starting up one’s own business can offer a lot of freedom. Albert can take decisions on his own when he starts own but he may have to consult with the franchisor if he begins to take up a franchise. Similarly, the marketing costs would be high in case of own firm since it is a new brand and needs to gain trust from customers, but a dessert brand like Decadent delights would have already gained demand. It is easier to market and setup. There are complications in financial structure in the franchise segment unlike the own company formation. It totally depends on the budget, capacity and rights of Albert.

The franchisor should first of all offer the access to intellectual property before signing the agreement (Australian Government, 2018). This is to ensure its presence and that the rights are not misused by the franchisee. The franchisor should offer a copy of franchise agreement, disclosure document, risks and rewards information sheet and a copy of franchising code. As a franchisee, Albert should pay attention to the rights and obligations offered and handful information about business. During the life of the franchise agreement, it is important for Albert to determine if Decadent delights charges for renewal, service and dispute resolutions. Albert should take extra care in the financial management process in the franchise structure. The franchise agreement will have to be first analysed with the help of a corporate lawyer. The advocate has to confirm the legitimacy of this brand so that the next step can be taken.







Some of the improvements of the story can be attributed to the medium in which it is cast. The movie was released in the year 1998. Horror movies were made with dramatic effects, and the audience preferred dramatization, gory elements and wanted to watch such representations from the beginning of the movie. The Hearn version does not start with gory elements. A plot is unveiled from how the characters meet, how they fall in love, and even as the protagonist is informed of the death of her love, he sees her and believes he was misinformed. The reader is almost led on to believe that Shijo the doctor has perhaps lied to them both. It is only when the servant looks into the house to catch a glimpse of the lady that was visiting his master that the reader realizes the horror in the plot. The movie however caters to an audience who will need to be introduced to elements of the supernatural all throughout in order to keep their interest. Hence, the movie presents the plot from the previous birth, where Shinzaburo looks on while Tsuyu dies and even in her death is seen to come alive as some sort cluster of red insects. The audience is hence introduced to the supernatural and horror element of the story without further ado.

The way betrayal is presented is different in the movie and Hearn’s version. In the movie, betrayal is seen to occupy a major role. However, the person who betrays is Shinzaburo. In the written version, betrayal is associated with the servant. The servant threatened by the maid is observed to have cut of the spiritual tape that protected his master. The theme of betrayal as observed in the case of Hearn’s version is hence more fixated on the servant’s action. The loyalty of a servant and the servant master relationship is a revered one in Japan. A samurai cannot even marry without the permission of his master. Such codifications made the betrayal of the servant of Shinzaburo a significant thing in the written version. However, in the movie, the betrayal motif is observed to be associated with the protagonist Shinzaburo. In the previous life sequences, Shinzaburo takes up his sword to cut his neck when Tsuyu gets ready to the same. Tsuyu cuts her neck, but on seeing the blood spurt out of her neck, Shinzaburo drops his sword and moves away in fear. He is not ready to join her in his afterlife and in a sense betrays Tsuyu. Later, when the servant of Shinzaburo attempts to create dishonor for Tsuyu, he states that Shinzaburo would betray her again. Shinzaburo promises Tsuyu when he sees her the second time that he would be with her all the time. However, when he comes to know she is a ghost, he betrays her again by making sure she cannot come near him again. The recurrent theme of betrayal as presented in the movie is different from the betrayal presented in the written work. However, a more global audience would appreciate the betrayal action of a man to a woman he has made a promise to than that of a servant betraying his master. This can also be observed in the way Tsuyu is seen to have a loyal maid die when Tsuyu dies in the Hearn version. In the case of the movie, they are sisters. A global audience can understand sisters showing such loyalty or affection than that of a maid for her mistress.

Eastern beliefs like rebirth have been presented differently in the movie in order to assist the audience to understand the concepts better. In the book, it was not until Shinzaburo goes to a spiritual teacher that he comes to know that Tsuyu would have liked him from her previous birth, and that it was this passion that makes her pursue him from beyond the grave. Now since the concept of rebirths is ingrained in eastern philosophy and not so much in western philosophy, the movie has a small section in the beginning that actually presents how this previous birth connection between Tsuyu and Shinzaburo happens. While the eastern philosophy elements are retained in the movie, the same as in the book, it has been expanded to make it easier for audience to comprehend the karmic connections between Tsuyu and Shinzaburo.
