
cibc okotoks:恐怖电影的主题思想

cibc okotoks:恐怖电影的主题思想

这部电影的观众是那些真正喜欢看电影的新体验和感受的人。这是给恐怖电影的赞助人的。它主要是为了制造混乱。目标观众是所有恐怖电影的赞助者。故事的主题是主人公詹妮弗·劳伦斯最近卷入了一场事故,她在事故中幸存了下来。在布莱德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)饰演的丈夫的陪伴下,她恢复了正常生活。据她回忆,事故发生在一条荒凉的高速公路上。她不知道自己最近穿过了一个使用黑魔法的地区。在这部电影中,她的手机闹鬼,被用作邪恶实体的媒介。每当人们使用手机时,他们就会被困在噩梦中。这种实体迫使大脑去体验人们隐藏的恐惧和恐惧。故事情节将会引出劳伦斯如何处理这个陷阱,以及她能否从睡梦中醒来。争论的主要问题是,应该通过强大的屏幕播放来有效地解决这个问题。

cibc okotoks:恐怖电影的主题思想

The audience for this movie are the people who genuinely like new experiences and feeling while watching movies. This is for the horror movie patrons. It is primarily to create discomfiture. The target audience are for the horror movie patrons across the spectrum. Main theme of the story is that the protagonist Jennifer Lawrence is recently involved in an accident where she survives. She is nursed back to normalcy with her husband played by Bradley Cooper. The accident as she recalls happens in a desolate highway. She is not aware that she had recently crossed through an area where black magic is practiced. In this, her phone gets haunted and is used as a medium for an evil entity. Whenever people use the phone, they get transported and trapped in their nightmare. This entity forces the mind to experience the hidden phobias and fears of the people. The story line would lead to how Lawrence handles this trap and if she is able to wake up from her slumber. The main issue in contention is that this should be tackled efficiently with a strong screen play.
The lighting would be adjusted from low key lighting to bright lights based on each nightmare that develops in the story. The genre style for this movie is horror and the subgenre for the movie is thriller. There will be gloomy mood that is maintained throughout the movie. The light effect would be a bright light. The purpose of this is that the audience would not be able to tell the difference between what is real and what is imaginary. This is inspired from the movie Oculus. But the treatment of the storyline would be different. Even though this movie is for the horror movie patrons, it will still be an Avant Garde movie. It will be experimental movies that makes people question in the illusion of dreams. The narrative theme of the movie is inspired from a number of sources. There will be the discussion of psychology, illusion, fragments of reality. Like Inception, this movie is based on the narrative theme of dreams. Buddhist doctrines of illusion will also be discussed in this movie.