


It is difficult to trace the difference between Contemporary art and Modernist art in a small passage. It can be said that the basis for the Western Art form was established by the Renaissance Art after the end of the Medieval Period. The rules and ideas of the Renaissance art were distributed all over the Europe by the foundation of many schools of fine arts. The example of these fine art schools are “such as the Academy of Florence (Accademia dell’Arte del Disegno: founded 1562), the Academy of Rome (Accademia di San Luca: founded 1583), the French Academy (Academie des Beaux-Arts) the Royal Academy in London (founded 1768) and the later Royal Hibernian Academy and the Royal Ulster Academy of Arts, in Ireland”. The art forms taught under these schools were based on the consistent set of rules and standards. The artists had to follow these rules, so that they could earn their living. By the early nineteenth century, the academic approach towards art had ceased to be very appropriate.
The idea that art can produce meaning was rejected by the Postmodernist artists. The new philosophy of the post modernism triggered a completely new approach and put forward a new set of priorities. The new approach was facilitated by the new technological innovation like television, videos and computers. The Contemporary art movement mainly focused on the idea that how art could be disseminated, rather than what was being produced. Thus, the audiences were also an important part of any art work.
Different ideas and concepts were emphasized rather than giving emphasis on the skills and objects. To popularize the visual art work, a new series of art form was introduced, which included Installation, Conceptualization, Happenings, Earthworks, Performance, And Projection Art. The new digital media played a significant role in popularization of the visual art. The main idea behind it is to increase the access of the people towards visual art. The new concepts developed, were mainly to increase the accessibility and popularization of art.

The major problem with defining the contemporary art refers o the period between 1973 and 2008, instead of the period of 1945, which is the definition given by the museums. This could be done in attempt to avoid the phrase, which is called as the ‘late modernism era’. For the art commentators and the historians the Contemporary art period started with the beginning of the World War II. With this period, there was a rise in the new art form. This art form was referred as the ‘abstract expressionism’. Other period of beginning of the Contemporary art period was 1960s, when Pop art was introduced. Pop art was also a form of expressionism developed in the late modernism. This art form started to develop the qualities of the postmodernism. The new focus of the art was mainly on the style and delivery.

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