





Kohler and Merwe (2015) have explained the nuances of the housing market. Trends for 3 decades in the Australian housing price has been probed. The impact of inflation, theory of supply and demand, impact of debt-to-income ratio and the role of population were some of the factors that were examined in this article. A more detailed summary and conclusion with the main points of the article has been explored in the following .It has been stated in this article that in the future there will be increase in demand for smaller dwellings based on the net increase in population of Australia. The authors allude that the increase in the higher-density housing along with lower growth of prices related to the prices of detached houses as an example for this trend to continue. Hence in the future there will be demand for newer kind of dwelling based on the demographic changes. Housing price is influenced by the supply and demand.

The authors state that the demand aspect of this theory keeps changing and is construed to be a dynamic variable. The demand is found to be dependent on the role of the income level of the people, demographic trends of the people i.e. changes in population, inflation rate, debt to income levels, access to credit line and the general requirements of the changes of the people. Based on these factors from 1980 to 1990, there was stark increase in the housing prices. Between 1990 and 2000, there was a higher debt to income issues that were caused by the high inflation of the houses. From 2000 onwards, the immigration trends have caused the demand for smaller dwellings to rise. These were the main points alluded in the article.