


Certain known developments have been observed in NEU. It was the site where China’s first analogue computer was developed. They have an established Science Park. There is a range of subjects ranging from School of Mechanical Engineering to School of Marxism (North-eastern University).
Of the 50 students who had participated in the survey it was found that 35 students were satisfied with the education. They had a strong career plan and also understood that the real-world skills that the university teaches them help them perform well in their workplace.
On applying the formula, it was found that diversity enables the students to perform well added to the school resource allocation.
The formula that is used below is not a regular formula that is used to measure the student performance. This formula is used to factor in how the students gain knowledge and the intangibles in this case are used. This is used to measure the student performance from a tangible and intangible sense.
A = f (R, SC, P)
Where A= Time from 2010 to 2015
R= school resources (Tangible resources and infrastructure was found)
It was found that the teachers who were hired had to have a doctoral degree to teach a class.
SC= Student Characteristics (diverse group of students)
P = Characterization of the peer group (Average performing students from the University were considered in the research group)
It was deemed that the foreign institution collaboration and tangible resources were adequate. This enabled the students to gain the skills that are required for the success in real world. The issue of hierarchy had caused the University functions to be impeded.

Liaoning University is a part of project 211 of China. This has enabled the university to gain grants. The higher level of hierarchy chains has caused the university not to perform in par with the North-eastern University. The issues that the students feel were the issuance of grants and lengthy bureaucratic chains for gaining newer technology product. There was a higher level of hierarchy that was deemed to be a problem in gaining access to the resources of the university. This was determined from the analysis of the data that was collated from the different sources.

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