

Woolworths的銷售持續下滑,利潤​​不斷下滑,市場份額不斷下滑,他們足夠強大,承認這主要是因為執行力差和系統不完善(Mitchell, 2016)。這使得這個案例成為一個有趣的課題值得研究。執行力差、系統差是公司整體基礎的重要組成部分,使公司在市場上製定戰略並實施,以達到公司的目標。識別出的問題是系統不良的形成,這被認為是操作的問題,以及系統的策略和行動計劃執行不力。這是一個問題,因為一個糟糕的體系本身就被削弱了。這種情況一直存在,當系統的主要成分很弱,而這些成分負責通過生產活動產生預期的結果時,結果與實際的期望有很大的不同。




Woolworths is experiencing consistent declining sales, declining profits, declining market share, and they are strong enough to admit it that the prime reason for this are the poor execution and poor systems (Mitchell, 2016). This makes the case in point which makes an interesting subject to be researched. Poor execution and poor systems are important part of the whole foundation for the company, which makes the company compose its strategy and implement in the market to attain its objectives. The problem identified is the formation of poor system, which is considered as of operations, and the poor execution of the system’s strategy and action plans. This is a problem because a poor system is in itself a weakened position. This persists when the main ingredients of the system are weak that are responsible for producing desired results through productive actions, the outcome is largely different from what is actually desired.

The system consists of the daily operations, the sequential movement of products, services, and the entire channel of the supply chain and movement of the product from its origin to the end user effectively. When the system is not strong, there is uncertainty in all acts of employees, there is more time invested in finding for the right answers, there is more resources used when similar results could have been attained through lesser resources, and there is more possibility of disruption in the process and less likelihood of its coverage and repair. This position and situation for Woolworths is causing severe damage for the company sales, where it is consistently experiencing declining sales and this erodes the profit and does not provide a clear sight in front for further investment. There is a mandatory compulsion for the company to take immediate remedial action so as to improve the situation and arrest the declines, and at least make the company more stable in terms of profits and sales.