

代写assignment-期望理论。期望理论认为个体的反应基于组织的期望。期望组织能够控制结果。这表明人们根据奖励的作用来决定自己的行为。工人们可能会假设并将根据工作表现获得加薪。他们将根据公司的期望开始运作。期望理论基于三个要素。它是期望,工具和价。期望是相信努力会达到公司期望的目标。工具性指的是对报酬将满足绩效预期的信念,效价指的是员工报酬的价值(Lawler and Suttle, 1973.)。这些理论是相对较老的管理理论,用于理解组织所面临的总体问题。

Expectancy theory proposes that the individuals will react based on the organizational expectancy. The organization is expected to have control over the outcomes. It suggests that the people decide their behaviors based on how the reward will function. The workers might work assume and will be given a pay rise based on performance. They will start to function based on the expectation of the company. Expectancy theory is based on three elements. It is the expectancy, instrumentality and valence. The expectancy is the belief that the effort will reach the desired goal of the company. Instrumentality refers to the belief that the reward will meet the performance expectancy and the valence refers to the value of the rewards of the employee (Lawler and Suttle, 1973.). These theories are relatively older management theories that are used to understand the overall issues that the organization faces.

The individual managers and supervisors along with the management can devise interventions based on this paradigm.
As a first step the management should look into the motivational theories of management and device a common formula to keep the employee engagement. Next they should conduct an audit from external supervision to create a paradigm for the employees to work productively. There should be increase in dialogue with the employee and increase in communication (Crawford et al., 2014). This should lead to the productivity of the employees. The management should then clarify the roles, demands of the employees. There should be proper reward and recognition system for the employees to compliment on their performance.
There should be an organizational redesign and interventions that should be developed to boost the morale of the employees (Parks et al., 2015). Since it cannot be characterized by only academic theories the management should develop its own unique method to address the issues of the employees of the company.

The purpose of this report is to analyze the factors that contribute towards the burnout of the employees and the consequence of these impacts on the individual and organizational level. Academic theories and literatures from research analysis were used to prove this paradigm. It has been found that the roots of this burnout are because of the organizational design and culture. The job demands of the company are found to be an issue for the employees. There is role conflict, increase in demands or the employees being not challenges that add to the burnout of the employees. The management in these companies does not recognize the efforts of the employees and this adds to the stress of the employees. It creates a situation where they develop cynicism and hostility towards the job. This invariably creates a job that is hostile. This affects the entire organization if it is not addressed. Interventions that the companies develop should be based on the innate subjective requirements and the exact issues that have been felt by the companies. The academic theories can be used formula to devise the issues that the organization faces. From this they can develop interventions that would benefit all the stakeholders involved in the company.

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