

這處房產的歷史可以追溯到10年前。這是一系列的房主。 1916年,著名園藝師大衛·費爾柴爾德博士和他的母親從弗洛倫斯·鮑德溫·紐金特夫人手中買下了這個村莊,作為過冬的居所。幾年來,他在華盛頓特區管理美國農業部的植物引進項目。費爾柴爾德在美國建立了大約30種不同的植物品種。他實際上是哥倫布的洋基園丁。在他的陽光之州,仙童設計了一個花園,裡面有各種各樣的植物,這些植物都是他在世界各地的旅行中獲得的。 1931年,瑪麗安的姐姐和她的丈夫擁有位於該國北部的連體財產,作為他們冬季的家。從1928年到他們去世,Fairchild和他的伙伴把這個村莊塑造成他們的永久住所。

一年後,在大衛·費爾柴爾德的妻子去世後,這塊土地被生物學家兼改革家凱瑟琳·豪伯格·斯威尼(Catherine Hauberg Sweeney)獲得。 Sweeney保存了Fairchild的花園作為前瞻性研究,並在未來進一步使用它,從而保存了它在國家歷史遺跡名錄上的位置。 1984年,斯威尼把這塊地賣給了國家熱帶生物園,並一直是它的主要贊助人,直到1995年去世。這個村子的重點是教育,虐待這裡無與倫比的生活財富。每年這個村子都會為教授、醫生和其他人舉辦許多教學活動。為了支持該村日益豐富的教學和分析項目,在2003-2007年期間建立了宿舍、教室實驗室和教育中心。


The history of the property goes back to the decade (Giancarlo de Carlo, n.d). It’s a series of householders. The village has been purchased by a famous horticulturalist Dr. David Fairchild and his partner mother in 1916 from Mrs. Florence Baldwin Nugent, as a home for the winter months. For several years, he managed the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Department of Plant Introduction program in Washington, D.C. Fairchild set up around thirty different varieties of plant species into the U.S. He was actually the Yankee gardener of Columbus. At his place Sunshine State, Fairchild shaped the garden which contained different varieties of plants that he obtained all through his visits around the world. In 1931, Marian’s sister and her husband, have the conterminous property which is located towards the northern part of the country to use as their home in winter months. Fairchild and his partner shaped the village as their lasting residence from the year1928 till their deaths.

A year later, after the death of David Fairchild’s wife, the land was acquired by a biologist and reformer, Catherine Hauberg Sweeney. Sweeney preserved the Fairchild’s garden for prospective study and further used it in the future and thus preserved its listing on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1984, Sweeney offered the property to the National Tropical Biology Garden and thus remained its chief sponsor till her death in 1995.The focus at the village is education, mistreatment the property’s unequaled living collections. Every year the village holds many instructional programs, for faculty professors, physicians, and others. In order to support the increasing variety of instructional and analysis programs at the village, a dormitory, schoolroom laboratory, and Education Center were made throughout 2003-2007.