
留学生论文代写:保护主义理论。保护主义是各国采取的一种方式,以增加某些土著工业的竞争力,如果实行自由贸易,这些工业就会被消灭。印度表示,上述税收”,增加进口的商品进入印度造成并威胁要对国内产业造成严重伤害/主题商品的生产者,和任何延迟申请提供保障的责任会导致损伤难以修复”(税收商,2015)。保护主义在国际贸易领域并不少见。从像印度这样的发展中国家到像美国这样的发达国家(Tumlir, 1985),所有国家都倾向于保护主义。一些保护主义政策,如增加关税提高了外国公司相对于国内公司的成本,并通常影响系统的整体福利(Sykes, 1999)。接下来留学生论文代写专家将为同学们分析讨论下保护主义理论。

保护主义在国际贸易领域并不少见。从像印度这样的发展中国家到像美国这样的发达国家(Tumlir, 1985),所有国家都倾向于保护主义。一些保护主义政策,如增加关税提高了外国公司相对于国内公司的成本,并通常影响系统的整体福利(Sykes, 1999)。这些政策的主要目的是使外国产品的价格高到使国内市场偏爱本国产品而不喜欢外国产品。这样的政策通常会带来无谓的损失,阻碍整个社会和国家的福利。


学术界的共识是,此类贸易限制和保护主义对经济不利。因此,它们是中国限制进口的更受欢迎的方式。印度用来“鼓励”国内企业的从价税就属于第一类,这些企业大多是小企业。研究表明,这样的税收对印度等发展中经济体没有好处,因为印度需要更高程度的自由贸易来鼓励外国玩家进入市场(Caliendo, Feenstra, Romalis & Taylor, 2015)。这种强加行为严重破坏了伙伴国之间的贸易和政治关系。

Protectionism is not uncommon in the arena of international trade. Right from the developing countries like India to the developed countries like the US (Tumlir, 1985), all countries have favoured protectionism. Some protectionist policies like increase in tariffs raise the cost of foreign firms with respect to the domestic firms and generally affect the overall welfare of the system (Sykes, 1999). These policies are essentially aimed at making the foreign products so costly that the domestic market prefers the domestic goods against the foreign goods. Such policies usually have a deadweight loss associated with them which hampers the welfare of the society and country as a whole.

Furthermore, these policies do not encourage improvement of the domestic firms. When measures such as increased dedicated tariffs and taxes are implemented in the system, the domestic firms get an easy access to the market. There is no competition from better products produced in foreign countries which makes it unimportant for the domestic firms to develop their skill or technology. As a result, while they would have stronger revenue, they do not invest much in improving themselves or making themselves more competitive. Essentially, the domestic markets generally stagnate in the presence of such policies. On the other hand, regulations which strive to make the domestic market more competitive, encourage innovation and improve access to credit do not grant the domestic firms with more access to the market, but definitely equip them to handle competition in a more effective and long-term way.

There has been an academic consensus that such trade restrictions and protectionisms are not good for the economy. Thus, they are the more popular ways of restricting imports in the country. The kind of measure used by India- an ad valorem tax- to “encourage” the domestic firms, most of which are small enterprises, falls under the first category. Researches show that such taxes are not beneficial for developing economies like India where a higher degree of free trade is required to encourage foreign players to enter the market (Caliendo, Feenstra, Romalis & Taylor, 2015). Such impositions seriously undermine the trade and political relations between the partner countries.



美国论文代写:课堂实践在媒介教育中的作用。课堂实践在媒介教育中起着非常重要的作用。媒体教育中有一系列的课堂实践(Taylor et al., 2016)。任何字段都很有用。田野作为媒介工作的一种共同的研究模式,识别出许多方面,然后在学生的建构中进行处理。在这里,制作可以作为一个巩固阶段,学生必须了解内容,以创建一个媒体。诗歌单元可以是学生的诗歌,也可以是学生自己的新闻节目总结出的一条电视新闻。因此,媒体教育的课堂实践是非常有效的。接下来美国论文代写专家将为同学们讲解下课堂实践在媒介教育中的作用。

主题媒体涉及多种媒介(Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999)。在以主题为基础的媒体中,首先确定一个问题,然后展示这个问题是如何通过各种媒体传达信息的。例如,在中学,性别代表问题是一个重要的问题。

媒体的影响在课堂层面受到了批评,因为各个学校和地区之间的技能不均衡(Scharrer & Ramasubramanian, 2015)。这不是一个像全球教育这样的新课程体系。有些校董会把媒体教育放在优先地位,因此他们聘请媒体顾问来支持媒体教育。其他一些学校则让完成了教育学院的一些额外课程的个别教师来执行。因此,媒体教育的含义应该有一个平衡,并应应用一个独特的原则。

媒体教育在许多敏感问题上对学生和教师都有帮助,但它也有一些问题(Stewart et al., 2015)。问题可能来自态度和暴力方面。在男性和女性的变化中,这种动态的角色扮演起了至关重要的作用。讨论少数民族的代表性对于理解加拿大生活中的各种问题及其角色是非常重要的。学生应该讨论各种语言和行为在媒体中的恰当性。学生应该在他们的家庭和教室里将媒体的表现与价值观进行比较,这样他们就可以理解各种问题(Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999)。

Classroom practices play a very important role in media education. There is a range of classroom practices in media education (Taylor et al., 2016). Any field is useful. A field works as a common pattern of study in media work identifying many aspects and then it is processed within the construction of students. Here, the production can be utilised as a phase of consolidation where students must have an understanding of the content to create a media. A unit on poetry could be students’ poems or a piece of television news could be concluded as news produced from students’ own newscast. Hence, classroom practice in media education is very effective. Several media is involved in theme-based media (Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999). In a theme-based media, an issue is identified and then it is demonstrated that how that issue communicates a message through various media. For example, in a middle school, the gender representation issue is an important issue.

The implication of media is criticised at the classroom level, as skills have been uneven from school to school and district-to-district (Scharrer & Ramasubramanian, 2015). This is not a system like other newer curricula like Global Education. Some school boards have given priority to media education and hence, they have supported the media education by engaging media consultants. Some other schools have left the implementation on some individual teacher who has completed some additional course from a faculty of education and so on. Hence, there should be a balance in the implication of the media education and one unique principle should be applied for this.

Media education is useful to help the students and the teachers in many sensitive issues but it has some issues (Stewart et al., 2015). The issues may come from the aspect of attitudes and violence. The dynamic roles in the change of males and females play a vital role. Discussion about the representation of ethnic groups is very important for understanding various issues and their roles in Canadian life. Students should discuss the appropriateness of various language and actions in the media. Students should compare the representation of media with values in their homes and classrooms and thus they could make sense of various issues (Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999).






To conclude from the story, it can be critically analyzed that the theory on feminism is important globally as it helps in reflectingabout the unequal circumstances in the society. The women also get treated in an unfair manner which needed to be changed. However, it is problematic to say whether fair world is ever achievable in the future as certain politicians are always present in this context. The theory on feminism will be valued in those times when the women will not be harassed while walking down the street and will not getreturned again and again. From the entire aspect, it can be well concluded that the ultimate aim will be equal treatment of both men and women and at the same time all of the political movement turns out to be important in this context. In today’s world, more women need to be used in government positions so that women can adequately gain the power andthe confidence to apply for different job roles.

It is clear from the critical analysis of 20th-century women that the movie is itself very poignant and also vibrant by nature. In this entire movie, it had been observed that the life expectations at the moment when the generation will collide and evolvement of America will capture the view of the audience. In mostsensual way, it can be stated that the movie that is the 20thCentury Women itself states about thecomings and goings of our loved ones where the influencers bestowed important parables upon the adolescence of the individuals and the leaders who had provided the adequate amount of benchmarks to the leaders in order to moveforward with aplomb (Matthew, 2016).

The relationships between the characters in the movie had not been explained well with the help of clunky exposition. Instead, the individuals have been presented with vignettes spreading around the movie with the back-story of every individual on one to one basis. Basically, the year when feminism had entered into the modern era turns out to be the debatable one. Some of them get referred to the watershed moment in the year of 1962 where another movie known as Golden Notebookhas dramatized the interior conflict among the women in between work, motherhood as well as love (criticsroundup, 2016). Hence, from the entire aspect, the revolutionary political vision had bene obtained from the movie that is 20tyh century women where different aspects of feminist polemics of women had been well highlighted.











Bob Marley: reggae king of the world. Plume.In the first verse, Marley sings with the concept of children crying. This has been focused on using the children crying and it uses children as an example for one love. Marley tries to evoke the emotion of artists by interacting with the audience. For the sake of children, Marley tries to get the people to stop the violence and oppression in Jamaica. Marley sings are approaching the concern in front of more than thousands of people. The aim of this message is to make people forget factors concerning race, color and other forms of negative connotations.

Steffens, R. (2003). One love: life with Bob Marley & the Wailers. More specifically, Marely stated concerning the verbal attack where each political party is about creation of amiable environment the political conflicts. Towards the end of his performance, Marley made some radical decisions. He had cemented himself as the political leader of the state. The moment is an iconic moment where Marley political impacts are affected in Jamaica. This song “One Love” reinforces these concepts and for the creation of the universal brotherhood or love. This aid or fosters all the people involved. This reference is selected because of the fact that there is detailing of impacts of the song and about the ways in which the children are crying.

Music analysis is required about the song. In this song there is revealing about how the particular reggae music is built from distinctive puzzle pieces for the formation of the song. These are provided with the guitars, bass, keyboards, vocals and percussion. These elements are used to fit together different musical arrangements. In terms of these guitar work, one of the guitars is used to play a scratchy” rhythm part. This is similar to the percussion instrument. These include the washboard and maracas. There is other guitar which provides a low and single-note melodic line which is similar and different from the bass line. In contrast to different style of music and reggae, the bass is used for providing the melodic content. In contrast to different kinds of music, the reggae music has the bass which provides melodic content. The percussive role of the instruments is made prominent by the accentuation of muted string accents. These are interspersed with the Bm chord voiced on the top four strings. There is a steady strumming pattern.




非洲的影响使毕加索成为立体派画家。从对人体的程式化处理中获得灵感后,毕加索创作了《阿维尼翁的少女》。这幅画是关于五个裸体女人的。这些人物以一种扁平的分裂方式组成,面孔看起来像是非洲面具和伊比利亚面具文化的混合体。女性的身体是以一种扭曲的方式呈现出来的,它的形状也是几何的(Foster et al., 2012)。传统艺术的形式和表现在这里被完全抛弃。一种原始主义被看到的画面和透视交换为二维平面。它被认为是一件非常有创意的艺术作品,毕加索自己也觉得它把他从更经典的技术中解放出来,他在法国工作时受到了影响。这些绘画形式后来为立体主义奠定了基调。

毕加索对立体主义的直接影响来自他1907年在《阿维尼翁的少女》中的作品。作品的风格是激进的扭曲的人是一个鲜明的对比,古典技术(Chave, 1994)。碎片化、几何平面、柔和的色彩等被认为是对像布拉克这样的艺术家的影响。布拉克的灵感来自于毕加索的作品,他在二十世纪初创作了风景画,这是毕加索作品的直接影响。位于L ‘ estaque的房子以柔和的立方体形式呈现树木和山脉,法国评论家Louis Vauxcelles将其命名为“bizarreries cubques”。19世纪的毕加索对立体主义产生了多种影响。古代和部落艺术形式挑战了文艺复兴艺术的传统(Galenson & Weinberg, 2001)。在立体主义的第二种形式,合成立体主义中颜色变得很重要。没有画过的物体和有颜色的物体被制成拼贴画。毕加索给主流绘画手法提出了激进而富有挑战性的想法,并开创了立体主义的一种新趋势。

African influence was what led Picasso to Cubism. After getting inspired by the stylized treatments of the human figure, Picasso created the Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. The painting was about five naked women. The figures were composed in a flat splintered way and the faces appeared like a mix of African masks and Iberian masks culture. The female body is presented in a distorted way, and it was geometric in its shape as well (Foster et al., 2012). Form and representation of traditional art were totally abandoned here. A primitivism is seen in the picture and perspective was traded for a two-dimensional plane. It was considered a very innovative work of art and Picasso himself felt that it liberated him from the more classic techniques that he was influenced into working in France. These forms of paintings later came to set the trend for Cubism.

Picasso’s direct influence on Cubism is from his work in the Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon in 1907. The work’s style of radical distortion of humans was a sharp contrast from the classical techniques (Chave, 1994). Fragmented, geometric planes, subdued colors and more were seen to be an influence on artists like Braque. Braque was inspired by Picasso’s work and he created landscape paintings in the beginning of the twentieth century as a direct influence form Picasso’s work. The House at L’Estaque with trees and mountains in subdued forms of cubes was named by French critic Louis Vauxcelles as the “bizarreries cubiques’. A mix of influences was projected on Cubism by Pablo Picasso from the nineteenth century. Archaic and tribal art forms challenged the conventions of renaissance art (Galenson & Weinberg, 2001). In the second form of cubism called synthetic cubism color become important. Non-painted objects and colored objects were made into a collage. Picasso gave radical and challenging ideas to the main stream techniques and created a new trend in cubism.














Besides literal sources, there are several other types of primary sources, which are briefly explained as follows:

Description of events, ideas and people from sources such as chronicles, essays, newspapers, memoirs and published treatises and manifestos.

Garner information about a society’s members by sourcing from biographies, newspapers, census data and folklore.

Libraries and archives as repositories of historical information and accounts.

Geographical information from sources such as maps, directories, statistics, painting and photographs and historical institutions (e.g. museums).

In general, primary sources are regarded as authoritative since they were created in situ. However, they must be critically examined to assess credibility and integrity of the information. While primary sources are extremely effective to discover first-hand information, they are also handicapped by ambiguities and biases as enumerated below:

Cultural and Literary Sources (Documents and objects): These sources are not only very useful to understand the characteristics of people and events such as who, what, when, where, etc., but also provide detailed information about daily life and living as well as the level of education, socio-economic and ideological bent of the author. However, their drawbacks lie in objectivity, verifiability and sometimes, it may not be possible to decipher hand-written manuscripts and discern the identity of the author or owner.

Images: Pictures, paintings and photos have long been a popular source to understand the fabric and composition of a society as they record events, places and people in real-time, depict vividly about daily life of a society, instrumental, if there is a lack of written records and could also provide clues to the creator’s attitude. At the same time, they can be ambiguous due to bias, incomplete detailing since a photo may not always entirely depict the context of an event and other characteristics such as time and date, people, thoughts and ideas, etc. are not very evident or definitive.

Oral History: These spoken accounts are related to a person’s remembrances and accounts of events, etc. and as such, are useful to supplement existing information in archived records because they are more spontaneous and frank, create emotional context and provide clues to hitherto, undiscovered dialectic and speech variations. However, as it relies on memory, the information may not always be credible and is significantly subjected to ideological bias. Therefore, its accuracy is questionable as recollection changes over a period of time.



硕士毕业论文代写:企业社会责任的研究分析。企业社会责任是高度热门的话题,当这个话题被输入到像谷歌互联网这样的搜索引擎上,结果显示64,700,000在0.13秒内,从而证明了这个话题的突出性(Knudsen, 2017)。企业社会责任被认为是企业与整个社会之间的关系。我们相信,企业社会责任是一个组织的责任,它必须以对社会有益的方式使用资源,包括承诺参与、致力造福社会、使社会进步与组织的收益相一致。接下来硕士毕业论文代写专家将为同学们研究分析下企业社会责任。

根据英国政府,企业社会责任是企业的贡献可持续发展的目标,认为本质上是如何业务考虑社会、环境和经济影响的操作从而最大化优势和劣势最小化(Bowd Bowd和哈里斯,2006)。有一些著名的文献证明了企业实施企业社会责任的积极影响。实施了正确的企业社会责任政策和报告的企业往往会经历更多的投资,但它最终会成为一种资产,导致竞争优势和最佳人才库的流入,从而增加企业的良好声誉(Kim, Ha和Fong, 2014)。这种报告确立了对公共标准、利益攸关方更广泛参与以及社区投资的承诺。方面的放松管制和全球化使得组织的规模和程度提高影响的应对高强度的竞争,有,然而,是一个全球框架的出现,是自愿CSR公司的ISO 26000和GRI形式因素(劳里岑和津贴,2015)。

企业社会责任的意义及其在英国企业中的应用并不是一时兴起,而是在考虑经济因素的同时,承认企业对社会和环境因素的责任。随着超市和杂货零售商达到创纪录的盈利能力和规模,他们必须更多地关注企业社会责任活动(Soobramoney和Ledimo, 2016)。英国食品杂货零售商和超市在全国和全球的扩张增加了人们对其道德措施的关注。伦理消费主义包括与环境消费主义和其他相关的纳入原则,从而从伦理消费主义中获得了以人为本的元素(Khan和KoracKakabadse, 2014)。因此,关注企业社会责任问题的政府和压力团体结合增强相关的伦理消费主义运动导致了市场领导者的越来越大的压力在超市和百货零售行业将CSR的想法和目标操作的业务(Anselmsson和约翰逊,2007)。由于这些企业通过响应消费者的需求而取得了成功,因此它们最终会响应要求,包括更具社会责任感的运营。

As per the government of the UK, CSR is the contribution of a business for the development of the sustainable goals and considers essentially how the business takes into account the social, environmental and economic impacts in its operations thus maximising the advantages and minimising the disadvantages (Bowd, Bowd and Harris, 2006). There is notable literature that demonstrates the positive effect of a company that practises CSR. A business that implements the right CSR policy and reports the same tend to experience increased investments, but it eventually is an asset that results in competitive advantage and an inflow of the best talent pool thus adding to the good repute of the business (Kim, Ha and Fong, 2014). Such reporting establishes the commitment towards the public standards, wider engagement of stakeholders and also community investment. Aspects of de-regulation and globalisation have allowed the organisations to enhance in size and extent influence in the response to higher competition intensity, there have, however, been an emergence of global frameworks that are voluntary for the incorporation of CSR factors in ISO 26000 and GRI forms (Lauritsen and Perks, 2015).

The significance of CSR and its application in the businesses present in the UK is not a fad, but recognises the responsibilities of the businesses towards social and environmental factors while considering the economic factors as well. As supermarkets and grocery retailers reach record profitability and size, it is imperative that they focus more on CSR activities (Soobramoney and Ledimo, 2016). The national and global expansion of the UK grocery retailers and supermarkets has increased the concern pertaining to their ethical measures. Ethical consumerism includes the incorporation principles related to environmental consumerism and others thus taking on boars the people based element from ethical consumerism (Khan and KoracKakabadse, 2014). Hence, focusing on the CSR issues by the governments and pressure groups in combination with the enhancement in ethical consumerism related movement has resulted in the growing pressure on the market leaders in the supermarket and grocery retailing industry to incorporate the CSR thoughts and goals in the operations of their businesses (Anselmsson and Johansson, 2007). Since these businesses have achieved success by responding to the demands of their consumers, they are eventually responding to the demands to include operations that are more socially responsible.







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亚马逊公司使用的方法之一是Relay应用程序。Relay是一款亚马逊于2017年11月推出的应用程序。这是一款卡车应用程序,搬运工可以在送货前与亚马逊确认。亚马逊公司正努力不依赖联邦快递(FedEx)或联合包裹(UPS)来送货。该公司正在努力建设一个航空货运枢纽,以确保产品以较快的速度交付。全食超市不再是一家典型的实体店了。由于亚马逊收购了该产品,它已经成为像沃尔玛一样的混合商店。OTS (Off the shelf)是一款关于将产品从卡车移动到商店货架的应用程序(Hugos, 2018)。然而,公司的这种策略实际上已经变得多余了。商店关键库存耗尽的问题可以追溯到这款应用程序。送货上门服务已与亚马逊Prime会员联系在一起。


Between Walmart and Wholefoods, the fundamental difference is the changeover of the management in Wholefoods. The acquisition of Amazon has changed the method of supply chain management. The company wholefoods was about catering to premium consumers who preferred organic food from the local management. However, the dynamics has changed in recent times. This is the changeover and the company Wholefoods has developed a newer supply chain management. Consumers are yet to comprehend about the role of the supply chain management of this company.

One of the methods which the company Amazon uses is the Relay App. Relay is an app which was unveiled on November 2017 by Amazon. This is a form of trucking app which haulers use to check with Amazon before delivery. The company Amazon is trying to not depend on FedEx or UPS for its delivery. The company is trying to construct an air cargo hub and to make sure that products are delivered at a fast pace. Wholefoods is not a typical brick and mortar store anymore. It has become a hybrid store like Walmart owing to the Amazon acquisition of the product. OTS (Off the shelf) is an app which is about the movement of products from truck to store shelves (Hugos, 2018). However, this strategy by the company has actually become redundant. The problem with the store running out of crucial inventory has been traced to this app. Home delivery of the product has been linked to Amazon Prime members.

Walmart, on the other hand, continues to have a superior supply chain management. It has been able to achieve it by the construction of the communication and relationship networks with different suppliers and to improve the material flow between the lower inventories. The company is able to behave like a single firm. This company was one of the pioneer companies for the use of the RFID tags in early 1990. Therefore, the company has managed to gain more consumer patronage.



研究论文代写:多芬香皂的付费媒体。在收集信息和分析中,一个主要的发现是,与无偿媒体相比,多芬香皂的付费媒体要高。多芬在女性方面真的很成功吗?女性在使用该产品时是否感到自己被授权了?还是该产品仅仅因为其使用价值而自我推销?类似的问题必须得到回答,为此,该公司必须从付费媒体发展到付费媒体。付费媒体是指由公司产生的媒体,如广告和其他促销活动。而无偿媒体则是通过电子口碑、用户博客和社交媒体等产生的(Hanna et al., 2011)。通过创建博客或用户论坛等具有建设性和互动性的在线空间,多芬将为它的免费媒体创造一种增长方式。这样不仅可以吸引更多的客户,也可以更好的留住客户,因为客户会感觉到他们不断增长的需求被品牌听到了。接下来研究论文代写专家将为同学们分析下多芬香皂的付费媒体。


数字营销审计过程通常是在需要解释在线销售下降的情况下进行的,或者是在面临其他宏观环境威胁的情况下(Rothe等人,1997年)。审计过程的第一步是从诸如在线渠道分析、销售数据、调查回应、内部审查和竞争对手分析等来源收集信息(附录A) (Hill, 2017)。然后根据数字营销最佳实践对数据进行评估,并根据最佳实践评估市场地位。基于对关键问题和其他调查结果的评估,当前营销策略的优势、劣势、机会和威胁被列为审计的最终结果。因此进行的数字营销审计有助于提高营销过程的广度和质量(Wymbs, 2011;Boles, Pilling, & Goodwyn, 1994)。选用的产品是英国市场的多芬香皂。

The digital marketing plan has to be constructed by understanding pros and cons of digital marketing. For instance, the CPC and other click values for Dove soap appear to indicate that there are indeed more customers viewing their pages, but does every click become a potential lead for sales? There might not be clear way to identify this. While websites can track their unique visitors, they cannot really track how long the customer spends on the context after the click or what they do after they see the advertisement. “Marketers may think their ads are more effective than they really are if bogus clicks are generated by softwarepowered Web sites. Advertisers also lose some control over their online messages” (Kotler and Keller, 2006, p.638). In such cases, it is necessary to make use of even simple tools like email as a way to check the responsiveness of customers, instead of simply relying on the number of clicks. As presented in Appendix C, a slightly personalized email would probably motivate a customer to subscribe or to respond which would be more meaningful than a click. This way, the advertisement objective seeks not only to inform but also engage customers.

The digital marketing audit process usually is done when there is a need to explain a decline in online sales, or when facing other macroenvironmental threats (Rothe et al., 1997). The first step of audit process is to gather information from sources like online channel analytics, sales data, survey responses, internal reviews and competitor analysis etc. (Appendix A) (Hill, 2017). The data then is evaluated against digital marketing best practices and the market position based on best practices is assessed. Based on assessment of key issues and other findings, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with respect to the current marketing strategy are tabulated as the end outcome of the audit. Digital marketing audit thus conducted helps increase the breadth and quality of the marketing process (Wymbs, 2011; Boles, Pilling, & Goodwyn, 1994). The product selected is Dove Bar Soap in the United Kingdom Market.




交互系统设计的发展过程中涉及到许多人为因素,这为理解相关错误打开了大门(Booth, 1991)。例如,考虑到需要多元化的技能交互系统的设计会影响错误生产、多样化的技能与核心交互设计涉及综合环境,了解媒体的安装、界面设计、场景设计和更多的存在为核心的复杂性。当一个人机交互团队被组合在一起设计交互系统时,可能几乎不可能把一个拥有所有这些必要技能的简单团队组合在一起。事实上,除了这些交互设计技能之外,还会增加更多以信息架构、运动设计理解、工业设计等形式的复杂用户体验设计元素。

因此,多技能团队必须组成开发和测试团队。团队在这种情况下做得越多,沟通失误的几率就越大。研究表明,为完成某个项目而组成的相互协作的团队越多,在交流中丢失某些元素的可能性就越大。在这种情况下,拥有一个较小的团队是可行的。然而,这个小团队也导致了一些问题,因为它不能提供构建一个多功能系统所需的人机交互的多样化输入(Shneiderman, 2010)。因此,在设计系统时需要找到一种平衡,以确保人为因素不会在设计中起到不利的作用。人的因素在设计中的积极作用必须得到促进。这也是交互系统设计的主要目标之一。由于任何交互接口都需要在组内组间进行一定程度的沟通,所以通信错误是非常重要的。


Many human factors go into the development of the interactive system design and this opens up the door to understand related errors (Booth, 1991). For instance, considering how the need for diverse skills in the design of interactive systems will have an impact on error production, a diversity of skills from the core interaction design involving integrative environments, understanding of the media installation, the interface design, the scenario design and more is present as the core of the complexity. While a human computer interaction team is put together for the design of the interactive system, it might be nearly impossible to put together one simple team having all these necessary skills. In fact, in addition to these interaction design skills, more complexity in the form of user experience design elements like information architecture, motion design understanding and industrial design etc. will also be added.

Multi-skilled teams hence have to put together to form the development and testing team. The more the teams work on the situation, the more the chances of errors in miscommunication. It has been identified in research studies that the more the number of interworking teams formed for the completion of a certain project, the more the chances that some elements would be lost in communication. In such cases, having a smaller team could be feasible. However, the small team also results in issues as it would not provide the diverse input in human computer interaction needed for constructing a versatile system (Shneiderman, 2010). A balance hence needs to be struck when designing the system so as to ensure that human factors do not play an adverse role in the design. The positive role of human factors in design has to be promoted. This is also one of the main goals of interactive system design. Communication errors are significant as any interactive interface needs a certain level of communication within groups between groups.

The unique challenge of the humans involved in interaction system design is that the designers are involved with the users. Designers have to work with end stakeholders most of the time in order to design the interactive product that fits the consumption requirement. The designers not only have to make use of consumers, but they also have to deal with the design at all stages by working on them in the consumer perspective. This is a difficult thing to do, as the designer becomes both creator and consumer at the same time. The more the roles played by the designer, the more the chances of error happenings.







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