

培训和发展可以被定义为一个过程,获得或转让正确的知识形式的技能或能力,也需要进行各种职能的组织。培训和发展不仅对员工很重要,而且对雇主来说非常重要和重要。事实上,培训的好处是更广泛的就培训员工(赛义德,& Shabir,2013)。执行和Excel的压力日益增加,以配合这方面的培训和发展已经包含了大量的各种学习功能,它还包括培训的任务和知识的发展。这一结果在改善客户服务,也有助于员工有助于员工个人发展、团队和公司的有效性(赛义德,& Shabir,2013)。
组织中的培训和开发单元的设置有助于提升公司的目标和目标。公司面临的主要挑战是确定市场需求和公司在市场中的地位,然后据此确定职位所需的人才。随着有效的招聘过程中,公司还需要确定正确的培训和发展,获取知识和技能的完美融合的能力(赛义德,& Shabir,2013)。


Many survey and studies have shown that in order to sustain in the market the company will need to inculcate many skills apart from regular ones which are critical thinking or problem solving skills, effective communication abilities, collaboration skills which help in interacting with multiple kind of people and in the end innovation and talent to create new things (Khan et al, 2011). Now, the question is how the business can achieve all these skills. The company can take inspiration from the companies like Deloitte LLP which has not only taken some great actions in the direction of training but they are also quite proactive in their approach especially in the case of investing in employee training programs. Many companies do think that investing in any of training can a costly affair but very few like Deloitte understands that why it is extremely important to invest in employee training and development(Khan et al, 2011).
Training and development can be defined as a process of obtaining or transferring the right knowledge in form of skill or capability which is also needed to carry out various functions in the organisation. Training and development is not only important for employee but it is also very crucial and important for employers. In fact the benefit of training is much broader then just training the employees (Saeed, &Shabir, 2013). The pressure to perform and excel is increasing day by day and to match this training and development have encompassed a large variety of learning functions and it also includes training for the tasks and knowledge development. This results in improved services for customers and also helps in the development of the employees which helps in overall development of the individual employee, a team and firm’s effectiveness (Saeed, &Shabir, 2013).
The training and development cell in an organisation is set in a way that it helps in promoting the set goals and objectives of the company. The main challenge for the company is to identify the requirement of the market and the position of the company in the market and then accordingly determine the talent required for position. Along with effective recruitment process, company also need to determine right training and development skills for acquiring the perfect blend of knowledge and skills (Saeed, &Shabir, 2013).



女奴隶事件是作者的自传。在书中,她描述了她一生中必须面对的可怕的情况。作者说,她不想透露自己的痛苦,但她认为她苦难的描述将有助于在废奴运动。故事的核心人物,琳达,实际上是作者自己作为奴隶出售时,被残忍对待,并被忽视。她被折磨多年,被迫进入性关系。后一部分描写了她与奴隶制的斗争。她正受到压力和折磨。后来她和另一个角色坠入了爱情关系,生了两个孩子。当她的孩子受到虐待时,她逃离了那个地方。她隐藏自己在一个小地方的日子[布拉克斯顿,乔安妮,’ Harriet Jacobs事件:重新定义的奴隶叙事体裁,马萨诸塞州评论27(夏季1986)。
]。她的孩子被卖给了他们父亲的代表。然而,他又娶了另一个人,离开了她。她现在有一个担心,她的孩子将再次出售。经过许多斗争,她逃到了北方。她带着爱伦和她的另一个孩子本尼和她的姑姑。她开始在纽约当护士。与此同时,买了她一次,殴打她试图找到她。为了远离他,她再次去了波士顿,在那里她遇见了她的儿子。在波士顿,她继续活在未来的岁月里。她的孩子被送去上学[盖茨,Henry Louis,经典奴隶故事(2002))


Incident of the Slave girl is the autobiography of the author. In the book, she has described the awful situations which she had to face throughout her life. The author says that she did not want to disclose her sufferings but she believes that the descriptions of her sufferings will help in the antislavery movement. The central character of the story, Linda who is actually the author herself when sold as a slave is treated with cruelty and with full of neglect. She is tortured for years and is forced to go into the sexual relationship. The later part depicts her struggle against the slavery. She is being pressurized and tortured. Later she falls into a love relationship with another character and has two children. When her children are ill-treated, she escapes from the place. She hides herself in a tiny place for days[Braxton, Joanne, ‘Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents: the Redefinition of the Slave Narrative Genre, Massachusetts Review 27 (Summer 1986).

]. Her children are sold to a representative of their fathers. However, he again marries another person and leaves her. She now has a worry that her children will again be sold. After a lot of struggle she escapes to the north. She takes Ellen with her and leaves her another child Benny with her aunt. She starts working as a nurse in New York. Meanwhile, the person who bought her once and assaulted her tries to find her out. In order to stay away from him, she again goes off to Boston where she meets her son. In Boston she continues to live for the coming years. Her children are sent to school[Gates, Henry Louis, The Classic Slave Narratives (2002)
]. His previous Master, Dr. Flint dies, but his daughter now claims for Linda. One of the law passed by congress, leads Linda again in the fear of being kidnapped or enslaved. The daughter of Linda’s master comes to Boston to capture her for which she hides once again. She is again forced to be bought and sold for which she refuses. Forcefully, she is sold again, but this time to Mr. Bruce who cares for her and treats her as his employee.




1.LUSH 洗头发的小红帽肥皂,防脱,效果很好;如果头发稀疏或者多油,建议用蓝色的洗发皂和 lush big, 效果真的非常棒!当然还有其他护发素香皂,形状各样特别可爱,送女孩子她们肯定炒鸡喜欢的。要注意的是LUSH面膜保质期很短,估计不太适合送人。

2. The body shop, 在圣诞节时候简直就是白菜价,会打五折的折扣。比较喜欢的是以下两款茶树面膜,很好的平衡效果,用完脸能白一圈。海藻洁面胶,大夏天用,特别清凉舒服。还有推荐一个杏仁护手霜,吸收很快。但也有超多妹子喜欢body shop的body butter&body scrub ,便宜大碗又好闻,推荐桃子和西柚味。不是很推荐butter,吸收得不是特别好, 推荐body lotion,乳液状吸收会好一点。

3. NYR(Neal’s Yard Remedies), 英国本土护肤品。爽肤水非常好用,也就100RMB左右。在london的covert garden 还有一条彩色的Near’s yard street, 里面有挺大的专卖店,大家有空可以逛逛,离牛津街,特拉法加广场都很近。






根据澳大利亚统计局的统计,有5岁以下儿童的母亲的比例有所上升。在2006-07赛季,这个数字为50%但在2011-12赛季就增加到53%(ABS,2013)。自从妇女成为职业女性后,她们的工作人员数量也有所上升,她们不再局限于家务劳动。在2011-12年度,的职业母亲和5岁以下儿童65%部分时间工作。因此,统计数字表明,有一个不断增加的母亲人数,不放弃自己的工作,照顾他们的孩子,因此儿童保健院来图(ABS,2013)。专业的医生和管理者会在托儿所给予适当照顾的孩子。随着幼儿家庭的需求不断增加,对工人的需求也会增加(豪斯& Smith,1995)。


The health sector which would be growing in next five to ten years is child care homes. With the increase in the number of mothers working, there is a huge potential for the increase in employment in this sector. The main reason for parents putting their babies in child care homes is due to the fact that both parents are working. With the growing economic pressures, mother and father both need to work to sustain an average lifestyle. Parents find it hard to find reliable and affordable child care homes. Parents want to put their child in child care home because the child can learn new skills through various creative activities and can also learn to interact with the environment around him. There would be a huge requirement for the teachers, caretakers, maids and nurses to work at child care homes.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there has been an increase in percentage of mothers working who have a child below 5 years. In 2006-07, this number was 50% but in 2011-12 it increased to 53% (ABS, 2013). There has been a rise in the number of mothers working since the women have also become career oriented and they are no longer limited to the house hold work. In 2011-12, 65% of the employed mothers with children below 5 years worked part time. Thus the statistics depict that there is a constant increase in the number of mothers not giving up their jobs to take care of their child and hence child care homes come in to picture (ABS, 2013). Specialized physicians and caretakers would be employed at child care homes to give proper care to the children. With the increasing demand of child care homes, the demand of the workers would also increase (Howes & Smith, 1995).





After going through the critique of Natasha on Hosseini’s Novel, one can infer that she has completely read the novel and have done the analysis of the Hosseini’s style of writing and the earlier Novel written by him like “The Kite Runner”. She has pointed out some of the very prominent issues, understandings, thoughts and the way of Afghan life. The writing style of writer and the various topics the writer has touched have also been covered in the critique. The critique is a descriptive critique in which the feminist writer Natasha has an inclined support towards women, because her critique revels majorly the condition on women, as shown by Hosseini in his novel. Although the central characters of the Novel are the two ladies whose plight Natasha has highlighted, there are numerous issues also described in the novel such as the war between Taliban and Soviets, and the act of forcing male adolescents of Afghanistan to join Mujahiddeen. Women were forced to wear veil which they call “burka”. Scarcity of educational institutions in Afghanistan, disdaining other religion and philosophies are a few topics that are covered. In addition to these, issues like society’s hatred towards an illegitimate offspring, untouchability towards an epileptic person are also described in the novel. Natasha could have touched and elaborated all these issues little more. She has described the writing style of Hosseini as well in her critique. This can be figured out by seeing the fact that she has compared the current novel with the other novel of the writer. All in all, the critique seems to be a detailed analysis of the novel, and Natasha has elaborated more about the content, instead of challenging the ideas of the writer.






Urban design is faced with a serious problem of developing sustainable design which will accommodate the future transportation demand and at the same time maintain a balance between personal space and open space requirements. The designs are constrained by the growing population and the growth in transportation vehicles. Urban design is again the only saviour for the future generations’ demand of quality spaces which allows them to freely move around the personal space and the working space. As the city keeps inviting more residents to settle in urban areas, the most stressed out regions are the city centers which experiences overcrowded influx of people.

Today’s urban design is faced with an immense challenge of building sustainable cities where there is constant demand of more dwellings due to growing and migrant population, and also due to increase in vehicular movements which restricts the population’s desire of free movement and right of way. This is a major challenge in cities like Tokyo which has the highest density per square kilometre in the world and the urban design team has been inventing innovative solutions for accommodating every single person and also provide them a personal space in the densely populated city. The population living in such cities will have to compromise at some point for their demands and adjust to the growing need of the city and share the risk and problems faced by the city’s population. The answers to the problem lies in the quality, insightful and mindful approach towards the future urban design, and through radical policy introduction and amendments to solve the current and the perceived issues of the future. The challenge is more of a research and analysis based instead of providing a temporary solution to the problem.




          一般在英国留学写作业(Assignment)通常分为两种形式:一种是文章(Essay), 一种是报告(Report)格式。二者在形式上有所差别,但大体相同。通常学校发的论文写作规定会对一篇Assignment写成事Essay还是 Report格式会作出明确要求,以下是英国论文代写网小编搜集整理的英国留学学术论文格式要求汇总,欢迎阅读查看。


1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍(也有双倍间距的)。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调节,会造成不必要的麻烦。





Essay 的写作相对Report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,绪论(Introduction),主体(Main Body),结论(Conclusion)。绪论(Introduction)包括选题(topic)的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,通常占总字数的 10%左右。主体(Main Body)占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写。 但要求有逻辑性。结论(Conclusion)也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。Reference的写作是两种形式都要涉及的,我放在最后来详细说。



1、标题页:包括标题和executive summary. 在Executive summary中是对文章的摘要,这两个部分一般是单独占一页。


如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出 规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。


Reference 是老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。

1、 不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写;

2、 每条reference之间要空一行。如果一条reference一排写不完,那么下面的几排提行时要和第一排三格。基本格式请参照我发过来的referencing 里面的要求;

3、 References 的排列要按字母顺序排列。可以用网址的reference放在最后;

4、 引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。请在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注。没有出现作者就在引用的句子后面用 (作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注。间接引用就是参照发文章或书中的观点,引用方法与直接引用形式一样,只是不需要标注页码;

















