


1。人类是从猿进化而来。可以看到人类和类人猿的主要区别在下肢,影响双足运动。还有一种可能性,即在下肢的长度。可以看到相似的共同祖先和基地的DNA序列。都是性二态的(尼尔,2012)。人类的高度相似性,非洲猿展品。类人猿是非常聪明的,这样的心理水平相等的3 – 4岁的人类小孩,但现代人类大脑的大小是3倍的体积比猿类(尼尔,2012)。

2。选择压力被认为是自然选择的驱动力。主要的选择性压力施加的环境将包括在运动方面,形态学特征和激素的变化(戈麦斯等人,2011)。由于选择性压力,适应性反应明显的社会性与生态视角。反应也明显的社会、生态和地理的压力。一个形态学特性的数字比2 d:4 d获得(戈麦斯等人,2011)。这个功能可能会改变让荷尔蒙变化。灵长类动物也倾向于体验多样化的变化。


  1. Humans have evolved from apes. The major difference between humans and apes could be seen in the lower limbs that would influence the bipedal locomotion. There is also a chance in the length of lower limbs. The similarity could be seen in terms of the common ancestry and the base sequences of DNA. Both are sexually dimorphic (Neil, 2012). The African ape exhibits high similarity to the humans. The great apes are highly intelligent such that the mental levels equal the 3-4 year old human child but the size of brain of modern human is 3 times larger in terms of volume than apes (Neil, 2012).
  2. Selective pressure is regarded as the driving force for the natural selection. The major selective pressures imposed by the environments would include in terms of locomotion, morphological features and hormonal changes (Gomes et al, 2011). As a result of the selective pressures, the adaptive response was evident in the sociality and ecology perspectives. The responses are also evident for the social, ecological and geographic pressures. One morphological feature with the digit ratio of 2D:4D is obtained (Gomes et al, 2011). This feature is likely to change subjecting to the hormonal changes. The primates also tend to experience the diversification changes.