

用来表现教育目的的文本,在一定程度上既有说服力,又有浮夸性。例如,政府被称为“慈善机构”(Benevolent Institution),而这个社会被称为“慈善社会”(Benevolent society)。那些犯罪并对孩子造成负面影响的父母被称为“污染”他们的孩子。父母是罪犯的儿童犯罪倾向的发展被认为是“溃烂”的同义词。

说服力元素包括气质、标志和情感(Braet, 1992)。作品中有强烈的感伤的修辞感染力。感伤是对情感的呼吁(康纳斯,1979)。读者的情感通过不同的文本华丽处理,如慈善社会/机构和污染等。这里对教育目的的定义有一定的逻辑。虽然这样说似乎太老套了,一个没有受过教育的孩子会成为罪犯。

为了更好地理解它,社会和历史背景必须与写作联系起来。在写这篇文章的19世纪,法国的经济实力还不如英国,但它确实是仅次于英国的最大经济强国之一(delermoz, 2017)。这是法国经济和社会建设的时期,重点是改善大众。在这种背景下,对每个人的教育以及教育作为一种约束和提高公众在社会中的更好地位的方式是那个时期思想家、哲学家和政治家固有的焦点(Ringer, 1979)。这反映在文本中。这里关注的是公共利益,教育被认为是公共利益的必要条件。

The text used to present the purpose of education is both persuasive and flamboyant to a certain degree. For instance, the government is referred to as the “Benevolent Institution” and the society is referred to as the “Benevolent society”. Parents who are criminals and influence their children in a negative way are referred to as “contaminating” their children. The development of criminal tendencies in such children whose parents are criminals is presented as being synonymous to develop an “ulcer”.

Persuasiveness elements are ethos, logos and pathos (Braet, 1992). Rhetorical appeal of pathos is observed strongly in the work. Pathos is the appeal made to emotions (Connors, 1979). The emotions of the reader are addressed through the different textual flamboyance like benevolent society/institution and contamination etc. There is a certain amount of logic in how education purpose is defined here. Although it seems too stereotypical to say, an uneducated child would become a criminal.

A social and historical context has to be associated with the writing in order to understand it better. In the nineteenth century when this article was written, France was not as great an economic power as Great Britain, but it was indeed one of the largest economic powers next to GB (Deluermoz, 2017). This was the time when the economy and society of France was constructed, and the focus was on the betterment of the masses. In this context, the focus of education for everybody and education as a way to discipline and bring up the general public to a better position in society was an inherent focus of thinkers, philosophers and statesmen of that time period (Ringer, 1979). This is reflected in the text. A focus on the common good is observed here, and education was seen as being necessary for the common good.








HCL moves on the path of robust sustained growth supported by the fast speed of its transformational engagements. The company is continuously expanding the back-up of market share with growth in revenue to expand the overall margins. The key focus of HCL is on investing in transformation services and key market for the payment of rich dividends. There was impressive growth in revenue at 5.8 per cent with significantly improved operational margin along with net income to conversing operational cash at 114 per cent as of 2017.

Relationship between Innovation, Creativity, and Change

HCL has an impressive position in the market as it delivers several services to a number of clients with various technological methods, applications, and expertise. However, for expanding the portfolio offered by HCL, the company should necessarily adopt the deliver and contract mode for offering services on the basis of human experience methods and innovation. This mode will allow the clients for developing new opportunities and possibilities. This is a considerably different offer due to less finiteness and predictability in the key outcomes. This is the fundamental case for applying creativity and innovation.Nevertheless, the path of exploring is the main approach for inventing new approaches creating new outcomes and opening up different working ways. As a result, the client base of HCL will gain benefits in comparison with the competitors. This is presenting specific challenges internally and externally for present and potential clients to provide a number of known technical methods and solutions.

While the market consists of several change models, HCL can choose from three models. These are: 8 step change model by Kotter, 7-S model by McKinsey, and change management model by Lewin. HCL will not be affected by the proposal of change, or the process of change in general operations or project planning. Adjustment in change involves significant difficulty for the employees and the overall business. It is helpful to use almost any model as they help in offering a guideline to be followed by the leaders. This provides the ability of determining expected outcomes.




领导者引导、激励和激励,但不控制。研究人员亚伯拉罕·扎勒兹尼克(Abraham Zaleznik)写了领导者和管理者的区别。在他的文章中,他介绍了一个组织将如何需要有效的管理者和领导者,但他们对组织的贡献是相当不同的(Zaleznik, 2004)。领导人促进改变。他们根据行业变化提出了新的工作方法。他们理解人们的信仰和文化,并呈现出激励他们的工作哲学。领导者会鼓励员工的不同优势,培养独特的人才,与寻求在工作环境中获得更好的稳定性的管理者相比。通过包容、一致性和一致性来保持工作的稳定性将是管理者关注的焦点。经理处理纠纷解决等过程,以促进稳定和建立规则,行使工作权力。因此,管理和领导是不同的元素,有一些重叠的方面和手段,但目的是不同的(Zaleznik, 2004)。

类似地,Bennis(1989)等研究人员认为,领导者是原创的,激发信任和人力资源的长期方向,而管理者管理和依赖于控制方面,通常管理者专注于短期计划。Chapman(1989)认为,领导者会通过承担可计算的风险和设定长期目标来推进公司的运营。相比较而言,管理者试图通过稳定他们当前的业务,并尽量减少风险和冲突来保护他们。这些目标更短期,但在战略上是一致的。与挑战现状的领导者相比,管理者进一步接受现状(Bennis & Goldsmith, 1997)。

The manager as an individual will focus on aspects of controlling and administering rules and protocols for the efficient working of the organization. While management aspects and leadership aspects do overlap, there are some differences in how their respective duties are disseminated. For instance, management skills as can be expected from a manager will be used to plan activities for projects and build and guide people towards accomplishment of missions and goals of the organization. On the other hand, the leadership focus is more about influencing people and guiding them by motivation or inspiration. Some amount of management control is relinquished in leadership. The leader guides, motivates and inspires but does not control. Researcher Abraham Zaleznik writes about the difference of leaders and managers. In his article, he presents how an organization will need effective managers and leaders but then their contribution to the organization is quite different (Zaleznik, 2004). Leaders promote change. They present newer approaches to work based on industry changes. They understand the belief and culture of people and present philosophy of work that motivates them. The leader would encourage the different strengths of employees and nourish unique talent as compared against the manager that seeks to achieve better stability in the work environment. Stability through inclusion, uniformity and consistency in work would be the focus of the manager. The manager handles such processes like dispute resolution in order to promote stability and establish rules exercising work authority. Management and leadership hence are different elements with some overlapping aspects and means, but the ends are different (Zaleznik, 2004).

Similarly, researchers like Bennis (1989) argue that a leader is original and inspires trust and long-term directions for human resources while the manager administers and relies on control aspects and usually the manager is focused on short range plans. Chapman (1989) argues that a leader will advance their company operations by taking calculated risks and setting long term goals. Comparatively, the manager seeks to protect their current operations by stabilizing them and minimize risks and conflicts as well. The goals are more short term but aligned strategically. The manager furthermore accepts the status-quo as compared to the leader who challenges the status-quo (Bennis & Goldsmith, 1997).





当用户处于沉浸式环境中时,他们的存在感、参与感和适宜性的主观判断非常重要,甚至这些元素也会受到影响。现在这些争论揭示了为什么虚拟现实和沉浸式虚拟现实的未来更倾向于地图和跟踪技术的发展,比如基于图像的技术。以形象为基础的电子商务是发展的新阵地。与传统的虚拟现实环境相比,沉浸式虚拟现实设置已经利用了更复杂的映射自由度,给用户一个改进的体验。使用基于图像的模型将进一步改进。这种基于图像的模型将有更好的运动保真度相比视觉保真度,尽管挑战性一直是研究人员的焦点。该领域未来的研究重点是全息触觉技术、航空航天和国防应用(Stone, 2001)。与沉浸式技术相结合的触觉反馈系统赋予沉浸式开发的视觉图像技术自我学习的地位(Van der Meijden & Schijven, 2009;石头,2001)。可以使用更大的数据池来改进这些系统。

Fully immersive techniques are the core focus of this paper. The technique behind the creation of the immersive environment is the usage of models and images etc. Human motion capture in order to create virtual settings is usually dictated with a model-based approach. Mapping with a virtual model based on data collected from a traditional life in setting would help create the virtual settings. In the case of full immersion, the model-based technique draws by capturing degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom in relation to the object are how the object will move in space. Unlike the traditional VR, here the dynamic motion capability is given more importance. The degrees of freedom are classified as six in number with respect to the 3D space and the two categories here are rotational movements and translational movements. Orientation tracking as part of the rotational movements is done in the form of pitch, yaw and roll measurements. Translational movement tracking is done with the traditional movements like going left and right, moving forward and backward etc.

Absolute position of the 3D object at any time will be identified in immersion tracking. These elements are tracked on a human avatar. While model-based immersion and techniques have been studied in depth, it is the image-based immersion techniques that are researched as a more current subject on account of how it provides more points in data mapping. Higher degrees of freedom in mapping and more accurate representations are possible. Researchers like McMahan (2012) and Bailenson et al. (2005) argue the importance of fidelity and that motion fidelity is more important than visual fidelity. McMahan (2012) in the research work attempts to understand how fidelity plays a role in presenting a more complex, rich interface to user. He identified that elements like display and interaction fidelity that can be associated to motion fidelity will have a strong impact on the strategy and performance of the play that the user indulges in with the VR environment.

User subjective judgment in the form of presence, engagement and their perception of suability is important when they are in immersive environment and even these elements are affected as well. Now these arguments reveal why the future of virtual reality and immersive virtual reality is more geared towards the development of techniques for mapping and tracking like image-based ones. Image-based ones are the new front to development. Compared to the traditional virtual reality environment, the immersive virtual reality settings already make use of more intricate degrees of freedom in mapping to give the user an improved experience. The use of image-based models will add to further improvement. Such image-based models will have better motion fidelity as compared against visual fidelity although challenging has been the focus of researchers. Future of research context in this area is focused on holographic haptic technology, aerospace and defence applications (Stone, 2001). Haptic feedback systems used with immersive technology have given self-learning status to the visual image technique of immersive development (Van der Meijden & Schijven, 2009; Stone, 2001). Much larger data pools are available for improving these systems.




建造一个犹太教堂的项目将是安静有益的,宜家当然可以在这方面提供帮助。该公司已经在其奈坦亚分部建立了一个完全不同于其他分部的分部。该公司已经从建设犹太教堂中获得了额外的品牌价值,因此,它可以提供一些指导方针和策略,以确保购物体验和宗教体验之间的和谐(Kennard, 2018)。


例如,如果一个项目与在一个宗教国家(如以色列)的中心建造一个电影院有关,那么建造一座教堂或犹太教堂将会带来很多好处。这是因为在宗教群体数量和比例较高的国家,组织就有可能吸引更多的宗教客户。商业与宗教的合并允许商业遵循特定宗教部门的指导方针。它有助于促进与社区的合作和大规模的社区发展。在此类合作项目中良好的领导能力有助于确保项目目标和目标的实现(Kennard, 2018)。宜家的重点一直是更大比例的人,他们通常不是其他竞争对手的目标。


The project of building a Synagogue will be quiet beneficial and Ikea can certainly help in this regard. The company has already built one in one of its Netanya branches making the branch completely different from the rest of the branches. The company has already gained an added brand value from building a Synagogue and therefore, it can provide some guidelines and strategies to ensure that there can be a harmony between the shopping experience and the religious experience (Kennard, 2018).

The impact from this perspective will be a positive one particularly because it allows demonstrating the reflection of a positive society wherein community development is the key. Customer experience will therefore be improvised.

For example, if a project was related to building a cinema hall in the heart of a religious nation such as Israel, then building a church or a synagogue would offer much benefit. This is because in nations with higher number and proportion of religious groups, it becomes possible for organizations to attract more religious customers. Merging business with religion allows making business follow the guidelines of that particular religious sector. It helps in fostering collaboration with the community and community development at a large scale. Good leadership within such collaborative programs helps ensure that the projects aim and objectives are attained (Kennard, 2018). The focus of Ikea has been on the larger proportion of people who are not generally targeted by other competitors.

This is to conclude that there is no doubt that Ikea has been performing efficiently in several nations across the globe. The company has been incorporating innovative techniques to attract its customers such as the development of a synagogue in its shopping complex at Israel, Netanya. The company has evidently shown that much benefit can be gained from ensuring, business and religion, work in harmony especially in a country where the key focus is on religious regards and perspectives. The brand value of the company through such a specific strategy has definitely increased in terms of long term growth and customer loyalty.





社会学习理论和认知发展理论在这一生态模式中具有相关性。它详细描述了人的发展和他们在更广泛的环境中的影响。它从根本上有五个生态层次。它是“微系统、中观系统、外观系统、宏观系统和时间系统”(Brulle, 2000)。这解释了从家庭成员到外部世界,人们与周围环境互动的不同方式。这是生态系统理论的主要力量,因为它需要将多种环境影响与人类发展相结合。这一理论的局限性在于,它试图涵盖所有的因素,并预测一个人的发展方式可能因人而异。


Education of a young child is about teaching the child to gain the cognitive and social skills to sustain in the future. The families usually have relevant information that details about the strength of the child and any challenges that the child faces. This is the reason for choosing ecological theory. This theory connects all the theories of cognitive development, social behaviour to create a holistic idea about the individual child. The process of communicating with the micro-system and gaining awareness of their culture and other externalities would help the teacher create a lesson plan that is relevant. This theory seems to have more relevance owing to these factors. In addition, this theory has certain drawbacks. It is a generic theory owing to which it cannot be applied in all the circumstances. The individual is not given as much importance and the importance is often about the external factors. However, this theory can provide key insights about the individual. Added to this, if the teacher was about to compute innate potential of the child. From this, the unique impact can be created for each child in a classroom setting.

The theories of social learning and the theories of cognitive development have relevance in this ecological model. It details about the development of the person and their influence in the wider environment. It fundamentally has the five ecological levels. It is the “microsystem, mesosystem, exo-system, macro-system and the chronosystem” (Brulle, 2000). This explains about the different ways in which the person interacts with the surroundings right from their family members to the outside world. This is the major strength of the ecological system theory as it entails the integration of the multiple environmental influences with the human development. The limitation of this theory is that it tries to cover all the factors and predicts about the ways that a person would develop which can differ from person to person.

In the preschool where I volunteer, the children were from different families and demographics. While observing the ways in which the children interacted with the people, there were the impacts of family ideologies, culture, religious practices of the child. For example, a child who has witnessed a family tragedy was more likely to seem sad or act in a manner that is matured for their age. The child who grows with single parents was more likely to crave extra attention from the teacher to fulfil that need. Some children who had smaller siblings were observed to try to gain more attention from the teacher or try to take care of other children. In this, the teacher or the caretaker has to be aware of these situations and create a lesson plan that was relevant for the class.



美国论文代写推荐:客户满意度。学者们认为,客户满意度是组织的重要组成部分(Bratton & Gold, 2017)。为了满足顾客的需要和口味,组织必须把重点放在组织的有价值的生产上。在这种情况下,组织必须招聘适当范围的员工,必须培训和鼓励他们相应的需求和组织的利益。接下来美国论文代写推荐专家将为同学们分析讨论下客户满意度。

因此,雇主需要识别和理解为组织的成功成长和发展奠定重要贡献的主要内容(布鲁斯特,2017)。有人指出,指定和薪酬是决定某一特定雇员寿命的主要因素之一。最重要的是,我们还可以观察到,员工在与主管建立健康关系的过程中,也面临着机会匮乏的问题(Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016)。根据很多学术文章和调查,可以说明,有经验的员工约不到五年任期观察到有更高的磨损率的百分比39岁,而那些有经验的5到10年以上拥有27%的损耗率。

雇主在决定和理解组织内部和外部客户之间的关系方面起着关键作用,这逐渐推动了组织的盈利增长(Vernon et al., 2016)。同时,它似乎是一种发展的共生结构。每个员工的激励倾向于识别需要按照基本指令正确执行的正确任务,这可能允许个人促进发展和生产高质量的产品(Brewster, Mayrhofer & Morley, 2016)。

Scholars are of opinion that customer satisfaction draws an important part of the organization (Bratton & Gold, 2017). In order to meet the needs and tastes of the customers, the organization must develop a focus towards the valuable production of the organization. In this case, the organization must recruit the proper range of employees and must train and encourage them accordingly to the needs and benefits of the organization.

Employers, therefore, need to identify and understand the main content in laying significant contributions to the organization for the successful growth and development of the organization (Brewster, 2017). Observations have been drawn that designation and the remunerations stand one of those chief factors that determine the longevity of a particular employee. Above all, it can also be observed that paucity about the opportunities also stands to attrition for the employees in developing the healthy relationship with that of the supervisors (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). According to many scholarly articles and the survey, it can be illustrated that the employees who are experienced for about less than five years in a term are observed having the higher rate of attrition at a percentage of 39, whereas the individuals who are experienced for above 5 to 10 years possess attrition rate of 27 percent.

The employers play the pivotal role in determining and understanding the relationship in between the internal and the external customers of a respective organization, which gradually motivates in the profitable growth of the organization (Vernon et al., 2016). Simultaneously it seems to be a symbiotic structure of development. The actuation of every individual employee tends to recognize the right task that needs to be performed and executed properly as per the basic instruction, which might allow the individual in promoting develop and produce quality production (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Morley, 2016).




决策过程需要做出一个决定。要求明确决策的性质,确保实施的可行性。为此,必须收集相关信息。从初始阶段开始,公司就可以定义特定的解决方案。然而,业务分析师需要确定替代解决方案,批判性地分析每种情况的积极和消极方面,并从分析中选择最佳决策,并采取行动实施替代方案(Gandomi & Haider, 2015)。这些公司需要重新审视这一决定及其后果。最终,所做的决定是基于个人可用的数据。


Business analysis refers to the method that is used by the companies for identification of the business needs and creation of the solution to meet these requirements. The business analysis technique is used for creation of a plan that is put into action. The skilled business analyst uses these tools to be able to create a business structure that is broken into manageable pieces (Krutz & Vines, 2010). This is done to determine the best possible method for the creation of solution. In this process, it is imperative to have a knowledge management tool that would derive the needs of the business (Provost & Fawcett, 2013). This is done to determine the labour and the resources in the given situation. In the current times, the role of the big data and the analytics are becoming very close intertwined and they must find ways to work together for the promised results of the big data. From a conventional point of view, the data management and the analytics have been a part of the organizations. The breaking down of the different organizational boundaries is used for the creation of better integration. The main key is to integrate the big data with the conventional business analysis to create an ecosystem. This is used by the business to generate and create newer insights for the execution of what is already known. It is important to have a proficiency in the data mining and the visualization tools that are used as a tool for the objective to reach project success. From this, it can be alluded that the data is needed for the creation of cohesive workflow structure. The issues of big data start to play a role in this schema. These factors have been analysed to address the gaps in the process.

The decision-making process entails the need to make one decision. The requirement is to define the nature of decision and ensure the feasibility of implementation. For this, the gathering of relevant information is mandatory. From the initial stages, the companies can define a particular solution. However, the business analyst needs to identify the alternative solution, critically analyse the positive and the negative of each of the situation, and choose the best decision that can be made from this analysis and take action and implement the alternative (Gandomi & Haider, 2015). The companies need to review the decision and the consequences of the decision. Ultimately, the decision that is taken is based on the data that is available for the person.



论文代写:公共卫生系统面临的挑战分析。公共卫生系统正面临着巨大的挑战面对更大的预期寿命的挑战。在这方面,人们已经开始出现需要医疗照顾的慢性健康状况。当人们超过65岁面临摔倒时,对人们的影响是危险的。在此基础上,人们需要有一个制度,在那里他们将有更好的生活质量。这项运动已经被普遍接受为一种策略,可以解决人们的许多生理缺陷。运动干预现在被认为是跌倒预防临床指南的一部分(Novak, 2015)。从之前的研究中发现,太极拳的干预可以降低37%的风险。原因是太极帮助人们使用更多的认知元素。接下来论文代写专家将为同学们分析下公共卫生系统面临的挑战。


这种方法的优点是,它包括研究干预的能力,而不是针对选定的个人。这有助于确定一个完整的人口统计解决方案,并为老年人提供全面的解决方案。这种方法的一些局限性是在设计和分析中存在很大的复杂性(Schmidt & Hunter, 2014)。群集随机设计很难比较所获得的结果。然而,针对这种情况,研究主要集中在不同环境下老年人的健康状况。基于这些因素,可以确定,对于特定的需求,该研究方法被认为是合适的。


研究结果专门谈到了太极拳的影响。然而,步行、骑自行车、瑜伽的其他影响还没有完全详细说明。这些都被过去的研究证明可以改善神经肌肉年龄(布迪厄,2018)。在本研究中,这些因素在最终的研究中没有被考虑。此外,不同地区的影响可能会给人们带来不同的结果。在加拿大,辍学率更低(Denzin, 2017)。研究结果并未详细说明太极拳或坚持太极拳背后的社会原因所带来的影响。据目前的估计,澳大利亚参与舞蹈的人口比例很低。

For this analysis, the research method that is undertaken is a randomized controlled trial. This is a kind of trial that is selected for random groups. This is for ensuring that the data is collated from diverse groups of people. The clustered randomized trials are also known as the group randomized trial and place randomized trial.

The advantage of this method is that it includes the ability to study the interventions which would not be directed towards the selected individuals. This aids in the determination of the solution for a complete demography and for providing holistic solutions for the elder people. Some of the limitation of this method is that there is a great complexity in design and analysis (Schmidt & Hunter, 2014). Cluster randomized designs are difficult to compare the outcomes that are achieved. However, for this situation, the research was centred on the health of the old people from different surroundings. Based on these factors it can be determined that for the particular requirement this research methodology is considered to be appropriate.

The effort that was taken for this research is to test the effectiveness of typical community social dance for the age-related cognitive decline. The results indicated that the exercise regiments have been told to improve the cognitive decline rate. Even in the research, it is that the kind of activity and the dosage needed for the cognitive decline of the people is far from it being defined. It is indicated that 120 minutes per week was found to improve the quality of life of the people. The improvements in the balance of the measures of the dance are observed to be equivalent or better than being marginally better than in the case of specific balance training exercise. The dance has the potential to address some of the wider range of fall risk factors. This is done using the balance training alone. This is due to the synergetic sensorimotor. The aim of the study is used to increase the impact of practice physical activity of the people to prevent falls.

The results have exclusively spoken about the impacts of the Tai chi. However, the other impacts of walking, cycling, yoga has not been fully detailed. These are proven in the past research to improve the neuromuscular age (Bourdieu, 2018). In this research, these factors were not considered in the final research. Added to this, the impact of the regions can prove to have different results for the people. In the case of Canada, the drop out were lower (Denzin, 2017). The impacts of the social reasons behind the Tai chi or adhering to this were not detailed in the findings. The current estimates are observed that the population prevalence of the dance participation in Australia is low.




张拉整体结构主动控制的研究始于20世纪90年代中期。张拉整体结构通常是可控和智能结构的吸引人的解决方案;改变张拉整体结构的形状需要少量的能量(Ali和Smith, 2010, p. 3)。在张拉筋网络中存在三个或更多细长压缩杆的封闭结构体系。这里的系统是由细长的压缩杆,相互支持,但不会相互接触。压机向外在一个结点的顶点上和在张力网的顶点上形成比较多的三角网。因此,这是第一个在企业三角结构中考虑均衡平衡概念的定义。简而言之,张拉整体被Snelson(1996)描述为一种非连续压缩和连续拉伸的东西。它被定义为一种结构原理,其中系统被描绘成空间。甚至生物系统也被认为是张拉整体结构,例如,细胞、组织和器官系统等生物系统都可以被认为是张拉整体结构。肌肉骨骼系统是一个张拉整体结构,在技术的背景下,张拉整体被理解为一种广泛应用于建筑结构、结构等的方式,但应用和理解的形式将是相同的(Stamenović和Ingber, 2009)。

世界各地的建筑师都使用一种施工技术,他们依靠重量和应力的连续性来支撑。在这里,握持是一个重要的概念,而重量/应力的连续性结合在一起有助于握持效果,因为世界各地的建筑师在建筑中使用的技术是基于握持效果。举个例子,考虑一下一个石头圆顶或一座桥是如何因为一些张力而被拉到合适的位置上的。作用在结构上的张力会导致一种压缩的连续性,这种连续性既会作用在结构上,同时也会负责维持荷载。这就是普通架构的实现方式。此外,在张拉整体结构中,张拉连续和压缩不连续的原理实际上被认为是一个平衡的全向应力系统(Sultan and Skelton, 1998)。张拉整体实际上是提出不需要任何支持,并自我校准和预应力。摘要土木工程中的张拉整体结构是一门研究不多,但在本质上也有很多非常规应用的解决方案的学科。此外,当张拉整体与计算设计和建模方面的研究,它将可能在技术上校准和理解未来的设计。

Tensegrities are attractive solutions for controllable and smart structures as often; small amounts of energy are needed to change the shape of tensegrity structures (Ali and Smith, 2010, p. 3). A closed structural system with three and more slender compression struts as present within the network of tensioned tendons. Here the system is made of slender compressions struts that are mutually supportive and yet would not touch one another. The press outwardly in a nodal point at the vertex and in the tension network forms more of a triangulation. Hence this was the first definition to even consider the concept of equilibrated balance in the firm triangulated setup. Tensegrity in short was described by Snelson (1996) as something that is discontinuous compression and continuous tension. It was defined as a structural principle, where the system is delineated spatially. Even biological systems are considered as tensegrity structures, for instance, biological systems such as cells, tissues, and organ systems which can be considered as tensegrity structures. The muscular skeletal system is a tensegrity structure, In the context of technology, tensegrity is understood as the way that is used widely in building constructions, structures etc. but the form of application and understanding will be the same (Stamenović and Ingber, 2009).

Architects all over the world make use of a construction technique where they rely on the weight and continuity in stresses for holding. Holding is an important concept here, and weight/continuity of stress combined helps in the holding effect because of the stresses the technique used in constructions by architects around the world is based on the holding effect. As an example, consider how a stone dome or a bridge is pulled into place because of some tensive forces. The tension forces that act on the structure will result in a form of compressive continuity that will both act downward in the structure and at the same time will also be in charge of sustaining load. Now this is how normal architecture is implemented. Besides, in the case of tensegrity architecture, it so happens that the principle of tension continuity and compression discontinuity is in fact considered as a system of equilibrated omnidirectional stresses (Sultan and Skelton, 1998). The tensegrities are in fact presented as not needing any support at all and are self-calibrated and pre-stressed. Tensegrity in civil engineering is that branch of science which is often not well studied but in essence has solutions for many non-conventional applications as well. Furthermore, when tensegrity is studied with aspects of computational design and modelling, it would be possible to technically calibrate and understand future designs.
