

代写:电影《捉鬼敢死队》中的女权主义。选择的媒体是2016年上映的电影《捉鬼敢死队》。这部电影是前几部电影的翻拍版。所有的女性演员阵容赋予了这部电影一种女权主义的观点。在故事情节中,电影的英雄是一群男性角色出去捉鬼。有着相似的故事情节,这部广受欢迎的连环漫画在银幕上呈现的都是女性角色(Kingston Mann, 2014)。电影作为媒介的批判分析可以通过女性主义的方法来实现。“女权主义是一场结束性别歧视、性别歧视者的剥削和压迫的运动”(第178页),由贝尔·胡克斯(Bell Hooks)提出,它很好地反映了女权主义的核心议程。接下来代写专家将为同学们分析讨论下电影《捉鬼敢死队》中的女权主义。

《捉鬼敢死队2016》反映了类似的议程。这是一种后女性主义的思维方式,导致了电影中男主角被女主角所取代。这些角色并不漂亮、优雅或性感(Radner & Stringer, 2012)。他们是喜剧,肥胖,幽默和不太漂亮。但随着故事的发展,观众们逐渐认识到他们在对抗试图控制整个人类的超自然力量时是多么的高效和勇敢。在之前的超级英雄电影中,观众习惯了超人、蝙蝠侠或蜘蛛侠拯救世界,神奇女侠只是一个配角。导演费格打破了这种刻板印象,创造了一种女性主义或后女性主义在电影中清晰反映的另类动态。

这部电影成功地打破了男性主导的超级英雄世界或救世主的刻板印象。以《雷神》(Thor)闻名的英俊潇洒的克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)取代了可爱的女秘书。事实上,正是克里斯受到了魔法的蛊惑,试图毁掉这座城市。然而,女孩们,作为捉鬼敢死队,拯救了克里斯和这座城市。这是男性主导的宣传。女性主义的方法和电影的成功打破了性别的刻板印象,取得了巨大的成功。

女权主义和后女权主义一直致力于打破性别刻板印象。后女权主义将文化推向一个不同的水平,女性主义打破了早期媒体的刻板印象(Dorer & Hipfl, 2013)。它能够在女权主义、流行文化和女性气质之间衍生出一个不同的维度。现代的思维方式和媒体将女性的本质描绘成一种性别,而不是将其视为一种性别。

因此,2016年的《捉鬼敢死队》与1986年的《捉鬼敢死队》相比,更接近于后女权主义手法。男主角被换成了女主角,从恶魔手中拯救了城市(Kingston Mann, 2014)。这部电影成功地打破了男性英雄的宣传。在这里,女主人公们拯救了城市和她们的男秘书,使他们免于毁灭整个人类。尽管人们还没有准备好去遵从或适应这种类型的电影,但电影的女权主义方法已经成功地建立起来。然而,导演本身就有一种与有趣的女性合作的心态,因此这部电影就诞生了(Modleski, 2014)。对于传统的男主角电影,一种新的媒体途径已经有效地建立起来。

The movie Ghostbusters 2016 reflects this similar agenda. It is a post-feministic mindset which brought forward a movie where male protagonists have been replaced by female protagonists. The characters are not beautiful, graceful or sexy (Radner & Stringer, 2012). They are comic, fat, humorous and not-so-pretty. But as the story progresses, viewers come to know how efficient and courageous they are to standup against a supernatural force trying to take over entire humanity. In previous superhero movies, the audience was accustomed to Superman, Batman or Spiderman saving the day and Wonder woman just being a sidekick. Director Faig broke this stereotype to create an alternative dynamics where feminism or post-feminism is clearly reflected in the movie.

The movie has successfully broken the stereotype of male-dominatedsuperhero world or act of saving the day. The place of a cute female secretary has been replaced by dashing and hunk Chris Hemsworth known for Thor. In fact, it is Chris who comes under the spell and tries to ruin the city. However, the girls, as Ghostbusters, save Chris and the city. It is something out of male-dominated propaganda. A feminist approach and success of the movie to break the gender stereotyping has been highly successful.

Feminism and Postfeminism have always been working to break the gender stereotyping. Postfeminism drives the culture to a different level where feminity broke free from its earlier media stereotypes (Dorer & Hipfl, 2013). It has been able to derive a different dimension between feminism, popular culture and feminity. The modern mindset and media portray the essence of being a woman than treating it as a gender.

Hence, the movie Ghostbusters 2016 stands on the verge of post feministic approach to the original move from 1986. The male characters were changed to female characters that save the city from the hand of an evil spirit (Kingston Mann, 2014). The movie successfully breaks the propaganda of male heroes. Here female heroines save the city and their male secretary from destroying the entire human race. The feminist approach of the movie has been successfully established though it is argued that the people are not yet ready to comply or adapt with such a type of movie. However, the director itself had the mindset of working with women who are funny, and hence, the movie came out as a result (Modleski, 2014). A new media approach to a conventional male hero movie has been effectively established.
